Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 231 The world of Xuanjing Lake, twenty-eight counties in the four states along the lake (1 m

Golden elixir is an opportunity.

When Tuhe Sanren heard these words, his eyes were as bright as fire, and his father's face appeared in his eyes as he recalled, I still remember when I was just born, my father once said that our Xu family in Yandang Mountain has insufficient foundation, and our foundation is too shallow, and we need real foundation. My grandfather chose to become a fake elixir master because he was forced to have no choice but to allow the Xu family to truly gain a foothold in the Zifu forces. If he wanted to pass it on, in addition to inheritance spiritual weapons like the Yandang Soul Falling Bell, there must always be Zifu To appear, it is best for each generation to have a peak Zifu and an early Zifu, so that it can last for a long time.

If you want to gain a firm foothold in the face of the Jindan forces, you must have real Jindan background. My father was able to come here because of the Leiming Sanren of the Beast Talisman lineage of the Five Beast Sect and the Jin Gemensui. Together, the Han San people discovered a secret realm in the river valley on the edge of the Blackstone Ancient Territory, but were ambushed in the secret realm. The Lei Ming San people were trapped by the fourth-order formation, and the Sui Han San people and my father fell into this secret world together.

In the end, my father made an agreement with him to wander this world for fifty years to find an exit. In the end, Suihan Sanren died at the bottom of Xuanjing Lake and was killed by a suspected fourth-order demon king in the lake. My father gave birth to me. When I arrived in Yannan County, I created a large Zifu family, and step by step, I became the commander of the county. However, the ancestral motto of my Yannan Xu family has always been to return to the mountains and seas, and return to Yandang Mountain.

Don't forget your original intention. Xu Yuming turned over and took out a wine gourd, which contained a hundred kilograms of thousand-year-old monkey wine. Tuhe Sanren took it over. He just took a sip of the wine and felt refreshed, Jade Ming, your chance is not small, the outside world is Taoshan now, you can find such a good monkey wine under the nose of the fourth-level demon king, you are quite capable.

You're not very capable, how dare you use a third-level puppet to fish? Xu Yuming also took out a wine gourd, unscrewed the mouth of the bottle and touched one with him, Old Ancestor, let's talk about the opportunity. My cultivation level is stuck in the later stage of Zifu. With the help of Monkey Wine, it is only a matter of time before I can practice all the way to the perfection of Zifu. I still dare to think about the golden elixir opportunity.

Tuhe Sanren nodded heavily, whether it was the Xu family in Yandang Mountain or the Xu family in Yannan, after all, a real Jindan master was needed to allow the family to continue its glory for another thousand years.

Dad guessed that the biggest opportunity is under Xuanjing Lake, where Suihan Sanren fell. He was dad's friend for many years and the first ancestor of Jin Gemen. He was already in the Great Perfection state of Zifu at that time. Even if Even if a fourth-level demon king tried to kill him, he wouldn't be able to kill him because he has a quasi-spiritual treasure in his hand.

The last time I sent a message to my father, he once said that there was a huge formation at the bottom of the lake, which seemed to contain the caves of senior masters. This is probably a great opportunity for the secret realm.

Xu Yuming took note of it carefully.

The world of Xuanjing Lake has a total of four states and twenty-eight counties, including nine counties in Dongzhou, eight counties in Beihan State, eight counties in South Huzhou, and seven counties in Xiaoxi State.

Among the nine counties in Dongzhou, there is only one fake elixir force, Dongzhou Guards Army, and the other dozen or so are all Zifu commanders or sects.

There are two major fake elixir forces in Beihan Prefecture. The Beihan Sect practices magic, and there are many geniuses who have mutated snow spiritual roots and ice spiritual roots. The Demon Control Sect heard that there are third-level Dzogchen demon beasts taking over.

There is only one loose cultivator alliance in South Huzhou, and the forces are complicated. However, there are three fake alchemy masters in charge. They are the strongest among the states, because there are probably twenty or thirty cultivators in the Zifu.

