Immortality Gu Tao: Start By Refining the Infatuation Gu

Chapter 212: He has already married two golden elixir female cultivators, and he still wants to mar

Chapter 212 He has already married two Jindan female cultivators, and he still wants to marry Sect Leader Lin? !

 Hurrah lala~~

At this moment, terrifying sword energy erupted from the three Wu brothers, tearing the surrounding air.

 The earth was torn apart, with countless cracks appearing.

There is no doubt that this is what the three owl of the Wu family can rely on to run rampant in the Wuji Alliance. The three of them are one body, and they can set up sword formations. Their minds and hearts are united, and their power is endless.


 In an instant, Zhou Sui's clone used the power of Dream Soul Gu without hesitation.

 After five years of practice, his soul power has also been improved to a certain extent.

“The Three Owls of the Wu family have hit a brick wall. They originally wanted to rob and kill others, but they were killed instead.”

Since you dare to make the decision to rob and kill others, you must be prepared to be killed by others.

Although he can't cause much damage to Jindan Zhenren, he is the best auxiliary.


The next second, the clone Zhou Sui grabbed Shen Biqian's left hand and cast the teleportation Gu. His whole body flashed and he was behind the three Wu brothers in an instant.

 “Taiyin spiritual fire.”

 After all, they are triplets themselves. They are naturally connected and understand each other extremely well.

This is the most deadly killing move, it is simply impossible to guard against.

"Actually, I can do it too. I can also do it. I'm also talented. Why don't you look down on me?"

Zhou Sui was very satisfied. He checked the storage bag and found to his surprise that there were 20,000 high-grade spiritual stones in it. To be honest, this was a quite astonishing amount, enough to buy many treasures.

 The same is true for Dream Soul Gu.

 After all, the power of teleportation can only be exerted by at least the Yuanying Ancestor.

  If you hand over the heads of these three people, you can get at least 30,000 high-grade spiritual stones.

  I just want to possess this man immediately.

 It is enough to pose a certain degree of threat to the monks in the middle stage of Jindan.

 In the distance, many tribulation cultivators also saw this scene and were immediately frightened to pee.

  But because he is the Taoist monk of the sect master, he enjoys the best treatment, lives in the best room, enjoys the best resources, and even has many female cultivators to serve him, so he has full treatment.

 This can also quickly help her improve her swordsmanship.

Thinking of this, Zhou Sui immediately informed his wives and concubines of the Lingxi Sword Technique and the Tongxin Sword Formation.

Now that he has killed the three Wu clan owl, he can be regarded as solving a serious problem for the Wuji Alliance.

 It’s really because there are too many dangers in the endless sea.

"That's right. I don't know how many young talents Lin has met. He is well-informed. How could a mere Taoist Tianbi confuse her? Sect Master Leng and Sect Master Shen are just young and fell into the trap of this boy. Sooner or later they will wake up."

 But now, Zhou Sui has mastered the power of Dream Soul Gu and Teleportation Gu, one for control and one for teleportation.

 But the beauty of this sword technique is that it can be practiced by multiple people.

“I think Sect Master Lin and this man often stay together, so it’s easy to fall into this guy’s trap.”

 The faces of many tribulation cultivators changed drastically.

“That’s right. Stop talking here and doing such alarmist things all day long.”

 Suddenly, the bodies of the three Wu brothers were shaken. Their souls seemed to have been bombarded by an iron hammer. Both their souls and bodies were shaken tremendously at this moment.

Shen Biqian has been working closely with Zhou Sui for the past five years. She teleported behind Wu Jin and slapped Wu Jin with a single palm of her slender hand.

After acquiring this swordsmanship, the three Wu brothers became even more powerful.

After all, these three people have been on the Promise League's bounty list for a long time. The bounties are very high, and the Promise League is also very troubled by the existence of these guys.

 The way he looked at Zhou Sui was filled with jealousy and his heart was bleeding.

The Wu Huo with the most fiery temper could not hold on for even a second. He was split in half in an instant, split in the middle, and a large amount of blood spurted out and poured all over the ground.


 Suddenly, the huge soul memories were all swallowed up and absorbed by the Dream Soul Gu, turning into dream bubbles.

