Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 225 Tracking the monkey demon, long-distance teleportation array (1 more, please order)


When Xu Yuming had adjusted his breath to 70% to 80% of his true energy, he suddenly used his peacock eyes to scan and discovered that underneath the tall valley, where the King Kong should have lived, there was actually a hairy creature. The all-white monkey crept out and plunged into the hot spring pool.

This aura... I'm afraid it's not a third-level Dzogchen monkey. With such white hair, it may be an alien species among monkeys. Why didn't it help Donkey Kong fight? Instead, it slipped into Donkey Kong's cave to steal and escape?

[Uncle and senior brother, I discovered that there is another third-order Dzogchen white-haired monkey demon. Allow me to chase and contain it. 】

On the battlefield, Gongshu Jian, who was overwhelmed by the King Kong, received the message and saw Xu Yuming's aura disappearing into the mountain spring water with countless monkey hairs floating there.

Junior Brother Xu has discovered another third-order Dzogchen Monkey Demon? There was quite a lot of noise in their fight just now. I thought it was the Golden Core that was fighting together. My junior brother's strength is probably not weaker than that of Zi Mansion. Dzogchen monk. Gongshu Jian's face was full of joy. He tried his best to help the Yandang Sect that day, but he never expected to make a good friend like Junior Brother Xu.


After Xu Yuming entered the water, he immediately mobilized the refined water beads, and a layer of invisible air waves spread out on the surface of his body. His whole body instantly merged into the bottom of the water, like a swimming fish that sank a thousand feet in an instant.

He felt the scorching temperature around him, but in the darkness, he couldn't mobilize the Qixi Rainbow Fire to wrap around his body, otherwise he would be like a torch in the dark night, which would be too easy to expose.

At this moment, the distance between him and the white-haired monkey in front was less than a hundred feet. The other party could not see through the disguise of the Zhugong Beast's inner elixir. Xu Yuming's appearance was as turbid as the hot spring water.


Seemingly realizing that the opponent had disappeared without a trace, Xu Yuming chased to the bottom of the lake and searched the surroundings carefully. Finally, using the formation pattern to draw him, he discovered a hundred-mile formation located under the Taoshan Hot Spring Lake.

Sensing the remaining aura above, it was at least a fifth-level formation. There was the Valley of Ten Thousand Snakes in this Rotten Peach Mountain. Xu Yuming would not be surprised to see a fifth-level formation, but the power of space remaining in it surprised him.

And just around the formation, there are a large number of space crystals. You must know that space stones are similar to spirit stones. An ordinary storage bag can be refined with low-grade space stones to create ten cubic meters of space. Top-grade space stones, that is already Only the best storage ring with a thousand feet of space can be owned.

Just one of these space crystals can give Xu Yuming a storage ring that is 10,000 feet in size.

But there are actually three hundred and sixty pieces in front of him. With such powerful space power, it is difficult for him to imagine how much these things are worth?

The price of a top-grade space stone has already been sold for 300,000 top-grade spirit stones. After all, a top-grade storage ring is something that even the ancestor of the overlord-level Zifu force would hardly possess. Xu Yuming has seen so many fake elixirs. For Sanren, I have only seen two in the hands of Sima Wuliang and Cao Baxian, and their value is definitely more than one million top-quality spiritual stones.

Then this space crystal, even the golden elixir master will be moved when he sees it. Three hundred and sixty... only one-tenth of it is enough to exchange for the opportunity of two golden elixirs.

Could this be a long-distance teleportation array? Xu Yuming was a little moved. After all, the sphere of influence from Taoqiu Secret Realm to Yandang Sect is at least 30,000 miles away. If there can be such a teleportation array, then Taoqiu Secret Realm can serve more people. If the monks in the sect use it, not to mention anything else, it will allow the spiritual planters of the Xiannong Liu family and the alchemists in the sect to communicate with each other, and they will definitely be able to grow more and better elixirs.

When Xu Yuming subconsciously reached out to pull out one of the space crystals, a purple stream of light flashed in front of his eyes, and his vision went dark. He had disappeared into the depths of the lake. On the original teleportation array, the 360 ​​space crystals that originally existed suddenly disappeared. It must be so clean that it seems that this lake bottom has never existed.

I don't know how long it took, but Xu Yuming's whole body fell on the green grass. His third-order peak spiritual consciousness was instantly released, covering a radius of five thousand miles in just an instant.


The suppression of the spiritual consciousness of the Zifu monks here seems to be a bit strong. If it were in the outside world, my spiritual consciousness could be released at least seven thousand eight hundred miles.

Xu Yuming frowned and found that there was a market town at the foot of the mountain. There were about one hundred thousand mortals in it. It seemed that it should be a power of a cultivating immortal family. There were more than a hundred Qi Refining monks in it, but no Foundation-building monks. The one with the highest aura was a Refining Clan. Qi Dachengcheng monk.

He glanced around and made sure that there was no trace of the white-haired monkey demon before he withdrew his gaze.

Where exactly is this place?

I have learned about the geography of the thirteen states in the Mountain and Sea Region. There is no flag of the Five Beast Sect hanging in the market town here. If the monks of the Five Beast Sect know about it, I am afraid that this place will be trampled, and not a single monk in the town will even think about it. Survive. For a Yuanying overlord sect, if you are in his territory but do not surrender, it will trigger the opponent's negative scale.

