Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 177 Yinshao’s vitality finally becomes the Purple Mansion (1 update please vote for me)

Xu Yuming has never been a good man or woman, otherwise he would not have been able to achieve the title of Three Masters in the Yandang Mountains for more than fifty years. Naturally, it was a fight between life and death. Fighting in the wild has always been ruthless.

How could he miss it when he encountered a Yinsha body that could save him six months of work?

The purity of the vitality of Yinshao's body far exceeded Xu Yuming's imagination. Originally, he was already cultivating the eighth ocean current. This Yinshao's vitality entered the Dantian for only one circle, and the purple halo that was forcibly suppressed by his spiritual power appeared instantly. In just a moment, Zifu took advantage of the situation.

The Zi Mansion with the door closed directly set off thousands of waves. Under Xu Yuming's control, the ninth, tenth... After a total of fifteen ocean currents gathered, his cultivation realm could no longer be suppressed.


Xu Yuming's spiritual consciousness suddenly shouted. The third-level spiritual consciousness realm can be of great use at this time. The third-level physical cultivation also allows him to perfectly manipulate the meridians and acupuncture points in the body, and control every ounce of energy in the Dantian. Use spiritual power to the extreme.

Although he can't control the Zixu Transformation Mansion, he can control the qi transformation of the spiritual power in his body.

When half of the spiritual energy was derived from the ocean of spiritual power, he had already opened up the seventeenth ocean current by relying on timing.

The great road is simple, and nine is the ultimate. I have already opened up seventeen roads, so I will definitely be able to open up the eighteenth road. Thinking of this, Xu Yuming directly used the remaining snake in his Dantian at the moment when all his true energy was condensed. Peacock medicine, a steady push.


The place where the Dantian is located is overturned, and the spiritual power in the sky completely dissipates, turning into a purple energy mansion covering the Dantian. This is the stomach pouch that can accommodate the golden elixir in the future.

Every drop of true energy can instantly severely damage a Foundation-Building Dzogchen monk. The true energy here is inextricably linked, and the most important thing is the eighteen deep purple energy. Even Xu Yuming After all the zhenqi in the body is exhausted, they can quickly fall off, quickly accumulating new zhenqi for him. In other words, there are eighteen more high-speed compressed spiritual powers in the body, which are transformed into engines of zhenqi.

I don't know if my current amount of true energy can be comparable to those monks in the middle stage of Zifu who were born as casual cultivators and did not have the blessing of golden elixir skills. However, my recovery speed of true energy is definitely better than that of middle stage Zifu cultivators.

In addition, taking into account the other trump cards in my hand, he should not be inferior to the mid-term Zifu cultivator face to face.

Thinking of this, Xu Yuming glanced at Nangong Hui'er, who was still sleeping soundly. Although this woman had a mutated sound spirit root and had cultivated to the foundation-building perfection state at the age of seventy, her physical body was pitifully weak.

【Xu Yuming】

Identity: Master of the Yandang Sect, registered disciple of the Five Beasts Sect

Cultivation: Mana (early stage of Zifu), physical body (early stage of third level), spiritual consciousness (middle stage of third level)

Age: 54/1500

Sub-profession: Third-level low-grade Talisman Master

Spiritual roots: top-grade golden spiritual roots, top-grade fire spiritual roots, top-grade earth spiritual roots

Talents: [Diligence can make up for weakness] (3555/5000), [A flash of inspiration] (3055/5000), [Xuanyang Dharma Body] (50/50), [Many children, many blessings] (1/10), [Cold Face Gathering] Wealth] (1/1)

Taoist companions: Shui Yulong (Sixth Level of Qi Refining), Chu Qingluan (Great Perfection of Qi Refining)

Concubine: Xueyingnu (early stage of foundation building)

Beauties: Huang Yuyao (middle stage of third-level physical body), Nangong Hui (peak of foundation building)

what's the situation?

After breaking through the Zi Mansion, his lifespan increased by a full five hundred years. Could it be that after the Golden Light Qilin Ma broke through to the third level, his life span of 3,000 years was divided into half of his life?

In addition, Xu Yuming discovered that Nangong Jiu'er had fallen into a state of decline, falling from the half-step Zifu to the peak of foundation building. His spiritual consciousness swept away and found that this guy's spiritual consciousness was injured by the nightmare beads. He should still be recovering. His spiritual consciousness was still there. Now, the understanding of the previous realm is still there, and I should be able to return to it through cultivation, so it won’t be a big problem.

It's just that this Yinshao's vitality has been taken away, and the upper limit of his potential in the future is probably not high.

Xu Yuming began to refine the nightmare beads.

It has to be said that with the powerful spiritual consciousness combined with the Nightmare Bead, one can almost kill the enemy in an instant by entering a dream in the same realm. This feeling is really comfortable.

In addition, even if he uses great magic power to fight against the enemy, he will not be afraid if he has the red sand soul gourd in his hand.

Finally, there was Kendo. Feeling that after taking Kendo tea leaves, he had reached the bottleneck of the second step of Kendo, Xu Yuming was determined to try to use this high-grade Kendo stone to break through the third step of Kendo.

As long as he can enter this realm, the power of the eight-item sword array can be raised to a higher level. With the sword array alone, Xu Yuming can also compete with the later monks of the Zifu.


Unfortunately, Xu Yuming failed after trying for half a day.

His kendo talent is not high to begin with. If Chu Hongxiu has a superior kendo talent, then Xu Yuming can only be inferior and very mediocre. His previous breakthroughs were all based on treasures and chance.

