Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 169 In the Plum Blossom Mountain in the Five Beasts Sect, the sika deer has a golden elixir


Today's earth dragon boat, driven by Xu Yuming with all his strength, can easily fly 300,000 miles in one day, but this also allows them to cross Tao County and enter the boundary of Yuzhou.

When crossing Yuzhou, they also encountered monks from Jibei County and Dongjun County for interrogation. After Yue Bingjiao raised the banner of the Five Beasts Sect, the journey was smooth.

This also made Xu Yuming discover that there were Zifu forces entrenched in almost every state and county.

There are dozens of purple mansions in the Five Beast Sect. I'm afraid it's wrong. Counting those who are in solitary confinement, there must be at least a hundred or more. Otherwise, how can we suppress the purple mansions in so many states and counties?

When night fell on the second day, they saw a large city with bright lights in the distance.

Ahead is Xuchang. This place was originally the territory of the wealthy Cao family. They were the Jindan family two hundred years ago. Now they share this big city equally with the five major families: the Xu family, the Xun family, the Yuan family, the Sun family, and the Liu family. Any family can , there are monks with peak combat power from Zi Mansion stationed there. There are 20 million mortals in this city alone, and there are probably more than 100,000 monks entering and exiting the city every day.

Xu Yuming noted down the location of Xuchang. It was only one day away from the Mountain and Sea City of the Five Beast Sect, and probably about 650,000 miles away from the Yandang Sect.

Senior Sister Yue has come all the way, why don't you come to my Cao family as a guest, let your junior brother entertain you, and show your kindness as a landlord. Suddenly, hearty laughter sounded on the ground, and then a figure rose into the sky, and its breath was half-step purple. The realm of Zifu is the same as that of Xu Yuming, but the other party's spiritual power has already turned into the sea. He is probably waiting for the transformation of his spiritual consciousness before he can step into the realm of Zifu in one fell swoop.


The opponent was riding on the back of a crane that was more than twenty feet long. He had handsome features, a strong physique, and an evil aura on his body. He could be regarded as a veteran foundation builder who had experienced many fights. However, looking at his face, he looked quite young. Under fifty.

It turns out to be Junior Brother Qingxiu. Yue Bingjiao pointed at him and introduced him to Xu Yuming, This is Cao Qingxiu, the registered disciple of the family master. He is a direct descendant of the Cao family in Xuchang. His cultivation level is half a step up from Zifu, which is comparable to yours. .”

After saying that, she was ready to introduce it to Cao Qingxiu.

This must be fellow Taoist Xu Yuming. I have admired his name for a long time. I heard that fellow Taoist is the second in the foundation building list in the mountains and seas, and I am ranked seventh. Cao Qingxiu looked at Xu Yuming in front of him with great interest, his eyes filled with excitement. Fighting spirit.

Junior Brother Cao, I appreciate your kindness. I went to Yandang Sect this time to take Junior Brother Xu back to the sect under the orders of my master, but I didn't have time to delay on the way.

Well, it just so happens that I also want to see the master and seek a retreat to break through the realm of Zifu. I just happen to go with my senior sister. As he said that, Cao Qingxiu was already riding a crane to follow him. The earth dragon boat breathed twenty or thirty miles at a time. It can actually keep up with it. The talent of this bloodline must be quite high. The cultivation is already at the second level of Great Perfection. I am afraid that it may step into the third level at any time.

He is from the lineage of Beast King, and he most likely wants to break through with his Spirit Crane.

During the flight, Cao Qingxiu took the initiative to get close to Yue Bingjiao. This guy probably wanted to become the direct disciple of Master Meishan, which made Xu Yuming curious about his spiritual qualifications.

Yue Bingjiao seemed to have seen through Xu Yuming's thoughts, My Five Beast Sect's golden elixirs must be passed down by at least one top-grade spiritual root. This Junior Brother Cao has a top-grade golden spiritual root, which is similar to yours, Fellow Daoist Xu.

Oh? Xu Yuming couldn't help but his eyes lit up. Is this guy also a top-grade golden spirit root?

I heard that Brother Xu is good at a Geng-Gold Divine Light, which is not weaker than Zifu's treasure. It is taken from the body of the ancient strange beast Dageng Beast. It is extremely powerful. I am also good at a Zifu treasure called Cangshengfutu. How about discussing with me if you have time? Cao Qingxiu suddenly became interested.

It's self-evident. The road is long and long, and there is a lack of like-minded people like me. What's more, you and I have the same spiritual roots and can make progress together. Seeing that this man has a cheerful temperament, Xu Yuming agreed, and he was also curious about other people. What kind of power is the gold-type Zifu treasure technique?

On the way, I have tried to master the top foundation-building spell given by Jueyin Sect, Geng Jinbaoguang, and I have gained a little bit. I can perfect it when I compete with this guy to prove its power.


It was almost noon, Xu Yuming calculated that he had flown a million miles, and then he saw the royal capital of Shanhaiguo. The city was called Luodu, and there was an ancient name called Luoyang in the past.

The royal city of Luodu has 200 million mortals living in the city. A Jindan master from our Five Beasts Sect is stationed all year round to protect the royal family of Shanhai Kingdom. It is worth mentioning that the Cao family can also be regarded as their honorable ministers.

As if in response to Yue Bingjiao's words, Cao Qingxiu was filled with emotion, My Cao family has been a duke in the past. Since the ancestor Changkong passed away, we have been demoted to marquis and marquis of Xuchang, but the city of Xuchang does not belong to us. The Cao family is a bit ridiculous to say the least.

Junior brother, with your natural talent, when you step into the realm of the golden elixir, the monsters in Xuchang City will be at your disposal. Yue Bingjiao comforted him with a smile.

