Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 297: In the golden elixir melee, the old monk Kuchai was whipped to death by a tail? (1 upda


Deep in the lake bottom, water splashed everywhere, and a huge ichthyosaur with a body of two thousand feet appeared. Looking around, it showed two rows of ferocious teeth.

Obviously, this big guy has mastered this body perfectly.

And its smell...

The fourth level of Dzogchen. Xu Yuming frowned, and it was a bit difficult to deal with now.


Moreover, according to his perception, there were nine powerful beings with aura surrounding the fourth-order Dzogchen Fish-Dragon at this time, all of which were fourth-order and above.

Amitabha, since all the demon kings are here, why don't you show up to see them? The sweeping monk opposite suddenly flicked his sleeves, and the cassock he was wearing shook. He transformed into a thousand-foot-large body, and swept a puddle of water. All the water in the lake was swept up into the sky, and the hundreds of feet floating in the air turned into steam and vaporized, leaving only nine huge figures hidden in the shallow water, revealed in front of everyone.

It was a duckbill fish that was a thousand feet long. The cunning in its eyes showed its extraordinary intelligence, and its aura had reached the mid-fourth level.

Swimming next to it is a white sturgeon with a body length of more than 1,500 feet, and its aura is also at the late fourth level.

The disc sharp-toothed pomfret on the side is the size of an island, but it hides at the bottom of the lake, like a very thin piece of paper, and is not easily discovered by spiritual consciousness. It is almost the size of a house. It was only in the early stage of the fourth level, but because of its year-round thirst for blood, its blood-evil aura far surpassed that of the several fourth-level demon kings next to it.


Opening its mouth and inhaling, the water level of the lake dropped by dozens of feet. A large catfish with a length of three thousand feet was actually larger than a fourth-order Dzogchen ichthyosaur, but its own aura was only in the middle of the fourth-order. When it opened its mouth, it spat out. The big bald donkey on the Xiaoxizhou side suffered a disaster. The rolling waves on the lake lasted for dozens of seconds, blowing all the boats they brought to and fro. However, these great monks were also strange. They were wearing a pair of cloth shoes. , can actually walk smoothly on the lake, even a Qi Refining monk can do it.

With a flat body shape, a dog head and a black back, and a thousand-foot-long black-spotted pike, Xu Yuming had never seen such a big one. It was also the aura of the early stage of the fourth level. At this time, it was swimming with an 800-foot yellow-bone fish with many spines on its dorsal fin. Moving together, this guy is also in the early stage of the fourth level.

Of the last three fish monsters, Xu Yuming saw clearly that one of them was a snail green covered with rotten white spots like moss. It was nearly two thousand feet long, and its aura was well hidden. Judging from its size, it was probably the least It is also the middle stage of the fourth level.

There are also golden carp and thunder dragon fish with purple electric current intertwined all over their bodies. It is extremely rare to be named after dragon but still in the early stage of fourth level. However, Xu Yuming feels that they are both gifted with supernatural powers.

Carp relies on mutation, and Thunder Dragon has thunder skills.

Fellow Taoists, I, the four Buddhist Vajras, are willing to fight against the late fourth-order white sturgeon demon king, the mid-fourth-order duckbill fish demon and the giant catfish, and the corrupt snail green. Opposite the other side, Ruyi Vajra recited. With a Buddha's name, he was the first to choose his opponent.

Then I, Beihan Sect, will fight against that black-spotted pike monster.

I, the Demon Control Sect, will deal with that disc piranha.

Xu Yuming's eyes fell on the last three fish monsters, Xu has puppets, why not...

Then I'll ask Fellow Daoist Xu to help contain a fourth-order demon king, and leave the remaining yellow-bone fish demon to me. Dragon Soul Master took a step forward, and just as he was about to take action, he was thrown away by the fourth-order Dzogchen Fish Dragon at his feet. With a slap of its tail, it flew away and landed firmly on the island in the middle of the lake.

There was a bit of sullenness on his face, It seems that I can't leave. Fellow Daoist Xu, you should use all your strength to hold down these three beasts. When other fellow Taoists have solved their opponents, they will come to help you. This fourth-level fish dragon will be left to me. Alright.

After saying that, two majestic spiritual consciousnesses began to collide. At the fifth level, the spiritual consciousness turned into thoughts. With just one thought, a spiritual consciousness impact covering tens of thousands of miles in radius could be created. At this time, the lake water in all directions began to flow. After retreating, Xu Yuming waved his hand, and his fleet began to retreat to 50,000 miles away. This battlefield was about to spread to a radius of one or two hundred thousand miles.

Where did this Dragon Soul Master come from? Could it be that he has lived to the thousand-year limit of the golden elixir and can actually compete with fish and dragons who have reached the fifth level of spiritual consciousness. While Xu Yuming was shocked, the yellow-bone fish demon opposite had already launched an overwhelming barrage of firepower. The poisonous sting was heading towards him. Under the lake bottom, a golden figure also escaped into the water thousands of feet away, ready to jump up and kill Xu Yuming instantly.

Finally, the thunder dragon fish was about to kill the group of bald donkeys in the distance. Xu Yuming moved the fingertips of his left hand slightly, and a fourth-level fire dragon lizard jumped out directly from the mud and stopped it head-on. It penetrated deep into the bottom of the lake. The golden carp was also directly suppressed under the bottom of the lake by the fourth-level peak fire dragon lizard. After a few bites, it gained the absolute upper hand.

With one against three, my lord is in trouble. On the dragon boat, Chen Baishou couldn't help but worry.

