Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 192: Conflict in Jubei Town, is he the next generation of the Xu family to carry the cauldro

In January, the ice and snow in Taojun were still not melting.

Xu Yanshui, who was already at the fifth level of Qi Refining, was leading three sect disciples over the mountains and ridges, chasing the long-eared rabbit, a first-level spiritual beast.

There are more than a hundred long-eared rabbits in front of them. Nearby, there are teams of four led by two sixth-level Qi Refining monks, Xu Yanran and Yang Daoyun, who are dividing and surrounding them. As long as they can eat these long-eared rabbits, they can Make a fortune.

Quick, follow them immediately. Jubei Town is ahead. Don't let them get near the entrance of the town. Otherwise, it will be difficult for us once the monks from the Fire Weapon Sect intervene.

Boom boom boom...

Suddenly there was an explosion in front, followed by the sound of a bamboo thorn trap piercing flesh. Xu Yanshui was overjoyed for a moment, The trap in front has been triggered. I am afraid that 20% of these bastards will die. If you continue to pursue, this long The hair and meat of the eared rabbit are valuable. When we return and exchange resources, everyone can improve their cultivation level.


The three people in the team behind him are from the Yang family of Dayan Peak, the Liu family of Xiannong Sect, and one casual cultivator. They are also at the sixth level of Qi refining. The reason why they follow Xu Yanshui, who has poor spiritual qualifications, is not because of his grandfather. Xu Yulong is the third brother of the sect leader, and with half-step foundation-building skills, he serves as the elder of the outer sect.

Following this kind of immortal three generations, there must be a way out.

call out……

Accompanied by the sound of a crossbow, a long-eared rabbit running in the distance was directly pierced through the body. At the late stage of the first level, it had a body that was one foot long, and its hair was also grey-brown. It was cute and fluffy. At this time, it was actually A ferocious cold iron arrow was completely penetrated, and its value was reduced by half.


Under Xu Yanshui's shocked and angry gaze, dozens of cold iron arrows flew out from the dense forest, killing all the running jackrabbits in the forest ahead.

This is the machine-made crossbow of the Earth Fire Weapon Sect, everyone, be careful. Xu Yanshui gave a warning, then immediately took out a diamond talisman and stuck it on his body. This talisman can withstand the sneak attack of a cold iron arrow.

Whoosh whoosh...

But in an instant, the vibration of the bowstring resounded through the dense forest, and hundreds of cold iron arrows flew towards them.

Avoid the arrow attack and immediately seek help from the sect. The number of enemies exceeds a hundred.



While Xu Yanshui was tossing and turning, he saw Yang Daocheng being nailed to the ground by an arrow piercing his chest. He immediately went back to rescue him when his feet landed, but the rain of arrows that followed completely swallowed him up in an instant, and Yang Daocheng was directly killed by Han Tie. The arrow pierced into a hedgehog.

Ah Cheng!

Tears blurred his eyes, but before Xu Yanshui could turn around and fight back, the two people next to him were already holding him back, one on the left and the other on the right.

Swish, swish, swish

But the people who were attacking on the opposite side had no intention of letting them go. When the arrows were being fired randomly, they had already dispatched the monks to move around on both sides. At this time, Xu Yanshui and the others withdrew, and they happened to hit the encirclement.

Staring at the lineup of more than 200 Qi-refining monks in the distance, each of them has a mechanical crossbow that can hunt Qi-refining monsters. Behind them are three Foundation-building monks wearing robes with the badge of the refining furnace. This is simply It can make them despair.

Earth Fire Weapon Sect? You are starting an undeclared war to kill my disciples of the Yandang Sect. Are you ready for a sect war? Although Xu Yanshui felt fear in his heart, he was more angry. As a direct descendant of the Xu family of the Yandang Sect, , he did not allow even a single step back.

