Immortality Gu Tao: Start By Refining the Infatuation Gu

Chapter 219: The secret of the golden elixir realm, a third-level alchemist

Chapter 219 The Mystery of the Golden Elixir Domain, a Third-Level Alchemist

“I actually got another second-order demon pill. It seems that there are a lot of second-order demon pills in this sea area.”

Zhou Sui raised his eyebrows.

Although Golden Jade Ganoderma is also very rare in this sea area, there are too many monsters and monsters in the endless sea, which is more than ten thousand times more than that of Xianxia Island.

 This also resulted in the birth of a large number of second-level monsters.

 So from time to time, someone will successfully hunt the second-level monsters and obtain the second-level demon elixir.

Basically, in this sea area, the difficulty of obtaining the Foundation Establishment Pill is much easier than on Xianxia Island.

 As long as you have enough spiritual stones, you can buy the Foundation Establishment Pill.

“Without the high-quality Foundation Building Pill, Xianxia City will naturally not have much appeal.”

 Compared with before, it is fully doubled.

Ma Qianjun, the master of Danyao Peak, also ran up with a flattering look on his face.

 Perhaps the three major sects will suffer a heavy blow.

Recently, the three major sects of Xianxia Sect, Danding Sect and Qingmu Sect have indeed been under pressure from other Jindan families.


“I believe everyone knows that this sea area is only so big.”

 “Restrict us from selling high-quality foundation-building pills?”

Not only the Jindan masters of the Yu family, but also the Jindan masters of the Dai family, Song family, etc. gathered here.

Zhou Sui frowned.

“So they don’t have the ability to produce high-quality foundation-building pills in every furnace like my husband.”

 One can only increase the probability of foundation building by 30%, and the other can increase the probability by 50%.

 Mu Ziyan said with emotion.

Although he is a decent person, it does not mean that he needs to be arrogant.

 “They were kind enough to speak.”

This can be regarded as an old minister of Xianxia Sect. He followed him from Xianxia Island to Mercury Island and never abandoned him. He fulfilled his duties loyally and worked hard with great achievements.

 “Yes, let’s get started.”

“Wait a minute, why are there six fine foundation-building pills? Aren’t there only three?”

If the commercial war cannot be fought, the killer will definitely be killed secretly.

 After all, no one knows the difficulty of refining alchemy better than them, but for the man in front of them, it is as simple as eating and drinking.

 But this is also inevitable.

This also caused the reputation of Xianxia City to begin to spread to the surrounding sea areas.

"This is already a law. No matter how talented Elder Zhou is, he is just a foundation-building monk now."

 He was filled with powerful majesty and enveloped the surroundings.

Zhou Sui thought about it and decided to leave his clone with the Taoist companion.

“If something unexpected happens, this clone will rescue you and leave.”

As a third-level high-grade alchemist, she naturally knows exactly what abilities a third-level alchemist has.

“If we want to occupy such a huge benefit on our own, isn’t it going to cost us our lives?”

 But he didn't pay attention to these three foreign sects at all.

 His face was also very solemn.


The entire alchemy furnace shook slightly, glowing light spread all over the place, and the rich fragrance of alchemy spread out, filling the entire alchemy room.

Yu Ming, the head of the Yu family, said murderously.

 They are all families who have known each other for hundreds of years, and they share the same spirit.

“When you come to this sea area, you don’t come to us to pay homage to the dock.”

 The purpose of calling so many Jindan masters here is to unite the power of many Jindan families to punish Xianxia City.

“During this period, I am instructing the disciples of Xianxia Sect to be careful.”

 “Don’t worry, sir.”

“Attracted a large number of casual cultivators, as well as family cultivators, to come to Xianxia City to trade.”

"If they can block it, it means they are qualified to survive in this sea area."

According to his current physique, which is comparable to that of the Golden Core, even with only half of his combat power left, he can compete with the monks in the early stage of the Golden Core. This power should be able to deal with many threats.

If it were an outsider, he would naturally not want his details to be revealed.

Over the past five years, Yujiadao is no longer as glorious as it once was.

“It is said that it puts out a large number of high-quality foundation-building pills for auction every year, attracting many casual cultivators.”

 “It did cause some trouble.”

 “My husband is indeed very powerful.”

 This is an indispensable method for third-level alchemists.

 Three-level alchemists are not something that the Jindan family can afford, and they will basically be absorbed by the Nascent Soul forces.

"Very good."

 “It’s done, the Foundation Establishment Pill is finally completed.”

