Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1106: Sinister Recognition 2

Chapter 1106 The Sneak Affection 2

Baili Yunsheng was about to talk to Jun Mohuang, the patriarch of the Mo clan, Mo Sie, walked over, with an extremely solemn expression on his elegant face.

"Okay, Uncle Mo."

Jun Mohuang's heart moved slightly, and Mo Shao suddenly changed his attitude towards her during the battle.

This will be so solemn, what on earth is there to tell her.

With such solemnity, Jun Mohuang had a weird intuition in his heart at this moment. This was definitely not about managing Baiyu City in the future, and Mo Yan would not harm her.

"Yaxi, Xiaoxi, you all come here."

Mo Yan called the two sisters Mo Yaxi again.

"Hey, Miss Sister..."

Baili Yunsheng saw Jun Mohuang being called by Mo Shao, and wanted to catch up.

"Young Master, Miss Jun is also tired today, she and the Mo Clan must still have important discussions, let's come to her tomorrow."

Manager Chang immediately grabbed Baili Yunsheng.

"Oh, all right."

Seeing that Jun Mohuang had already left with Mo Shao, Baili Yunsheng had to follow General Manager Chang's advice.

The man in black who was responsible for monitoring every move of the Mo Clan had already done his duty very well and followed quietly.

His stalking skills are very clever, and neither the ninth-order Moxie of the Yuan Jun realm nor the Jun Mohuang who has always been particularly sensitive to the surrounding space have noticed.


City Lord's Mansion.

Originally belonged to Lin Zifan's study.

As soon as Mo Shao walked into the study, he began to check carefully.

The sisters Jun Mohuang and Mo Yaxi looked at each other, wondering what Mo Shao wanted to do.

Finally, fifteen minutes later, Mo Shao confirmed that there was no formation or jade charm in this room that could overhear people.

"Mo Phoenix, you came to Bafang Profound Realm from Cangyuan Continent, how are your parents?"

After confirming the safety, Mo Shao set up a barrier in the study to prevent anyone from eavesdropping, and the eyes looking at Jun Mohuang were extremely tender and tender.

"Who are you?"

She was from the Cangyuan Continent, but she didn't tell Mo Xi.

The three of Feng Yunqi had never told Mo Xi.

How did this Mo Shao know that she was from Cangyuan Continent!

Jun Mohuang's vigilance value soared to the extreme in an instant, she suddenly stepped back a few steps, her back straightened, and she looked at Mo Shao vigilantly.

at the same time.

White Jade Valley is the junction of the Bafang Profound Realm and the Nine Nether Realms.

Chi Chi and Lan Lan sat on their own aircraft and headed towards Bai Yucheng.

"Oh, I don't know what happened to the hostess in the Bafang Profound Realm."

On the aircraft, he looked worried.

"Chi Chi, don't worry so much, the hostess is so smart, she will definitely be fine, and she will only go to the Bafang Profound Realm one day before us."

Lan Lan was a little disapproved of Chi Chi's concerns.

He now replaced Zizi, and together with Chi Chi shoulder the important task of protecting Jun Mohuang.

He hadn't followed Jun Mohuang very much, but Jun Mohuang was quite clever in his impression, and he didn't need to worry like Chi Chi.

"You didn't follow the hostess very much. I don't know her character. Our hostess is a little troublemaker, and destroys wherever she goes. I am very worried now that she arrived in the Bafang Profound Realm one day earlier than us. I am really worried that she is in danger."

For example, if you disagree, you will be on the bar with the mainstay of Baiyu City.

Chi Chishen knew Jun Mohuang's character, and after being comforted by Lanlan, he was worried.

Both he and Lan Lan are genuine demons. When they were in Cangyuan Continent, they were fine, and the cultivators there could not even notice the difference between the demons and the human races.

But to go to the Bafang Profound Realm, one must go through disguise.

(End of this chapter)

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