If they were separated, they would just be ordinary monks in the middle stage of the Golden Core.

 So he naturally needs his help to improve the Taoist companion's strength.

 Isn’t it natural for you to rely on your husband to help you?


"Seeing this **** singing and singing every night, my heart is bleeding. We are all foundation-building monks. Why is there such a big gap? It is completely unreasonable."

What? !

“There is also a Concentric Sword Formation, which makes them even more powerful.”

 It is a pity that Leng Yuexi, Lin Yazhu and Shen Biqian, the three golden elixir female cultivators, have long been eyeing them.

 Unfortunately, their hatred did not last long.

 Hum, rumbling~~~

 In an instant, the golden elixir domain erupted, covering the area.

Of course, Zhou Sui did not know the resentment of the monks of the three sects.

 Many calamity cultivators were shocked to the point of bleeding from their seven holes, and were unable to resist.

If it were not for the protection of the three Jindan masters, they would have died countless times.

 This can be described as achieving multiple goals with one stone.

“As expected of the sect leader, the speed of attack was really too fast. How long did it take to actually annihilate this group of calamity cultivators?” someone said with emotion.

If Zhou Sui hadn't helped, it is estimated that there would have been damage in this battle.

 Such secret soul techniques as Dream Soul Gu are extremely rare even in the Wuji Alliance.

 Zhou Sui touched his chin and immediately felt very satisfied.

 Swish, swish, swish! !

Without saying a word, the monks immediately flew away in all directions, trying to escape.

Shen Biqian looked at Zhou Sui with admiration, her eyes as charming as silk.

“But people who have a symbiotic relationship are not just husband and wife, they can also be brothers or sisters.”

 After all, this is Master Jindan’s storage bag. Who knows what treasures are hidden in it.

 “Once he falls out of favor, this kid will be close to death.”

Wait a minute, if it is really the reincarnation of an ancient immortal, then the age gap between myself and this man is actually not that big, and maybe I can become the wife and concubine of the other person.

Even though most of the spiritual stones have been used and various elixirs and elixirs have been purchased, there are still so many left.

 They knew that once Wu's three owl died, these minions of theirs would definitely be liquidated.

 Of course it is also extremely difficult to practice.

It can also help people who practice this swordsmanship improve their understanding of the sword. Once one person has an understanding, others can learn it instantly.

Zhou Sui touched his chin. He also found two inheritances from the storage bag. They were both swordsmanship inheritances found by the three Xiaos of the Wu family from a certain Nascent Soul Cave.

The more people who are like-minded, the more terrifying the power will be.

 Many sect monks gritted their teeth. To be honest, they had chewed their lower teeth out of jealousy over the past five years. It was obvious that this boy, like himself, was only in the Foundation Establishment realm.

 For a time, their movements came to a standstill.

She felt more and more that the man in front of her might be a descended immortal, or even the reincarnation of an ancient immortal who came to the human world to rebuild. Otherwise, how could he be so powerful?

"How is it possible? The three famous Xiaoxiao of the Wu family died like this?"

They have been in the world of immortality for hundreds of years, and they have never been so miserable.

“Why does it sound like a swordsmanship practiced by Taoist couples together?”

“Tell me, Sect Master Lin will fall into this kid’s trap, right?”

Finding two people with the same mind is simply more difficult than finding the Heavenly Spiritual Root.

“I just came to Wuji Alliance and got off to a good start.”

This is definitely a sword technique collected by the three major sects, Qingmu Sect and Xianxia Sect, beyond the Danding Sect. Its degree of mystery is ranked first among many collected sword techniques.

 Fortunately, this pain only lasts for a second.

“Now that I have the heads of the Three Xiaos of the Wu Clan as a gift, I’m afraid I will definitely be able to join the Wuji Alliance.”

 But things are different now. If you practice the Lingxi Sword Technique, you can gain insights into the way of the sword from your husband.


 Suddenly, the power of Taiyin Spiritual Fire burst out in vain and was directly injected into Wu Jin's body.

At this time, the two brothers Wu Mu and Wu Huo were stunned. They watched their eldest brother being burned alive by the spiritual fire. They felt unprecedented pain.

