Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 175 Hiper is in danger, should he be saved or not? (2 more updates, please order in full)

Fellow Taoist, please stay.

When the auction ended, Cao Qingxiu and Yue Bingjiao were busy trading with other monks. Xu Yuming walked away, but as soon as he turned around, a monk came forward and stopped him.

Xu Yuming saw that he was in the middle stage of Zifu, and his third-level spiritual consciousness was spreading all over his body. He was not afraid at all, Is something wrong?

I'm a sword fanatic. My Taoist friend has a pair of high-grade ancient swords that have no demonic souls. How about selling them to me and I can use them as a trade for a third-grade mid-grade sword talisman?

Just when Xu Yuming was about to refuse, he heard him continue to speak, The power of the third step of sword intention should be comparable to the peak strike of Zifu.

Exchange one sword for another. Xu Yuming thought about whether this could be a way for his Zifu to suppress the situation.

Can I take a look at the sword?

Seeing the other party hand over the third-level sword talisman, Xu Yuming immediately took out an ancient demon soul sword and handed it over.

It is indeed the handiwork of a weapon refiner ten thousand years ago. It's a pity that the soul of the weapon is gone, otherwise it would definitely be the best of the top-grade spiritual weapons. The tall swordsman opposite, wearing a square crown, rubbed his hands and hesitated again and again. , took out something from his arms.

Fellow Taoist, I just came back from the outer sea. After a hard fight, I exhausted all my wealth and am very short of money. I only have this high-grade kendo stone. Can I exchange it for it?

High-grade kendo stone?

Xu Yuming's heart moved. He originally had a third-level kendo tea tree, and his sword intention has been cultivated to the peak of the second step. If there is another kendo stone like this, he may be able to achieve the third step of sword intention. This is a big kill in the Zifu realm. device.

Add another mid-grade spiritual weapon, the Flying Sword. The other person gritted his teeth, and when he saw Xu Yuming's hesitation, he handed over another Snake-Fish Flying Sword.

make a deal!

Xu Yuming wholeheartedly agreed that his eight sword formations could be used with eight spiritual weapons and flying swords. Originally there were nine, but now the two nearly high-grade spiritual weapons have been replaced by one mid-grade spiritual weapon. It seems to be weaker. But it’s definitely not a loss.

After walking out of the door of the auction house, Xu Yuming immediately blended into the crowd. Out of the corner of his eye, he also saw Nangong Ji'er coming out. She jumped directly into the air. Maybe she also had the authority of the Five Beast Sect and dared to fly in Shanhai City.

She has already reached the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment. Now that she has obtained this middle-grade Ziyang Pill, she should find a place to break through the Zifu. Xu Yuming's heart moved. Could it be that this Ziyang Pill was not prepared for herself?

He was about to pull away, but his spiritual sense found that there were two auras following him a hundred miles away. It was obviously the transaction of exchanging the river bath water for Ziyang Pill that day that made her being targeted.

In the world of cultivating immortals, any spiritual insect, medicinal powder, or even a touch of spiritual consciousness can plant a mark for people to hunt down. Through the black robe, it can be seen that Nangong is a woman with an excellent figure. Maybe there is a flower picker. Can keep an eye on her.

One of them should be a monk in the middle stage of the Purple Mansion, and the other one's cultivation level is probably higher than lower. Xu Yuming felt the traces of one of them using earth escape to pursue, and the other swaggering from the sky to pursue him. After thinking about it, he decided to follow up and take a look. Look.

[Senior Tianji, people are coming out. I dare not look back. There are at least two Zifu monks chasing me. 】

At this time, Empress Nangong, who was escaping in the air, was stepping on the building and flying boat and continued to fly forward while lowering her head to send a message to the Tianji scattered people.

[You lead them to the Luoyang Ancient Road, and I will set up a fourth-level formation. No matter how many monks come, no one can escape from my grasp. 】

[Senior Tianji, what you promised me...]

[Don’t worry, when I get the Bagua Diagram, an inherited spiritual weapon, I will marry you in a glorious manner, and the Jueyin Sect will also be able to enter Shanhai City and become a major purple force at the foot of the Five Beasts Sect. He Today, you and I will advance to the realm of the golden elixir together, and become a couple of immortals who will live happily for thousands of years. 】

Seeing this, Empress Nangong was immediately relieved.

The Lord of Shanhai City, Master Bagua of the Five Beasts Sect, is celebrating his 400th birthday. Many of his disciples and disciples are vying to prepare birthday gifts for him. As long as they can catch his eye, this Master will give them to him. The most precious treasure, the Bagua Diagram, which ranks second on the list of seventy-two inherited spiritual weapons, is given to his successor.

With the resources of Shanhai City and the full support of Bagua Zhenren, the golden elixir realm in the future is not so far away.

After all, Bagua Zhenren is the city lord of this mountain and sea city, and the Bagua Diagram is the formation pestle in his hand. Mastering the Bagua Diagram can inherit this fifth-order mountain and sea formation.

Moreover, the great thing about the Bagua Diagram is that it can also form an array on the spot, and it constructs a quasi-fourth-level Bagua array.

A quasi-fourth-level formation master like Tianji Sanren could only dream of breaking through his own formation realm.

Well, the breath disappeared?

Xu Yuming's footsteps stopped one hundred and fifty miles away from the Luoyang Ancient Road. He frowned and watched as the two Zifu monks who were chasing him in the world also landed near the Luoyang Ancient Road. There were even more in the hands of the escaping monks. Get a compass.

Where did this bitch go?

Could it be that there is a large formation here to cover the aura?

The leader's slender face frowned, But she only has the aura of Foundation Establishment, and she was imprinted with spiritual consciousness by me, so she shouldn't be able to escape.