 Failure once will severely weaken your vitality. Everyone wants to succeed once.

 This is the alchemist’s efficiency in making money.

 After she became the sect leader of Xianxia Sect, she became more and more aware of how difficult it was to develop a sect.

If they join forces to exert pressure, this may not be a good thing.

He happened to be promoted to the realm of a third-level low-level alchemist, and wanted to try what it was like to be a third-level alchemist in refining alchemy.

 For Zhou Sui, who has already reached the master-level Five Elements Alchemy Technique, this step is simply a piece of cake.

 But now, my husband can actually make six pills.

Many alchemists were amazed and their eyes widened.

 Everyone showed off their proud figures and walked towards the hot springs at Xianxia Peak.

 So no matter how he eliminated the impurities in the elixir, he could only make three pills.

They were shocked to see that there were six fine foundation-building pills inside the pill furnace.

 Having such a trump card will naturally make you feel more at ease.

 But we are now an old married couple, and we are not as shy about such things as before.

Any monk who is determined to build a foundation will want to buy a high-quality foundation-building pill. After all, who doesn’t want to build a foundation 100% by himself?

 This is simply not something that a second-level alchemist can compare to.

 Zhenren Jindan asked, wanting to know what the Yu family’s next plan was.

“It’s equivalent to stealing part of the Yu family’s interests in disguise.”

Naturally, it cannot compare to the hundreds of years of friendship between these Jindan families.

Who would have imagined that the three major sects jointly created a Xianxia City, and also produced a large number of high-quality foundation-building pills, attracting countless monks to trade there, creating a siphon effect.

 Many Jindan monks also gathered in a mansion.

 “I want to try the food from Xianxia City.”

 Obviously, the role of the golden elixir domain is not only for torture and fighting, but also for the cultivation of immortals and various arts, it is also a qualitative improvement.

 After all, this is also related to the future of the three major sects.

 Many Jindan Masters also nodded in unison.

 Enjoying the fun of fish and water this time.

The person speaking was Dai Pengfei, the golden elixir master of the Dai family, a monk in the early stage of the golden elixir.

“Then I want to invite you to come over and discuss together how to counter the threat from Xianxia City.”

 “I will leave a clone with you.”

“Let’s go, just try my current level as an alchemist.”

 It is almost 100% preserved.

“They even want to restrict us from selling high-quality foundation-building pills. I think we shouldn’t put so many foundation-building pills up for auction.”

 No matter how it is refined, the potency of each elixir will not be reduced.

“If all the casual cultivators go to Xianxia City, where will we have anything to do?”

Every time Zhou Sui made alchemy, he would attract a large number of Danyao Peak disciples to watch.

Zhou Sui was overjoyed.

 He finally came to his senses.

 It is also very convenient to carry.

 Each clone inherits half of its original body’s combat power.

 Even several times more intense than Xianxia Island.

 A few more hours passed.

“No, it’s impossible, this is too ridiculous. Only Master Jindan can become a third-level alchemist.”

 Seek peace through fighting, this is the best way.

 In this way, Xianxia City will not be able to mess around.

Shen Biqian asked curiously, looking at Zhou Sui with a pair of beautiful eyes.

“I’m not worried about the Xianxia Sect disciples, but you.”


 Under Zhou Sui's control, bits of spiritual liquid merged with each other and were refined by the power of the five elements.

"This is fair business competition. If you have the ability, you can also refine a high-quality foundation-building pill."

“In just five years, the population of Xianxia City has exceeded 100,000, taking away a lot of our business.”

“The grains are full, round and flawless, without any impurities. It is also a fine foundation-building elixir.”

 The problem is that even a second-level high-grade alchemist cannot say that he will be able to refine a high-quality foundation-building elixir.

Even if it is the same elixir, the number of elixirs produced is more, and the profit is doubled.

"The Xianxia Sect is developing so fast, so it won't cause any trouble."

It can be said that this has reached a subtle level.

 “If that’s the case, be careful of them jumping over the wall in a hurry.”

 It can be said that this has become his instinct.

“And fortunately, with the help of my husband, I was able to refine a large number of high-quality foundation-building pills.”

“In the past few years, we have acquired a lot of second-level demon pills.”

“I’m afraid the Yu family doesn’t have this ability.”

 I don’t know how long it took, but a lot of spiritual liquid condensed.

 “In this way, they naturally cannot compete with us.”

