Immortality Gu Tao: Start By Refining the Infatuation Gu

Chapter 202: It doesn't matter if I have multiple concubines and one Taoist companion, right?

Chapter 202: It doesn’t matter if I have multiple concubines and one Taoist companion, right?

To be honest, after eight years of practice, Zhou Sui understood how difficult the practice of a foundation-building monk is.

 Eight years of hard training, as well as the assistance of many elixirs, still failed to advance him to the middle stage of foundation building.

 But now, with the Yuan Yin assistance from the Jindan female cultivator, it is easy to help him break through.

 Basically, this double cultivation saved him at least twenty years of hard training.

 It is equivalent to saving him twenty years of life.

 The benefits can be imagined and cannot be described in words.

“The female cultivators in the middle stage of the Golden Elixir are so powerful, so wouldn’t the female cultivators in the late Golden Elixir stage have to go to heaven?”

 As for the number of first-level monsters and second-level monsters, they are even more numerous.

Leng Yuexi was speechless, not knowing what to say.

“Ahem, okay, Biqian came here this time to discuss leaving Xianxia Island.”

Before Shen Biqian could say anything, Zhou Sui activated his teleportation Gu, and a wave of void energy instantly enveloped the two of them.

But she didn’t plan to ask anything, even if she was a Taoist monk, she still had secrets that couldn’t be told.

“Even though it’s still sealed now, it’s only a matter of time before we break free of the seal.”

 Became food for demons.

 “But she’s not that easy to deal with.”

 Over the years, she has rarely done anything with other people, and she has always stayed within the sect to refine elixirs.

Zhou Sui blinked his eyes, and now he began to look longingly at Shu.

It can be said that Zhou Sui saved her life.

 This is something that has never happened in thousands of years.

“No way, the sect actually plans to relocate, leave Xianxia Island and go to other islands? Isn’t this too exaggerated?”

“Three years, we have a total of three years to prepare.”

 That is to find a man with a pure Yang body to practice dual cultivation, and the other person's cultivation level cannot be too weak.

 If they are really relocated, what will happen to the people behind them?

Even though the Canglan Sea is very large, it can be called boundless.

“As you can imagine, he was also the first to be killed by the demon.”

 Because the thing happened so suddenly, they didn't even have time to react.

“But, even though my husband said this, I also reminded him.”

“I see, are you worried about the threat of the demon?”

  But it is a pity that a demon has appeared and this place is no longer safe.

  It can be said that he ruled the three major sects without any blood.

It is undoubtedly a dream to destroy this blood demon tree.

“I don’t agree. I firmly disagree with this. Our Xianxia Sect has been here for thousands of years.”

Leng Yuexi said happily.

  Many foundation-building elders attended this meeting, and basically all the elders with high authority were present.

"Although it is still in a sealed state, it will break free sooner or later."

 I don’t seem to have the qualifications to talk about this Jindan female cultivator.

“It’s because of this that when the cave restrictions are opened, he is basically the first one to rush in.”

“Well, according to the order of the lord, everyone is not forced to leave.”

 Everyone else needs to fight to the death and use all kinds of conspiracies and tricks, but they may not succeed.

 “Actually, this is my suggestion.”

After all, with the three great Jindan Daoists and the many foundation-building elders of the three sects, leaving Xianxia Island is not a big problem. I guarantee that no one will dare to stop anything.

“Well, I don’t think it matters. Since we are all cultivating immortals, going somewhere to practice cultivation is not cultivation.”

 But she also understood what the Supreme Elder Fang Fan was thinking. She wouldn't live long anyway.

“Of course it’s not just me, the Supreme Elder of the Danding Sect, Fang Fan, who has died.”

"But even so, we can't just relocate. What to do with the monk families who are attached to the sect, what to do with those medicine gardens, those markets, and what to do with those spirit stone veins and metal veins? Should we abandon them all? ?”

However, when they thought about it carefully, their pretty faces turned red. It seemed that they had been like this at the beginning, and they had dismissed their husband.

“Ms. sir, I didn’t expect that you would really get hold of Sister Shen.”

"Shut up, I have made up my mind, it is imperative to relocate the sect."