When Xu Yuming looked up, he discovered that there seemed to be a layer of water curtain above the sky, like a lake that separated the world. He tried his best to jump into the air and flew above the clouds and mist three thousand feet, feeling close to the water curtain. So close, but unable to break through the difficulties, he finally confirmed that this place was a secret realm.

Unexpectedly, I discovered two secret realms that are rare in the world. I don't know if this is a sect's secret realm like Ten Thousand Snakes Valley, or a space world where family power breeds offspring, or... a corner of the world of cultivating immortals. In microcosm, there are connections with the outside world.”

However, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth here is much richer. When I was in the Yandang Sect, even the spiritual energy of the Yandang Mountains and Baiyun Mountains would be difficult for me to make any progress in my current cultivation. I can practice here ...It originally took me seventy years to break through to the peak of Zifu, but now it takes at most thirty-five years, twice as much.

As far as he could see, there was a lake five thousand miles away. There seemed to be a county town on the edge of the lake. There were three foundation-building auras there, and there were thousands of Qi Refining monks coming and going. Obviously, within this secret world, There were many monks. Looking from a distance, he found more than ten villages and towns within the spread of spiritual consciousness. There were monks there.

You have to find someone to ask about it.

Xu Yuming's body flashed, and he had appeared underground in a small town called Luojiaji. Hidden under a hundred meters of ground, he approached the tallest attic building in the town.

At this time, five figures were sitting cross-legged on the attic, including one from Qi Refining Dzogchen, one from Qi Refining Peak, and three from the ninth level of Qi Refining.

The leader of the white-bearded old man was trembling all over, Everyone, the Hu Family Foundation in Linhu County has given an ultimatum to our Luo Family Collection. If we don't join them like the other families in Linhu Thirteen Towns, the entire Luo Family Collection will... There will be no chickens or dogs left.”

How could it be so cruel? We have many foundation-building forces here in Dongzhou. The worst we can do is to join them. It's just the Hu family, but two foundation-building monks still got the chance to catch white fish at the bottom of the lake. Only then did they gain enlightenment. Although we can’t fight, we can still escape.”

But in Hushan County, which is closest to us, the two major forces, Jindaogu and Daodaolou, have been hostile for many years without a winner. Who of them dares to offend the Hu family in Linhu?

The old man sitting in the seat sighed, Our Luojiaji was built by the descendants of the townspeople who have spiritual roots. It has a history of more than a hundred years, but no one has ever broken through to the realm of foundation building. It is really our fate. , I thought we would just surrender, then the Hu family just wants to go one step further and become a foundation-building force that dominates a county. Even the county magistrate doesn’t dare to provoke them, so why should we use our arms as a trap?

Xu Yuming hid underground and listened for an hour, feeling interesting in his heart.

Dongzhou should be the largest place name around here. The area of ​​​​5,000 miles is summarized into the territory of Linhu County. It sounds like there is a county government on it, and then the state. So the territory of Dongzhou is at least as big as Tao County. It is large, that is, it has a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, and I don't know if there are any scattered people from Zifu.

Xu Yuming was ready to leave and head to Dongzhou City.

By the way, if we can't go north to Hushan County, we might as well go south and seek refuge in Yannan County. I heard that the Xu family, the ancestor of the Zi family over there, is already old and needs fresh blood. There are fifteen of us in the Luo family. The high-grade spiritual root monks, as well as the top-grade spiritual root monk from Dongshan, can go and join us. If we can get help from the Xu family, the commander of the county, we will be able to gain a firm foothold in Yannan County.

The Xu family in Yannan County?

Xu Yuming's expression changed a little. After listening to the introduction of the Xu family, he seemed to be good at many kinds of talismans. It was founded by a Zifu Sanren many years ago. After he single-handedly founded the Xu family, he passed away one hundred and fifty years ago. , then the Xu family was led by the ancestor of the contemporary Zifu, and it flourished. Now it has been in business for five hundred years and has more than 200,000 clan members, including dozens of foundation-building monks. Now Zifu has a long life. Finally, it was necessary to cultivate new Zifu seedlings, so he went to various parts of Dongzhou to recruit young monks and talented monks.

How attractive is it to be betrothed to the daughter of the Xu family, and the elder Ji Zhu personally recruit disciples and teach the Xu family the third-level talisman path?

Xu Yuming thought about this and had some imagination with the Chengfeng ancestor who disappeared five hundred years ago. He had the Xu family's lost high-grade spiritual weapon Chengfeng Talisman in his hand. It seemed that he had to go to Yannan County to see if the Xu family Related to the Xu family in Yandang Mountain.

Why don't we just follow this convoy heading south and take a look.

He thought that the Xu family in Yannan County was in turmoil at this time, but it was often at this time that he could see the people's character. If he was really related to his family by blood, he could help him, but he didn't want to help some people change. Heart, people with bad conduct.

Speaking of it, this Luojiaji is just a town, but it actually has fifteen high-grade spiritual roots, and a top-grade spiritual root was born. Could it be that the water and soil in this secret space are unusual? Xu Yuming thought about the current situation of the Yandang Sect. How many top-grade spiritual roots are there? They are just a few of his children. There is one in this small town. Then there are at least dozens of them in the entire Dongzhou, and there may even be spiritual roots of their birthplace!

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