Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 256 The golden elixir breaks the sword, and great progress is made in enlightening the Tao a


Xu Yuming was sitting cross-legged on the top of Dongzhou City and on the roof of the garrison. Millions of living beings in the city were now under the command of the monks, helping to collect the corpses in the city and take them out of the city to gather them. Burning, helping repair damaged houses, repairing broken city walls and streets. After the war, they were still a little uneasy at first, but after seeing Zhenren Xu sitting cross-legged on the rooftop in the distance, they felt at ease.

With this amazing and powerful man sitting in Dongzhou City, who in the entire Xuanjing Lake world would dare to make a mistake?

After killing three major casual cultivators in one battle, his sonic magical power, thunder method and the last rainbow sword skill will definitely be spread all over the Xuanjing Lake after today.

At this time, Xu Yuming was still taking the opportunity to comprehend the sword strike just now.

He was a bit mysterious and intangible, and even wrapped himself in the Qixi Rainbow Fire, using the seven rainbow lights burning inside to comprehend the sword move.

The people who were cleaning up the city at night saw it and thought that Xu Yuming was releasing spiritual fire for them to illuminate. This undoubtedly greatly improved Xu Yuming's prestige in Dongzhou City.

At this time, Xu Yuming, who was sitting cross-legged on the roof, had returned to the underground secret room of the guard house under the cover of fire.

There is a water vein here brought from Xuanjing Lake, which is comparable to the fourth-order high-grade spiritual vein. The abundant spiritual energy allowed him to quickly restore all the true energy in his body.

Xu Yuming took the opportunity to light a stick of enlightenment incense and began to enter the state of enlightenment.

[Flash of inspiration]: 1 time

Xu Yuming saw the recharging in a trance, and his eyes suddenly lit up. It turned out that in addition to dual cultivation, heavenly materials and earthly treasures with the same effect could also complete the recharging of the talent entries. This time, he seemed to have opened up the two channels of Ren and Du.

Without any explanation, he immediately began to recall the previous sword strike.

I don’t know how long it took, but the ashes of the incense next to it had burned to ashes. Xu Yuming still didn’t open his eyes, but a sword mark suddenly appeared on the stone wall in front of him. At the same time, above the huge Dongzhou City, originally illuminated by the sun, golden The dazzling morning glow spread all over the sky, and was directly pulled out of a large hole, separating the sea of ​​white mist clouds from the dazzling morning glow. The sword swung nine thousand miles away, and the dispersed rainbow light reflected Xu Yuming's state of mind at this time.

Counting the time, it's almost the Chinese Valentine's Day. Otherwise, let's call it [Chinese Valentine's Day Sword Rainbow].

Xu Yuming opened his eyes and replaced the second incense with [a flash of inspiration].

He thought for a moment and decided to comprehend the Purple Bamboo Qi Nourishing Method which was just a step away. As he gradually swallowed the spiritual bamboos, he almost turned into an iron-eating beast. After all, he had reached the stage of Dacheng in cultivation and was close to perfection. The realm is only a thin line away.

At this moment of breakthrough, that wisp of Purple Bamboo Pill Qi came into being in an instant.

The spiritual mist of true energy in his body also completely dissipated, making way for this wisp of purple elixir energy.

Xu Yuming knew that if he continued to accumulate and refine this elixir energy, when it had reached a hundred levels, before the elixir energy was exhausted, he would be as invincible as a real Jindan Daoist.

It seems that I have to find a way to contact Master Hanshan. If he still has the Awakening and Enlightenment Incense in his hand, I have to take them all. If he doesn't want to, there is no chance that he will have a fight with Beihan Sect in the future.

[The flash of inspiration] was crucial for Xu Yuming to master the technique. Next, he wanted to take Nine Rings of the Sky one step further.

Thinking of this, Xu Yuming opened the two storage bags he had just received. Unfortunately, Huangfu Zhu's storage ring, which was originally the most precious, was destroyed by lightning. The natural power of heaven and earth was also He couldn't bear it, let alone a mere space storage ring. The damaged fourth-level array plate alone made Xu Yuming feel uncomfortable for a while. Fortunately, he also picked up a top-quality spiritual weapon.

Zhao Bangcheng and Qiao Tianyu's storage bags allowed Xu Yuming to find more than 2.3 million top-quality spiritual stones. Counting the family assets of the Zifu Sanren who were killed today, Xu Yuming had another 12 million top-quality spiritual stones. A spiritual stone.

And that’s not counting the proceeds from the house raids.

There are about twenty-one middle and low-grade spiritual weapons. Xu Yuming plans to reward those who have made meritorious service in this battle, those Zifu scattered people who stood in line and did not betray, and those foundation-building monks who have made meritorious service in the battle.

Golden elixir technique Frost Sword Codex, how can there be so many ice spirit roots and snow spirit roots in this world. The Frost Sword Sect can only produce a few sword spirit roots in each generation, but now they are all wiped out. Eh... found them. A dozen kendo stones.”

Xu Yuming flipped his hands and found a dozen palm-sized kendo stones from the corner of the storage ring. Judging from the grade, they should be high-grade, but now the increase for him is not big.

I can keep it for Yu Ling. Xu Yuming also missed the eldest daughter with baby fat. Her aptitude was extremely good. If she had these kendo stones, she would be able to realize her sword intention very soon. Even cultivate it to the second step of peak.

After he picked up the frost-broken sword, he frowned subconsciously. However, the two-foot-five-foot-long broken sword was still filled with eighty-three weapon patterns. Logically speaking, its grade was still above the top-grade spiritual weapons. This object was probably originally a golden elixir flying sword.