This Lingxi Sword Technique is infinitely mysterious. If only one person performs it, its power will be ordinary. It is no different from ordinary sword techniques. There is nothing special about it.

 “You and I can completely defeat Master Jindan by joining forces.”

 If you are not careful, you may be counterattacked.

With a thud, Wu Mu couldn't even struggle, and was instantly chopped to death, his whole body turned into a piece of charcoal.

  Not only did he give his entire life's worth to himself, but he also gave his life to himself so that he could gain promotion in the Wuji League.

“It’s so unfair. If you have the favor of Master Jindan, can you do whatever you want like this?”

“Great, this swordsmanship is simply tailor-made for me and my wives and concubines.”

Although it only lasts half a second, in a life-and-death fight, this is already long enough.

 Because at the same time, Lin Yazhu and Leng Yuexi also took action.

"With this Lingxi sword technique, the combat effectiveness of the wives and concubines will definitely be amazingly improved."

 Shen Biqian can be so shameless anyway, so why can’t she do the same?

“Yes, in fact, the creation of this Lingxi sword technique was created by a couple.”

Of course Zhou Sui's clone had teleported back a long time ago.

"Don't you know yet? This guy's Taoist name is Tianbi Taoist, and he has long been famous in Xianxia Sect. With this unique skill, many female cultivators have fallen in love with him. I'm afraid the sect leader is also like this. His way."

The monks from the three major sects all flattered him one after another.

 Everyone was shocked.

 “It’s time to make a fortune.”

Xia Jingyan asked curiously.

 This is the cycle of cause and effect, and retribution is unpleasant.

 “It’s really awesome.”

 Zhou Sui explained.

“If the lord of the clan really marries him, I will eat as much birian as you want on the spot, and I won’t play tricks with you.”

 So they had no defense at all.

“That’s right, the four of us together are an invincible combination.”

 Two people add up to four times, and three people add up to eight times.

Zhou Sui was overjoyed.

"Not only Sect Master Leng and Sect Master Shen, but also the three beautiful female foundation-building cultivators are his wives and concubines, and they serve him willingly. Is this boy really angry and happy, so he pleases women so much? "

 It didn't take long for him to obtain all the memories of Wu's three owl.

“Very good, let’s try this sword technique first.”

"Just wait and see, this **** won't get better for long. When the lord gets tired of playing with him, he will abandon him sooner or later."

Shen Biqian was also surprised. As a monk in the late Jindan stage, she was well-informed and could naturally see the power and mystery of the Lingxi sword technique at a glance.

“The Lingxi sword technique comes from Master Lingxi, the ancestor of Yuanying. It is at least a fifth-level sword technique.”

If you turn over their heads again, you can get a reward.

 Now when using it in Jindan level battles, it is simply killing a chicken with a sledgehammer.

 It's just the jealousy of ordinary monks, so what does that mean?

“If we hand over three of their heads, I’m afraid we can get a reward from the Wuji Alliance.”

Wu Jin couldn't help but let out bursts of shrill screams, and felt a terrifying spiritual fire penetrate into his body, and then began to burn blazingly inside his body.

“As expected of a pirate wanted by the Wuji Alliance, he still has some wealth.”

“Who are these three golden elixir female cultivators, and how can they be so terrifying?!”

 Swish, swish, swish! !

Not long after, Leng Yuexi, Lin Yazhu and Shen Biqian, the three golden elixir female cultivators, returned to the third-order flying boat and brought back the heads and storage bags of these calamity cultivators.

 But as for my father-in-law, this is the appearance of an immortal.

If you want to catch up with Xianggong’s cultivation speed, it won’t work without a chance.

 After all, the swordsmanship talents of Ji Bingyu and other Taoist companions are not considered to be top-notch, so they cannot compare to him who possesses the Book Gu.

At this moment, Zhou Sui was also studying the storage bag on Wu's three owl, looking at the treasures inside.

If they learn this sword technique again, then six people can use this sword technique at the same time, and you can imagine how powerful this sword technique will be.

Obviously I am also a foundation-building monk, why can't I get the favor of Master Jindan and become a guest at the curtain?