In the dense forest not far away, Xu Yanran and Yang Daoyun each escaped with two people and joined him. Yanshui, don't talk nonsense to them. There are people everywhere in this forest. The Earth Fire Weapon Sect has already ambushed them. Maybe They were the ones who released this group of jackrabbits. They sent out at least more than 500 people, and we lost two people here.

Catch them all, live or alive. The leader, the late-stage foundation-building monk of the Earth Fire Weapon Sect, calmly waved his hand, and dozens of large nets of barbaric tendons were immediately thrown towards the ground.


Xu Yanshui took a step forward, and the second-level talisman in his hand burned quickly. The seven flying fire dragons instantly tore apart the barbarian net that was coming towards them. Then they escaped on the spot, already using the earth escape talisman, and began to dive quickly.

You want to escape just now? Order the puppet troops to kill them. The leader of the late-stage foundation-building monk was Qiu Yinchuan, the great disciple of the Fire Vein True Inheritance of the Earth Fire Weapon Sect. After snorting coldly, he suddenly stepped heavily on his feet, majestic The spiritual power directly penetrated dozens of feet into the ground, shocking the two Qi Refining monks directly into the crevices of the rocks until they bled from their orifices, and died tragically on the spot.

You go first, I'll take the lead. Xu Yanran snorted coldly, clapped her hands on the Vajra Talisman, and jumped out of the ground. When the spirit rat demons on the ground that could burrow were about to attack, she held the cold light sword and directly He swept the dozen or so spirit rat demons in front of him to the ground like they were chopping melons and vegetables.


The next moment, the three diamond talismans on her body that supported her body were directly pierced by a second-order cold iron arrow, knocking her out and smashing her into a pile of rocks.

A tiger puppet fell from the sky, took her body into its mouth, and chewed it hard.

Sister Thirteen!

When Xu Yanshui, who was escaping in the distance, saw this scene, he immediately wailed and cried, Don't worry, the blood of my Xu family will not be in vain. Grandpa Nineteen will avenge us.


In the distance, a second-level puppet monster python burrowed directly into the ground, used its snake head to knock the two escaping Qi Refining monks to the ground, and then chased and entangled Yang Daoyun as he retreated.


At the moment when Yang Daoyun was about to die under that bloody mouth, a spear flew from a hundred feet away, instantly piercing the body of the second-order demon python puppet, nailing the snake's head to the ground, and controlling the core instantly Broken, the demon python stopped moving at that time.


A burly figure fell behind Xu Yanshui and the others, protecting them behind him.

Help the wounded and retreat immediately. Leave this to me.

Yes, Elder Yuhu. Xu Yanshui was overjoyed to see the person coming. It was Xu Hu who was the first to enter the Foundation Establishment among the side sects. Now he has been given the title of Jade. Although he is still in the early stage of Foundation Establishment, his combat power is There is no one in the Yandang Sect who can rival him in the middle stage of foundation building. He can be said to be a true fighting genius who was polished from the bottom.


The mountains in the distance shattered, and many gaps appeared. The twenty-foot-long second-level fox demon puppet landed in front of the mountains, and Qiu Yinchuan chased him.

On the back of the golden eagle with a wingspan of more than ten feet, on the snake heads of a group of demon python puppets, and on the back of the lion, tiger, bear and leopard, there are foundation-building monks here. After a detailed count, there are no less than ten people building the foundation. , they have surrounded Xu Yuhu.

I didn't expect that I really caught the foundation-building monk of your Yandang Sect. It's a pity that you are the only one. Qiu Yinchuan waved his hand and said, Kill him.

Seven second-level demon puppets swarmed forward. Xu Yuhu could not dodge in order to cover the retreating Qi Refining juniors. One against seven, no matter what, it was inevitable.

Storm Dragon Spear!

Xu Yuhu suddenly shouted loudly, and swung his gun with the power of a hurricane. A violent gunfire that covered a radius of more than ten miles was instantly swept away. The seven-headed second-order puppets that entered his area were instantly blown away, three of them. His head was torn apart on the spot.

Gun intention?