 After all, the locations of sects are selected after a long period of time, and not every place has a third-level spiritual vein.

Many Xianxia Sect disciples looked very ugly.

To be honest, if it was Leng Yuexi's decision alone, they would be a little doubtful, wondering if the sect leader was impulsive.

  She did not intend to take away everyone, just taking away some people was enough.

  If it is not necessary, no one will choose to move, leave Xianxia Island, and go to other places for adventure.

“Even after the sect leaves, those of you who remain can occupy this third-level spiritual vein.”

 After all, the former Yuanying Sect, Xianxia Sect, paid a huge price in order to seal the Blood Demon Tree.

After all, a large number of Jindan monks and Foundation-building monks died in the Blood Shadow Ancestor Cave this time, and many forces suffered losses. It happened to be the time when the Xianxia Sect was expanding its territory.

 “What happened?”

“Even the third-level spiritual veins occupying Xianxia Peak are no problem.”

“If Sister Lin also joins, then this trip will be foolproof.”

If the elders of the Danding Sect knew that they had married their sect leader, they would probably go crazy.

 And this is too shameless. As a woman, I don’t even know how to be reserved.

 “What? Are you planning to move? Do you still want to leave Xianxia Island?”

 Whether it’s true or false, it’s all a fight to the death.

 Another Xianxia Sect disciple replied.

However, she was still very happy, because this was equivalent to having an additional late-stage Golden Core companion.

 More importantly, it’s hard to leave your homeland.

 “How come my husband, do you also want to marry that old woman Lin Yazhu?”

“The previous divine voice transmission was really done by my husband. No wonder I feel so familiar.”

 “Is this the power of teleportation?”

 After all, they are not alone, there are foundation-building families behind them.

Hearing this, Leng Yuexi and others all widened their beautiful eyes. They did not expect that the dignified Jindan female cultivator would show such a womanly expression, and she would take the initiative to push back on the man.

“Because the two of them basically walked together, rushed into the cave, and were killed instantly.”

 After all, if you marry Lin Yazhu, you can get the entire Qingmu Sect as a dowry.

You know, she has been stuck in the middle stage of Golden Core for a long time, and there seems to be no hope of breaking through.

 But preventing oneself from breaking through to the late stage of the Golden Elixir is also a side effect of Taiyin Spiritual Fire.

Of course, Zhou Sui was not originally a pure yang body, but due to the power of the Dragon Elephant Gu, his body began to contain dragon elephant blood. This power was not comparable to that of an ordinary pure yang body.

Shen Biqian smiled slightly.

 Shen Biqian’s charming eyes are as silky as silk.

“The Danding Sect and the Qingmu Sect will also join us in the relocation operation.”

If it weren't for this man, I'm afraid I would be dead.

"Really? In this case, please go back to Xianxia Sect with me to discuss it first."

 This simply fascinated Shen Biqian.

And there is a Supreme Elder watching over him.

“That’s right, according to the order of the lord, we don’t need any of these things. Let us seek happiness for ourselves.”

Not long after, the news that Xianxia Sect planned to relocate quickly spread throughout the sect, and was known to countless disciples and elders. Everyone was stunned and in disbelief.

  Anyway, she has fulfilled her obligations as the head of the Xianxia Sect.

 It was not just Zhou Sui who gained the benefit, which promoted his cultivation to the middle stage of foundation building.

 After all, this is the plan that really matters.

Shen Biqian chuckled and said to Zhou Sui.

What? !

“It is said that the sealed demon is very powerful and will cause endless disasters sooner or later.”

“It’s not just the Danding Sect, I just sent a message to the old woman Lin Yazhu.”

“Haha, do you think the lord of the sect has never thought about these things? None of this has any effect. You must know that it is a fourth-level formation, which is not something that Jindan Zhenren can handle.


 Now that I have gotten this opportunity, I naturally don’t want to give it up.

Zhou Sui quickly introduced Shen Biqian to four Taoist companions: Leng Yuexi, Ji Bingyu, Mu Ziyan and Xia Jingyan.

 “It might have been a bit troublesome before, but it won’t be anymore.”

