Immortality Gu Tao: Start By Refining the Infatuation Gu

Chapter 215: Promoted to the late stage of foundation building, and completed three levels of elixi

Chapter 215: Promotion to the late stage of foundation building, three levels of elixir formation

 “Can I get a third-level island for free?”

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.

 He could know from the memories of the three Xiaos of the Wu clan that this was one of the methods used by the Wuji Alliance to attract casual cultivators of the Golden Pill.

 After all, if Master Jindan wants to practice, he must find a suitable spiritual vein.

 In this case, it is necessary to join the Wuji Alliance.

 For Wuji Alliance, this approach is actually not bad.

She felt that her husband's choice of this place was not as simple as she imagined, and there must be a deep meaning.

“The three islands are all about 10,000 kilometers in diameter, and are only at the level of third-level low-grade spiritual veins.”

"It doesn't matter."

“There are three islands in this place. The islands are shaped like stars, so they are named Sanxing Island.”

Lin Yazhu frowned.

 “Reaching the level of third-order mid-grade, or even third-order high-grade.”

Zhou Sui nodded. He could just practice the formation knowledge he had learned for many years.

Generally speaking, the Wuji Alliance can only provide some islands with third-level low-grade spiritual veins.

 And this is also a normal thing.

“We in the Wuji Alliance do have such an island group.”


“If I wait until the foundation building is complete, I may be able to increase it to a thousand drops of mana liquid.”

"You still need to ask? Of course what I want is you, Sect Master Lin."

Now that Zhou Sui actually took the initiative to help for free, I don’t know how much resources have been saved.

 He obtained the information about the fourth-level spiritual vein from the Object-Seeking Gu, which was located under the Samsung Island Group.

“The first level is naturally the mana level. If the mana is not pure enough, it will not be possible to form a pill. Even if the pill is formed, there will be too many impurities, which will lead to the failure of the pill formation.

 The experience passed down by generations of monks will also bring huge benefits to the following generations, which can prevent them from taking the same detour. The benefits are naturally self-evident.

 Because he wants to dive into the seabed and observe the spiritual veins deep under the sea.

 Unless they make great achievements in the Promise League in the future and use their merits to exchange for better islands.

Maybe it will take thousands of years, or even thousands of years, for the earth's crust to move, volcanoes to erupt, and the spiritual veins deep underground to leak out huge amounts of spiritual energy, before it can be known to the world.

“Is this your intention to live alone in the same room as a man and a woman?”

  After all, I want to hire a third-level array mage to take action, but I don’t know how much the cost will be.

As for the islands with second-level spiritual veins, they are even more numerous and uncountable.

Of course, there is a way to solve this problem, that is, to find the aid of alchemy spiritual objects. The alchemy spiritual objects can help the foundation-building monks purify their own mana, so that the mana does not have any impurities.

 After setting up formations on three islands, he realized that his understanding of formations had reached a higher level, and it seemed that he was not particularly far away from the realm of a fourth-level formation mage.

“Even if you come to our island, you will only know that there is a third-level spiritual vein on our island.”

 This also makes this mountain peak the source of spiritual energy and the place with the strongest spiritual energy.

“They are called Jupiter Island, Mars Island, and Mercury Island.”

 It can be said that one step is the first step, almost every step is the first step.

“Knowing these circumstances, do you still want to get the Samsung Island Group?”

 “From the very beginning, they were so different that they couldn’t be compared.”

 “These three levels are extremely important to the foundation-building monks.”

However, they sensed it carefully, but they were still unable to discover the existence of the fourth-order spiritual veins.

“You have gained the opponent’s Yuan Yin power, and your cultivation level has been upgraded to the late stage of foundation building.”

 “Fourth level spiritual vein?!”

 If this is the case, perhaps you need to find a way to get this man to stay.

“Once it fails, the mana will riot, and the body will explode and die, which is almost irreversible.”

 He was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the other party would find the Samsung Island Group at once.

Like a giant dragon, dormant in the depths of the sea, its spiritual energy is rich beyond imagination.