Senior sister is joking. Even you, a direct disciple of the Golden Elixir, have to walk on thin ice in pursuit of the golden elixir path. As for me, little brother, I'd better think about how to become a direct disciple first.

As he spoke, his eyes met Xu Yuming's, Fellow Daoist Xu, my senior sister invited you to join my lineage of Beast Kings, and she values ​​you very much. However, my master respects him as an old man, and he is quite old-fashioned and values ​​rules. You are an art master, and you are better than me. The family background is even worse. I don’t have a strong sense of belonging to the Five Beast Sect. I estimate that I can only become a registered disciple. If you want to become a true disciple, you have to come with me. After entering the realm of Zifu, go to Performing a first-class sect mission.

A-level sect tasks? Xu Yuming kept this in mind. He had long heard Xu Yanbing said that the Five Beasts Sect had strict rules and that there were eight levels of tasks: A, B, D, Wu, Ji, Geng, Xin.

Xin and other tasks are naturally received by the handyman disciples, that is, weeding and weeding.

Geng's job is to run errands and deliver messages to make up for the headcount. It is usually the first choice for outer sect and handyman disciples.

Among other tasks, the medicine boy who watches the fire, the utensil boy who pulls the seals, and the farming boy who makes clouds and rain are all included in this list. They are the first-level tasks most received by the outer disciples of the Five Beasts Sect.

Level E missions, when you go out to hunt, you have to see the blood. They are designated to hunt certain monsters or pick up certain elixirs, and there are even tasks such as suppressing bandits and eliminating thieves. Generally, they are the best among the outer sects. Or the inner disciples of Foundation Establishment can receive it.

Ding and other tasks, go out to garrison in the mines, or go to mortal states and counties to take charge. Long-term tasks are usually received by the old and frail inner disciples and the inner disciples who have no foundation and lack of spiritual stones.

Class C missions include hunting down traitors, exterminating demons in the East Sea, and resisting the tide of beasts on the sea. Only the top five hundred foundation-building monks in the inner sect dare to take on such missions, which are very risky but highly profitable.

Second-level tasks are basically assessments for true disciples. In the Five Beast Sect, only those in the later stages of foundation building are eligible to initiate such task assessments. The simplest ones are to challenge a genius on the foundation building list, or to kill someone who has become famous. The most difficult thing for a long-time evil thief is to pass through a secret realm in the Five Beast Sect or pass a certain level, which requires talent.

A-level tasks are also advanced tasks for true disciples to personally teach the Golden Core. Of course, the Five Beasts Sect will also issue some relatively temporary tasks, such as a trip to the Blackstone Ancient Territory and the Five Great Purple Mansion, and you will receive A-level tasks. , this type of task can be received by the monks of the Purple Mansion of the sect. As for the assessment task of Jin Dan's direct disciple, it depends on the mood of the Jin Dan master.

Perhaps the family can select some backbone disciples, and the upper limit of training is the level of Yandang Sect hall masters and elders to join the Five Beasts Sect for training. On such a big stage, if you can survive the dangers, your strength will definitely not be Too bad.

Just flying over Luodu took them a full hour. The city, which is almost 30,000 miles wide, is completely built on a plain with dense rivers. It has to be said that the people living on one street alone are... It has far exceeded the total population of the Xu family in Yandang Mountain in the past by several times.

Xu Yuming sensed along the way that there were at least a dozen purple mansions living in the aura. The strongest one was in the palace. It was an indestructible sword. The opponent must be a golden elixir sword cultivator, and this sword intention, just by looking at it. The Baiyun Sword Intent in his body shrank a little, and the opponent was probably taking the third step of the sword.


Shanhai City, where the Five Beast Sect is located, under a peaceful cloud curtain, this giant city that accommodates more than one billion mortals has been introduced into the view.

Yue Bingjiao asked Xu Yuming to restrain the dazzling earth dragon boat, drive his third-level poisonous dragon, and let the two of them stand on their backs. As the poisonous dragon soared up to three thousand feet, they broke into a huge formation light curtain and flew away. A few hours later, they appeared in the north of Shanhai City, in front of the majestic mountains that were winding and circling like giant dragons.

Across the distance is the blue sea. This mountain and sea is the center of the mountain and sea area, and it is also the home of the Five Beasts Sect, the overlord of Yuanying.


Old scalpers with a third-level aura were playing at the head of the shallow beach, and there were also large groups of Sibei swimming across the sea, rushing towards the dense forest in front of the mountain, startling a large number of flying birds, and counting them carefully, there were at least tens of thousands, including many second-level birds. Demon.

Are all the monsters in this Five Beast Sect free-range?

While Xu Yuming was thinking, they had landed on the second of the five unreachable peaks. On the food lawn halfway up the mountain, they saw a sika deer several feet long. On the back of the sika deer, there was a horse riding on it. An old man wearing a spotted robe.

He glanced at Xu Yuming and Cao Qingxiu who was following him with a dull look, without saying a word.

Disciple Yue Bingjiao (Cao Qingxiu) pays homage to the master.

Xu Yuming also quickly followed suit and saluted, Xu Yuming, Yandang Sect, pays homage to Master Meishan.

Master Meishan looked at him with great interest, and kept saying nothing surprising. As soon as he opened his mouth, Xu Yuming was shocked on the spot.

The highest-grade gold spiritual roots, the top-grade fire spiritual roots, and the top-grade earth spiritual roots. Your talent is wrong. I have never seen such a weird spiritual root talent in anyone else. Your spiritual roots are too much.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, don’t skip booking, give me some face and just book all of them, woo hoo

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