Many foundation-building elders were stunned. They originally thought that the sect leader Leng Yuexi summoned them to expand their territory and occupy more cities.

“I see, does Sister Lin also want to join?”

“Even the Yuanying Patriarch from three thousand years ago is no match for it, how can we get it.”

 If no one is willing to go with her, then it is perfectly fine for her, Zhou Sui and others to leave.

“You’re right, that demon has been sealed for three thousand years. I don’t believe it can escape so soon.”

“That’s true. Everything you have is given by the sect. You really think that you can protect such a huge wealth with your own personal strength. Stop talking nonsense.”

If this continues, people like myself may lose their lives.

“Because Fang Fan, the Supreme Elder of the Danding Sect, has died in this ruins cave.”

Once attacked by a tide of beasts from the sea, there will definitely be countless casualties.

 At night, the hall of Xianxia Peak of Xianxia Sect.

The current Xianxia Sect has long been her arbiter, and she speaks for herself.

 Because the Danding Sect is not very far away from the Xianxia Sect, the two sects are basically in the same area.

 Shen Biqian continued.

Of course, the reality is cruel. He lost the bet and died in the cave.

 “It’s impossible to just move away just because you want to, it’s really ridiculous.”

Shen Biqian looked at Zhou Sui resentfully.

 They have long taken root in this place, and their influence is so intertwined that it is impossible to just leave.

It is conceivable that something unusual must have happened to make the Jindan masters of the three major sects make such a decision. This is definitely not a whim.

“And we don’t know what will happen overseas. Maybe everyone will die on the way.”

Zhou Sui hugged Shen Biqian.

 It will cause mana disorder in the body at every turn.

 But now, all the sects in the entire Xianxia Island combined are not as powerful as the Xianxia Sect in the past.

 “In this case, it’s better to stay.”

“This is the place where we have lived for such a long time, how can we leave just like that?”

"Dead? Didn't I give you a warning before? And you still died inside?"

 “And many markets, medicine gardens.”

Zhou Sui said in a deep voice, speaking out all his concerns.

 Obviously, if Xianxia Sect really decides to relocate, it is impossible to take everyone with it.

Zhou Sui was surprised.

Hearing this, Shen Biqian's beautiful eyes flashed. She had personally experienced the battle with the mysterious demon, so she naturally knew that the demon was terrifying and not something to be trifled with.

"And you already have four Taoist companions, so it doesn't matter if you have more concubines."

 So she also thought about moving the Danding Sect.

 Because this meeting is related to the future of Xianxia Sect.

 “But I have four Taoist companions.”

 The next second, the two of them appeared on Xianxia Peak of Xianxia Sect and returned to the bedroom.

 But in fact, islands that are truly suitable for human monks to survive are still relatively rare.

“After all, there are countless monsters living deep in the sea.”

Who would have thought that the sect leader Leng Yuexi actually wanted to move the Xianxia Sect and evacuate Xianxia Island.

“Rather than going to other places to take risks, it’s better to stay here. If you go to other places, you may not be able to get so many benefits, and everything needs to start again.”

 The problem is that men with pure Yang bodies are as rare as Tianlinggen monks.

 “In this way, our trip will be safer.”

“So for him, this is a great opportunity to have a baby, and he cannot give up just because of a sudden warning.”

 Because after this double cultivation, she suddenly found that her cultivation level had been promoted to the late stage of Jindan.

“But if it’s my husband’s charm, maybe it can enlighten the old woman.”


“What does it matter? Isn’t it normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines?”

Even if Yuanying Ancestor takes action, he may not have a chance.

After all, the Supreme Elder Fang Fan was also her elder. He had given her a lot of help. He even helped her to form elixirs, but she didn't expect to die in this disaster.

“It’s just that Xianxia Sect is planning to relocate recently, and may even leave Xianxia Island.”

Hearing this, Leng Yuexi felt relieved.

Her body gradually could no longer withstand the power of Taiyin Spiritual Fire.

 After trying this wonderful feeling of rapidly improving one’s cultivation, it’s a bit hard to look back.