 For some old monks in the Qi training stage, high-quality foundation-building pills mean that they will definitely be able to build the foundation.

If Xianxia City takes away one piece, then other forces will get less of the cake.

 Immediately attracted a large number of casual cultivators and foundation-building cultivators.

 “Thank you, sir.”

“It’s not just that our Xianxia Sect has some more foundation-building monks.”


Thinking of this, Zhou Sui put his arms around Mu Ziyan's slender waist and cast the teleportation Gu. He instantly brought Mu Ziyan to the Pill Peak, and the leader of the Pill Peak was Ma Qianjun.

To be honest, Xianxia City is developing too fast, which may not be a good thing.

This is bound to cause conflict and arouse hostility from other Jindan forces.

 So this time, excluding the cost, the net profit was more than one million low-grade spiritual stones.

“It’s just that our three major sects have joined forces, and these Jindan families don’t dare to break up with us openly.”

 No matter how difficult it is to remove the impurities on the elixir, he can easily remove them.

 At this moment, Zhou Sui's heart moved, and he immediately activated the power of the golden elixir realm in his body.

“Thanks to my husband, high-quality foundation-building pills often appear in auctions.”

 Originally, when the three major sects established Xianxia City, not many monks noticed it.

“In just five years, one hundred thousand monks were attracted to live there.”

If you have a clone by your side, it can be used as a trump card at critical moments.

They are just outsiders, how can they compare with the Jindan family who have been in business for hundreds of years.

Ji Bingyu and others said sweetly, they knew that their husband’s clone skills were powerful and their fighting ability was absolutely extraordinary.

 “Can I start making alchemy now?”

“It is rumored that the third-level alchemist can perfectly control the power of each elixir.”

 Even destroying them at the physical level.

“It is impossible to become a third-level alchemist.”

Zhou Sui looked at Leng Yuexi and the other Taoist companions with affection, and said words as deep as the sea casually.

Leng Yuexi said in a deep voice.

 Although they would not leave Xianxia Sect in normal times.

 Zhou Sui nodded.

“In this case, there is no need to talk to Xianxia City.”

There is no need to go out to fight life and death. You can earn countless spiritual stones just by refining elixirs at home.

  It is hampered almost everywhere, making development much more difficult.

Yu Ming, the head of the Yu family, stood with his hands behind his hands, his eyes showing a hint of coldness.

“Because our Xianxia City is developing too fast, there are a lot fewer casual cultivators going to Yujia Island.”

 “They also expressed their dissatisfaction to us.”

Those casual cultivators are also very realistic, and they are like mothers if they have nai.

Leng Yuexi sighed.

 Shuiling Island, Xianxia Peak Palace.

"If we can't stop it, we can swallow up Xianxia City and destroy the three major sects."

"How is the situation in Xianxia City recently? There are no big problems."

Anyway, his clone Gu has been promoted to the second-level high-grade realm and can already give birth to seventy-two clones.

 Zhou Sui nodded and immediately came to the alchemy furnace.

 “Xianxia City? Is it the newly rising trading city?”

It can be said that many Jindan masters from the Jindan family near the Sanxing Islands attended this meeting.

 Because just in order not to arouse the hostility of other forces, should we not develop and give up our interests to others?

 This is impossible.

 Zhou Sui smiled slightly, not hiding anything.

Ordinary foundation-building pills only have the hope of building a foundation.

 All the monks can smell this fragrant smell, which touches their hearts and minds and makes them feel shocked.

“By then, no one will come to trade in our city, and there will definitely be a depression.”

 Obviously, the Jindan family that can survive in the world of cultivating immortals are not good people.

“So the number of completed elixirs is more than that of other alchemists.”

If you stay on Xianxia Island, there are not many enemies around, so you don't need to spend so much thought.

“Although I have good teachers and friends, after all, Elder Zhou has the most talent. The profession of alchemist is not possible only with a good teacher. Without talent, you can’t go very far.”

“I can’t afford to support a third-level alchemist.”

Ignoring the surrounding monks, Zhou Sui took action directly, formed seals with his hands, and used the Five Elements Alchemy Technique.

“Is it possible that your husband is already a third-level alchemist?”

 This must be an ability that only third-level alchemists have.

“Elder Zhou, the auxiliary elixir of the Foundation Establishment Pill is ready.”

 Many materials for cultivating immortals have also been gathered in Xianxia City.

“At the same time, it also made Xianxia City famous in this area.”

  “Who knew that they would drink wine as a penalty instead of eating the toast, and they wouldn’t give me any face at all.”

