Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1020: Mysterious rival

Chapter 1020 Mysterious Love Rival

According to the legend, the Devil Emperor, who killed but didn't see the blood, was still heartbroken towards her, and didn't even fight back with her punches or kicks.

Replaced by someone else, I am afraid that he would have died ten thousand times.

Thinking about it this way, Di Lingtian is terrible, and Jun Mohuang is even more terrifying!

After sighing, Lord Yinyue almost wanted to clean up the burden.

If it had known the existence of Di Lingtian long ago, it would never agree to take Jun Mohuang away.

It's all right now, it's so worried that the bloodless demon emperor will pull out its dragon tendons into a whip, and lash it severely.

Lord Yinyue's delusion of persecution completely broke out, and all kinds of fantasy began to look like he was beaten horribly by Emperor Lingtian.

Old Turtle glanced sympathetically at Lord Yinyue, and wanted to laugh.

It didn't know the identity of Di Lingtian, but knew that he was very powerful, and Lord Yinyue definitely had no good fruit.

Alas, no, no, it's wrong to do this. Although Yinyue, this dead loach, is annoying, but they are both their own master's contract monsters, how can they turn their elbows out.

Besides, it also intervened in this matter and was also an accomplice.

So the old turtle suggested to Lord Yinyue: "Ahem, let's hide in the owner's portable space, even if the male owner wants to settle the account, the owner will definitely protect us."

After the monster and the owner pass the blood contract, as long as it does not exceed a certain range, they can enter the owner's space ring or portable space at any time.

"Not bad."

Lord Yinyue nodded, and the two happily entered the Phoenix Jade Space of Jun Mohuang.

With a loud "bang", Lord Yinyue and Old Turtle puffed up a huge bag on their foreheads.

A layer of transparent barrier blocked the two movements into the Phoenix Jade space.

This layer of transparent enchantment has the aura of Emperor Lingtian.

Lord Yinyue and Laogui's plan to enter the Phoenix Jade space completely failed.


Jun Mohuang thought that if Di Lingtian brought her back angrily this time, her life would definitely be difficult.

Not to mention Guan Xiaoheiwu, he will definitely clean up.

As a result, Di Lingtian didn't do anything, but was afraid that she would secretly escape again, and kept her with her for twenty-four hours a day.

Even after going to wash away the memories of those people with contemplation, the eyes never left her.

The escape failed, and Emperor Ling Tian stared at him all day long, making Jun Mohuang extremely depressed.

But she didn't give up in her heart, still looking for possible opportunities, even if only a little bit.

Jun Mohuang, who was thinking about running away, didn't know why Di Lingtian had to brainwash these people in front of him to change his memory, and he didn't want to know what he was doing.

Nine Netherworld, thinking about the cliff.

I have thought that the cliff is as deep as ten thousand feet, and the abyss at the bottom of the cliff will be filled with devilish energy. If a high-level demon of pure blood rushes to the bottom of the cliff without a magic weapon for body protection, it will not be able to withstand the invasion of devilish energy.

Although in the Nine Nether World, the devilish energy is to the demons just like the spirit energy to the human cultivators, it is the root of the promotion and strengthening.

But the devilish energy that is too strong, the body can't absorb it is a kind of painful torture, only Di Lingtian can use this place.

Therefore, this place became the place in the Nine Nether Realm where Emperor Lingtian dealt with the demon clan who committed the mistake.

At this moment, thinking about the cliff, Zi Zi sat facing the wall, he was dressed in a cloth, and he didn’t carry any magic weapons.

After thinking about the cliff, the black magic energy in all directions continued to invade the body.

Zi Zi tried his best to mobilize the strength in his body, resisting the invasion of black qi.

(End of this chapter)

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