Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 254 Please enter the urn and use thunder in front of me? (3 more updates, please order in fu

Xu Yuming refined the Zhugong Beast inner elixir and the remaining beast soul inside into the Snow Demon Puppet, then refined the fifth-level fingers into it, re-quenched the fourth-level snake venom, and then injected one yuan of heavy water into the third-level Great Perfection Among the puppets of the Desert Wolf King.

When he went to Dongzhou for this battle, he would definitely have one enemy with many enemies. Without the puppet method, Xu Yuming really wanted to hide underground and hide and seek with them.

At this time, the sky was getting brighter, and on top of Dongzhou City, four figures were standing together, watching a hundred-foot-high evil fish-dragon formation.

The Wei family is also frustrated and crazy. Xu Yuming has taken away their foundation. They actually want to protect the lives in this city and fight for the Xu family. Huangfu Rulong, a member who has just stepped into the realm of fake elixirs for only ten years It was because of his appearance that the idea of ​​Huangfu Zhu's birth was born, otherwise the Huangfu family would still be hiding in the deep mountains and old forests.

What do you two fellow Taoists think of this matter? Huangfu Zhu turned to look at Frost Divine Sword Qiao Tianyu and Zhao Bangcheng, the ancestor of the Zhao family, with a smile.

If our family has the means to break the formation, it would be unwise to stay until now. For now, there are only two ways, one is to break the formation forcibly, and the second is to intercept and kill Xu Yuming who has returned. . Zhao Bangcheng's eyes flashed with cold light, As long as he is killed, the Zifu monks in the city will have no hope, and they will collapse from the inside. By then, we can defeat others without fighting.

Xu Yuming is not easy to kill. He didn't reach the fake elixir realm to kill Wei Changqing. In the battle on the island in the middle of the lake, the fourth-level fish dragon dragged him to the bottom of the lake. He was able to escape within a few breaths and jumped out of the lake unscathed. , his strength is very strong, if he escapes, we people will not be able to sleep peacefully. Huangfu Rulong smiled coldly, My Huangfu clan has a Dragon King Nine Heavens Thunderbolt Formation, which is a fourth-level mid-level formation. Fa, let alone a mere fake elixir with combat power, he is actually only a junior at the pinnacle of Zi Mansion. Even the real Jin elixir can fight with the four of me presiding over the formation. I wonder if the two fellow Taoists dare to hold the formation flag. Enter the battle and kill this person?

After killing Xu Yuming, no one of the Xu clan in Yannan will be left alive. How should the rest of the territory be divided? Qiao Tianyu asked in a cold voice.

My Zhao family occupies Sanchuan County, Dongzhou City, and Hengshan County.

Then my Huangfu family wants Beidi County, Yuyang County, and Yanbei County.

Hmph. Seeing that all the good territory was occupied, Qiao Tianyu was not annoyed, Then Nandu County, Julu County, and Yannan County belong to my Frost Sword Sect.

No problem, there will be big things in Dongzhou in the future, and the three of us will discuss it. Zhao Bangcheng glanced towards the west, The man is almost here, let's invite you to enter the urn. If he doesn't come, we will use Huangfu Dao I hope this fourth-order mid-level formation can break through this evil fish-dragon formation and kill all the millions of creatures inside. See if Xu Yuming doesn't go crazy and go into a rage.


Dozens of miles away, a foundation-building monk's eyes flickered as he lowered his head and walked towards the monk camp in the distance.

After he casually arranged a sound-proof formation, he took out the sound transmission stone and started transmitting sound.

[The Huangfu family has set up a fourth-level lightning array, preparing to invite you into the urn. 】

The news quickly reached Xu Yuming's ears through Feihe Sanren.


Still three thousand miles away from Dongzhou City, Xu Yuming couldn't help but feel happy. He was worried that he couldn't find a way to defeat these four fake elixirs, but he didn't expect them to come to his door.

At this time, Xu Tuhe, who was within the evil fish and dragon formation, had already seen something wrong outside the formation.

Have you noticed that there are at least 50,000 Qi Refining monks surrounding us, and there are seven or eight hundred Foundation Establishment monks alone. At this time, they are all scattered on the surrounding city walls. What are they going to do? ?”

Looking at the situation, they should be setting up a large formation covering the whole city. Do they want to use the formation to break the formation? Wei Xian frowned, The Huangfu clan heard that there was a great formation master thousands of years ago. , I'm afraid it's at the fourth level. Could it be that they also have a fourth level formation hidden, then our Wei family's evil spirit Yulong formation will be dangerous. As he said that, he glanced at the Xuanhuang Zhan held by Xu Tuhe. Flag, he is willing to accept all the creatures in the city into the formation, also because without the black and yellow war flag, an inherited spiritual weapon, it is impossible to form a fourth-level formation.

I don't think so. If they want to break the formation, they can start to arrange it after they invade the city last night. At this time, with such a big fanfare, it seems like they are inviting you to a urn. Wei Long stood up next to him, It feels like they are waiting for Master Xu.

Yu Ming?

Xu Tuhe's expression changed drastically, and he immediately took out the sound transmission stone, only to find that the sound transmission stone had already lit up.

[I have arrived outside the city, let's wait and see the opportunity to fight and kill the rebels! 】

Yuming has come back?

Xu Tuhe's expression changed drastically. Just when he was about to send a warning message, he heard Xu Yuming's thousands-mile voice, which had already echoed over the huge Dongzhou City.

How dare you, young people like me, to attack Xu's Dongzhou City? Why don't you come out and fight!


