Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 214 The winter snow comes to Dingtao Pass again, and I am a decent person again (please orde


When he came to the mountain, Xu Yuming met Chu Liuxi, the deputy master of the Tianshui Pavilion newly established by the sect. This person had not been seen for many years. He was already at the sixth level of Qi refining. He could become the master of the Yandang Sect without entering the foundation building. He is an all-rounder, and his ability to inquire is unparalleled.

On the surface, he is responsible for the material transfer and dispatching of stores in Tianshui Pavilion's counties and counties. In fact, he is the person in charge of Tianshui Pavilion's intelligence.

Who is in charge of Dingtaoguan now? Xu Yuming was a little curious. There was no news about the Tianji San people after they returned to Shanhai City. If they were not killed, they would probably hide and not dare to come out. After all, judging from the mantle of Bagua Zhenren at present, It was given to Xun Tianci, the new golden elixir.

Although he failed to inherit the position of the Lord of Shanhai City, he still has no problem in taking charge of these disciples under Bagua Zhenren as the successor of the mantle. If they don't want to be driven by the Xun family, Tianji Sanren will probably hide and dare not show up.

Reporting to the sect master, the one who is in charge of Dingtao Pass now is Xiao Zhengyun. This person is one of the ancestors of the Xiao family in Luodu, in the later stage of Zifu.

The Luodu Xiao family?

If Xu Yuming remembered correctly, the Xiao Zhanmeng he killed was a member of the Xiao family. Why was it that the Zifu of the Yantian Master lineage was sitting in Taoguan? Could it be that when the beast tide broke out in the Black Stone Ancient Territory? They have to figure it out and then report it to the Five Beasts Sect?

Who brought the opportunity to Zifu? Xu Yuming asked again.

I heard that the Five Beast Sect is making another big move today, so I ordered each of the five veins to give out a Zifu Opportunity. I also mobilized five Zifu Opportunities from major auction houses and chambers of commerce in the Shanhai area. A total of ten Zifu Opportunities were invested in this time. Only Zifu monks are eligible to enter the Zifu auction.

Could it be another recruitment order? Xu Yuming frowned. The Blackstone Ancient Territory is too close to Tao County. If a beast tide breaks out and the Five Beast Sect recruits, their Yandang Sect will really have to work harder, otherwise they will get burned. .

I don't know. Our intelligence has not yet penetrated into the Five Beast Sect. By the way, in the past six or seven years, there have been many monks who have broken through to the foundation-building realm. At least tens of thousands of people have stepped into the foundation-building realm in the mountains and seas. Realm, I’m afraid they all took the dividends from Ten Thousand Snake Valley.”

Xu Yuming nodded slightly, Now in the Five Beast Sect, Yan Bing has reached the middle stage of foundation building. If you have any questions, you can contact him. He worships at the Beast King's Outer Peak. If there is a chance to enter the Beast King's Peak, the sect can recommend him. A handful.


I will leave one of the top-grade foundation-building pills in the clan for you. There is no need to save cultivation resources. I allow you to cultivate to Qi Refining Perfection as soon as possible.

Thank you, sect master. Chu Liuxi was grateful in his heart. He knew that this was definitely not because of the in-law relationship, but because the sect master valued his cleverness. Unfortunately, his talent was really poor. With the lower-grade spiritual roots of the fourth system, except for the sect master's side, That lady...I am afraid that she is the least talented among the immortal cultivators.

Write to recruit the Taoshan Foreign Affairs Grand Elder Xue Cunzhong, go to Qiandao Lake to recruit the Law Enforcement Grand Elder Chu Hongxiu, and go to Dingtao Pass with me to participate in this Zifu auction.



When Xu Yuming stepped away on the flying boat, he happened to meet Nangong Hui flying in from the Jueyin Sect with three old women with the worst cultivation level and the peak of foundation building.

Husband. Nangong Hui looked at Xu Yuming with a somewhat fearful look. After all, she had not obeyed him voluntarily that day, and after following this man for several years, he was as rough as ever, and his body was getting stronger and stronger.