 “Avoid sneak attacks by monks like the Yu family.”

Zhou Sui waved his hand and changed the subject. He wanted to know what the current situation in Xianxia City was like.


 This also led to the birth of a large number of foundation-building monks in this sea area.

 Hum, rumbling~~~

 Suddenly, each elixir was instantly refined by the power of the five elements. Even the second-level demon elixir was the same. All impurities were expelled, leaving only the crystallization of the essence.

“Mr. Sir, I heard that you refined the Foundation Establishment Pill this time and produced a total of eighteen fine Foundation Establishment Pills?”

Shen Biqian looked at Zhou Sui with watery eyes, admiration and charm on her face.

 This is also the simplest method in the world of cultivating immortals.

 “Elder Zhou is here.”

 Use the power of the legal domain to form a barrier to seal off every spiritual liquid so that no medicinal power can escape.

  After all, the difference between ordinary Foundation Establishment Pills and high-quality Foundation Establishment Pills is really huge.

However, Xianxia City puts out some high-quality foundation-building pills for auction from time to time.

“Originally, I gave them an ultimatum before, not allowing them to sell high-quality foundation-building pills.”

 In the world of cultivating immortals, there is a need for struggle.

 An invisible force of divine consciousness formed a transparent barrier, like a transparent balloon, completely wrapping these spiritual liquids so that their medicinal power could not be evaporated.

 “I don’t know what fellow Taoist Yu wants to do?”

 Because of this, it is too easy for a third-level alchemist to make money.

 Soon, the sound of pleasure resounded in the hot spring.

“I believe you should also know the reason why I invited you here.”

 For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

“Even some family monks are like this.”

Unlike Zhou Sui, the Five Elements Alchemy Technique has reached the master level and can perfectly refine fine foundation-building pills.

At this moment, many disciples on the Pill Peak noticed Zhou Sui’s arrival immediately, and all of them had happy expressions on their faces, because Zhou Sui had long been the number one alchemist of the Xianxia Sect.

 “Golden elixir legal domain!”

 A large number of monks went to settle in Xianxia City.

Xianxia City is just a foreign force, so they are naturally united in dealing with the outside world.

“This is normal. It is said that one of Elder Zhou’s Taoist companions is Shen Biqian, the head of the Alchemy Sect, and Head Shen is a third-level alchemy master. He must have gained a lot of experience in alchemy.”

   Thanks to book friend 20210528123654148 and book friend Ren Fanghua for the reward

Many casual cultivators began to live in this monk city, and the city became more and more prosperous.

 “Well, I’m proficient in the art of clones.”

 “So that’s it, the power of the legal domain is actually so mysterious.”

“Do you want to attack Xianxia City?”

 After all, they are all external forces.

Hearing this, Leng Yuexi, Ji Bingyu, Mu Ziyan, Xia Jingyan, Shen Biqian and others were very moved. Even though they had heard such love words countless times, they never got tired of hearing them.

Furthermore, each clone can also use the magic of phantom transformation to turn into a rope and wrap it around their hair.

“Is Elder Zhou already a third-level alchemist?”

 So a third-level alchemist can easily refine elixirs one by one. At the same time, he can also refine high-quality elixirs and perfect elixirs.

 Many alchemists admired Zhou Sui.

 But it’s different now.


“Isn’t it true? In the past few times, Elder Zhou has always had a 100% success rate, and all of them are high-quality foundation-building pills. The level of alchemy is really too high.”

 Five years ago, he also knew that the three major Jindan Sects would be settled in the Sanxing Island Group.

If she wasn't still eating, I'm afraid she would have pounced on him long ago.

Generally speaking, it is considered good if a second-level alchemist can refine three foundation-building pills.

“For example, the overlord of this area is Yu Jia.”

 Because the things in Xianxia City are of high quality and low price, and there is also a supply of high-quality foundation building pills.

Zhou Sui smiled slightly and felt very satisfied when he saw the six pills.

  After all, being able to observe such a high level of alchemy would benefit every alchemist a lot.

This is an alchemy furnace belonging to the Xianxia Sect. It is a top-grade spiritual weapon and is extremely precious.

The speaker was Yu Ming, the head of the Yu family, a monk in the early stage of the Golden Elixir.

Every time you refine an elixir, you will get a high-quality foundation-building elixir.

“Indeed, even if we have a good teacher to guide us, there is a high probability that we will not be able to reach the heights of Elder Zhou.”