Thinking of this, Zhou Sui immediately transmitted his thoughts to Leng Yuexi, Lin Yazhu and Shen Biqian.

 Zhou Sui touched his chin and began to think about how to set up the formation.

“Is this the state of the late stage of foundation building?”

 Peng Hao, the steward of Jindan, smiled slightly and made a decision immediately.

  It is not their turn to use it at all.

“Jupiter Island is covered with a large number of plants, which are extremely lush and lush.”

 “This is indeed an opportunity, but it is also a trouble.”

“Because I built the foundation independently, the mana in my body has no impurities and is extremely pure.”

 For these monks, this thing is simply at their fingertips.

Zhou Sui was also amazed, sensing the sea of ​​qi in the Dantian within his body.

“Although the level of spiritual veins is a bit low, it is still barely suitable for our practice.”

If there is a fourth-level spiritual vein in this place, it means that they can also have babies here.

Even in the Wuji Alliance, the price of letting a third-level array mage take action is very high, enough to cause the Qingmu Sect to bleed.

 Due to the power of the formation, it can gather all the spiritual energy of heaven and earth together and gather them all in the barrier.

Lin Yazhu’s beautiful eyes widened and her pretty face flushed.

 Once selected, it cannot be changed.

Hearing this, Zhou Sui's eyes flashed. To be honest, even if he had the memory of the three Wu Xiaoxiao, he didn't know much about the islands owned by the Wuji Alliance.

 Others need to take risks and escape from death.

 Zhou Sui and Lin Yazhu finally completed the ceremony of Duke Zhou and became one.

 He also realized the difference between the third-level spirit gathering array and the second-level spirit gathering array.

“You, do you think I, Lin Yazhu, will give in like this?”

 It is quite normal if you think about it carefully.

"Is this Gu Nerve? Compared with other immortal cultivation techniques, it is indeed much more powerful."

Also knows very well how to form an elixir next.

 What's more, he also has the help of Book Gu.

“But according to your strength in the later stage of the Golden Core, preserving the third-level spiritual veins is not a problem.”

If he hadn't relied on the power of the Object-Seeking Gu, he wouldn't have been able to detect the fishiness here.

 “Leave this island to us.”

But there is an exception to this.

Although his formation cultivation has indeed reached the third-level high-level realm, there are still very few opportunities to practice it.

 “I don’t know which level 3 island you want?”

 In this case, I don’t know how many resources can be saved.

 “But for me, none of this is a problem.”

An island with a diameter of 1.2 million kilometers like Xianxia Island is actually quite rare in the Canglan Sea.

“Well, for the sake of the future of the sect, there is nothing I can do about being bullied by you.”

Zhou Sui stepped forward and hugged her slender waist. Seeing her noble face and aura like a queen, he immediately felt a sense of conquest.

“As for Mercury Island, it is because there are many rivers on the island and the water area is vast.”

Although Leng Yuexi and others didn't know why Zhou Sui wanted to go to such an island, they had great trust in Zhou Sui and naturally made the choice without hesitation.

  In any case, the nominal control rights belong to the Wuji Alliance.

 “You gain a certain level of monastic experience in the Golden Core Realm.”


It can be imagined how great the benefits will be after being promoted to the late stage of foundation building.

“First, set up a third-level spirit gathering array to bring up the spiritual energy from this spiritual vein.”

He was also secretly amazed, but he didn't expect that he would be combined with Lin Yazhu in this way.

Lin Yazhu's face turned red and she said weakly, as if she had lost the ability to resist.

 “Help me find the perfect island.”

“In other words, as long as the magic power in my body can be raised to a perfect state, then I can naturally form elixirs on my own.”

 Otherwise, you won’t be able to get a better island.

 Leng Yuexi smiled slightly.

 After all, the Asian continent where Zhou Sui was in his previous life was only 18,000 kilometers away.

 “This is a road with no return.”

If this man can really be allowed to join the Qingmu Sect, I am afraid that the strength of the Qingmu Sect will also be amazingly improved.

