Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1126: Di Lingtian made a good point 3

Chapter 1126 Di Lingtian made a good point 3

"Huang'er, what did you say, say it again."

Over there, Di Lingtian's faint voice sounded.

"Hahaha, Ling Tian, ​​there was a wind blowing here just now, it's a bit big, you got it wrong. Go ahead, I won't disturb you, see you in three months, bye."

Jun Mohuang quickly finished speaking and pinched out the sound transmission jade.

It's really frustrating. When we meet in three months, Di Lingtian still has to clean up her, so he must not say such things to stimulate Di Lingtian.

Regarding what exactly the three-month emperor Lingtian was going to do, Jun Mohuang just changed various methods for a long time, but it didn't come out.

Humph, demo, thought she wouldn't know if she didn't say it.

Jun Mohuang collected the sound transmission jade talisman, opened the door, and called Chi Chi out.

"Chi Chi, tell me quickly, what exactly will Ling Tian do in these three months?"

"Mistress, have you contacted your superior?"

Chi Chi rejoiced in her heart.

He saw that Jun Mohuang's expression was already very different, and he called Emperor Lingtian extremely intimate, and he knew that the two had reconciled.

At the same time, Chi Chi's heart hurts again.

He also took out the sound transmission jade talisman to contact Di Lingtian tonight, but he couldn't make contact at all.

This is differential treatment.

Jun Mohuang nodded: "Yes, I will let him treat you a lot in the future, don't deduct your wife's credit at every turn."

"Mistress, you are so kind!"

Chi Chi's heart didn't hurt in an instant, and he was so moved that he wanted to cry.

"For the sake of my goodness, tell me quickly what Ling Tian wants to do in the past three months."


Chi Chi began to hesitate, because Emperor Ling Tian had explicitly forbidden him to tell Jun Mohuang.

Jun Mohuang smiled slyly: "Don't say so, Chi Chi, since I can make Ling Tian treat you better, I can make him almost treat you. You can choose yourself."

What kind of wind is the most terrible in this world, of course the pillow wind is the most terrible.

In the future, if Jun Mohuang gave various small reports to Di Lingtian and blew the pillow wind, his life would be extremely miserable.

For the future wife, Chi Chi immediately confessed for a happy life in the future.

"Well, I said, in order to conceal the movement made by the hostess when she was promoted in the Cangyuan Continent, at the cost of burning power, the memory of all witnesses in the Southern Region was cleaned up."

"Now the superiority's strength is only 50% of the original, so he must go to the place where the Nine Nether Realm's devilish energy and spiritual energy are the strongest to retreat and restore his strength."

When Chi Chi said all this, he felt sorry for Di Lingtian and was very disturbed, and finally emphasized it specially.

"Mistress, don't tell your honour that this is what I revealed."

If Di Lingtian knew that he was speaking, he would have lived miserably.

Neither the host nor the hostess can offend, alas, this job is really hard to do.

"I won't say it."

Only a deep guilt remained in Jun Mohuang's heart.

At that time, Emperor Lingtian set up an enchantment and did not allow her to go out, indeed for her safety.

She is the target that some people in the Heavenly Spirit World want to kill.

Di Lingtian was so kind to her, and he considered all aspects very well.

It is for her safety, not hesitating to burn strength.

How did she report back to him at the time, even if she was angry, she actually lied to him with the Space Element Energy Spar, and then ran away.

Jun Mohuang himself felt that he was too much.

"Then what's the secret wound on Ling Tian's body?"

"This one……"

Chi Chi was hesitant at first, thinking that he had said it anyway, and it didn't matter if he said more, he still said it.

(End of this chapter)

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