“We Jindan families unite to collectively sanction Xianxia City.”

 At this moment, in the home island.

“Yes, I have indeed become a third-level alchemist.”

 Fighting is everywhere in this sea area.

 But who knows if there will be any surprises.

 After all, the cake in this sea area is only so big.

  It is simply not comparable to a second-level alchemist.

 It still depends on luck.

Hearing this, the girls blushed, not knowing what the bad guy was thinking.

“Xianxia City is indeed a bit too much.”

 Before he did not have the power of the legal domain, when he made elixirs, he would always waste more than half of the medicine's power.

 “Indeed, there are many.”

 But after arriving in the sea area of ​​​​the Wuji Alliance, we are surrounded by Jindan forces, and we need to deal with them everywhere.

 After all, this sea area is too big, and there are many trading cities built. There is no need for them to go to new cities like Xianxia City.

Just now he was just trying his best, using the power of the magic domain to make elixirs, and he succeeded.

Mu Ziyan said with disdain.

Such an alchemy talent is simply breathtaking.

Each high-quality foundation-building pill can sell at least more than 100,000 low-grade spiritual stones in this sea area.

 “Yes, it seems we have reached the same opinion.”

 The level of the two is too far apart.


“If it’s ten or twenty years, wouldn’t it be that millions of monks have lived there?”

Yu Ming, the head of the Yu family, gritted his teeth and was very angry.

“It can be said that taxes and fees alone can earn a large amount of spiritual stones every day.”

“Six fine foundation-building pills?”

 The man in my family is indeed an unimaginable genius.

“I’m afraid my husband is the first third-level alchemist in the foundation-building realm in the history of Xianxia Island.”

“It’s getting late, let’s take a bath.”

“Sure enough, it would be more profitable to build a trading city.” “If we just rely on selling pills, talismans, and magic weapons, we can’t support the monks of the three major sects.”


The level of alchemy among them also surpassed that of Ma Qianjun, the master of Danyao Peak.

“Yes, of course I want to attack Xianxia City.”

“Although there are five real Jindan masters in their family, there is not one third-level alchemist.”

“They don’t want to give us a way to survive, and we don’t need to give them face.”

“At most, he only has a second-level alchemist.”

 Because of this, due to the attraction of the high-quality foundation-building pills, a large number of casual cultivators and family cultivators flocked here.

Zhou Sui said with a smile.

“There are now more than 100,000 foreign monks stationed in Xianxia Sect.”

But anyone who has extravagant hopes for the road will know how to choose.

 It's many times better than the alchemy furnace he bought before.

“And only three doses of the foundation-building elixir were used?”

“At the same time, other Jindan families also expressed more or less the same opinions.”

“If any of you have an accident, it will be an irreparable loss.”

 But since they are all wives and concubines, then this little detail is nothing, and it is not a big deal to let your wives and concubines know.

 High-tech talents are extremely popular no matter where they are placed in the world.

 After each piece of spiritual liquid is wrapped by the power of the legal domain, their medicinal power can be perfectly preserved.

 Eighteen pills were made in total this time.

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.

“With Elder Zhou taking action, the Foundation Establishment Pill this time will definitely be foolproof.”

“Without your words, even if you attain Taoism and live forever, it has no meaning.”

 In this way, the amount of elixir condensed will naturally be more than double that of before.

Ma Qianjun, the master of Pill Peak, had his pupils contracted, took a breath of cold air, and looked at Zhou Sui in shock.

Ji Bingyu, Mu Ziyan, Xia Jingyan, Leng Yuexi, Shen Biqian, and Zhou Sui gathered together to eat. The table was filled with all kinds of delicious dishes, which were fragrant and mouth-watering.

 “Ahem, it’s just a trivial matter.”

 “As long as it’s useful.”

 “Everyone has nothing to eat.”

Leng Yuexi nodded. She also felt that she really needed to be careful about attacks from these Jindan families, lest they jump over the wall in a hurry.

“I have never heard that a foundation-building monk can become a third-level alchemist.”

The remaining two second-level demon pills were also refined by Zhou Sui into twelve fine foundation-building pills.

Xia Jingyan smiled slightly.

I would also like to thank all the book friends for their monthly votes. The number of monthly votes has increased rapidly in the past few days, which is really shocking.

   Thank you for your support.

Although there are only two chapters, they are updated with 10,000 words, which is the same as the previous five updates.

I hope you don’t feel too little



 (End of this chapter)

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