I never thought that the Frost Sword Sect's ancestors also produced Jindan Zhenren. Xu Yuming sighed. Not long after holding the hilt of the sword, he felt the spirit of the flying sword. Under his surprised eyes, his right arm had already moved quickly. Wrapped in a layer of frost, after he persisted for dozens of breaths, his arm was completely frozen inside.


Xu Yuming relied on his true energy to shatter the ice, swung the broken sword a few times, and put it away. If his sword moves were performed with this object, the power would be much stronger, and the broken sword could barely be used.

I don’t know if the Five Beasts Sect has a fourth-level weapon refining master who can help him repair this treasure.

Finally, Xu Yuming also discovered a golden elixir secret technique Ice Vein Freezing Technique at the bottom of the storage ring. This is a meridian orifice on the body, or a broken limb is injured somewhere, and the injury can be instantly frozen with ice energy. Temporarily suppressing the injury is a magical skill for fighting and escaping. If you practice it to a perfect state, combined with the Zhugong Beast Inner Pill in your hand, you may be able to perfectly blend into the ice and snow in a cold and freezing place. Even if it is You can’t even think of discovering Jin Dan Zhenren.

Zhao Bangcheng... is so bold and dares to disobey me because he wants to monopolize this mine. Xu Yuming took out a jade slip and crushed it with his bare hands. A map was presented in front of him. The location was obviously in Sanchuan County. , located near the Lijia Town under the rule of the Lijia in Sanchuan County, is a fourth-level dense tungsten mine. This item can refine perfectly fitting armor. It can be said to be a necessity for the fish scale cavalry to transform and become stronger. Looking at the markings on this map, I am afraid that There are at least tens of millions of kilograms of mineral deposits inside.

The armor of a Qi Refining Monk usually weighs more than a hundred kilograms. If it is refined with dense tungsten, even the weakest armor may be a spiritual weapon and needs to be carried by a Foundation Establishment Monk.

Xu Yuming thought for a while and felt that he needed to take it into his hands.

He picked up a sound transmission stone.

[Zhu Tianshui immediately led a thousand Qi refiners from the Dongzhou Patrol Battalion to Lijia Town, Sanchuan County, surrounded the place, excavated a mine, and prepared for mining. 】

Later, Xu Yuming saw the fake elixir skills of the three major families in Sanchuan County.

The Zhao family's fake elixir technique Landscape Treasure Record, as well as two handed down treasures Landscape Invisible and Coiling Dragon and One Qi Stick.

The Li family's fake elixir technique Spiritual Cultivation Scripture, as well as a handed down treasure technique True Spirit Sublimation, and a secret technique of soul torture in the Zifu realm.

As for the rest of the Qian family, Xu Yuming also saw their handed down skills, the Shan Hai Wandering Dragon Sutra, and the three top-grade treasures of the Purple Mansion, namely the fist, palm and body skills. He just took a look at it and shook his head and stopped paying attention.

This secret technique of soul torture can be mastered.

Is True Spirit Ascension to temporarily increase one's soul power to a small level? I'm afraid I can't do it with this soul elixir, but if I use the golden elixir magical power after practicing, I'm afraid that the golden elixir master can't even take a blow from me. The soul is in turmoil.”

On the contrary, this invisible landscape can be given to Ancestor Tuhe for cultivation, and Panlong Yiqi stick can be given to Xu Shanwu.

These three fake elixir techniques and these handed down treasures can all be charged into my Dongzhou treasury.

For five consecutive days, in addition to practicing with Qingshuang, Xu Yuming also polished his other attack and killing methods, especially the three-formation Jiuyao Sword Formation. He was improving every day. Xu Yuming had a vague feeling that he was far away from creating his own. The sword formation was just one step away.

[Report to the Master, our fish scale cavalry has conquered Sanchuan County. Currently, Wei Long, the commander of the left army, is left to garrison in Sanchuan County. Wei Jiao, the commander of the right army, goes north to recover Beidi County and serves as the vanguard. I have already counted the seizures here. The total amount of spiritual stones and cultivation resources alone is more than three million top-grade spiritual stones. 】

It’s really poor. It’s only so much to integrate the power of the three major Zifu families in Sanchuan County. Do the monks in this world like to take the lead in converting their cultivation resources into their own combat power?

[Your Majesty, I have led the Fish Scale Cavalry to recapture Yuyang County. Currently, I have surrendered more than 4,000 disciples of the Frost Sword Sect, accepted 17 foundation-building monks, and captured the elders of the Zi Mansion, Yang Jiujian and Cheng Jianfu. They have been escorted back. We They are chasing the Immortal Ling family and regaining Yanbei County and Julu County. 】

Xu Yuming nodded slightly. He felt more at ease when Wei Xian and Chen Tairan were doing things.


Feeling the second elixir energy refined in his body, Xu Yuming couldn't help but smiled bitterly and shook his head, It took five days to refine the second strand, and I don't know when the third strand will have to wait.


The sound transmission stone suddenly flew up, and this time it was a strange one. Xu Yuming thought about it, and it seemed to be the one related to the ghost master.

Sure enough, as soon as Xu Yuming approached with his spiritual sense, he heard the hearty laughter inside.

[Brother Xu, the top-grade spiritual weapon Flying Sword refined for you has been released. You can come to South Huzhou to pick it up on your own. I have sold so much of the Thousand-Year Monkey Wine to Old Man Tiandan. If you can’t make me happy this time, You can’t take this sword with you...]

It seems that we have to go to Nanhuzhou for a trip. Xu Yuming restrained the storage ring on his leg and put the storage rings of the two fake elixirs together with those of the Wei family and his son. On his right hand, he already had five Large space storage is enough, and the last one is also a middle-grade spiritual weapon.

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