As for inviting other Nascent Soul Ancestors, don’t dream about it. Let’s not say whether we can invite them or not. Even if we really invite them, by the time the Nascent Soul Ancestors arrive, our Xianxia Island will have been cold for a long time. "

If something happens to the Xianxia Sect, then something will happen to the Danding Sect as well, and they won't be able to escape at all.

 She achieved such an achievement because of the help of Taiyin Spiritual Fire.

It is not impossible to solve the problem of Taiyin Spiritual Fire.

 One can imagine Shen Biqian's joy, and she completely regarded Zhou Sui as her destined son.

 Zhou Sui asked a little guilty.

 This will actually be of great help in dealing with the next crisis.

 It is because I am worried that the Taiyin Spiritual Fire in my body will run wild.

 Leng Yuexi said decisively.

 Otherwise, if you stay here and become a regional hegemon, you won’t even know how carefree life will be.

Her inner doubts were finally resolved. No wonder she felt that the previous divine voice transmission was so familiar, as if she had seen it before. It turned out to be her husband-in-law.

At this time, Shen Biqian finally woke up. She stretched her waist, showed her great sense, and then lay on Zhou Sui, very lazy.

“She also expressed interest in relocation.”


Even though she had a premonition before, she felt that Shen Biqian would fall into the hands of her husband sooner or later, but she did not expect it to be so soon. The efficiency was too high.

 But now, even the Danding Sect and the Qingmu Sect have joined in.

 Once you go out to sea, you may encounter unimaginable dangers.


“If Xianxia Sect continues to stay here, it will be a dead end.”

Shen Biqian sighed.

“This sect leader will not be too reluctant.”

What? !

“Now the only one left in the Qingmu Sect is Lin Yazhu, the Golden Elixir Master.”

 Many Xianxia Sect disciples do not want to leave with the sect, because this place has their own families, relatives, and many connections, so it is impossible to just leave.

If the seal is completely broken, no one in the entire Xianxia Island will be able to control it.

“Perhaps the Danding Sect also needs to relocate.”

Shen Biqian chuckled and looked at Zhou Sui very charmingly, as if she wanted to completely blend into her body.

There are also many third-order monsters and fourth-order monsters inside.

Leng Yuexi said in a deep voice.

 The mana and soul power have been greatly improved.

“Even Song Feihong, the Supreme Elder of Qingmu Sect, died.”

 In the afternoon.

“If I hadn’t been forced by my concubine, my husband might not have agreed.”

 Not only died from the explosion of poison in the body, but also may have been burned to death by the spiritual fire because they could not control the taiyin spiritual fire.

 Zhou Sui blinked and looked at Shen Biqian.

There is no doubt that the man in front of him must have a huge secret hidden in him and possess incredible opportunities.

“The sect leader actually wants to relocate the Xianxia Sect, or even evacuate Xianxia Island?!”

“If you marry a concubine, you will have the entire Danding Sect as a dowry.”

 “Ahem, that’s not the case.”

 But now, she finally found Zhou Sui.

"You're right. In the world of cultivating immortals, the most important thing is the backstage. Without a backstage, no one will respect you. I don't know how many casual cultivators have died tragically at the hands of other cultivators."

This is really ridiculous.

“The problem is that after the Danding Sect knows about this, there won’t be any trouble.”

 So when two people practice dual cultivation, yin and yang merge, and water and fire merge.

“It can’t be said that he got me. It should be that I got this man.”

“For the sake of safety, the sect leader decided to relocate the entire sect and leave Xianxia Island.”

“Of course, if you don’t want to leave, you can stay here.”

Shen Biqian said helplessly.

This also makes his body contain extremely rich pure Yang power, which is the most powerful and Yang energy.

“That’s it, invite many Jindan Daoist people from Xianxia Island to take action to strengthen the seal, or invite other Nascent Soul Sects to take action to eliminate this monster.”

“By the way, this relocation is not just for our Xianxia Sect.”

 “Is there such a thing?”

Even though she has been searching for decades, she has not found any clues.

  However, if the two golden elixir masters take action, obviously the security will be greatly improved.

 Someone asked.

Hearing this, many of the foundation-building elders looked very ugly.

“But my husband’s worries are not unreasonable. That mysterious demon is indeed very terrifying.”