It would be a big trouble if the Dragon Soul Master couldn't stop the fish and dragon. This guy is probably a hundred times more cunning and difficult to deal with than the big lizard in the sea of ​​magma and fire. Xu Tuhe's eyes were solemn, looking at the tide of beasts heading towards them, and waved his hand violently , Everyone takes action immediately to resist the impact of the beast tide. Don't fall into the water. You can fight and retreat.


Under the stream of spells attacking from all directions, Xu Yuming saw the yellow-bone fish that suddenly attacked him. With his fingertips just a little forward, the third-level void sword energy split its head open the moment it came out of the water. Bafang Shen Zhan appeared silently and nailed it to the lake.

In the mud, the golden carp was just about to get away when it was hit by the fifth-level finger-piercing demon pill. The hard fish head was not damaged even if it was hit by a mountain. At this time, a hole was directly pierced. Even the brain matter flew out.

The Thunder Dragon Fish not far away was frightened. It released purple electric current crazily and began to break away from the shackles of the fourth-order Fire Dragon Lizard. However, it was directly crushed to the ground by a ball of heavy water. However, it was delayed for a moment. Xu Yuming The four-edged gun in his hand had appeared in front of it, pinning its tail into the mud at the bottom of the lake.

At the moment when it couldn't dodge, Fang Tian's painted halberd had turned into a hundred feet and was thrown out. The unavoidable Thunder Dragon Fish Demon cut off its tail to survive, but when it swam out a hundred feet away, it discovered where the break in its tail was. , black poisonous blood is constantly emerging, and in the nearby waters contaminated by the poisonous blood, the corpses of a layer of fish monsters all turned over and surfaced.

Below level three, you will almost die if you touch it.

When Xu Yuming took action and casually killed two fourth-level demon kings, the two battlefields had already started fighting.

The black-spotted dog-headed fish monster roared and rushed forward like a hunting dog. Master Hanshan patted the coffin behind him in an orderly manner. At the moment when the coffin boards were smashed into pieces, a figure jumped out from inside and threw the heavy weight into the coffin. A million pounds of black-spotted pike was pushed directly into the lake water, causing countless splashes. At the bottom of the lake, you could only see the shock waves and silt created by the battles, as well as the demon blood that kept emerging.

Xu Yuming carefully observed with his spiritual sense that Beihan Sect's trump card turned out to be an unconscious ice and snow figure that looked like a living dead.

It should be a golden elixir senior from the Northern Han Sect. He used a special secret method to survive in this world. It is like an inherited spiritual weapon. Only the descendants of the refiner are qualified to use it with blood. They should also use a special secret method. method to awaken it.”


Xu Yuming listened to the roars of beasts and immediately looked towards where the real Yaoshou was. He saw that this guy was entangled with the shadow of a thousand-foot snow demon. With the help of the snow demon's soul, he pressed the disc piranha. He beat the opponent violently in the lake, and the opponent escaped very quickly, but every time he punched down, a large area of ​​the lake instantly froze. If he was given time, he would be able to destroy the island in the middle of the lake with a radius of 100,000 yuan by himself. It solidified into a glacial lake area.

This Demon Control Sect's method is a bit like inviting a god to take over.

Dang Dang Dang...

In the distance, the late fourth-level White Sturgeon Demon King was being dragged to the bottom of the water by the powerful Buddhist power of the Immortal Golden Body, which was used by the sweeping monk. The Buddhist power could strengthen his physical body and easily form a phantom of the Dharma. So they dared to fight with these fourth-order demon kings at the bottom of the lake.

The duck-billed fish demon and the big catfish in the middle stage of the fourth level are fighting with the Divine Mind King Kong and the Ruyi King Kong. The two sides are getting bigger and farther away, and they are thousands of miles away from the battlefield on the lake. Xu Yuming's spiritual consciousness can only sense the aftermath there. .

On the contrary, the last piece of rotten snail green was hit with more than a hundred golden elixir palm prints by the old monk Ku Chai at this time, so that the fish bones were broken and the flesh was shattered. But what was revealed was not the broken flesh dripping with animal blood, but a piece of flesh. It has a fish demon body that has been completely decomposed for a long time.

At the moment when the old monk Kuchai frowned, a long snake with ring-shaped stripes jumped up from the body of the fish demon, but it hit his body in an instant.


The Guangwen Bell, the golden and golden treasure of Guangwen Temple, firmly blocked the blow, but the silver-ringed snake king in front of him was not a good person. When he opened his mouth, the four-petal fangs directly bit the Guangwen Bell's treasure. , and then sprayed a mouthful of poisonous blood on it.


The old monk Kuchai looked ugly. He immediately threw the Guangwen Bell and smashed it away. Then he carefully took out a cassock and took the Guangwen Bell away.

What an evil beast! He dared to contaminate a poor monk's spiritual treasure with snake blood.


When he raised his hand, a sky-covering Buddha's hand had condensed on the nine heavens, covering thousands of miles in radius. Under the golden Buddha's light, the silver-ringed snake king, whose body was no more than a hundred feet long, seemed to have no way to escape.


When Xu Yuming was surprised by the power of this magical move, the cassock on the old monk Kuchai was suddenly corroded. He screamed, and he had been plotted by the snake venom.

not good!

Xu Yuming moved his fingertips and mobilized the fourth-level peak Earth Fire Dragon Lizard puppet to go to the rescue. It was already too late.

While half of the old monk Kuchai's body was directly rotten by the snake's venom, he flashed and was pulled to the bottom of the lake by the space magic weapon. Before he had time to react, his body was smashed to pieces by the tail of the fourth-level Dzogchen ichthyosaur.

The majestic Buddhist King Vajra of the sixth level of the Golden Core died on the spot!

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