Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1078: First impression, negative score 3

Chapter 1078 First impression, negative score 3

Luo Chen heard her step closer, and the anticipation in her heart grew stronger.

How to make an opening statement later to make a good impression in her heart

Is it to explain the purpose directly, or to be more euphemistic.

As soon as Jun Mohuang stepped on the seventh floor, he saw a man in white standing in the corridor near the window.

His white clothes are slender and dusty, standing against the light, with light scattered on him from the window behind him.

Let the man in white have a sense of sacred nobility, which makes people afraid to approach.

His face was shrouded in a layer of mist, but Jun Mohuang didn't know why, so he could easily see this face through the mist.

This is a very beautiful face that is extremely attractive to every woman.

The white-clothed man's features are deep and handsome, his sword eyebrows are slender, and his eyes are as deep as the night sky.

No matter from which angle it is viewed, it is flawless and is the most perfect artwork in heaven.

The half-many golden lotus prints on his forehead and his white clothes made his whole person sacred and inviolable, just like a **** in the nine heavens.

Looking at his face, Jun Mohuang suddenly felt a sense of disgust in his heart.

She glanced at Luo Chen faintly, and then turned away. Instead of stopping for Luo Chen, she accelerated her pace.

"Girl, please stay."

When Luo Chen saw her speed up and walked away, he didn't make any stop for him. Not only was he not lost in his heart, but he was more interested in Jun Mohuang.

Seeing his true appearance, she was the first woman who didn't move at all.

No... it's the second one.

"You are the one who robbed me of my fairy weapon."

Jun Mohuang was stopped by him, and his eyes fell on the two-meter-long mysterious iron box in Luo Chen's hand.

The black iron box is inlaid with gems of various colors and is exquisitely crafted. The whole box exudes a layer of precious light and the unique sharpness of weapons. It is obviously the fairy weapon that she failed in the bidding.

Jun Mohuang suddenly felt that this man was really sick.

He clearly wore a space ring on his finger, but he insisted on holding a two-meter-long black iron box standing here, trying to show her that he is richer than her and grabbed an immortal weapon from her?

"Yes, I want to get acquainted with the girl, I don't know what the girl's name is."

Luo Chen's eyes were deep, looking at Jun Mohuang.

Since this little girl is not interested in his appearance, he still feels more direct.

Jun Mohuang asked back: "Then what is your name."

Doesn't this man know that if you want to actively identify people, you must first report your family.

Luo Chen looked at her smart and beautiful eyes, and pondered for a few seconds: "This... you will naturally know in the future."

What's the point if he tells her his name directly.

After all, serving the gods of the heavenly spirit world is something everyone dreams of.

"My name, you will naturally know it in the future."

The villain in Jun Mohuang's heart rolled his eyes, and the disgust in his heart became more intense, and he didn't want to waste time talking to this neuropathy.

Directly bypassing Luo Chen, walked up to his box.

"Girl, as long as the girl is willing to tell her name, this fairy will be given to the girl."

Seeing that she was about to go, Luo Chen stepped forward to block Jun Mohuang's path.

At this time, he completely forgot that this fairy tool was bought for the girl in white.

Seeing her smart, beautiful and slightly cold eyes, and her indifferent attitude towards him reminded him of some past events.

(End of this chapter)

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