Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 268 New talent, [Rule Collector] (2 updates please follow up)

The ghost market is actually eighteen steps from top to bottom. They have been washed by rain for many years. The steps are flat and lubricated. All the way down, there are some monks sitting cross-legged on both sides.

There were stalls in front of them. There were empty pill bottles on them, and there were also notes introducing the goods. There were not many valuable goods. This was a ghost market. Although there were stewards appointed from the Holy City of Pills in name, they actually killed people to seize the goods. Escape from the road can also be seen everywhere.

The location of the demon sword monk is at the front street entrance under the steps. He is holding a sword wrapped in black cloth with an indifferent expression.

Master Demon Sword, this is Senior Shuiming. He wants to trade the Awakening Soul Incense in your hand. Zhou Tian stepped forward and spoke with a smile, but was met with a cold look.

One million top-quality spiritual stones, this fragrance belongs to you, no matter the price. The demon sword monk reluctantly raised his eyes and looked at Xu Yuming. With his cultivation in the middle stage of Zifu, he could not see through Xu Yuming's specific realm. He couldn't help but his pupils slightly turned. shrink.

Of course, his glance was also to judge whether Xu Yuming could afford this stick of incense.

Seven hundred thousand top-quality spiritual stones, how about I take this stick of incense? Xu Yuming thought for a moment and then spoke.

The demon sword monk closed his eyes and ignored Xu Yuming at all.

If you have the method to make this incense and are willing to rely on me, I will give you this price for every incense you make. How about it?

Xu Yuming's secret voice suddenly appeared in the ears of the demon sword monk. He suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Xu Yuming, Is this true?

He has been staying here for many years, how could he only have one stick of incense in his hand and never sell it? It is just a cover for him to cover his eyes. The reason why he escaped from Xiao Nian Zhai is considered a rebellion, that is, for money. He needs a large amount of top-quality spiritual stones, and he does not want to run out of life and die, and his method of cultivating the demon sword is not recognized by Zhai Nei, so he is very distressed.

Then he was dragged into the depths of his soul sea by Xu Yuming using the soul pill. Under his weak spiritual observation, a ten-thousand-mile mysterious python entrenched between heaven and earth was spitting out a message to him.

Fake elixir?

Or golden elixir?

The Demon Sword Monk's expression changed drastically. After he came to his senses, he couldn't help but ask: Senior, I dare you to ask...

Xu Yuming from Dongzhou, if you are willing to join me, you must hand over a wisp of your remnant soul. The conditions I just offered remain unchanged. For every incense of awakening and enlightenment you bring, I am willing to give you 700,000 yuan. How about the best spiritual stone as a reward?

It's a deal, but I can't give the remnant soul to you. You can pay after receiving the goods every time. Demon Sword Monk said, stood up and took out a brocade box. After Xu Yuming checked that it was correct, the two of them carried out storage bags. exchange.

After seeing the spirit stone, his expression improved, I will bring you more Awakening and Enlightenment Incense as soon as possible.

After saying that, Demon Sword Monk raised his head and looked into the depths of Fang City, Chief Steward, please forgive me for saying goodbye. Demon Sword has been taken in, and I am very grateful. I will continue to fight for the spirit stones from now on.

He left a sound-transmission stone to Xu Yuming, which was in the storage bag. He took the sword and walked out of the ghost market quickly and disappeared without a trace.

Senior...Senior. Zhou Tian next to him was frightened. This was the demon sword monk in charge of Qian Street. It was rumored that he was a loose member of the Zi Mansion. He was actually convinced by this person in front of him and persuaded him to leave the ghost market. This senior should not be a big shot.

You don't have to be so panicked. There are 300,000 top-quality spiritual stones here. You can use them to buy third-level talisman-making materials for me.

Yes. Zhou Tian respectfully reached out and took it. Under Xu Yuming's gaze, he began to walk towards the stalls in the distance, chatting with people familiarly, and then exchanged spiritual stones from their hands for making talismans. Material.

[Third-level beast bones and third-level spiritual springs can be taken together. If there are late third-level ones or above, take them all. If you don’t have enough spiritual stones, come back and get them. 】

When Zhou Tian was busy, his ears were still full of Xu Yuming's voice transmission, and he worked even harder, because if he worked for such a big shot, if he worked hard, he might be able to get some spiritual stones as a reward. For a big shot, It was just charity in a good mood, and for him, it was enough to live a good life in this ghost market for a while.

Xu Yuming also found a street corner and sat down cross-legged. When he checked the talent entry, he found that there were some changes in it.


Before he could speak, the first message he received was from Qing Shuang.

[Master, my family has arrived in Dongzhou City under the escort of the Bai San people. Thank you for your trouble, Master, Liu Mei has become a disciple of Tuhe Sanren and will serve the Xu clan from now on. 】

【Very good. 】

Xu Yuming rarely responded to the message, so he put down the sound transmission stone and carefully looked at the extra new entry [Rule Collector] in front of him, and it also showed 2 charges.

What is a rule collector?

Xu Yuming subconsciously used it once, and saw the gray light flowing in front of his eyes, and there was an extra space power in his mind. In addition to the original ability to move space, he seemed to have vaguely mastered the space vibration that shattered the void with his fist. This was another kind of power. The power of space.

Xu Yuming had seen Jindan Daoist take action, especially Gu Yuelan who was in the middle stage of Jindan. He could strike with all his strength and use his magical power to create space shocks.


