Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 288: King Kong Ruyi in the West, thank you for your kindness to Master Xu (1 more, please or


Just when Xu Yuming wanted to enter, there was endless Buddha light shining in the west, and it seemed that there was a great Buddhist power stepping on Qixia. He raised his eyes and looked into the distance, and soon found that thousands of miles away, there was a figure with a big belly and a plump figure in heaven, stepping on the Buddha light. , from far to near, the other party seems to have practiced the magic foot power. He is thousands of miles away, but he falls in front of him in just one or two steps.

May I ask if you are Master Xu of Dongzhou? I wish you all the best in the Zen Temple. I would like to thank you for rescuing the remains of Senior Brother Kurong from the underground world. I am here today just to express my gratitude.

It turns out to be Master Ruyi, whom I have admired for a long time. Xu Yuming sensed this guy's aura. He was probably around the second level of the Golden Core. He should be better than Xun Tianci who had just broken through. The Buddhist Vajra must be protected by the Vajra Buddha.


Not far away, Master Gui Qi and Master Yan Zhen also led a group of Zifu monks out to greet them. As for the others, they had already gone to Dan Holy City to participate in the treasure fighting conference.

The poor monk heard that Fellow Taoist Xu wanted my Buddhist enlightenment incense. The poor monk brought ten of them today, just to reward fellow Taoist for returning the remains after traveling a hundred thousand miles.

In addition, I have a Buddhist treasure Ruyi here. It is a top-quality spiritual weapon of merit. It can protect Taoist friends' souls from worries, and can ward off evil spirits and eliminate demons. It also makes Taoist friends escort the Kurong Zen Sutra back to the temple.

Finally, the poor monk heard that fellow Taoist Brother Kurong still had 100 Kunrong Buddha Beads, his natal spiritual weapon. If the Taoist friend was willing to return the flowers, the poor monk was willing to take the golden elixir magical power of Jing Nian Monastery, The Other Shore Sword Technique One-Style Sword Qi Yangtze River As a reward.

After Xu Yuming thought about it, he raised his hand and threw out the beads, This thing should have been returned to its original owner. The monks in the Zen Temple you meditated on that day walked very fast, so Xu didn't take it out in time. Don't blame me.

How dare you? Master Xu is not greedy for a Buddhist golden elixir technique, how can he be stingy with a string of Buddhist beads?

After saying that, Ruyi King Kong raised one hand in front of him and saluted to a group of monks not far away.

I've seen Master Gui Qi and Master Yan Zhen.

Master Ruyi, what are you doing here in Nanhuzhou? If it's just to thank fellow Taoist Xu, there's no need for you to go there in person. Master Guiqi was not polite, and with his methods, he also surpassed the fake elixir. , comparable to the Golden Core cultivator, and it was obviously not the first time he met Ruyi King Kong.

Amitabha, I am here to inform you of the Seven Buddhist Sects. We have gathered 300,000 Buddhist soldiers to fight in the temple, ready to wipe out the lake demon in one fell swoop and restore purity and peace to this world.

Oh? Gui Qi and Yan Zhen looked at each other, and the latter raised his eyebrows slightly, I dare to ask Ruyi Vajra, the powerful man hidden in the Buddhist sect, how many Vajras have taken action, and can the Great Vajra overwhelm the formation? If there are only 300,000 Buddhas. Soldier, I'm afraid you won't even be able to reach the island in the middle of the lake.

In the battle on the lake, advancing layer by layer is just a small trick. It is best to gather Jindan Daoist to encircle and suppress the fifth-order fish dragon Cannian, and let the monks form a formation to pull the net and encircle the island in the middle of the lake. Ruyi King Kong faced He did not dodge the other party's accountability, In addition to the poor monk representing Jing Nian Chanyuan and the lower four sects, Guangwen Temple of the upper three sects will send Kuchai King Kong, and Yuxin Temple will send Shen Nian King Kong and King Kong. The Zen Temple will send three senior sweeping monks, a total of four people, plus seven fake elixir kings, a hundred purple mansion leaders, and thousands of foundation-building disciples to fight together.