Huangfu Zhu took the lead to fly out of the city and looked at Xu Yuming outside the city. He saw Xu Yuming stepping on the earth dragon boat, holding Fang Tian's painted halberd in his right hand, a golden elixir, and nine-handled spiritual treasures surrounding the fingertips of his left hand. The sword is flying, and the Taoist robes all over his body are shining with dozens of weapon-patterned treasures, and there is a sinister and heroic look between his eyebrows.

Are you Yannan Xu Zhenren? Huangfu Zhu clasped his fists slightly towards Xu Yuming, We have captured Dongzhou City today. You are back late. If Xu Zhenren is willing to return to Yannan County, he will never interfere with Dongzhou City again. Please make a covenant with us, and we are willing to divide the nine counties of Dongzhou equally with Zhenren Xu.

There are nine counties in Dongzhou, and we are only four families. How can we divide them equally? Xu Yuming sneered. Since you come out alone, I will kill you first.


Huangfu Zhu remained calm in the face of danger, and the formation behind him suddenly emitted a beam of light and slammed into the city. The thousand-foot-long evil fish dragon in the city was instantly suppressed to the ground, crushing countless houses.

On the other hand, at this time, thousands of miles of dark clouds had appeared over Dongzhou City, and the intertwined lightning had changed from incandescent to crimson thunder. Even the Golden Core Thunder Tribulation was nothing more than this.

Xu Yuming, do you dare to join the battle?

If you don't come in, we will use this fourth-level mid-level Dragon King's Nine Heavens Thunderbolt Formation to kill all the descendants of your Xu family and kill all your vassal lackeys in the city! Zhao Bangcheng's figure appeared in the West City. On the door, he was holding a high-grade spiritual weapon, the Thunder Sword, and showed a joking and provocative expression towards Xu Yuming.

Who do I think you are? It turns out that you are a lackey of the Zhao family. You once took refuge in the Wei family, and then you rebelled. Before you took refuge in my Yannan Xu family, and now you rebel again. Which force are you planning to join next? The third surname. You haven't done enough as a domestic slave, so why do you want to recognize a few more ancestors of the Zhao family for you? Xu Yuming didn't take this guy seriously at all, and the people who rebelled again and again were nothing but withered bones in the grave.

Xu Yuming, don't be so arrogant and join the battle. None of the millions of living beings under your command will survive. When the time comes, this heinous crime and endless blood debt will be blamed on you alone. Huangfu Rulong With a cold snort, they have mastered all the situations. Even if the four fake elixir masters jump out at the same time, they are not afraid that Xu Yuming will escape at this moment.


Finally, the Frost Divine Sword Qiao Tianyu also stepped out with the third-step sword intention. In the direction of the north city gate, the thousand-foot city wall was covered with ice and snow. He looked at Xu Yuming with sharp eyes, Xu Yuming, I heard that you also have the third-step sword. Xiu, do you dare to join the battle?

A group of people who are as timid as mice. The four fake elixirs dare not leave the city to fight against me alone. Xu Yuming snorted coldly, Let me join the battle and stand with all the creatures in the city and all the monks under my command. What does Xu have to fear?


Seeing Xu Yuming's head turn into golden light and plunge into the city, Xu Tuhe was completely despairing.

No, Yu Ming. This is to invite you to enter the urn. They are going to use formations to kill you. You should leave quickly. As long as you are here, our Xu family will definitely not perish here.

My lord, leave quickly! Zhu Tianshui was also anxious. He didn't care that his identity as an undercover agent hiding with the Wei family and others was exposed. If Xu Yuming died, they would not be able to escape the other party's poisonous hands.


While speaking, Xu Yuming had penetrated the gap in the formation, landed close, and stood at the front of the crowd.

Yu Ming, you are confused! Xu Tuhe was so anxious that he beat his chest and stamped his feet, This is clearly a trap set up to kill you. Why do you want to come back? There are still one-third of the Xu family outside, as well as Shan Wu. After entering the realm of Zifu, and with the help of Chen Tairan and Feihe, two scattered disciples of Zifu, even if we all die in battle, our foundation will not be completely lost, at least we can have some peace.

Ancestor, if you die, what will be the use of me, Xu Yuming, fighting for the Great Dao in the future? Xu Yuming looked around, Everyone here can join hands and fight in times of crisis, and I, Xu Yuming, will strive for the Golden Elixir Dao in the future. , we will never abandon each other, today we are just living and dying together!

With the total death!

With the total death!

As the monks around him raised their spiritual weapons and shouted towards the sky, Xu Yuming's eyes were filled with fighting intent. The Eight Directions Divine Slash in his hand pointed towards the sky, and the Nine Heavens Lightning Technique and Xuantian Gang Thunder Technique soared into the sky one after another.

The thundercloud covering thousands of miles in radius spread several times in an instant. Not to mention Donghu County, where Dongzhou City is located, the nearby Sanchuan County, Hengshan County, Beidi County, Julu County and other places were also shrouded in the clouds at this time. Inside.

Does this kid think he didn't die quickly enough? Those of us who have tried the Golden Pill Thunder Tribulation are all shaken by such a vast thunder. How dare he challenge the natural power of heaven and earth and trigger thunder? Huangfu Ru said Long's eyes were full of disdain and contempt. At this time, he felt that his grandfather Huangfu Zhu was a bit overqualified in using his troops to expose this clan formation.

In the formation, Xu Yuming had a spiritual weapon, a long harp, in front of him, lying across his legs, and he began to play it with both hands.

It's ridiculous to play with thunder in front of me. It's a pity to damage such a thunderous formation. Let's take your heads and bury them together!

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