 Even if there is no so-called elixir-forming spiritual object, he can still successfully form elixirs.

Lin Yazhu blushed and panicked. She seemed to have forgotten that she was Jindan Zhenren at this moment. She was just a weak and helpless little girl now.

“In this case, no one will know that there is a fourth-order spiritual vein in our place.”

If he can integrate theoretical knowledge and practice into a comprehensive understanding, I believe his realm of formations will definitely improve a lot.

“He has not reached the Golden Core realm yet, but he is stronger than ordinary Golden Core monks.”

 Among the three major sects, no one has a higher formation level than him.

“It is indeed a fourth-level spiritual vein.”

  However, this will cause the spiritual energy to leak out, and the internal spiritual energy concentration will not be very high.

“That place will be the headquarters of your three major Jindan sects in the future.”

 Zhou Sui reached out and gently raised her smooth chin.

 As a result, a large number of Jindan monks left Xianxia Island in search of opportunities to have babies.

  After all, the exploration of spiritual veins is actually a very difficult thing, and it is not as simple as imagined.

“I have found the source of the fourth-order deep sea spiritual vein.”

"Unless there are rare elixirs to protect the body and protect the whole body, death is certain."

Ordinary second-level spirit gathering arrays only gather together the spiritual energy between heaven and earth.

“It’s just that the level of spiritual veins is relatively high, nothing good to say about it.”

At this time, Peng Hao, the manager of Jindan, took out a bunch of information about the major third-level islands, and handed them all to Leng Yuexi and others to select.

 After all, their sect’s former third-level formations were all built by formation masters thousands of years ago.      Now that the descendants are unworthy, it is no longer possible to reproduce the formations laid out by their predecessors.

If there is a fourth-level spiritual vein in this archipelago, it would be an unimaginable opportunity.

 This is also the benefit of Jindan’s power.

 “We, the Qingmu Sect, want Jupiter Island.”

“The wood spiritual energy of this island is very rich, and it is also very suitable for our Qingmu Sect monks to practice.”

 But after thinking about it carefully, he still chose to give up.

 Leng Yuexi nodded.

His entire body is wrapped in an air shield, which contains a steady stream of spiritual energy and can also isolate moisture from the outside world, allowing humans to move freely in seawater.

“I will take you to the Sanxing Island Group later.”

 The diameter of the main island is 10,000 kilometers, which is quite impressive.

This is the power of the Object-Seeking Gu. Just like a wishing machine, it can help the host find all objects.

And the most important thing is, as long as you use the formation to cover him, then there won't be any problems.

 He felt the mana in his body was extremely surging.

 At least it is a fourth-level island to have such an island area.

 Because the territory controlled by the Wuji Alliance is too large.

 This is as if it comes naturally, without any obstacles at all.

“After all, we have just arrived in the Wuji Alliance, and it is unrealistic to find a better island.”

“In this case, our Xianxia Sect will want Mercury Island.”

This is simply child's play for him who has a third-level high-grade formation cultivation.

Shen Biqian asked curiously.

“Fellow Daoist Zhou, thank you for helping me arrange the third-order formation of Qingmu Sect.”

 “Not among the islands, but under the deep sea.”

 It seems that even a slight blow can cause horrific damage.

  One day later.

“Yes, there may be fourth-level spiritual veins in this archipelago.”

This is like a mineral vein. It is difficult to find rich ores.

 Of course there is no need for the sect leader to take action personally.

 “Are you crazy? What on earth are you talking about?”

"Even just a little bit is enough to upgrade the spiritual veins of the three islands to the third level."

She doesn’t have many requirements for the island. Anyway, the entire Xianxia Sect only has 3,000 people. As long as there are third-level spiritual veins, that’s enough.

 “Wouldn’t it be possible?”

But fortunately, he possesses the strange Gu of Heaven and Earth - the Object-Seeking Gu. After five years of cultivation, this Gu has been promoted to the second-level mid-level realm, and its ability is even more powerful than at the beginning.

 The next second, a message sank into the depths of Zhou Sui's consciousness.

