Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 198: Golden elixir traces, war breaks out (1 update please follow up)

At this time, three hundred thousand miles away from the Jueyin Valley, a running figure suddenly stopped and sighed in the direction of the Jueyin Sect.

Is it too late after all?

Feng Sanniang, who was so powerful in Sanxiu Hai in the past, didn't expect to die in the inland. It's really sad.

The person who came was a sad female monk. She was playing with the broken sound transmission stone in her hand, with a crack appearing. She knew that the owner opposite had completely fallen, but according to the agreement, she had to go to the Jue Yin Sect and stay for ten years before she could Get the treasure left by Fengqin Sanren.

But she didn't come here for this legacy.

It's a full two million miles from Shanhai Island to Jueyin Sect.

In the Jueyin Sect, the mourning music was played for seven days. On the memorial tablet in the ancestral hall, Fengqin Sanren was also at the front. In addition, it was the Jueyin Sanren who founded the sect.

Xu Yuming was filled with emotions as he looked at the soul tablets of the seven Zifu Sanren who had been inherited by the Jueyin Sect for more than 2,300 years.

When he turned back to the stone wall and was about to say goodbye to Ji'er, a middle-aged beautiful woman appeared in the place where Fengqin Sanren's soul was scattered. The woman appeared quietly, almost within his spiritual consciousness, and everything seemed... It was so natural. If it weren't for the dusty appearance on her body that made her look like a foreigner, Xu Yuming would have thought that she was a senior from the Jue Yin Sect whom he had never met.

She had a look of sadness and reminiscence on her face. She didn't know when a thick wad of paper money appeared in her hand, and she threw it in the sky. This handful was enough to prove her identity.

Senior, did you come back from the Sanxiu Sea? Xu Yuming spoke when she turned around to look at him. It was hard to disturb his old friend as he was mourning his death.

My name is Yuelan. I have indeed returned from the Sanxiu Sea. I have been running around all night, but I didn't expect it to be a step too late. Fairy Yuelan looked leisurely into the stone wall opposite, If Feng Sanniang can pass on the skills, this person Female cultivators do have a special physique, but...

Her eyes were full of evil, and she turned to Xu Yuming, Did you take this Yinshao vitality?

Xu Yuming felt a terrifying aura erupt, just like when he felt the mighty power of Thunderbolt Master at Dingtao Pass. The person in front of him must be Jindan Master.

Fengqin is an old friend of Sanren. They were friends more than 130 years ago. When she was dying, she entrusted the sect's descendants to her, and she would come millions of miles away. What a good relationship it takes to achieve this. ?

Senior, please forgive me. I am also one of the guardians of the Jueyin Sect. Before leaving, senior Fengqin wanted to hold a wedding for me and Hui'er. Now that my senior is here, I am bold enough to ask my senior to preside over the wedding. Xu Yuming He immediately said that he had no ill intentions and was just joking. The person facing him was the real Jin Dan, and he was afraid that he could be killed on the spot with just a casual blow.

Does she have anything else to say? Master Yuelan saw that he didn't seem to be telling lies, otherwise the female cultivator opposite who still had sentience would definitely expose it, and she also saw Xu Yuming accompanying him in the mountains. The remembrance of a senior expert does not seem to be staged.

Xu Yuming thought for a moment and then spoke, Senior Fengqin said that she will have an old friend come to take care of the juniors of the Jueyin Sect for ten years, and also give some of the gains from her early years of wandering in the Sanxiu Sea to the seniors.

As he spoke, the stone plaque hanging around Xu Yuming's waist flew up on its own and landed in the palm of Master Yuelan opposite.

Nine Rings in the Sky, I never thought that such a down-and-out Zifu sect could rely on the dedicated research of the Zifu San people of all generations to develop such a heirloom treasure technique. After practicing it to the last three rings, it is almost as powerful as the golden elixir magical power. , and the way of sound waves can kill people invisibly, and it can also inspire the hearts of monks and soldiers. If I can learn from it...

Master Yuelan is already imagining how much attention and praise she will receive from the human coalition when she returns to Shanhai Island ten years later and once again resists the tide of sea monsters.

When are you going to marry her? Master Yuelan raised her eyes and asked suddenly. She had already obtained the technique. She didn't care whether Xu Yuming in front of her had also practiced this handed down treasure technique and stayed in Jueyin Valley. For ten years, she also wanted to master this technique, not just look after these sect juniors for Fengqin Sanren.

Wait until she comes out of seclusion. Xu Yuming replied subconsciously.

Before that, don't leave the Silent Sound Valley even half a step. Master Yuelan responded, then sat cross-legged in the mountain, his lips lightly opening from time to time, obviously talking to the mountain wind and the sun. Monthly remembrance.

Xu Yuming raised his feet and left knowingly. He understood what Master Yuelan meant. If he could stay in Jueyin Valley and marry Nangong Hui, he would be considered a member of Jueyin Valley, and she could protect him.

But now several major sects are at war with each other.

Ax Blade Mountain is where the Ba Dao Sect is located.

At this time, Zhuque Zhenren of the Earth Fire Sect had stepped on a shocking flame and fell into the hall.

Fellow Suzaku is here, and I apologize for not being able to welcome you from afar. In the hall, there were almost sixty foundation-building monks from the Ba Dao Sect gathered at this time, and even the foundation-building monks from the vassal sects were here. , when he saw the visitor, Yang Xutian, who was sitting at the table, immediately stood up to greet him.