After using the second one together, Xu Yuming found that the spatial vibration he had mastered seemed to be able to attach?

Perhaps, attached to the sword moves, the power can become stronger.

Xu Yuming suddenly appeared outside the ghost market in the wilderness. He still followed the old rules and dug a hole hundreds of feet into the ground, then opened up ten cubic meters of space and lit the awakening incense.

[Flash of inspiration]: 1 time

Xu Yuming began to have an epiphany about the sword moves, and the third sword intention in his body began to be aroused, and the Baiyun Sword also appeared in his palm.

As time passed, most of the day had passed in the ghost market.

Zhou Tian, ​​who looked tired, was overjoyed with the 165 third-level talisman-making materials in his hand. He bought twenty-five third-level animal bones, a third-level Yang Shenquan, and a third-level talisman. Tieyin Shenquan, and finally used the remaining top-quality spiritual stones to buy the location of a third-level corpse raising ground. It was the location of an ancient tomb that was thousands of years old. There used to be many tomb robbers who did not believe in evil and went to hunt for treasures, but they all died there. Inside, now when passing by at night, you can see the scene of corpses worshiping. Those buried inside must be princes and generals.

He searched around the streets of the ghost market and found no trace of Xu Yuming, so he quickly picked up the transmission talisman.

[Senior, I have spent all the top-quality spiritual stones you gave me to buy a batch of goods. I...]


The next breath, his figure had been taken away.

Because the front street where he was located had not yet had time to appoint the chief of the Zi Mansion to guard the place, a cultivator at the peak of the Zi Mansion sitting cross-legged in the depths just frowned and watched Zhou Tian being kidnapped.

This is a ghost market. It's the most dangerous place in South Huzhou. There are Qi Refining monks who dare to show off so many top-quality spiritual stones through the market and make purchases on a large scale. It's really novel. Wearing a pill robe, he shook his head and smiled bitterly. He didn't feel like it at all. Be aware of the consequences of this matter.


A top-quality earth escape talisman lasted for more than a hundred breaths before dissipating. The kidnapped Zhou Tian also appeared in the wilderness thousands of miles away from the ghost city.

Senior, please stop. Seeing the bearded man next to him with a scar on his face, looking for the treasure he had just bought with a greedy grin, Zhou Tian couldn't help shouting even though he was frightened.

Why are you talking so much? The bearded man raised his hand and was about to kill him, but saw Zhou Tian kneeling on the ground towards him. He couldn't help but feel funny, At this time, you are thinking about kneeling down and begging for mercy. Isn't it right? Is it too late? Do you think grandpa will care about a lowly Qi-refining casual cultivator like you? Killing you is as easy as killing a chicken.

I was asked to buy this item by a big shot. He should be around here. He was delayed by the incident. I'm afraid I'll be targeted if I snatch these goods. I ask you to spare me immediately. I promise you won't. He will reveal half a word, and the senior can also take the opportunity to escape a hundred thousand miles away, otherwise once he is targeted, he may not be able to escape.


Zhou Tian's head was cut off by the other party's hand knife. He popped out a small flame from his fingertips, quickly burned the body clean, and then walked away, even the storage box left behind. The monks who survive in the ghost market take risks for the sake of wealth. They would rather turn into dirty bed bugs and squat in the damp, dark and dark underground street corners. How can they be afraid of the possible revenge.

He snorted coldly, directly took up a flying sword, a low-grade spiritual weapon, and quickly cut through the sky and walked away.

Just after flying more than a thousand miles away, he saw the sea of ​​clouds in the distance, which seemed to be split into two by some terrifying flying sword. The moment he passed by, he felt that the flying sword under his feet was shattered inch by inch. His face was horrified. , even the head and body were shaking, turning into a mass of blood mist and scattering.

In the end, the good thing he had just grabbed fell from the air before he could warm it up, and was firmly grasped by a big hand stretching out from the ground.

Xu Yuming's figure appeared here with a sad face.

I thought that since the ghost market was guarded by the Zifu monks in charge, it must be safe, but I didn't expect it to hurt you. On Xu Yuming's palm, there was a thousand-year-old seven-leaf flower. A weak soul is occupying it.

Do you want to go to the place of reincarnation, or do you want to become a ghost cultivator? Xu Yuming asked Zhou Tian, ​​who at this time was nourished by the seven-leaf and one-branch flower, and his soul power did not retreat but advanced, entering the Great Perfection of Qi Refining.

Zhou Tian shook his frail body and knelt down towards Xu Yuming, Thank you, senior, for protecting my remaining soul. If I had died in the wilderness just now, I'm afraid my soul would be gone. I invite you to enter the six paths of reincarnation.


Xu Yuming casually waved the seven-leaf flower in his hand. After falling into the ground, it gradually merged into the earth. The ghostly energy on the seven-leaf flower would guide Zhou Tian's soul to the afterlife.

I didn't expect that there are not many monks in this world who are willing to turn into ghost cultivators. Who wants to be a ghost and be hunted by righteous monks and enslaved by monsters when they can be reincarnated as humans?


At this moment, a small beast shadow mark on his right arm was burning hot, seemingly due to the pull of the netherworld's energy.

If Xu Yuming remembered the flower correctly, it should be the reincarnation brand of the Five Beasts Patriarch.

Could it be that his reincarnation is nearby?

Thanks to fellow Taoist 248740228 for tipping 2 starting coins

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