As for Xiaoxizhou...the seven Buddhist sects are rampant. When Dad first came here, Taoism and Buddhism originally divided the world equally. He never imagined that now the Taoist sect has retreated to Nanhuzhou, and only the seven Buddhist sects are left to dominate. Among them are the three sects of Guangwen Temple. , Yuxin Temple, and Dazen Temple, the three fake alchemy forces, as well as the lower four sects Jing Nian Temple, Xiao Nian Zhai, Wu Monk Hall, and Kongxin Temple are all Zi Mansion forces. There are about ten Zi Mansion monks, including the hidden ones. There may be twenty of them, but the seven Buddhist sects are not united, and some of them were transformed from the Taoist sect. Otherwise, with their strength, they would have gone north or south long ago.

Next month on Xuanjing Lake, there will be a small gathering of the Zifu. The monks from the Zifu who are free will each prepare at least one Zifu resource that can be traded. To participate in this barter exchange, I have asked my old friend I found out that there is a life-extending treasure from Buddhism inside, so I prepared 200,000 top-quality spiritual stones and a third-level high-grade talisman inheritance to get it.

In addition, in Dongzhou Zizhulin, the Zifu family that dominates Qinghe County has planted a large area of ​​spiritual bamboos. Among them is a kind of purple-flowered jade bamboo. Cut off a thousand-year-old bamboo body, and the bamboo water inside can extend your life with just one sip. If you live for ten years, this is an excellent thing.”

There is also the exploration of the bottom of the lake. There are many Zifu monks who have died at the bottom of the lake in recent years, and there are also many senior masters who are close to sitting at the bottom of the lake. They all like to hide their caves at the bottom of the lake. If you are proficient in formations and treasure hunting, Well, you can go to the bottom of the lake to take a chance, but don’t get close to the island in the middle of the lake. There is indeed a fourth-level demon king there, and he should be the strongest in this secret world.

The last opportunity I want to extend my life is in South Huzhou. The three fake elixir masters are not idle either. They say they are idle. One is a third-level high-level weapon refining master, one is a third-level high-level alchemy master, and the other is a third-level high-level alchemy master. Each of them is a top-level third-level formation master, and each of them has his or her own destiny. The Master Tiandan has mastered the Life-Extension Pill and the Life-Building Pill. If he can buy one or two, he may be able to survive for a few years.

Xu Yuming nodded slightly and remembered it.

With that said, Tuhe Sanren handed over a map.

This is the underwater map of Xuanjing Lake. After many years of discussions with my friends, and four members of the Zifu family of our Xu family in the past five hundred years, we have explored and explored it. After all, we have penetrated 5,680 miles into the Xuanjing Lake and drawn it. With this picture, it’s a pity that two young people with great potential, Shi Feng and Shi Lu, unexpectedly died.”

Xu Yuming took a closer look at the world under the lake and found that there were only some small opportunities that existed for hundreds of years, as well as some remnant formations that no one dared to go to and some collapsed caves, and there was not much oil and water.

How big is this Xuanjing Lake?

The entire secret world is as big as a state and has a radius of tens of millions of miles. Xuanjing Lake occupies half of it. If you want to fly across Xuanjing Lake from Dongzhou to Xiaoxizhou, you have to go around at least hundreds of thousands of miles. Of course, we have to avoid the straight-line island in the center of the lake, otherwise we will be attacked by the Golden Core Demon King.

Since the monsters in the lake are so powerful, why don't they come ashore?

There are many ants biting the elephant to death. Inside this secret realm, there should have been Jindan real people, and even Nascent Souls...mostly left behind by an ancient sect, so those fake elixir forces are more or less fourth-level You have to be careful with your methods.

Tuhe Sanren left, and before leaving, he left the high-grade spiritual weapon Chengfeng Talisman behind.

