Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 250: Make a lot of money by trading talismans, Zhu Gong Beast also dares to scheme for golde

He still has two Broken Void Talismans in his hand, but he still has 41 third-level talisman-making materials, which can be refined on the spot, but this will easily expose his space power.

After looking around, Xu Yuming sighed, transformed the earth dragon boat into the shape of an earth dragon shuttle and tapped it on his palm, then sent a message to the Dongzhou cultivators behind him to enter the secret and prepare to go.

Fellow Taoists, I'm sorry, the poor monk will take the first step. Perhaps because of his serious injury, Jin Tutuo directly crushed a Buddhist bead hanging around his neck, and the four senior monks from Zifu beside him joined him directly. After escaping into the power of the void, he left the space where the formation was located in just an instant and moved tens of thousands of miles away.

A Buddhist teleportation power similar to the Great Teleportation Talisman? Xu Yuming was shocked. It seemed that it was imminent to refine the Great Teleportation Talisman. The next time he faced this kind of situation, he only needed to get away lightly, but that was all. Only this group of great monks have strong bodies and can rely on the Buddha's light to protect themselves. Otherwise, the movement that just tore apart the void. They are not the ones who use talismans, and they are afraid that they will be torn apart in an instant.

Now that Master Jintoutuo has left, I, Dongzhou, also need to go back to mobilize troops. I'm sorry, fellow Taoists. Seeing someone taking the lead in fleeing, Xu Yuming did not hesitate to release the Earth Dragon Boat, and directly brought the ten Zifu monks behind him. Crushing a Shattered Void Talisman, the moment the Earth Dragon Boat escaped into it, he had already penetrated the water prison and appeared outside the water barrier.

Fellow Daoist Xu, wait a minute, you still have a lot of talismans. I am willing to exchange a top-quality spiritual weapon for one. Master Hanshan hurriedly called out to Xu Yuming. Jin-Toutuo, who was too seriously injured, was gone and would never return, and the Buddhists got this The Great Moving Buddha Beads were probably left behind by senior masters, so the quantity could not be large. However, Xu Yuming was different. He was a third-level talisman-making master, so he probably still had this item in stock.

There is another one. Xu Yuming looked back.

This is the corpse of the third-level Dzogchen Desert Wolf King. I want it. Master Yaoshou couldn't help but speak. At this time, life and death were at stake. He didn't want to go to the bottom of the lake to face the one with weird tactics and avoid getting out of the water. , the fourth-level fish king who has been making sneak attacks.


Seeing that several people nearby had no intention of bidding, Xu Yuming directly activated the Broken Void Talisman to open a gap, allowing the demon hand master to escape with eight Zifu monks behind him, and with a flash of light, he was wrapped in demon bones and escaped.

He did not break his promise and directly threw the storage bag containing a third-order Dzogchen wolf corpse to him.

Xu Yuming turned his eyes and took out five small moving talismans, These are small moving talismans that can move a thousand miles. If you are dragged into the bottom of the lake, you can rely on this talisman to delay a moment or two. If you have a spiritual weapon and Secrets can be traded directly.”

I'll offer you 500,000 top-quality spiritual stones to trade for one. As soon as he finished speaking, Master Hanshan could not wait to trade one of them.

I want two, too. Spiritual weapons? It was impossible to take them out at this time, but life-saving things were still needed. Master Tiandan swallowed two of them without hesitation.

Amitabha, the remaining two should be given to the poor monk. Kongxiang King Kong was the calmest person in the water prison at this time, and it seemed that he didn't care about being trapped here.

Thank you fellow Taoists for the honor. Xu Yuming smiled and used the power of space to take a few storage bags. This water curtain was not big enough to allow them to escape, and they were traded for 2.5 million top-quality souls. Stone can still make Xu Yuming overjoyed.


Almost without thinking, Xu Yuming immediately flew away on the earth dragon boat. At this time, the dead Taoist friend was not dead. He had just brought up the Yannan Xu family and became the boss of Dongzhou. Did he die here?


Fellow Daoist Xu, mountains and rivers meet each other. Although you and I have withdrawn today, but in the future we will attack the Xuanjing Lake fish monster. Don't go back on your word in Dongzhou. Demon Shou Zhenren shouted at him from thousands of miles away.

Don't worry, Fellow Demon Hand Taoist, everyone in my observation formation also has methods, but because there are so many people around me, it is inconvenient to use them to deal with the fish demon at the bottom of the lake. You and I should take a step forward at this time, and we can go back to make arrangements first. As long as the four states move together at the same time, Soldiers, the demon clan of Xuanjing Lake are ready to capture them.

Master Yaoshou was very confident in Xu Yuming's determination to eliminate demons. Previously, he had casually taken out three third-level demon puppets, and he did so in front of the Xuanjing Lake fish demon. This was already a feud that would never end.

The puppet master who can refine the demon clan into a puppet will be severely resented by the demon clan.


Feeling that the scenery behind him was retreating, and the earth dragon boat was also holding up the treasure light, Chen Tairan glanced around and said, My lord, we are returning to Dongzhou. There are only two fish scale cavalry that can be dispatched. There are 5,000 people, and those with fighting strength are the more than 8,000 riders before. With such fighting strength, I am afraid that they cannot stop the beast tide in Xuanjing Lake. Could it be that you want to issue a recruitment order and mobilize all the monks in Dongzhou to participate in the war? ?”

Go back to seclusion first. This battle won't be fought for a while. Xu Yuming glanced back. What he could see was thousands of miles away, the motionless Zhugong beast monster lying deep at the bottom of the lake. Where the puppet is.