Four golden elixir kings and seven fake elixirs. Such a lineup is worthy of Xiaoxizhou Buddhism. It really puts the monks of Sanzhou Daomen like me to shame. At this point, Master Yanzhen responded with a smile, Then I will go south. Huzhou will also dispatch three of us, the fake elixir, one of our senior Jindan seniors behind us, seventy cultivators from the Purple Mansion, thousands of foundation-building disciples, eight thousand building ships and flying boats, and sixty Qi-refining cultivators. Wan, go north to slay the demon!

Amitabha. Ruyi King Kong, who recited the Buddha's name, looked back at Xu Yuming, May I ask Master Xu what will happen here in Dongzhou?

Our Dongzhou is the weakest among the four states. I have issued a recruitment order for this matter. At least two to three hundred thousand monks must be gathered to participate in the war. The Zifu monks, except those who are in danger of life, will also take action. I will You will personally lead the army to encircle and suppress the lake demon.

Okay, as long as Master Xu is willing to show up in person, we will have nothing to worry about. Master Guiqi agreed. If it weren't for the Great Teleportation Talisman that Xu Yuming sold to him, he and Tiandan would have ended up under this sea of ​​magma and fire. .

Amitabha, the poor monk will leave for Beihan Prefecture immediately. It is expected to go to war in January when the weather is freezing. There are still several months before the war starts. Please prepare immediately. As soon as the lake freezes, you will go north immediately.

Wishful Vajra walks slowly.

Seeing the silhouette of the Buddha's light disappearing, Xu Yuming, who was not far away, had collected the good things he had obtained and stepped closer, Fellow Taoist Ghost Weapon, can I complete the refining of my two top-quality flying swords?

It's natural. Ghost Master nodded. During this period, he quickly helped Xu Yuming refine the best flying sword, just to get the third-level ore in Xu Yuming's hands. At this time, Xu Yuming threw more than thirty pieces, which was enough to make him overjoyed. .

What was thrown from the opposite side was the She She Sword and the Purple Thunder Sword. At this time, the number of weapon patterns intertwined on their bodies had reached eighty-one, and they had entered the category of top-grade spiritual weapons.

After re-refining, I spent a lot of money, these materials can be considered as compensation.

As he said this, the ghost weapon old man looked at Xu Yuming with burning eyes.

Xu Yuming also took the bait and threw out four high-quality flying swords, including the Snake Sword, Pine Wind Sword, Dengfeng Sword, and Ink Sword. My fellow Taoist ghost weapons, why don't you take them and practice them together? As for the reward, I'll do it again. Add one hundred pieces of third-level materials.

Deal! Master Gui Qi was overjoyed. The more materials for refining the weapon, the faster his King Kong Zhuo would recover. He didn't want to stand behind and sit on the bench while fighting the demon.

Where's Fellow Daoist Tiandan?

This is the Dionysus Pill, which can quickly restore the true energy in the body. About twenty breaths can restore the true energy of the Zifu Dzogchen monk. Fellow Tiandan Taoist said that there are twenty pills in total, and I agreed to share half with you. I’ll give you ten pills.” Master Gui Qi handed over a wine gourd and secretly transmitted: “Two furnaces of Zixu Pills, six pills, including two low-grade Zixu Pills, three middle-grade Zixu Pills, and high-grade Zixu Pills. One elixir, one Ziyang elixir, and three Cheng elixirs, all of which are of middle grade, and they were thrown into the wine gourd for you.

Thank you.

Xu Yuming cupped his fist slightly towards him and reached out to take over Han Lingtong who was not far away. This reincarnation of the Nascent Soul should be taken with him at all times.

