Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1128: Thanks to the future queen 2

Chapter 1128 Thanks for the future queen 2

300 million amethyst, even if Jun Mohuang is a local tyrant, this is not the case in the spar card.

She's just going to be a core disciple, can't she just pass the assessment? Why should she pay a huge sum of money?

"Because we have offended Ling Yuanzong's two major related households, Lin Zifan and Yuan Family. And you are the new city lord, you must pay 100 million amethyst protection fees to Ling Yuanzong. There are Lin Zifan and Yuan. If your family intervenes, your protection fee will double."

Mo Shao looked at Jun Mohuang, not understanding why she suddenly wanted to go to Lingyuanzong.

If you don't go, relying on the Mo people, you can't pay the money at all.

"Mo Huang, you don't have that much money, are you going to Lingyuanzong?"

"I'm going."

No matter what, she must go to Lingyuanzong for Di Lingtian.

Compared with the body of Emperor Lingtian, the 300 million amethyst stone was nothing.

Let alone 300 million, she is willing to 3 billion.

"Well, I'll call your cousin back now. Lingyuanzong will recruit disciples in a month, and then ask him to accompany you, so that you can take care of each other."


Nine Nether World, thinking about the cliff.

The sound transmission jade symbol in Emperor Lingtian's hand, **** eyes were full of soft colors.

Well, Huang'er told him to be nice to his subordinates, of course he had to listen to Huang'er.

Therefore, Di Lingtian first asked Qing Qing to call Yu Yanrou in, and after showing her a back view from a distance, he immediately asked Qing Qing to drive her out.

She said she asked to see each other, but did not say whether to look at the front or the back.

Later, Emperor Lingtian recruited the ministers who were waiting outside, and asked them to verbally describe the three-month plan that Emperor Lingtian sent to them in the sound transmission jade talisman.

These ministers were summoned suddenly, and they all recounted with excitement and joy.

Even if they only watched the task set by Di Lingtian once, they didn't dare to forget.

"do you understand."

After the last minister finished speaking, Di Lingtian glanced at these demons.

"Di Zun, we all understand."

"Di Zun, don't worry, we must guarantee to complete the task without any mistake."

The ministers patted their chests to make sure.

Being summoned, these demons were full of energy, and all of them seemed to be beaten.

"Well, that's good, all leave. Originally, the deity didn't intend to summon you. You are summoned today, and you all have to thank the future queen."

After summoning these ministers, the task Huang Er explained was complete.

Thinking of Jun Mohuang, a soft smile appeared on the corner of Di Lingtian's lips.

She stayed obediently in the Mo Clan, with Chi Chilan and her relatives, her safety was sufficiently guaranteed.

Then you can retreat in peace for three months and restore your strength.

When three months are up, you can pick up his Huanger home.

Di Lingtian walked out of the main hall and came to the boiling black spring again.

This boiling black spring is formed by the condensation of countless pure magic energy.

Di Lingtian sank into the black spring, letting his body fall, and the water-like devil energy moved away from Di Lingtian automatically.

After sinking ten meters, Di Lingtian passed through an enchantment and came to a small space.

In this small space, aura is lingering, the trees are shaded, and the flowers are like brocades, just like a fairyland.

There is a small bamboo forest at the edge of the small space. In the bamboo forest, there are two attics made of green bamboo. Next to the attic, there is a pavilion made of blue glaze.

This place is very different from the environment where the devilish energy of the Nine Nether Realm soars into the sky.

A beautiful woman was sitting in the Liuli pavilion, constantly stuffing transparent pills into her mouth.

Her long hair is as black as clouds, her eyebrows are as picturesque, and her eyes are as bright as stars.

(End of this chapter)

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