Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1104: New City Lord--Jun Mohuang 3

Chapter 1104 New City Lord--Jun Mo Huang 3

Lin Zifan picked up his mood and observed the surrounding environment.

I thought that as long as I went to Lingyuanzong, it meant that there was hope, and my mood improved instantly.

"Uncle, if you go like this, Jun Mohuang will definitely grab your seat of the city lord, uncle, are you sure Ling Yuanzong will help?"

As the saying goes, the one who knows you best is always your enemy.

Yao Xuan knew Jun Mohuang quite well, and he didn't have much confidence in Ling Yuanzong's journey.

"It's better that we tell the current situation of Jun Mohuang to the adult that year, and let him arrest Jun Mohuang."

Once Jun Mohuang was arrested, it was equal to a successful revenge, and there was no need to seek help from Ling Yuanzong.

"Xuan'er, Jun Mohuang has good things on him. By the time our uncles and nephews are divided into half, it is not a problem to directly increase the strength of the two realms after refining and absorption. We can keep them for our own use. Why do we have to do this? Things are handed over to others."

Lin Zifan looked mysterious.

Since Yao Xuan and him started talking about the adult, the two began to speak in secret words to prevent Ye Xueman from overhearing.

Except for this reason, Lin Zifan didn't want to provoke those big shots at all.

The minds of those big people are not something he can figure out through a small town master.

"Xuan'er, don't worry about Lingyuanzong's affairs. Uncle's relationship is hardened. Hehe, uncle will definitely make you the core disciple of Lingyuanzong. Even if Jun Mohuang robs the city lord, she won't be a few days later. "

When Lin Zifan said this, his heart was full of pride.

"Don't say that Uncle has a relationship with Lingyuanzong, even if it doesn't matter, Jun Mohuang's city lord is not long. Baiyu City is the territory of Lingyuanzong, and Jun Mohuang, the new city lord, must pay 100 million to Lingyuanzong within five days. Amethyst, to show that Baiyu City continues to obey the management of Lingyuanzong."

"She squandered nearly 100 million amethyst at Baili Auction House. Do you think she can hand it over? I must not. Uncle, I can still use the relationship to double the amethyst she wants to hand over. , Hahaha!"

Lin Zifan and Yao Xuan secretly spoke to the end, and began to laugh proudly.

"Okay, uncle, this matter is up to you!"

Yao Xuan was instantly moved by the temptation to directly increase his strength to two realms.

Seeing Lin Zifan's so confident and confident appearance, the stone in his heart suddenly fell to the ground.

Yes, Jun Mohuang has good things on him, why don't you keep it for your own use and have to give it to others.

His grandfather Yao Shangtian died in order to seize the treasure in Jun Mohuang's body.

Yao Xuan secretly vowed in his heart that he would take the good things from Jun Mohuang's body to comfort his grandfather and the Yao family's spirit in the sky.


The residence of the Mo people.

A man in black who had been hiding behind a certain big tree, after seeing Jun Mohuang and Mo Clan leave, immediately took out a small notebook and wrote a sum on the small notebook.

This man in black is the subordinate of the girl in white clothes next to Luo Chen, who is specifically responsible for monitoring the Mo people.

His pen wrote in his notebook: "Under the instigation of Jun Mohuang, the Mo clan's wolf ambition wanted to seize the seat of the city lord of White Jade City. Jun Mohuang considered it dangerous, and the Mo clan considered it dangerous. This matter is a hundred miles away. The young master of the aristocratic family participated."

This message, the man in black should have told the girl in white immediately with a sound transmission jade.

It's just that the relationship between him and the girl in white clothes is not visible. When the girl in white clothes is by Luo Chen's side, she will not accept his information.

(End of this chapter)

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