Lin Yazhu asked curiously.

“But it’s not just a fourth-order low-grade spiritual vein.”

Because the magic power of the pill formation is very powerful, once the meridians are activated and the body is not strong enough to withstand the operation of the magic power of the pill formation, the meridians will naturally break and the body will burst and die. "

Under the leadership of Jindan steward Peng Hao, monks from the three major sects of Xianxia Sect, Danding Sect and Qingmu Sect also arrived at the Sanxing Island Group. After all, this place is still quite far away from the main island of Wuji Island.

 At the same time, the third-level spirit gathering formation was also successfully deployed.

“As for spiritual consciousness and body, it goes without saying.”

“So after thinking about it, this three-star island group is better.”

 Zhou Sui's eyes showed a glimmer of light.

 At the same time, it is also a conspiracy.

  It is basically in the peripheral area of ​​the sea controlled by the Wuji Alliance.

In this way, even if a monk accidentally passes by, he will not know that there is a fourth-level spiritual vein here.

“Thus, the spiritual vein levels of the three islands have been improved.”

 How could he be very familiar with every island?

 There simply aren’t that many manpower.

Even if other Jindan masters knew about the idea of ​​the Wuji Alliance, they would flock to it.

 But he had no such doubts at all.

 After being promoted to the late stage of foundation building, the volume of Dantian Qi Sea expanded again, as if it expanded from a deep pool into a small lake, with a large amount of dark golden mana liquid flowing inside.

There are five hundred drops of dark golden mana liquid inside, and each drop contains huge energy.

 Obviously, the three-star island group suggested by the Object-Seeking Gu may be a hidden gem in the ocean.

Shen Biqian smiled slightly.

“Obviously, for monks, forming a pill is more dangerous than building a foundation.”

Since they are in the deep sea, many monks from the Wuji Alliance cannot detect it.

Even a Jindan manager like him is very familiar with the islands of the Wuji Alliance and cannot find the three-star island group in a short time. After all, there are too many islands ruled by the Wuji League, tens of thousands of them.

“As long as you pay the corresponding management fees every year, you can stay on these three islands forever.”


 Leng Yuexi nodded.

 An area of ​​10,000 kilometers is almost equivalent to more than half of the Asian continent.

Hearing this, Shen Biqian and Lin Yazhu were also surprised and looked at each other.

Therefore, the amount of spiritual energy that the third-level spirit gathering array can gather is several times that of the second-level spirit gathering array.

 “Your spiritual root qualifications have been improved to a certain extent.”

 Because of this, they might as well be more generous and take out some third-level islands as gifts to Master Jindan.

 But the third-level spirit gathering array is different.

 That is, these islands hide the fourth-level spiritual veins, and even the people of the Wuji Alliance are not aware of it.

 Acquire many properties on the island at the same time.

"The second level is the divine consciousness level. This level is also very important, because if a foundation-building monk wants to successfully form a pill, the power of divine consciousness is indispensable. If the divine consciousness is not strong enough, it will naturally not be able to compress the liquid mana, making the liquid mana Condensed into elixir."

Of course, Lin Yazhu has obtained the power of Yuan Yin that she has cultivated for more than three hundred years, and the benefits are self-evident.

 “Which island?”

 Where can I find other Jindan masters in their turn?

Zhou Sui touched his chin. He had already thought of a solution.

 After bringing Zhou Sui and others, Peng Hao, the manager of Jindan, left directly and returned to Wuji Island.

“Sir, which island should we choose?”

 Hum, rumbling~~~

 In an empty palace on the highest mountain of Jupiter Island, Zhou Sui arranged the last formation node.

 Suddenly, Zhou Sui got this piece of information from the Seeking Object Gu. He was shocked and felt extremely excited.

 After so many years, he finally wanted to conquer this noble woman.

"I see."

 He gained the cultivation techniques of the three major sects, as well as a lot of experience in forming pills.

 “Where is the deep sea?”

It can be said that his identity as a third-level formation mage has also resounded throughout the three major sects.