Hui'er, there are one hundred and two people in Jueyin Sect's foundation building, including one half-step Zifu monk, three Dzogchen foundation building monks, seven peak foundation building monks, and fifteen late-stage foundation building monks. It can be said that They are the best in the entire Tao County. You brought three of them here, but you train them as the next Zifu of the Jueyin Sect?

These three are Bai Yulan, the elder of Gongyu Pavilion, who has a Dzogchen foundation cultivation level, Yan Shiyu, the elder of Shangzi Pavilion, who has a Dzogchen cultivation base, and Yan Mei, the elder of Jiaozi Pavilion who is at the peak of Foundation Establishment.

I've met Sect Master Xu. Three old women also greeted Xu Yuming. Although they had been married for many years, the Jueyin Sect had many foundations and most of them were old women. Xu Yuming would not blame them if he couldn't remember them.

The three of you have solid cultivation and are elders of the Jue Yin Sect. There is no need to be too polite. The relationship between the two sects is now inseparable. If there is a suitable opportunity for the Purple Mansion, I will assist your sect to take the photo together.

Thank you very much, Master Xu.

Thousands of miles away, Dingtao Pass is already in sight. Now the Xiao family, the overlord of Luodu, has settled in. At this time, there are no less than four Zifu monks stationed in the city, including those Zifu monks from the Five Beast Sect who are stationed here. The priests of the government, perhaps as many as ten people, and even ten thousand Qi Refining Outer Sect disciples, are stationed here all year round for training, in order to prevent the tide of beasts from attacking and bringing military disasters into the mountains and seas.

Xu Yuming stopped at the critical moment and glanced not far away. The last time he came, he was still standing in the crowd watching the battle between Liang Chenyi and Kong Yunlong, while Nangong Hui was high up, sitting on the pavilion, and Tianji Sanren chatted and laughed together.

Come back a few years later, he is already the leader of a Zifu force, and Nangong Hui is also planning his own way to the Zifu, and has become one of his Taoist companions.

Husband, are you lamenting how quickly your cultivation has improved over the years? Nangong Hui approached him, and the old woman following him had already wisely stopped the approaching disciples of the Five Beasts Sect, leaving them some private space.

Things that have happened over the years are so close before our eyes, so it's okay not to mention them. Xu Yuming shook his head. He was not an old man in his twilight years. There was no need to recall the past events of his youth. After entering the Zi Mansion, he still had 1,400 Many years to live.

Even if Master Jin Dan dies, he is still alive.

The Purple Void Pill has a 10% chance of breakthrough. The three people behind you are all over 120 years old. The two Foundation Establishment Perfection people have not yet decayed their energy and blood, and their spiritual roots should be high-grade spiritual roots. There is a chance of 10 or 20 percent of the Zi Mansion. How many spirit stones have you brought with you on this trip? It’s okay to ask for a chance from the Zi Mansion, but don’t be greedy.”

When Nangong Hui saw Lang Jun's concerned eyes, she leaned limply on his shoulder.

Husband, please rest assured. I only want a low-grade Ziyang Pill. By the way, I still owe you an awakening song. After the auction, how about I return to my clan and play it with you?


Xu Yuming's eyes were long-term. Speaking of which, he had captured some powerful forces in the Purple Mansion, and also gave his third brother Xu Yulong some pills to replenish his vitality, blood and longevity. However, he was really old and might not die soon. If this auction happened If you meet him at the meeting, you can buy it for him.


While thinking, he seemed to see an old acquaintance.

Isn't the tall figure hidden in a black cloak the Tianji Sanren who has concealed his own Qi? Xu Yuming had paid attention to this person for a long time and thought that his eyes would not be mistaken.

There are also figures in the distance who are already striding towards Fangshi. Moving Mountain Sword Head, Bone Dragon Sanren, Leibo Sanren... they are all Zi Zi who commanded the army of monks to attack the five major territories of the Blackstone Ancient Territory under the Five Beasts Recruitment Order. Fu San people, their current cultivation level is only around the middle stage of Zifu, and they are actually being caught up by me.

