Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 203: How to conquer the golden elixir, start by playing music (please vote for the 3rd updat

In Jueyin Valley, it has been seventeen days since Xu Yuming left the mountain. Nangong Hui, who was digesting her cultivation in the stone wall, has no intention of leaving yet, but her aura is already impacting the middle stage of Zifu.

The talent is not bad, but it is a pity that the boy took away Yinshao's vitality, otherwise the golden elixir would have had a few chances. Yuelan's eyes were bright, and she had no intention of complaining about Xu Yuming in her heart. In her eyes, there was only a faint old love. With the death of Sanren Fengqin, she was only left with the obsession to practice the handed down treasure technique in Jueyin Valley.

Anyway, she will leave in ten years. When she leaves, it is best to be alone and have no worries.


The sound-transmitting stone she had hidden in her storage ring suddenly flew out, and her face was a little stunned. She was cold-natured and didn't like to make friends with outsiders. The sound-transmitting stone on her body only gave out more than a dozen musical notes. Now she can They are all famous people in the world of casual cultivators. This sound transmission stone...

Is it from Third Sister Feng?

She has beautiful eyebrows and a slight frown. The person who masters the sound transmission stone now should be Xu Yuming. Could this junior be in big trouble and want to take action on his own?

Then he would have regarded Master Jin Dan too lightly.

Yu Gong Gong Gong...

When she subconsciously listened with her spiritual consciousness, she was instantly attracted by the sound of Xu Yuming playing the piano.

She subconsciously looked towards the Jue Yin Valley at her feet. At this time, the mountain wind was passing by, and the fairy music was surrounding her. Corresponding to the sound of Xu Yuming's piano, the first ten notes were played accurately.

This is the integration of spiritual consciousness and the integration of happiness and Tao.

I didn't expect that this junior from the Zifu could understand this prelude to Nine Sounds of the Sky one step ahead of me. She had no doubt that this was what Fengqin Sanren taught Xu Yuming. After all, he was in seclusion in the stone wall at this time. Neither would Nangong Hui. With Feng Sanniang's temper, at this time, she would never give up on teaching this handed down technique to outsiders.

She waved her hand to the junior Jue Yin Sect in the mountains and asked about Xu Yuming. Only then did she learn that this son was actually called a San Jue Sanren by the cultivators of Yandang. His spiritual roots were not high, but he was naturally good at magic. During the Qi refining stage, you can create three commercial spells. After entering the foundation building stage, you will be able to use a variety of Zifu methods.

You are indeed gifted. It's a pity that you have never been to the Sanxiu Sea. I don't know how many talented people there are in that land of wealth and treasures. There are many people like you who are better than you.

As she said that, she placed the sound transmission stone in her palm, and subconsciously mobilized her fourth-level spiritual consciousness to erase the spiritual mark on it. In this way, Xu Yuming would not be able to sense her sound transmission stone, and the two of them could After cutting off contact, he didn't have to be harassed by this junior from Zi Mansion.


There seemed to be thunder exploding in the sky, her eyebrows furrowed slightly, her feet already appeared in a pavilion ten miles away, sitting on the mountain watching the rain, lying on the bed watching the thunder, this was already a daily routine at sea.

But in this inland place, she had rarely seen such terrifying thunderclouds, which instantly enveloped tens of thousands of miles in radius, turning the entire sky of Jueyin Valley into darkness, making it impossible to see even her fingers. And she was surprised to find that His spiritual consciousness, which could see any movement thousands of miles away, was actually bound to the Silent Sound Valley, which was thousands of miles away.

Spiritual consciousness is limited by the way of heaven. The power of this thunder... is probably not weaker than my Golden Core Thunder Tribulation. She stood under the pouring rain, listening to the rolling thunder that seemed to be roaring from the sky above the sky. It seems to echo the sound of the rustling rain falling on the earth.

Is this also a piece of music?

While she was thinking, the sound transmission stone lit up again.

Yu Gong Gong Gong Shang Shang Shang Jiao Jiao Yu...

Twenty-five consecutive notes were all played by Xu Yuming's piano. The moment the last note fell to the ground, a bull-like thunderbolt in the sky instantly penetrated the sky and the earth, galloping ten thousand feet, and the white light flashed into the sky. In the sound valley.


The earth trembled and the mountains shook. I don't know how many rocks collapsed. The rainwater gathered from all directions formed a flood wave and washed into the valley. It hit the depths of the valley like a dragon in the valley, making a roar of thunder, and in the The thunderbolt exploded when it hit the water, making a crackling sound that lasted for hundreds of miles...

The first ring of Nine Rings in the Sky is the spring thunder of the earth!

As Xu Yuming's voice rang out from the sound transmission stone, Master Yuelan felt mixed emotions in his heart.

She had been practicing Taoism for four hundred years, and was actually taught by a junior from the Zi Mansion.

But the power of this blow...

After careful inspection, she found that if it were used directly, it would indeed be as powerful as a heirloom magic, not even as powerful as her casual strike of the golden elixir, but if it were used in thundery weather...

Borrowing the power of nature from heaven and earth, she might be able to become famous in the Sanxiu Sea in one fell swoop and challenge those Jindan seniors who have been famous for many years.

Xu Yuming, right?

She gently wiped the sound transmission stone with her palm. The biggest advantage of this sound transmission stone is that it can leave a sound. The sound of the piano sent by Xu Yuming alone was enough for her to figure it out for a while.

Perhaps, I have to ask a high-level weapon refiner to build a thunder array for me.

But this favor is owed after all.

She raised her eyes and looked to the east, her eyes shrouded in golden light, as if she could see a faint purple aura belonging to Xu Yuming from the Taojun battlefield filled with war flames and smoke.