 “It looks like a sea area full of outstanding people.”

  Naturally, we know what the situation is like when other foundation-building monks form elixirs.

 But it is even more impossible for him to spit out the meat in his mouth.

Over time, the Wuji Alliance will be able to acquire a large number of islands that have been fully developed by Jindan Zhenren without any effort.


 “In this case, then you are settled.”

Even if some people say that he is a weakling, strength is strength, and this is something that cannot be argued with.

No matter how bad it is, it will be occupied by core members and cannot be given to peripheral members.

“Next, we only need to set up a third-level spirit gathering array to draw in the spiritual energy from the spiritual veins.”

“Even if you fail to pass a level, it will lead to failure of elixir formation and death.”

“The total amount of mana alone is several times that of other foundation-building monks.”

Especially if the information about the fourth-level spiritual veins is exposed, the Wuji Alliance will definitely take it back immediately.

“Then thank you, Daoyou Peng.”

This was the case for Leng Yuexi in the past. He obtained the elixir-forming spirit liquid of ice and fire, which purified the mana in his body without any impurities. This naturally increased the probability of forming an elixir by 30%. "

 But there hasn’t been much movement.

As for the islands with fourth-level spiritual veins, you don’t even have to think about them. They are basically occupied by the ancestors of Nascent Soul.

 “No problem, just leave it to me.”

 “It is finished.”

Lin Yazhu, the leader of the Qingmu Sect, said with emotion.

There is no need to borrow other fourth-level spiritual veins to form a baby.

Thinking of this, she was immediately moved in her heart, her pretty face flushed, and she looked at Zhou Sui with a pair of beautiful eyes, as if her heart was filled with endless love, which was almost uncontrollable.

 Swish, swish, swish! !

 Suddenly, the monks from the three major sects took action immediately and went to their respective islands to start construction.

 After all, they need to stay here for a long time, so they naturally need to build palaces, houses, markets, etc.

 There are so many islands, and with the power of the Wuji Alliance, it is naturally impossible to develop every one of them.

If it was really that easy to discover the fourth-order spiritual vein, this island would not be taken out by the Wuji Alliance.

Zhou Sui touched his chin and recalled the many pill-forming experiences he had gained before. These were left behind by foundation-building monks from the three major sects over the years. You can imagine how precious they are.

To a certain extent, the Wuji Alliance is indeed a huge alliance. It rules a large number of Jindan families and Jindan sects, like stars, surrounding Wuji Island.

“As the sect leader, you should be willing to pay a small price in order to save the sect’s money.”

After all the monks left, Leng Yuexi looked at Zhou Sui curiously: "My lord, why did you choose this Samsung Islands? Is there anything special here?"


 But this is always suppression, not elimination.

 Zhou Sui used a high-grade spiritual weapon to avoid the water beads and entered the deep sea.

 At this time, Leng Yuexi’s spiritual consciousness sent a message to Zhou Sui, wanting to ask Zhou Sui’s opinion.

“Energy formation is similar to foundation building, and it also requires passing three levels.”

If the opponent dies, runs out of life, or betrays, you can take back this third-level island.

 It can be said that this is a strategy that achieves multiple goals with one stone.

  Naturally, it is necessary to build a formation to cover up this fourth-level spiritual vein.

Since there are no outsiders around, he doesn’t mind telling the secrets here.

“Is this the Samsung Islands?”

Zhou Sui looked at Lin Yazhu and said very domineeringly.

 Shen Biqian looked at Zhou Sui lovingly.

 After all, the Wuji Alliance controls too many islands.

“There are almost no mineral resources on it and the resources are very scarce.”

“Tsk tsk, maybe it’s a fourth-order mid-grade, or even a fourth-order high-grade spiritual vein.”

 Many monks are sincerely convinced by him.

Now he can be regarded as inheriting nearly a thousand years of practice experience from the three major sects, and he can be regarded as standing on the shoulders of giants.

 This spiritual vein was discovered by him.

 Of course he knows how much trouble it will cause if the fourth-level spiritual veins are exposed.