After saying that, Xu Yuming was about to say goodbye, Thanks to the hospitality of all fellow Taoists in South Huzhou, you will come to our Dongzhou one day and let Xu fulfill his friendship as a landlord. Now that the war between the human race and the lake demon is about to begin, Xu is a Dongzhou The lord of the state has a heavy responsibility, so I will take my leave today.

Master Xu. As soon as he finished speaking, Grandma Cangshan squeezed through the crowd and came closer, May I ask Master Xu if you can meet my Lishan ancestor?

Xu Yuming suddenly showed a somewhat regretful expression, It turns out to be Cangshan Sanren. I'm sorry. That day in the sea of ​​magma and fire, the fourth-level lizard king exploded his body. The three of us were too busy to take care of ourselves. It was enough to save even a small life. Fortunately, I really don’t know the whereabouts of fellow Taoist Lishan. At this time, there is not even a third-level fire dragon lizard under the magma fire sea. It is better for fellow Taoist to go down and search for it by himself, and maybe he can gain something.

After saying that, he stepped on Jin Hong and fled thousands of miles away. I didn't kill the ancestor of Lishan. It's really ridiculous that Grandma Cangshan wants to come to me to ask for someone.


After being promoted, the Ark of the Earth flew extremely fast and was thousands of miles away in the blink of an eye. Even if monks like Grandma Cangshan and other Zifu monks wanted to catch up, they could not reach it.

Master, are we going back to Dongzhou now? Han Lingtong stood beside him. His aura had stabilized at the fourth level of Qi Refining. It seemed that he had not been slacking off recently.

Not bad. Xu Yuming glanced back at him, feeling in his heart that the breakthrough in the cultivation of the beasts' spiritual bodies was as simple as eating and drinking.

How far has the Medicinal Jade King Snake reached to? Xu Yuming was eager to take the exam and wanted to see his method of cultivating spiritual beasts. As for the Medicinal Jade King Snake, although it was of some use to Xu Yuming, he There were no other king beasts around, so he simply left it to Han Lingtong to train.

According to the scriptures given by Master, it should be in the late first level. It has eaten a lot of lizard meat in the Refining Valley these days, and it seems to have given birth to a ray of original fire. On weekdays, when I want to eat barbecue, I always It helped me catch the rabbit and roasted it with the original fire for me to eat.

Not bad. He has such good teeth at such a young age, and you have trained this Jade King Snake extremely well. Xu Yuming looked at the one-foot-long Jade King Snake hidden in his sleeve and nodded with satisfaction. nod.

After you return to Dongzhou, you will stay in Dongzhou City. When you lead the army to go out for the division and destroy the lake demon, you will come back and I will guide you in your practice.



As he spoke, he had already left Huoshan County, and Xu Yuming received another message.

[Yu Ming, we have currently contacted the four major forces in South Huzhou. Except for the Rogue Cultivator Alliance and the Lishan Sect, only the Danyang Sect, Barbarian Beast Valley, Baihua Sect, and Wuhu Gang dare to take over the 140 Duobao we have. Currently, 100 of the pavilion stores have been sold, and 18 million top-quality spiritual stones have been harvested. The remaining 40 stores are going to be transferred to the casual cultivator alliance. They will give three opportunities to the Purple Mansion. I have agreed. 】

[In addition, I have transferred more than 30 monks from each family to the peak of Foundation Establishment for training. I am preparing to raise their energy and spirit to the best state within two months and try to promote them to the Purple Mansion. 】

Xu Yuming nodded with satisfaction. Xu Tuhe, who had received the longevity supplement, was really conscientious in his duties. He was not in Dongzhou, but he, the great steward of Dongzhou, was doing well.

[I have obtained the opportunity from Zifu and will return to Dongzhou City in two days. 】

After sending the message, Xu Yuming sent another message to Feihe Sanren, [Feihe, immediately notify the hidden forces in Dongzhou, and the major foundation-building families immediately go to Dongzhou City to participate in the meeting. The battle between the human race and the lake monster has been decided. If the future of this world does not come, Dongzhou will be removed from the list. 】

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