Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1112: Uncle still supports you together

Chapter 1112 Uncle still supports you together

There were no signs of power or family on this jade pendant, but when Mo Shao got this jade pendant, his face became extremely ugly.

No one knows better than him that this is a spirit jade that only the Heavenly Spirit Realm can produce.

The superior of the man in black is from the heavenly spirit world.

"It's too much! Mo Phoenix, you came to the Bafang Profound Realm by yourself, where are your parents!?"

Mo Shao heard Jun Mohuang shouting, took the small notebook, and saw the huge red line at a glance.

The blue veins on the ink brow floated up, and in anger, he directly squeezed the little book in his hand into powder.

Combining the jade pendant with the news that Xiaobenben had killed people who recognized relatives with the Mo clan, Mo Yan already knew what was going on.

"I haven't seen my mother since I was a kid, and my father was missing four years ago. Uncle, who did this on earth?"

Jun Mohuang didn't know why Moxie was asking her parents' whereabouts now. Seeing Moxie's extremely angry look, she knew that he must have seen the clue.

Mo Shao had the answer in his heart. Hearing that both of Jun Mohuang's parents were missing, his anger reached its peak in an instant.

Damn it, fortunately, the Mo clan has been trembling and staying in Baiyu City in a proper manner, but this is the result in return.

Mo Jian's mood at the moment was like a drop of water splashing into a pan, boiling violently.

You are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!

In an instant, Mo Shao made an extremely bold decision in his heart.

Mo Shao calmed down his emotions and asked Chi Chi and Lan Lan to set up two barriers to prevent eavesdropping before answering Jun Mohuang's question.

"It's a person from the heavenly spirit world!"

The Heavenly Spirit World is the most mysterious continent in this world.

The appearance of the spirit race is similar to that of the human race. It is a naturally noble and very proud race.

The entire Celestial Spirit World is the territory of the Spirit Race people, and other races are not allowed to visit without permission.

Spirit tribe people will not leave the heavenly spirit world easily. For them, only the aura of the heavenly spirit world is the purest, and the auras of other planes are filthy and unsuitable for their noble to live.

Spirit races never intermarry with other races, thinking that it is a tarnish to their noble blood.

If I remember correctly, the Heavenly Spirit Realm and the Nine Nether Realm where Emperor Lingtian is located are deadly rivals that do not share the sky.

How could Mo Clan and her provoke the Spirit Clan of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, this is incredible.

Jun Mohuang remembered that he had never been in contact with the Spirit Race, let alone offended the Spirit Race.

It seems that the problem lies with the Mo people.

"Uncle, this is what happened to us, when did the Mo Clan offend the Heavenly Spirit Realm again?"

Just looking at the weak city of the Mo Clan, and so low-key, it doesn't look like it will provoke the Spirit Clan.

Mo Shao's eyes were deep: "Because the Mo people are sinners exiled from the heavenly spirit world.

Jun Mohuang's eyes condensed, and his heart trembled.

Only the spirit race lives in the heavenly spirit world, that is to say, the Mo race is actually a spirit race, so... she is too.

No, she can only count as half.

Her father, Jun Liyuan, is a human with roots.

Is it because the combination of her mother and father tainted the so-called noble blood of the spirit race, that the Mo race became a sinner and was exiled?

Then she lost her mother since she was a child, and the subsequent disappearance of her father must have something to do with the spirit race.

Her parents were most likely captured by the spirit race of the heavenly spirit world.

The specific reason, she can't guess now.

Hearing this news, it was not just Jun Mohuang who shook his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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