 But as for the islands with third-level spiritual veins, there are already more than 100,000 discovered by people alone.

 So this also resulted in some spiritual veins being hidden deep underground and unable to be detected by immortal cultivators.

 “Not free? What do you want?”

“There is a third-level earth fire spiritual vein on Mars Island, which is very suitable for alchemy master practice.”

 Only with the help of Zhou Sui's strength can the third-level formation be deployed.

“Sir, if this is the case, then we leave the spirit gathering formations of our three major sects and the mountain guarding formations to you completely. After all, the formation masters of our three major sects are all mediocre and cannot compare to you, my husband.”

But basically more than 99% of foundation-building monks will have this situation, because they do not build the foundation independently, but through the foundation-building pill, so the mana is naturally not pure enough.


 In an instant, the Object-Seeking Gu seemed to sense something. Its power penetrated the endless lines of cause and effect, and then it obtained some information from the void.

As long as the Wuji Alliance can continue to cultivate the ancestors of Nascent Soul, they can exist forever.

 “Samsung Island Group?”

 This is also her responsibility as the head of the Aoki Sect.

 “But you have to be gentle.”

Leng Yuexi and Lin Yazhu also nodded.

This is a spiritual weapon from the Xianxia Sect's treasure house, and was taken out by Zhou Sui.

“You and your Taoist companion have fallen in love. Your hearts are connected to each other, and your love has intensified. The infatuation Gu is very happy. It has achieved great evolution and has reached the third level of high-grade perfection.”

 So the longer the suppression is, the more violent the outbreak will be.

 After all, it has been a long time since Lin Yazhu was poisoned.

 A few hours later.

“Sir, if there really is a fourth-level spiritual vein, where is the source?”

 In the past, Xianxia Island lost the fourth-level spiritual vein, and consequently lost the opportunity to be promoted to Nascent Soul.

 “If this is the case, I’m afraid it will be extremely troublesome.”

“That’s right, our three Jindan sects need exactly three islands.”

With Wuji Island as the center, it radiates to a sea area of ​​hundreds of millions or even hundreds of millions of kilometers, and there are no one knows how many islands around it.

  It is simply not comparable to the third level spiritual veins.

At this time, he deployed the third-level high-grade Yimu Divine Thunder Formation on Jupiter Island.

 Suddenly, a huge formation barrier instantly enveloped the entire home island, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of kilometers in radius.

“It’s too exaggerated. For an ordinary monk who has reached the final stage of foundation building, his Dantian Qi Sea can only hold 365 drops of mana liquid. This is the limit of ordinary foundation building monks.”

Zhou Sui used his spiritual consciousness to sense the situation inside his Dantian Qihai.

 Suddenly, messages came from the depths of Zhou Sui's consciousness. These were the fruits of his labor.


After all, it may not be that simple to connect to the fourth-level spiritual veins, which are still in the deep sea.

“After all, I, I am doing this for the future of the sect.”

 Ten days later.

 There are naturally only a few islands with fourth-level spiritual veins.

 Now he is like an engineer, working on a huge project.

“This total amount of mana is completely enough to condense the elixir.”

“But now my Dantian Qihai has absorbed five hundred drops of mana liquid. This is not the limit.”

Zhou Sui smiled slightly.

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.

 Because the power of the infatuation Gu was suppressed by Lin Yazhu's powerful Taoist heart.

He originally wanted to have a good relationship with these Jindan female cultivators, or even sell them favors, and use his connections to find some better islands.

“The third level is the Qi and Blood level, which can also be said to be the physical level. If the foundation-building monk is old and frail, or his body is injured, it will easily lead to the failure of forming the elixir.

Thinking of this, he did not hesitate and immediately activated the power of the Seeking Object Gu.

It can not only help the host find specific objects and people, but also help the host find what is on his mind, even if the thing is extremely vague and does not even have any impression.

Zhou Sui said with a half-smile.

However, all the better islands were picked up by the core members.

 Another month has passed.

 But now, after obtaining this huge power of Yuan Yin, his bottleneck in the middle stage of foundation building was instantly broken.