If Xu Yuming could find a life-extending pill for him, he could save the inheritance of the third-level high-grade talisman at the bottom of the Xu family's box.

Xu Yuming looked through it carefully. There were more than a thousand kinds of talismans recorded in it. Most of them coincided with the inheritance left to him by Master Yandang. Among them, he was interested in the two second-level low-grade wind and thunder arrow talismans and the Baili sound transmission talisman. The talisman is among them.

The Xu family in Yannan is based on making talismans. Now there are more than 300 first-level talisman makers in the family, fifteen second-level talisman makers, and one middle-level third-level talisman maker. The income is pretty good. No wonder it can Raise more than fifty foundation-building monks.”

The third-grade talismans include the third-grade low-grade Golden Light Divine Arrow Talisman, the Ten Thousand Waves Vast Sea Talisman, the Desert Yellow Sand Talisman, and the Thunderous Thunder Talisman. The third-grade middle-grade talismans include the Soaring Talisman, the Earth Shrinking into an Inch Talisman, and the Zhen Gang Body Protector. The third-order high-grade Talisman There are only two kinds: the water-type Wind and Waves Talisman, and the gold-type Golden Light Rainbow Talisman.”

With Xu Yuming's current attainments in talismans, he could master several third-level low-grade and middle-grade talismans in almost a month. What made him curious was how the Xu family could refine thunder and lightning talismans when the Xu family clearly did not have thunder spirit root monks.

When he flipped through the names of the founders, he realized that the Xu Shifeng mentioned in Xu Tuhe's mouth before was the mutant wind spirit root monk, and Xu Shilu was the mutant thunder spirit root monk. Both of them were fourth generation members of the Xu family and had once set foot in the realm of Zifu. .

Their deaths don't look like accidents.

Xu Yuming also noticed the regret and hatred in the eyes of the Tuhe San people. If these two Zifu San people had not died, with their talents, the Xu family would not be able to go further, at least they would not be surrounded by people like they are now.


Following a low roar in his ears, Xu Yuming's spiritual consciousness moved and he instantly transferred to the dense forest outside the city hundreds of miles away.

At this time, there were already three streams of light coming from Yanbei County in the north, Dongzhou City in the west, and the Purple Bamboo Forest in the south, floating in the air and turning into three figures, standing side by side.

Fellow Daoist Zizhu, here is a mid-level third-level tiger monster. I think it is responsible for the sins of the Hu family in Laihu County. How about we kill it together? The person who spoke came from the Wanghai family in Dongzhou City County. Hai Qianqian, this person is in the middle stage of Zifu.

How will they be distributed after the killing? Zizhu Sanren, one of the two major purple mansions in Zizhu Forest, is also in the middle stage of the purple mansion, and is a middle-aged and beautiful female cultivator. At this time, her expression is relatively deserted, and she is feeling cold up there. It reminded Xu Yuming of Xueying Nu, who had a new taste every time he practiced.

The beast elixir belongs to me, and the two materials that can be used to refine spiritual weapons, tiger claws and tiger bones, are divided between Taoist Zizhu and Taoist Chen. How about dividing the rest of the animal blood and meat equally?

Deal. Chen Mingsheng, who had the worst cultivation level, was the first to nod in agreement. He was only in the early stage of Zifu's cultivation level, but he still glanced towards the north worriedly, This place is too close to Yannan County, and the Xu family's The old guy must have discovered this tiger monster a long time ago. His failure to take action may be a trap, so we must be careful.

Hai Qianqian was full of confidence, It doesn't matter, I have an early stage third-level wind speed eagle that can warn from a hundred miles away. Once the old guy Xu Tuhe comes to kill, we will leave first, and then ask the garrison to bring justice.


The three of them looked at each other and immediately looked at the tiger demon in the forest. Little did they know that in the darkness behind them, a late-stage third-order black panther was staring at their lonely figures with deathly eyes flashing.

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