Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 252 Zi Mansion responds and Dongzhou City is destroyed! (1 update please order in full)

[My lord, the person who has occupied Beidi County is Huangfu Zhu. This person is in the realm of fake elixir. The Huangfu family behind him was a wealthy family that dominated the four counties of Beidi thousands of years ago. Now that he is born, there are probably ten monks from Zifu under his command. There are as many as three to four hundred foundation builders and more than one hundred thousand Qi Refining monks. Now the Qian family and Tian family in Beidi County have been destroyed. The Zifu Sanren Qian Longhu was killed by him. Tian Qishan, the supreme elder of the Tian family, escorted Qian The top disciple of the family's fire spirit root led Zhao, and more than ten people from the clan escaped. 】

[In addition, the one who captured Yuyang County was the Frost Sword Sect, the top force of the Zi Mansion in the Northern Han State. There was a third-step swordsman in their sect called Frost Divine Sword Qiao Tianyu, whose power was comparable to that of the Huangfu family. Since the Jiang family and Bai family of Yuyang County were the first to relocate their clansmen and arrive in Dongzhou City, they only left tens of thousands of mortals in trouble. The three foundation-building monks sent by the Xu family were also poisoned by the opponent. 】

[Yanbei County has also been lost. However, because the Chen family of Yanbei divided the clan into two and moved to Yannan County and Nandu County in advance, they did not suffer much losses. However, Yannan County has been buried by Yanbei County. It is more difficult to deal with the resurrected undead Ling family in the group. There are too many zombies on their hands. They may have brought millions of people down when they were sleeping in the early years. There are thousands of second-level walking zombies alone, and there are even third-level flying zombies. There are seven zombies, and there is also a fake elixir master Ling Busheng sitting in charge. If they are not resisted, they are afraid that they will go south to invade Yannan County. 】

[The last one is Sanchuan County. Zhao Bangcheng, the ancestor of the Zhao family who has been in seclusion for many years, stepped into the realm of fake elixirs and instantly suppressed the other two major families in Sanchuan County. Li Guo was killed on the spot, and Qian Hengshan surrendered with the Qian family. Currently, the four major forces Dongzhou County has been surrounded from four directions, and the rest of the Zifu scattered people are now gathered near Dongzhou City. They are not acting rashly, but we cannot guarantee whether they will have any different intentions. 】

Xu Yuming received messages from Feihe Sanren one after another. At this time, he was using all his strength to activate the flying boat, and the Taoist robe on his body was already full of alcohol. He had been refining the last sip of Three Thousand Years Monkey Wine for several days. change.

Now the true energy in his body has reached a saturated state. It has only been a day since he stepped into the peak of Zifu, and he has already begun to condense the elixir energy in his body.

There is only one battle left. Once I develop the elixir energy, I will be the real person of Jindan. Don't think about being too arrogant. Xu Yuming sensed the situation in his body and began to concentrate on refining the Great Teleportation Talisman.

In the last few tens of thousands of miles, he planned to use Xun Tianci's secret array to move to Yannan City or Dongzhou City in an instant.

This one-yuan heavy water is really mysterious. Xu Yuming felt the one-yuan heavy water in front of him. This is a real fourth-level spiritual water, and it is a magical power that can combine offense and defense.

[Ancestor Tuhe, seeing that the situation is not right, you can immediately withdraw with the Xu family monks from the secret passage under Dongzhou City. There is no need to defend the city. There are many fake elixirs and real people outside the city. There is no need to confront the enemy head-on. I have returned at full speed. 】

Xu Yuming calculated that the Zifu monks under his command, Xu Shanwu in Nandu County, Feihe San and Chen Tairan in Yannan County, and Xu Tuhe who stayed in Dongzhou City at the moment were too scattered. If they were all here Xu Yuming dared to defend Dongzhou City.

Now in Dongzhou City, there are nine Zifu Sanren, Wei Xian, Wei Jiao, Wei Long, Zhu Tianshui, Jiang Changling, Bai Meishuang, Tian Qishan, Lu Changjiu, and Xu Tuhe. If they can work together...

Xu Yuming frowned, because he felt that the biggest hidden danger should be the few Zifu members of the Wei family who were originally guarding the mansion.

At this time, in Dongzhou City, the Wei family ancestral hall where the clan's territory had shrunk to one-fifth of its original size, the four major Zifu monks gathered together.

Brother, it's time to make a decision. Wei Jiao looked at Wei Xian arrogantly, The foundation of our Wei family was taken away by Xu Yuming. Although you are still the chief instructor of the Fishscale Cavalry, do you have the command authority over them? What's going on? The five armies on the left and right are each commanded by monks from the Zifu. The remaining 25,000 people are even commanded by Xu Shanwu, who has just broken through the Zifu. Who is Xu Shanwu? He is just the head of the Xu family in Yannan. Looking at the east There are so many Zifu forces in the state, and he is not even ranked among the top ten under Zifu. I heard that Xu Yuming also got a lot of opportunities at the trade fair. If he continues to cultivate the Xu family Zifu after his return, Xu Yuming will When there are five or six more monks in the Zi family, then we, the Wei family, will not be taken seriously by him at all.

Who is contacting you? The Ling family who plays with corpses, the rebellious Zhao family, the Frost Sword Sect who invaded from the Northern Han Sect, and the Huangfu family who has sealed the mountain for a thousand years?

Wei Jiao frowned. She didn't understand why her eldest brother was still so indecisive at this juncture. It's the Huangfu family. There are two fake elixir masters in their clan. Once we join, they promise to help eldest brother enter the realm of fake elixir. Because they I have a thunder calamity weapon in my hand, which can ensure that my elder brother will not die under the golden elixir thunder calamity.