 Usage efficiency has also been amazingly improved.

 When he is promoted to the Golden Core, or even to the Nascent Soul realm, no one will dare to say anything even if his fourth-level spiritual veins are exposed.

 Originally, his cultivation has reached the peak of the mid-stage foundation building. If he wants to break through to the late stage of foundation building, it will take at least ten years of practice to break through this bottleneck.

 Now, after finding a safe place to live, I can no longer hold back.

Since the spiritual energy is hidden under the sea and separated by thick barriers, basically no spiritual energy leaks out, so it is normal for no monks to notice it.

“They also happen to stay together, showing a hand-to-hand attitude, which also facilitates the communication between our three major sects.”

 After all, this choice is extremely important. Once you make the wrong choice, it is basically impossible to change it.


At this moment, he was circulating the mana in his body, and five hundred drops of mana liquid were continuously circulating in his body, seemingly forming a river, circulating day after day.

Lin Yazhu said in a deep voice.

 Compared with before, the mana has more than doubled.

“The Samsung Island Group is suspected of having fourth-level spiritual veins.”

 But things are different now.

 Leng Yuexi and others nodded and looked at the group of golden elixir stewards.

 It’s like yin and yang merge together without distinguishing each other.

Peng Hao, the manager of Jindan, looked through the information and told the situation of the Sanxing Island Group.

“If it weren’t for your help, I’m afraid the Qingmu Sect wouldn’t even know what to do.”

Zhou Sui used his mind's eye to see, and the invisible power of the heart spread out, sensing the entire land under the sea. There are also rolling mountains in the seabed, and a vast spiritual vein is hidden deep in the seabed.

 They also informed Peng Hao, the manager of Jindan, of their choice.

 With a few words, the three golden elixir female cultivators decided on the distribution of the three islands.

 Just developing an island like Wuji Island with a diameter of one million kilometers is enough to use up a lot of their manpower.

 After all, he is a third-level high-grade formation mage. Setting up a third-level spirit gathering array is simply a piece of cake.

During this period, Zhou Sui helped Xianxia Sect deploy the third-level high-level formation Zixia Yin-Yang Formation on Mercury Island, and helped Danding deploy the third-level high-level formation Fire Flame Dragon Formation on Mars Island.

 Such aura of heaven and earth cannot escape to the outside world.

  It is like the stars overshadowing the moon.

 Therefore, some monks will also have the opportunity to pick up the slack.

Leng Yuexi was very satisfied. In this sea area, in addition to the three main islands, there were also some scattered islands scattered around like stars.

 “Wha, what?”

 After all, the other party is only a peripheral member. No matter how you choose, it must be an island with only third-level low-grade spiritual veins.

 Zhou Sui instilled his own thoughts.

“Mars Island has earth fire spiritual veins, which is very suitable for our Danding Sect.”

At this time, Zhou Sui's heart moved. He felt a mysterious power coming from the infatuation Gu, and it spread all over his body in an instant. It seemed that at this moment, his own aura merged with that of Lin Yazhu.

 The meaning is naturally self-evident.

“When you advance to the Nascent Soul Realm in the future, temporarily increase the concentration of spiritual energy to the fourth level.”

 He was also very glad that he had built the foundation independently.

Compared with other foundation-building monks, his current situation is much stronger.

 Zhou Sui smiled slightly, feeling very happy.

“You despicable guy, the reason why you let the disciples around you leave is because you and I are the only ones left.”

“Now that the Qingmu Sect has just moved to this strange place, it is the time to spend money and build a lot of construction projects.”

 So they still flew for a long time before arriving at the Sanxing Island Group.

“Sect Master Lin, I’m helping you with the Qingmu Sect’s third-level formation, but it’s not for free.”

 At the beginning, he chose not to take the high-quality foundation-building pills and chose to build the foundation independently, which was quite the right choice.

However, if you don’t have the opportunity or qualifications, it’s better to take the Foundation Establishment Pill, at least it’s safer.

 (End of this chapter)

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