He wanted to know how the remaining three guys, Kongxiang of Dazen Temple, Tiandan Master of Nanhuzhou, and Hanshan Master of Beihan Sect, would escape. When they were fighting with the fish monster at the bottom of the lake, would he have a chance to seize the piece that could If you can get your hands on the magic weapon of space movement and understand it, your space power will be greatly improved.

Amitabha, the two benefactors, and the poor monk are not here anymore. Looking at the two people opposite, Kong Xiang clasped his hands together, suddenly opened the cassock behind him and wrapped it around the monk from the Purple Mansion under the door, and instantly crashed into the formation not far away. The Buddha's light appeared on the surface of the Dharma barrier, as if the body was like running water, instantly penetrating the water prison, and long away, leaving only the Buddha's name echoing in the horizon.


The remaining two groups of forces in the same place also began to show their special abilities.

After Master Hanshan activated the golden elixir spirit treasure to strike, he instantly used the golden elixir magical power to freeze an area thousands of miles in radius. Then with a huge impact, he took the Zifu disciples behind him and walked away.

On the other hand, the person who broke the formation and made a meritorious service and made him get a bargain was the real Tiandan master who was holding a piece of incomplete Sinan in his hand at this time.

Fortunately. Fortunately, when I came out, I asked fellow Taoist Yan Zhen to borrow this finger, Bei Sinan. Otherwise, I'm afraid I would have brought you in. Master Tiandan glanced at the pursuers from behind with lingering fear. The beast wave directly started to burn a small teleportation talisman. The next time he appeared, he was already thousands of miles away, and he just happened to avoid a fist-sized ball of heavy water. If he was hit by it, he would be crushed to pieces on the spot. cake.

Deep in the bottom of the lake, Xu Yuming witnessed three groups of people escaping one after another. He couldn't help but be suspicious in his heart. What did the people behind the scenes want to do after making such a big noise and disrupting the Lake Island Trade Fair?

Now that all the four forces have left, they are going back to summon the monks from the four states to prepare to launch a battle to eliminate the demons in the secret realm. Could it be that the other party's intention is to eradicate the demon clan?

When Xu Yuming was suspicious, two days later, he was almost at the border of Dongzhou. The Zhugong Beast hiding in the mud at the bottom of the lake opened his eyes and looked towards the bottom of the lake.

At some point, a Buddhist bead the size of an eyeball appeared at the bottom of the lake.

Could it be that... when Jin Tutuo was hit by the heavy water, he deliberately caused the opponent to be swept back?

The moment Xu Yuming was thinking, a violent explosion occurred at the bottom of the lake. It was like the full power of the fourth-level sword elixir, or the explosive bombing of Tianleizi for a single-point attack!

hold head high……

The thousand-foot-long fish dragon was blown out of the bottom of the lake in an instant. Through the Zhugong Beast's eyes, Xu Yuming clearly saw scales the size of millstones flying everywhere on its body, and even the demon blood dyed the entire bottom of the lake red.

What catches the eye the most is a deep bead held in its mouth, and a cave it has been guarding.

Is it possible that this ichthyosaur will be the descendant of the founder of this secret realm? Xu Yuming looked at the sky above the lake. At this time, after the ichthyosaur was forced out of the water, the enemy would definitely take action against him. The person behind everything was manipulating everything. , it emerged that it must be the big bald donkey in Xiaoxizhou.


The terrifying big handprint covering a radius of three thousand miles fell. This must be the power of the golden elixir. Xu Yuming controlled the Zhugong Beast and ejected into the cave behind the fish and dragon almost instantly. Feeling the aftermath of the fight with the outside world, he took action in this battle. There were at least three fake Buddhas in the Vajra realm, and Xu Yuming even sensed an extremely pure and pure Buddhist aura.

This is sensed through the fourth-level relic in the hand, which can cause it to react. The other party is probably already in the realm of Bodhisattva.

Xu Yuming witnessed the Zhugong Beast entering the depths of the lake. What he saw was a snake soul grass that had grown for more than 2,700 years. It was drifting with the current at the bottom of the lake, its twisting waist like a water snake. This It happens to be the seven poisons of the spiritual snake that Xu Yuming needs to practice the fifth dance of the Seven Spiritual Snake Dances. They are all snake-shaped elixirs and must be more than two thousand years old.

Then he saw a huge snake in the mud, with a huge body that might have spread thousands of miles. But if he looked closely, it looked like a dragon, and the tail seemed to be as big as a fish.

Fourth level... no, this is probably the corpse of an ichthyosaur of level 5 or above. Is this ichthyosaur at the bottom of the lake really the descendant of the owner of the island in the middle of the lake?

Xu Yuming couldn't help but look up at the big bald donkeys who were hunting the fourth-order ichthyosaurs in the sky. He was afraid that they had eaten the guts of leopards, but the owner of the island in the middle of the lake still had a lingering regret. They dared to attack the little ichthyosaurs. If you do it, you will inevitably die.

Just as he was thinking about it, Xu Yuming controlled the moving Zhugong Beast, and suddenly froze in place. His heart trembled, and he found that a wisp of the soul in the Zhugong Beast was instantly wiped out. A breath from the ancient wilderness, It instantly occupied Zhu Gong Beast's body.

I didn't expect that Zhu Palace would still exist in this world, and I didn't expect that it would be you who would be here after thousands of years.

Little Ichthyosaurus, you're in luck.

This was the last murmur that Xu Yuming could hear. His hands were empty, and something that he couldn't catch seemed to pass away in an instant. The priceless Zhugong Beast Demon Puppet... seemed to have changed hands?

Regretful thoughts seize the body!

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