Brother, why don't you and I retreat first? The white-faced scholar from the middle stage of the Zifu behind was a little nervous, because this is the Luoyang Ancient Road and it is too close to Luodu. If we forcefully attack the formation here and make a big noise, we will It was noticed by many Zifu monks in Luodu City.

Then let's go first.

The slender face nodded slightly, and just as he was about to leave, the mountains in front of him suddenly changed, and the formation's treasure light instantly swallowed the two of them up. Tianji Sanren was fiddling with his calculations, and the pretty Nangong Empress stood next to him, looking at her with a playful expression. Two people.

Tianhe Bathing Water, the middle-grade Ziyang Pill comes to you, it's really not interesting.

Tianji Sanren? Senior brother, we have fallen into a trap. They are using a large formation to set up an ambush and prepare to rob you and me.

Is Tianji planning a grand formation? It's just a trapped formation. If Tianji is a loose person, what are you going to use to kill me?

The two Zifu people were standing in the formation and were not panicking. They actually dared to shout in front of the Tianji disciples.


The Tianji Calculation Formation suddenly pressed down, revealing the terrifying array magic light covering a thousand miles. In just a moment, the spiritual consciousness comparable to the peak of Foundation Establishment shocked the two Zifus until their mouths and noses bleed.

Xu Yuming, who was watching outside at this time, was also dumbfounded, Good guy, this Nangong Ji'er is not a good man or woman. She actually set up such a big formation to plot against these two Zifu monks. She wants to rob her family.

Xu Yuming pulled back one hundred and fifty miles and stayed at a position three hundred miles away from the formation. With the earth dragon boat in his hand, he could use the Earth Dragon Moving Technique nine times to instantly pull away one thousand three hundred miles. In this way, Even the expansion of the formation will not threaten him.


What surprised him was that a figure also walked out of Luodu City, a thousand miles away.

The token hanging around my waist is not the Cao family's token. Is there a large formation outside the city that has disturbed the other party?

Xu Yuming hid his figure underground. Cao Qingxiu once said that there are six major families in Xuchang City, all of which have peak cultivators from the Zifu. Luodu, a royal capital of mountains and seas, is only stronger than Xuchang. At this time, he dares to explore this in person. Those who are close to the fourth-level formation are either False Dan Zhenren, or they are at the peak of Zifu.

There are still dangers everywhere around Shanhai City. It seems that after I earn enough spiritual stones, I have to go back. This is not a place to stay for a long time.

Xu Yuming regretted sending so many family monks here. If he encountered danger, he would be restrained.

In the formation space, Tianji Sanren reached out and made a move, and two storage rings fell out of the air and fell into his palm.

Senior Tianji, with your spiritual consciousness at the pinnacle of foundation building, combined with this large formation, even the fake elixir master can compete with you. Watching Tianji Sanren kill two Zifus in three strikes, one of them is still Nangong, a late cultivator from Zi Mansion, was a little surprised.

Everyone who has seen my Tianji Calculation Array has died, so no one knows that this is actually a trapping array plus a spiritual awareness amplification array. Tianji Sanren smiled and moved the three thousand top-grade spiritual stones inside. He came out and took two medium-grade spiritual weapons and one high-grade spiritual weapon in his hands, These two are really poor. We have to move to another place.


At the moment when he was thinking, the formation space seemed a little unstable.

how come?

Tianji Sanren immediately moved his chips to calculate the dangers here, and then his expression suddenly changed.

Black light and blood are a sign of great evil.

The only thing that can bring me crisis here is the forces in Luodu City, but they are all from the Shanhai Hairao family. Who dares to kill me openly?


With the second loud noise, the formation was already being attacked.

The familiar array master's methods could be from my Bagua sect.

His face was terrifyingly gloomy, Their target is me, Fairy Nangong. After the formation is destroyed, I will lead away one of the auras of the Purple Mansion's Great Perfection. You will fly to Shanhai City from another direction. If you can survive, You and I will meet in front of the Tianji Tower in Shanhai City.



With a loud noise, the formation was shattered, and the two streams of light escaped.

Next to the old man in sackcloth was a fat woman.

Senior brother Tianji, the junior sisters are here, why are you so busy walking around, why don't you stay?

Xiao Zhanmeng, you are crazy. My Bagua disciples are killing each other. If Master knew about it, I would not spare you. After seeing the person clearly, Tianji Sanren was filled with shock and anger even though he had escaped hundreds of miles away.

Senior brother, our sect has a total of more than a dozen divination methods including dream divination, copper divination, astrology, face divination, word divination, fortune divination, and any direct disciple is our master's pet peeve. You Tell me, if Master randomly chooses someone to inherit his mantle, will he be able to convince everyone?

It's just to separate ourselves from one another. The one who poses the greatest threat to me is you, senior brother.

So I'd better ask senior brother to die.

As he said that, Xiao Zhanmeng bowed to the old man in sackcloth beside him, Please, Ancestor, take action to kill the scattered people of Tianji, and I will take action to kill Master Karma for you.

As for the little girl who escaped, leave it to me.

That's fine. The old man in Mai took one step and chased him a hundred miles away. After three or two steps, he had narrowed the distance between him and Tianji Sanren.

Prime Minister Mai, Xiao Yuantong, how dare you come to kill me? The fleeing Tianji Sanren were shocked and angry, Just wait for me. If I, Tianji, don't die today, I will avenge you and destroy your entire Xiao family.

Deep underground, Xu Yuming shook his head. He had reached this point and still said harsh words. Was he afraid that the other party would not be able to catch up with him?

In this case, Nangong Ji'er is really in danger. He took a serious look at the figure escaping in his direction. Xiao Zhanmeng, who was chasing in the air, had an aura in the middle of Zifu, and was extremely troublesome. The mathematician is a bit nerve-wracking to deal with. Should I save him or not?

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