But who told him to worry? Didn't this Xuanyang body complete a charge under the stimulation of Yinshao's vitality?


The billowing white cloud sword intent erupted, and the soil around Xu Yuming's thousand-foot underground was instantly penetrated by thousands of holes. Even Nangong Hiper, who was originally unable to bear the conquest and could no longer lift his eyelids, couldn't help but open his phoenix eyes. Open a crack and look towards Xu Yuming.

The shock in his eyes flashed away, This man's swordsmanship talent is too high. He has reached the third step of Baiyun Sword Intent in the Zifu realm and has mastered the rainbow of sword light. It seems that he also has a big secret.

woke up?

Xu Yuming naturally noticed her peeping, and without saying a word, he put a ball of queen honey on his fingertips and walked towards her.

Xu Yuming thought about giving the sudden extra talent of [Cold Face Gathering Wealth] a try, but found that he was completely indifferent to it. It seemed that he had to contact a store in Nancheng before he could react.

Could it be that his business suddenly improved because of its help?

In this case, it has nothing to do with Nangong Hip'er in front of him, and it is mostly the benefit brought by Xue Yingnu.

For ten days in a row, Xu Yuming was reluctant to get up from the warm spring breeze.


Until Yue Bingjiao used a flying sword that used tens of thousands of spirit stones to send a message, and an urgent message was delivered to his hands.

[Junior Brother Xu, the shop at No. 257 in Nancheng was attacked by gangsters. There were half-step Zifu monks who took action from outside, and two Talisman Makers in the Foundation Establishment period you recruited. They hid their cultivation. It was the late stage of foundation building, and more than ten people in the shop were all dead, but the talismans were not taken away. After we went to the Zifu auction, I asked Junior Sister Liu Luoyu from the peak to take care of the shop. She was half a step into the Zifu realm. , if she hadn't taken action, I'm afraid all the talismans in the store would have been snatched away. By the way... Xue Yingzong, the first-level top-level talisman master of your Yandang Sect, died in the battle, and Heiji Ya, the second-level low-level talisman master, was seriously injured. They were both in Attacked while transporting the talisman. 】

Xu Yuming frowned. Someone was actually targeting him and taking action against the store?

There are actually two late-stage foundation-building monks hidden among the guests who have been recruited. Can't even detect it with my own third-level spiritual consciousness?

But now, he has the Nightmare Bead, a top-quality spiritual weapon, in his hand. Even if he secretly pulled all the guests he recruited into their dreams and tortured them about their origins, they would not know what happened. What.

As for Xueyingzong’s death in battle…

He had to send a message to the clan, and he felt sorry for the Xue family, especially since this guy was his uncle, and Xue Yingnu needed to be comforted by him.

Just take out a high-grade foundation-building pill from your inventory and send it over.

Speaking of which, Xu Yuming only had one high-grade Foundation Establishment Pill and one mid-grade Foundation Establishment Pill left in his hands. The former was prepared for Shui Yulong, and the latter was prepared for Chu Qingluan.

Now that this high-grade stone is given to the Xue family, it can be regarded as an explanation.

[Thank you, senior sister, for telling me. Regarding the operation of the store, I would like to ask my senior sister to take care of me. I will come back tomorrow and ask my senior sister to help me find the person behind the scenes. 】

Thinking of this, Xu Yuming casually threw the Flying Sword Message out. A disposable magic weapon is valuable because of its high speed, and few people in the world of cultivating immortals will intercept it. If it is intercepted, it will be automatically destroyed and will not be leaked. This thing is really powerful. It's easy to use.

It seems that there is a kind of skylark above the sea of ​​clouds. Its flying speed should not be inferior to that of Feijian Chuanshu. This Feijian Chuanshu costs ten thousand spiritual stones. If I only sell five thousand spiritual stones and one Skylark Talisman, I'm afraid I can make a lot of money. Get plenty of money.”

Xu Yuming had an idea in his mind, but found that the charge of [Cold Face Gathering Money] had disappeared without a trace.

It turns out that this is how it is used. The idea of ​​making money came to me all thanks to its flash of inspiration.

Forget it, let’s make a big fuss when we go back this time.

Having said this, Xu Yuming had already put on a robe and stood up. Xiao Zhanmeng's storage ring contained a total of almost 150,000 top-quality spiritual stones. In addition, Xu Yuming also had four spiritual weapons. He can take action, which is about 160,000 top-quality spiritual stones, which can be considered as enough to enrich his pocket.

He stretched out his hand and supported Nangong, whose legs and feet were so weak that he couldn't walk.

I want you to follow me to the inner city of Shanhai, but you have to hide your appearance, and you are not allowed to leave my mansion for a short period of time. If you can do it, I will let you go after one year.

Nangong Ji'er glared at him fiercely, Since you have taken away my Yuan Yin, why do you need to detain me? What's the difference between this and those people who robbed me of wealth and sex?

The most precious Yinshao energy in my body is gone, why do you still keep me?

Can I say that in the entire Shanhai City, it is easy to find, and people as beautiful as you are very rare?

Besides, your Yinshao vitality can charge the Xuanyang body once. Maybe you can even open a hidden talent entry for me.


After Xu Yuming broke through the Zifu realm, he was in a good mood. He drove the earth dragon boat across the ground, and soon returned to the north of Shanhai City and began to march towards the city.

He took a look at Nangong, who had put on a cloak after struggling to no avail, and knelt at the back of the boat, raising her buttocks. It was very eye-catching.

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