Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1026: Waiting for you to beg me 1

Chapter 1026 Waiting for you to beg me 1

Jun Mohuang repeatedly confirmed that he did not hear voices.

Di Lingtian probably wanted to play a game of cat and mouse, gave her some hope to let her escape, and then caught her when she was about to flee.

Therefore, this possibility must be strangled in the cradle.

Jun Mohuang likes the game of cat and mouse, but she doesn't like being a mouse.

Di Lingtian chuckled lightly, with a certain tone: "Don't catch me, Huang'er, you will ask me to bring you back."

Jun Mohuang said firmly: "Impossible!"

He deceived her feelings and cut off her black wings. Would she beg him to return to the Nine Nether World?

Absolutely impossible!

Unless... he has something in his hands, for example, about the whereabouts of her parents.

If that was the case, Di Ling Tianda could use this to force her not to leave.

So Jun Mohuang couldn't guess exactly what he was thinking.

Di Lingtian seemed to see through her mind, only to hear him say indifferently: "For the sake of fairness, I will not use anything to force you. But if you really beg to come back then, how will this matter? "

"If this happens, I will never leave you."

When Jun Mohuang heard the promise he gave automatically, his heart became more weird.

Anyway, as long as Di Lingtian doesn't force her, he won't come to arrest her.

Jun Mohuang was very confident, and she absolutely did not beg to return to him that day.

"Huang'er, remember what you said, let's just walk and take a look."

Di Lingtian smiled lightly, with evil spirits and extreme confidence.

Jun Mohuang lightly snorted: "I always speak for words, just walk and see!"

There will never be such a day, she will win this bet!

Emperor Lingtian sent Jun Mohuang to a cave and led her into it.

This cave is a special passage at the junction of the Nine Nether World and the Bafang Profound World.

The cave was not long, and after ten minutes, the two reached the end of the cave.

At the end of the cave, there is a transparent barrier.

Outside the barrier is the Bafang Profound Realm.

At the junction of the Bafang Mysterious Realm and the Nine Nether Realm, there is a green forest.

There is no black magic, the sun is shining in the woods, the aura is ethereal, the birds and flowers are scented, full of vitality and vitality.

Looking so pleasing to the eye, Jun Mohuang still prefers the Bafang Profound Realm, at least not gloomy, it's normal.

"Put out your teleportation array."

Emperor Lingtian lifted Lord Yinyue out of the phoenix space of Emperor Mohuang and patted its body with his hand.

Lord Yinyue shuddered when he saw Di Lingtian, and when he recalled his terrible experience in the past two days, his body trembled even more.

Since it and Laogui helped Jun Mohuang escape and were caught by Emperor Lingtian, at noon that day, Laogui and Lord Yinyue were hung from the eaves by Emperor Lingtian.

The silk thread hanging them has been specially treated.

The two were hung, the aura of the body was completely imprisoned, and the strength was completely suppressed.

Under Lord Yinyue and Old Turtle, there was a blazing fire.

Unfortunately, the elemental attribute of the old tortoise is wood, the element of Silver Moon is water, and the element of fire is always the nemesis of the two.

But the fire element of this fire is extremely abundant, very close to the two.

Their aura was imprisoned, their strength was suppressed, and in a short while they turned into two flushed grilled shrimp and grilled tortoise.

A drop of sweat, don't fall down like money.

Half a day later, just when the two were tortured and dying, the fireball below disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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