It's okay if you don't worry about your life.


The heavy rain gradually submerged the pavilion on the top of the mountain...

For more than ten consecutive days, Xu Yuming would use the sound transmission stone to send her his study of Nine Sounds of the Sky every day. The sound of the piano, which was a little clumsy at the beginning, has become more than proficient. The second score seems to be He also figured it out.

Master Yuelan calculated and figured out that he had probably figured out thirty-five notes, but this guy actually figured out at least eighty-eight notes in half a month. She didn't know if he had anything to hide. She felt This one should not be too far away from the second ring.

On this day, she waited from sunrise to sunset, but no message came from her.

She raised her eyes again and looked towards the east, and then she discovered that many complex gray and defeated energies were intertwined together, and there were also some faint purple and white energies that were fighting. It seemed that the war was starting again. Those major forces of the Purple Mansion, The fight started again.

This kid, I thought he was slacking off, but it turned out that he was delayed by something.

In Yandang City, Yue Bingjiao was also talking to someone.

[Where have you, Third Senior Brother, been relaxing recently? 】

[Didn’t Junior Sister go to Yandang Sect to help out? Why do you have time to send me a message? I have just made a breakthrough and am stabilizing my cultivation. After my cultivation is stabilized, I will go to the Sanxiu Sea to practice. After ten years of training, the Zifu will be perfect. Maybe I can plan something by then. The golden elixir opportunity within Fan Zong. 】Gongshu Jian is a swordsman who doesn't talk much at ordinary times. There are many monks who want him to take action, but the ones he can like are good treasures. Yue Bingjiao has traded with him several times. , the friendship is pretty good among many senior brothers.

[The Yandang Sect has a third-level top-grade kendo tea tree that has been growing for more than 4,300 years. Junior Brother Xu has cultivated Baiyun Sword Intent to the third step under the tree. I wonder if Third Senior Brother is interested in taking a look? 】

Gongshu Jian was suddenly excited, [Kendo Tea Tree, this is rare. I never thought that a remote force like the Yandang Sect would have such a thing. The eighth junior brother is lucky, but a gentleman does not take away what others like, that Kendo Tea Tree If there are a lot of tea leaves on it, I can exchange the top quality spiritual stones for a few kilograms of bubble tea to drink. Such a kendo spiritual thing is not to be missed as a brother. As for the kendo tea tree, it has a thousand-year tree heart and can only make people realize it once. Since eight Junior brother has already used it, and it is useless for me to come. 】

[Junior Brother Xu said that the Tree Heart Enlightenment in the past thousand years has not been used yet. If Third Senior Brother is willing to help with his fists and block Liu Bazhen who is holding the Eight Treasures Pagoda, this opportunity will be given to Third Senior Brother. 】

【really? 】

Now Gongshu Jian couldn't sit still. The Shuxin enlightenment that happens once in a thousand years will definitely make his swordsmanship a step further. Even though his sword cultivation realm is at the third step, his sword intention realm is still at the second step. If he could understand the third step of the Celestial Sword Soul, he would dare to directly challenge False Dan Zhenren.

[I will leave now, hoping to catch up with this battle. 】

Just in case, Gongshu Jian decided to go to Luping. Liu Bazhen had a golden elixir in his hand, so he had to have it too.

[Junior Brother Xu, Third Senior Brother has done it. 】

[Thank you, senior sister. 】

On the Cloud Pasture, Xu Yuming still held the message from Cao Qingxiu in his hand.

Xun Tiande, the fourth ancestor of the Xun family, was about to lead a Xun family Zifu to Yandang Mountain to help in the battle. Seventh senior sister Mei Ruonan and her senior brother Ji Changchun blocked the door and asked for his natal merit weapon Jingtangmu, saying It was a transaction, but in reality it was to pave the way for his golden elixir and to repay Xu Yuming's favor without any reason.

As the only daughter of Jindan, Xun Tiande didn't dare to neglect, and waited for several days to discuss, which delayed the departure day.

However, Xu Yuming also received news that Sun Haibo, the second ancestor of the Sun family, a peak monk of the Zifu, would set out together with Liu Zhengyan, a middle-term Zifu monk of the Liu family, and Yuan Yuzhou, a middle-term Zifu monk of the Yuan family. , came to help.

In addition, on the other side of Bohai County, the three major families heard the news. Although they did not come, it did not mean that the monks in their families would not join in to please the four major families in Xuchang. There were only two left under the Yuan family in Bohai. Zi Mansion has fifteen foundations and 1,780 Qi-refining monks. At this moment, there are probably forty or fifty monks under Yandang City, and there are more than 6,000 Qi-refining monks. This is the joint efforts of several major commandery families in Bohai County.

To the west of Dingtao Pass, several days after the battle between Cao Yan, the second ancestor of the Cao family, and the third-step sword cultivator of the Hanhai Sword Sect, the two major forces have ceased their activities. Xu Yuming received the news that Cao Yan had been injured, and the other party did not ask for it. Benefits, both withdrawn.

Moreover, the Five Beast Sect has also increased its troops to Dingtaoguan. I heard that a fake Danzhenren was sent to take charge. Now, whether it is the Hanhai Sword Sect or the Wuxiang Sword Sect, if their Zifu monks want to cross the border, they are afraid that they will come over. It’s about shedding a layer of skin.

The decisive battle is about to begin.

With a thought in his mind, Xu Yuming saw a stone mountain lying in the stone forest, and a vine that coiled around the entire black wood forest. The long dragon whiskers were dancing in the wind. When he was observing, there seemed to be eyes looking at him. Come.

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