The same is true for Leng Yuexi. Holding the high-grade magic weapon Golden Dragon Scissors, she activated the power of this magic weapon to the extreme, and a terrifying dragon light swept across.

"Isn't it true? It is said that there are three Jindan Daoist among this group of robbery cultivators, but now, they have also been killed by the sect leader and the others. It is as easy as killing a chicken."

“It is said that this kid is just a low-level spiritual root. Normally, there is no hope of building a foundation in this life, but he was fed by the real person Jin Dan and forcibly raised his cultivation level to the foundation building realm.”

 “Golden dragon divine light.”

Only those who practice this swordsmanship with a similar mind can bring the Lingxi swordsmanship to its extreme. It is not even as simple as one plus one, but a geometric improvement.


“If we practice Lingxi Sword Technique together, we will probably make rapid progress.”

 In the past five years, I have encountered many terrifying monsters and calamity cultivators along the way.

“Instead of worrying about the sect master, it’s better to worry about yourself. Be careful that your Taoist companion is seduced by that man. I’ll put a hat on you so that you won’t be able to cry anymore.”

“There will be no problem if you practice until you become a god.”

Zhou Sui said loudly.

“I originally thought that the Jindan masters here in the Wuji Alliance are very powerful, but I didn’t expect that they are just that. Our sect leader can easily kill these guys instantly.”

 “Get out of here, I’m so fierce.”

She knew her situation. Although she had a fifth-grade spiritual root and had good talent for swordsmanship, that was all. She could practice to the foundation-building level.

“You are right, relying on such small means to please the lord is not a long-term solution.”

Although he is only a small assistant and cannot speak at the level of golden elixir, he still plays a great role.

In just a moment, all the robbery cultivators on the island were killed, leaving no trace of armor behind.

 There is no doubt that these three Wu Xiaoxiaos really gave themselves a big gift.

 “Not bad, not bad, Zhengchou has no reason to go to Wuji League.”

"Haha, stop dreaming, don't I know? That's the same thing. Those female nuns from Baihua Tower have already told me."

 Some people are very confused.

 Even the top ten tortures in the world of immortality are nothing more than this.

 It is not unreasonable for the dignified Jindan Zhenren to be the king and hegemon on Xianxia Island.

Hence, after practicing this sword technique, their swordsmanship improved crazily, and they could even use this sword technique at the same time to exert eight times the power of the sword energy.

In just one breath, the three famous Wu brothers were completely killed and died.

 Can create loopholes in the enemy and help Shen Biqian and others kill other Jindan masters.

“Fart, it’s your uncle’s way. What kind of female cultivator is Sect Leader Lin? Her Taoist heart is as stone. How can it be possible for Taoist Tianbi to confuse you? Stop talking nonsense.”

"Interesting, is this the powerful swordsmanship inheritance of the three heroes of the Wu family?"

It can be said that if a like-minded person learns this swordsmanship, it can be said to be a powerful complement to each other.

He felt that Lin Yazhu was also in danger. Sooner or later, that man would marry the three golden elixir female cultivators and unify the three sects.

You must know that under the influence of the infatuation Gu, he has long been connected with Taoist lovers such as Ji Bingyu, Xia Jingyan, Mu Ziyan, Leng Yuexi and Shen Biqian. It can even be said that they are connected and like one body.

Every one of these calamity cultivators deserved to die.

As for the Nascent Soul Realm, it is very slim and almost impossible.

“Nima, beauty is a curse, really beauty is a curse, this guy is basically a male demon who charms female cultivators, otherwise the sect leader would not be like this.”

“Not bad, there are so many high-grade spiritual stones.”


At this time, the flying boats from the three sects of Xianxia Sect, Danding Sect and Qingmu Sect were also belatedly arriving and finally arrived at this deserted island. Many monks also saw the corpses of many monks on the island.

 “Yimu Shen Lei.”

 At the same time, he was also a little worried about what he would do if his sect master really fell into that man's trap.

It was just a face-to-face meeting, but a brother actually died.

Of course, the Wuji Alliance also wanted three people, and each of them had a reward of 10,000 high-grade spiritual stones.

 But they had nothing to do, after all, this was Master Jindan’s order, so what if they were dissatisfied with it.