Is this Master Xu of the Yandang Sect? Just as they were going down to the city, a monk came over from the crowd.

Xu Yuming took a closer look, wasn't it the mountain-moving swordsman?

It's polite to move mountains and scattered people. Why do you want to find me? Xu Yuming asked subconsciously.

I heard that Sect Leader Xu is a third-level talisman maker. I would like to obtain some third-level talismans. I am willing to trade them with sword stones.

Kendo stones are made by senior sword cultivators who can condense their own sword intent into spiritual stones, but they are very labor-intensive. In many cases, they are left behind after the death of senior sword cultivators, so they are extremely precious.

His daughter, Xu Yuling, is now five years old. She has just introduced the spirit into her body and started practicing. Now she has only reached the first level of qi refining. She has the best sword spirit root. This kendo stone is just for her to practice. Together with the third-level high-grade kendo tea tree, The future is promising.

I have the third-level mid-level Cloud Tiger Talisman, the third-level low-level Clouded Leopard Talisman, the Geng-Gold Divine Light Talisman, the Five Gods Peacock Talisman, and the Geng-Gold Body Talisman. I don't know which ones you need? Xu Yuming turned over his hands and took out a few third-level Talismans and pointed them towards them. Signed to the other side.

I've heard about the name of my fellow Taoist Cloud Beast Talisman for a long time, but I wonder how much the Cloud Tiger Talisman and the Clouded Leopard Talisman are worth? Moving Mountain Sword Head is a little bit enthusiastic about the new Talisman created by Xu Yuming. You must know that the outside world only knows about the Cloud Rat, Cloud Rabbit, and Skylark. Fu, if he were the first to try something new, he would also become famous.

The Clouded Leopard Talisman is priced at one thousand top-grade spiritual stones, and the Cloud Tiger Talisman is priced at ten thousand top-grade spiritual stones. The Talisman can last for an hour of cloud energy. If fellow Taoists have something to replenish the cloud energy, it may last longer.

Then let's get one first.

I wonder if this Geng gold body amulet can be compared to the Confucian and Taoist amulets of the Xun family in Xuchang?

The other party is using it to protect himself and save his life. My Geng Gold body amulet can withstand most treasure attacks.

Xu Yuming looked at him with a smile, The price is three thousand for a top-quality spiritual stone.

In terms of magic weapons, attacking magic weapons are generally cheaper than defensive magic weapons, but the opposite is true for talismans. After all, amulets can only save your life once, but attack talismans can help you fight back.

Then let's get ten. Shanshan Jianshou gritted his teeth and took out a storage bag and handed it over.

Sincere benefit is 41,000 top-quality spiritual stones. Thank you for your patronage, fellow Taoist. After the deal was concluded, Xu Yuming watched the other party go away, stretched out his hand to weigh the storage bag in his hand, and looked back at Nangong Hui.

Hui'er has thought about what kind of secondary occupation she will pursue after she returns. She can't gather the resources needed for Zi Mansion's cultivation just by herself.

My Jueyin Sect is good at the Dao of Music. I decided to try to refine weapons, specializing in the secret technique that can resist the attack of spiritual stones. I call it the spiritual defense weapon.

Yes, I think it is very marketable. Xu Yuming felt that this butt was not good again.

His eyes fell on a restaurant in the city. Anyway, the auction only started in two days, so why not first go and talk about the music path that she had recently learned in Jueyin Valley.

Husband, please don't mess around. I still want to go shopping and look for treasures.

Just let the monks do it. I just have some ideas about Nine Rings in the Sky. Please listen to me and read it.

Two hundred and fifteen notes, sir, don't try to trick me. How long can you recite it?

It doesn't matter, just simplify it to one note.

Xu Yuming put his arms around her and pointed at her lips, But you have to recite it, and I will help you practice.

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