Fellow Daoist Yang, why haven't the Ba Dao Sect taken action yet? Didn't we agree that we would launch an attack from the northwest to attack Dayan Peak, and I will lead the disciples of the Fire Weapon Sect to attack Skeleton Mountain in the north. We will meet up after we defeat Yandangfang. , besieging the Yandang Sect’s mountain gate?”

Fellow Suzaku, don't worry. Am I not summoning my disciples to discuss this battle? According to the information we have received so far, on the Xijian Plain, there are the remnants of the Xijian Sect, the Leng Family of Skull Mountain, and Baiyun The Xue Family of Lion Mountain, one of the Five Mountains, has already gathered its disciples to prepare for battle and rush to the aid of the Yandang Sect.

And a few days ago, I received news that Xu Yuming, the leader of the Yandang Sect, asked the Fengyun Sect. He probably reached a secret cooperation with the Fengyun Sect's contacts, and they will side with the Yandang Sect.

Zhuque Sanren sneered, Even so, what do we have to fear? These forces combined are equivalent to our family. I have invited the Yuan family of Bohai County to take action. They are related by marriage to the Yuan family of Xuchang City. Relationship, they suddenly burst out from the north, and they will definitely be able to hold back these forces. Our opponent is only a mere Yandang Sect, and the rest are nothing to be afraid of.

As he said that, he had already arrived at the center of the hall, Because of the incident at Dayan Peak, the Yandang Sect and you are already mortal enemies. Within the Yandang Sect, Xu Qionghai and Chu Xingbo, two of the former Yandang Six Mountains, have already entered the realm of Zifu. If we wait until Yang Wenjue also steps into the realm of Zifu, then they might come looking for him.

Yang Xutian's face turned blue and white, as if he had been stabbed in a sore spot.

Is your firearms sect ready? It is said that Xu Yuming purchased a quasi-fourth-level formation, and we need means to break it.

I have brought all the eighteen earth fire spiritual weapons. I can lead the fourth-level earth fire to break the formation. I can burn the sky and boil the sea for a month. Is it possible that I still can't break open the turtle shell of the Yandang Sect?

But I heard that Xu Yuming is a direct disciple of Master Meishan. If we defeat the Yandang Sect and Xu Yuming escapes...if he cultivates the golden elixir in the future and comes back to take revenge, what should we do?

The senior of the Bazhen Xu family will take action. He comes with the golden elixir and the spiritual treasure. His combat power is comparable to the fake elixir real person.

Yang Xutian and his son Yang Chenghai looked at each other and quickly looked away.

A senior with fake elixir power comes here not just for Xu Yuming's head.

Of course, he wants the three cloud beast talismans, as well as the Cloud Ranch, a place where cloud energy is produced, and the third-level high-grade kendo tea tree that the Yandang Sect obtained from the Xijian Sect.

It's just a tea tree in Kendo. You are really willing to give up these three cloud beast talismans and cloud pasture. Yang Xutian sneered.

He promised that our two sects can go to the Cloud Ranch to take away the cloud energy for free. In addition, he can also teach us the method of refining the three cloud beast talismans.

The pained expression on Yang Xutian's face softened slightly, When will we launch an attack? I heard that Xu Yuming is very powerful. If he has several fellow disciples to help him, how can we resist?

The Bohai Yuan family will send two Zifu monks to help. One of the people who resisted the Fengyun Sect can help us.

What if the Cao family of Lantaoshan comes to help? They have fake pills and real people.

The fake elixirs of the Cao family in Lantaoshan were severely damaged in the Battle of Yingchuan, and they can only survive. As for their Zifu Dzogchen and Zifu peak monks, I am afraid they dare not leave the place outside the territory, otherwise the Cao family will be destroyed. A wave of monster beasts will destroy the sect.

But just in case, I invited a Taoist friend who is a third-step swordsman to come to the Hanhai Sword Sect, which has imitated the Five Beast Sect and settled in the Blackstone Ancient Territory. I also bought some sword talismans in my hand. Three third-grade middle-grade wrathful red lotus sword talismans will be given to your sect. I hope to hear the news about the war between you and the Yandang sect tomorrow.

Yang Xutian pondered for a moment, After this battle, I want areas such as Tianshui Pavilion, Yandang Sect, Yandang Fang, Skeleton Mountain, Red Crab Forest, and Swamp.

Zhuque Sanren's face was full of magnanimity, No problem, our Firearms Sect only needs the Xijian Plains and Baiyun Five Mountains.

The conversation was very pleasant, and soon the two sects began to mobilize their troops. At the same time, a message was sent to Xu Yuming through the message.

[Sect Master, the Vermillion Bird Sect came to Ax Blade Mountain in person an hour ago and already told the Ba Dao Sect to send troops to attack Dayan Peak. Their Firearms Sect will launch a fierce attack on Skeleton Mountain, and the time to send troops is scheduled for tomorrow. 】

In front of Jueyin Valley, Xu Yuming stood up.

As soon as he made a move, Master Yuelan, who was sitting cross-legged in front of the stone wall dozens of miles away, said, Have you thought about whether you can leave the valley at this time and return on the agreed date?

Xu Yuming's eyes flashed slightly and he bowed respectfully towards her, This junior's sect is in trouble. As the sect leader, I cannot ignore it. I also ask for your forgiveness, senior. On the day Hui'er leaves seclusion, this junior will definitely come back and get married.

This oath can be seen in the mountains and rivers, the sun and the moon!

After saying that, without waiting for a reply, Xu Yuming jumped into the sky on the dragon boat and appeared thousands of miles away in the blink of an eye.

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