 Because the relocation of the entire sect is not that simple.

 At present, the heads of the three major Jindan sects are all their Taoist companions.


“What should we do? Should we also follow the sect and leave?”

“The Xianxia Sect died because of it in the past.”

“Are you leaving Xianxia Island? If Sister Shen joins, or even the Danding Sect joins, then our migration will be smoother.”

 “I am the head of the Danding Sect.”

 “No one will be able to control it by then.”

“That’s right, I think this is a bit unfounded.”

Zhou Sui coughed and said in a deep voice.

Although the four Taoist monks were very surprised, they did not expect that their husband-in-law would marry Shen Biqian, the head of the Danding Sect.

“If everything goes well, maybe the three major Jindan sects, Xianxia Sect, Danding Sect and Qingmu Sect, will all move together.”

“That ruins cave sealed a Nascent Soul-level demon.”

When Zhou Sui heard this, his heart suddenly pounded. Although the death of these two supreme elders was a sad thing, it was not a bad thing for him.

Zhou Sui coughed, changed the subject, and started talking about serious matters.

“If we are ready, we will set off immediately and leave Xianxia Island.”

 He now feels an increasingly intense crisis, as if there is a great terror staring at him secretly.

“Mr. sir, you are indeed my destined son.”

“Now in the entire Danding sect, there is only one Jindan left, Concubine.”

 And the stronger the man is, the better it is. Thinking of this, her beautiful eyes became even more charming.

You know, there are countless Jindan monks who want to break through, but there is no way.

  She felt the condition of her body and felt extremely happy inside.

Thinking of this, her heart was filled with sweetness and she felt extremely happy.

"But whether you can keep it or not depends on your ability."

In fact, Shen Biqian gained the greatest benefit. Not only did he stabilize the Taiyin Spiritual Fire in his body, but he also made a breakthrough in his cultivation and became a monk in the late Jindan period.

Shen Biqian was immediately surprised.

 The interests involved are simply too great.

 It is certain that only some of the core disciples can be taken away, and the other disciples can only be abandoned.

 If this matter spreads, it will definitely shock the world.


“This is too exaggerated, isn’t it? Although this demon is terrifying in strength, is there no way to solve it?”

“Of course, the more important thing is that he is already four hundred and seventy years old. If he does not conceive a spiritual creature, he will almost certainly die.”

“If you want to stay, you can stay and continue to manage these Xianxia Sect’s mineral veins, spiritual veins and markets.”

To be honest, if you want to leave Xianxia Island, the biggest danger is the many monsters and sea beasts in the depths of the sea.

 Because this spiritual fire contained the power of pure yin, the power in her body gradually became unbalanced.

 Now it’s just a double cultivation, and this is the result.

 The reason why this situation occurs is because of the Taiyin Spiritual Fire.

It is conceivable that the charm of my husband-in-law is so great that even the golden elixir female cultivator cannot resist it?

"That's right, do you think the monks outside respect the Xianxia Sect? No, it's the Jindan Master behind the Xianxia Sect. If there is no support from the Jindan Master, you think you can keep these properties, don't dream."

Shen Biqian was immediately startled and looked at Zhou Sui in disbelief. After all, this was a power that even Jindan Master could not master. He did not expect that it would be mastered by a foundation-building monk.

But after thinking about the charm of their husband-in-law, they quickly accepted it.

Coupled with the vastness of the sea, there are countless sea beasts and monsters living in it.

 But now, as long as he marries these three golden elixir female cultivators, he will naturally be able to rule the three major sects and become the absolute overlord of this region. No one can compare with him.

Although she hates Lin Yazhu, an old woman, she will choose to cooperate with her when it comes to big issues.

 There were also many Xianxia Sect disciples who sneered.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of many foundation-building elders changed drastically.

"But the Supreme Elder Fang Fan didn't believe it. He thought it was nonsense."

  In any case, they have long been cut off from the secular world, and it doesn’t matter where the Xianxia Sect goes.

They know very well that the reason why they are able to prosper in the world of immortality is purely because of the big tree of Xianxia Sect.

 (End of this chapter)

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