 He felt the unparalleled pain passing through him and was unable to struggle at all.

"But it's really hateful. That boy used his good skin to marry two Jindan masters. Sect Master Leng and Sect Master Shen both married him and enjoyed the blessings of the same people. Why on earth did this happen." Some people are envious, jealous, and think it's too nonsense.

 Obviously, if she relied solely on her alone, it might not be that simple to kill the three Wu clan owl.

“Mr. sir, you are really awesome.”


 But if you are in the Golden Core realm, it all depends on chance.

Although this power cannot defeat these three golden elixir masters, it will at least cause them a certain degree of trouble.

“This couple has a deep love for each other, and they are both extremely talented swordsmen.”

This is enough for the tyranny of the three golden elixir masters, they are simply invincible.

No matter how the three Wu brothers imagined it, they couldn't imagine that there was actually Jindan Zhenren who could teleport.

“Nima, you are still chatting here, run away quickly, it will be too late if you don’t run away.”

“So, these three guys are actually wanted criminals of the Wuji Alliance.”

Someone suddenly mentioned Lin Yazhu, the leader of the Qingmu Sect, and was very worried.

 Lin Yazhu held the high-grade magic weapon Golden Thunder Bamboo, infused it into this high-grade magic weapon, and immediately summoned the Yimu Divine Thunder and struck Wumu fiercely.

But they can't stop this.

However, spiritual stones are not that big of a deal. What he values ​​most is the secret technique inherited from the three owl of the Wu family.

Lin Yazhu was also amazed. Although this was not the first time she had seen this man's methods in the past five years, she felt extremely shocked and unfathomable every time.

It can be said that the golden elixir realm is simply a means of cruelty. No matter how many foundation-building monks join forces, if they cannot break through the golden elixir realm, it will be a one-sided massacre.

After saying these words, he waved his hand and activated the power of the Dream Soul Gu, immediately swallowing the souls of the recently deceased monks and entering them one after another into the Dream Soul Gu.

Many Aoki Sect monks yelled and cursed, feeling that their sect leader had been humiliated.

“In that case, it is indeed very suitable for us to practice together.”


An invisible force of nightmare swept past, silently and without a trace, hitting the three Wu brothers in an instant, making it impossible for them to avoid it.

 Because in just one second, his entire body was burned to ashes by the Taiyin Spiritual Fire, and was completely destroyed.

Even if he knew this, he would not take it seriously.

  She didn’t know why, but the longer she stayed with this man, the more unable to extricate herself.

Of course, they also meant these words sincerely.

It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone and achieves a bumper harvest.

 Three people working together can even easily kill the late Jindan.

Ji Bingyu was overjoyed and looked at Zhou Sui affectionately.

But if the three of them join forces, they can sweep away the monks in the late Golden Core stage, and their combat power will soar, making them terrifying.

 After all, if they have been able to run rampant in this sea area for such a long time, their methods must be unfathomable.

If you don't have the strength of the Golden Core level and dare to go to sea, it will be a dead end.

"Lingxi swordsmanship? There is such a wonderful swordsmanship in the world. No wonder the three Wu clan owl are so powerful. If it weren't for my husband's help, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to kill them so easily this time."

They are worthy of being pirates who run rampant in this sea area. They have killed many monks on weekdays.

This is the basis for the three Wu clan owl to run rampant in the waters of the Wuji Alliance.

Even the secret of Lingxi Sword Technique is not just a simple increase in power.

Of course, more importantly, he can also transmit his understanding of the way of swordsmanship to his wives and concubines, so that his wives and concubines can quickly understand the higher mysteries of the way of swordsmanship.

 Although this feels a bit like cheating, what’s the big deal?

 They finally understood why no monk was willing to leave Xianxia Island.

Zhou Sui used book Gu to eat all the jade slips of the inheritance of Lingxi Sword Technique and Tongxin Sword Formation, and then instilled the memory of this inheritance into the depths of the consciousness of his wives and concubines with a single finger.

 Suddenly, Ji Bingyu and others felt that many secrets of Lingxi Sword Technique emerged in their brains.

 (End of this chapter)

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