A somewhat interested smile appeared on Qiu Yinchuan's face, Interesting, I guess you are not a nobody. Tell me your name.

Yandang Sect Battle Hall Elder Xu Yuhu. Xu Yuhu pointed a gun with one hand, and suddenly turned his feet. Unexpectedly, the golden light feather talisman that had been attached to his legs instantly made his figure appear like golden light in front of a foundation builder. Female slim side.

Senior brother, save me! The female Zhuji of the Fire Weapon Sect looked horrified, and her head had been shot through.

The thief is so brave!

Seeing his fellow Ji Ji sect members being killed, the Earth Fire Weapon Sect Ji Ji who was watching the show nearby could not sit still. Several spiritual weapons turned into streams of light and slashed towards him. In almost an instant, Xu Yuhu had already retreated.

Relying on the last remaining strength of the golden light feather talisman, it landed steadily ten miles away.

Don't let him go. He killed Junior Sister Ning. If we go back like this, we won't be able to explain to Junior Uncle Ning.

Kill him. With his ability to understand the artistic conception in the early stages of foundation building, he must be a true disciple of the Yandang Sect. Kill him and reward him with two hundred thousand spirit stones.

Surround him.

Seeing that his retreat path had been surrounded by an encirclement, Xu Yuhu, who wanted to pretend to be a retreat and then retreat, did not panic, because he had already sensed the presence of reinforcements coming from nearby.


Xu Yanshan, who is also a descendant of the Xu family, came close to him, Master Eighty-Nine, we are late, are you injured?

Yanshan, you and I are both from the collateral lineage, and we are only twenty years apart in age. Why do we need to be called so unfamiliar? Now my family in Yandang Mountain is no longer in the world, but in the sect era. Xu Yuhu stood side by side with him with a smile. With the support of the tribe's foundation building, he is no longer afraid of the pursuing troops on the opposite side.

Yes, yes, yes. Not far away, four figures fell down in unison. They were all foundation-building monks. The leader of them was five reinforcements, the deputy master of the war hall who was in the process of building the foundation, and the ancestor Lichou who was in the middle of the foundation-building process. .

The Earth Fire Weapon Sect has gone too far to bully others. It's time to compete with them today. All of you fellow sect members, please follow me to kill the enemy.

Kill the enemy!

Even though the enemy was outnumbered and we were outnumbered, the six major foundations charged head-on.

The half-day fierce battle, known in history as the Battle of Jubei Town, ended with Xu Yuhu beheading Ning Xiao'e and Yu Changxing, two of the Earth Fire Weapon Sect's foundation-building monks. Three Earth Fire Weapon Sect foundation-building monks were severely wounded and fled, and more than thirty Qi Refining disciples were killed or injured. .

The Yandang Sect lost only its eight previous Qi Refining disciples.

In addition, two casual cultivators of the war hall were injured.

After Xu Qionghai returned to the sect after learning about it, he immediately promoted Xu Yuhu to the deputy hall master of the Yandang Sect's war hall, and gave him a bottle of high-grade Yuan Yang Dan to help him break through the middle stage of foundation building. He also gave him orders just like he had evaluated Xu Yuming in the past. , This son's attainments in gunmanship are not bad. If there is another chance, maybe Zifu can hope to have the qualifications of a great elder.

When the reinforcement monks arrived, Xu Yuming had already returned to Yandang Mountain with Huang Yuyao, and learned of the matter upon landing.

Oh? I didn't expect that Yuhu, who was born in a side line, can fight so well. Maybe he will have a place among the younger generation of our Yandang Sect to carry the cauldron. Second sister, after this battle, the sect will activate the Purple Mansion sequence and count Yuhu. In it.”

Xu Yuyan was a little surprised and started a fight. Is this Xu Yuhu attracted?

But his qualification is only a middle-grade spiritual root of gold and fire. With such potential, is he qualified to glimpse the Zifu Avenue?

Seeing that Xu Yuming's expression was a little hot, she immediately wondered if there was something weird about Xu Yuhu.

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