I am only at the peak of the Zifu, and it is still long before the thunder catastrophe. You can believe the illusory things. Wei Xian glared at him, Also, my Wei family was originally the overlord of Dongzhou, even if we were defeated by the Xu family. Hand, the Xu family did not treat us badly, monitor us, or abandon us, then we are still powerful and still live in Dongzhou City. If we betray the Xu family today, we will be infamy for the rest of our lives. In a few months, we will be infamy. If you surrender to me twice, wouldn’t you become a slave of the three surnames?

Wei Jiao was so scolded by him that she was still dissatisfied, Brother, I don't want the Wei family to bury the Xu family. If Xu Yuming doesn't come back, Dongzhou City cannot be saved. Other forces must have gone to lobby other families. .”

Then let the city be destroyed, and order all the tribesmen to gather within ten thousand feet, and accept the monks from other families in the city. After the chaos breaks out, let Xu Tuhe's scattered people enter the fourth-level formation of our tribe to avoid disaster, and wait for the return of Master Xu.

When Wei Jiao heard the name Xu Yuming again, she couldn't help it anymore. She patted the armrest of the table and chair and stood up, Brother, no matter how strong Xu Yuming is, how can he compete with the five fake elixir masters from the four major forces? Even if he is Coming back is just a matter of death. As long as the four major forces surround Dongzhou City, what awaits us is still a dead end.

Wei Xian sighed and threw the transmission talisman held in his palm to Wei Jiao.

Wei Jiao reached out to take it, and a hoarse voice came from above.

[Master, I just received news that the Northern Han Sect announced that the Frost Sword Sect is not a vassal force under their command. Their invasion of Yuyang County southward has nothing to do with the Northern Han Sect. 】


Wei Jiao looked up in shock, Brother, Beihan Sect is the overlord sect of Beihan Province. Are they actually afraid of Xu Yuming?

The battle at Hu Xinting is normal for your level. Wei Xian glanced at this stupid sister from the third bedroom. If she were his biological child, he would have beaten her four or five times a day to wake her up. .

I suspect that Xu Zhenren has mastered the power of space, and also has other hidden killing moves. After all, we have never seen him use his full strength. The only battle we know about is the battle where the ancestors and the commander were killed. Since The top experts from other states have recognized Master Xu, wouldn't it be ridiculous if we defected because of some petty thieves?

It's gone!


At the west gate, in the direction of Sanchuan County, the city gate was lost and the formation was broken. The monks from Sanchuan County who came in and attacked began to kill randomly along the streets in the city. After releasing spells to ignite more than a dozen streets, they started fighting with the monks guarding the city. Fight.

Such a scene is really spectacular. I never thought that the Zhao family would one day take over Dongzhou City. Without the Wei family, the Yannan Xu family is really vulnerable. Zhao Sishui stepped on the flying sword and stood side by side with Qian Hengshan. Erli said, Brother Qian, if you hand in the certificate of surrender today, I will help you attack and kill the Xu family's residence. As long as you bring back 10,000 heads, your Qian family can share this Dongzhou city with my Zhao family in the future. .”

Qian Hengshan had a piece of his soul taken away from him, and he could only nod in agreement at this time. The Li family of Sanchuan County refused to admit defeat, and now all the men taller than a wheel have been killed. The Zhao family actually used the same method to deal with the demon clan. This made him extremely disappointed with the Li family, who had lived together in Sanchuan County for many years.

Sorry, Master, Xu Tuhe led his people to withdraw into the Wei family's formation. We cannot break through the Wei family's fourth-level formation, and the Frost Sword Sect outside the east city gate and the Huangfu family outside the north city gate have already invaded. Inside the city, this Dongzhou City, we’re afraid we won’t be able to take it anymore.”

Then immediately plunder all the cultivation resources and rob me of everything in the market. Also, destroy the corpses of those monks. Don't leave them to the Ling family to control.


What bad luck.

Flying all the way to the fourth-level evil fish and dragon formation where the Wei family was, sensing the breath of millions of creatures inside, Zhao Sishui's face was a little twisted, because he knew that the Zhao family had betrayed Xu Yuming, and there would definitely be consequences after Xu Yuming returned. If the Xu family of Yannan is not wiped out, then the Zhao family's revolt cannot be regarded as orthodox.

When Xu Yuming returns and reorganizes his forces, they will become rebels again, and everyone will cry out to beat them.

Where's Lu Changjiu, our internal correspondent? Why doesn't this old guy come to see me? Zhao Sishui drank in a cold voice.

Something bad happened to the family. The Immortal Ling family went north to invade Julu County. Now the monks of the Lu family have suffered heavy casualties. Even Wanli Bailu Plain has been lost. Now Lu Changjiu has rushed back with his monks to help.


Zhao Sishui was furious, These shady guys, even if they don't contribute to the attack on Dongzhou City, they are still carrying out sneak attacks from behind, taking the opportunity to capture Julu County, and picking up corpses outside Dongzhou City. The more fierce we fight here, the more they will The greater the strength improvement over there.”

Tell Lu Changjiu that our Zhao family will seek justice for him because of the sneak attack on our family. He will come back immediately to assist my Zhao family in attacking the Wei family compound.



The power of space moved in a flash in the dark night. Xu Yuming held a broken formation plate in his palm and landed on the head of Yannan County.

My lord (ancestor).

Feihe Sanren, Chen Tairan, and Xu Shanwu were overjoyed when they saw him. The backbone was finally back.

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