Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 153 Cloud Ranch was destroyed, and Xu Yuming was almost bald? (1 update please order in full


The silver-armored corpse took out the heart of Zhu Baoyang, the leader of the fifth village, and chewed it in his hand. It was already covered with a light golden luster, and its strength was comparable to that of a late-stage foundation-building monk. The most important thing was that its physical defense was not as strong as a high-grade spiritual weapon. Not broken.

As for the bronze-armored corpse in the distance, it was dragging the fourth owner of the village, He Dingfeng, while the demon puppets all over the mountains and plains were besieging several other elders of Cloud Ranch.

Where are our reinforcements? Third-level Fu Sect, Lion Mountain Xue Family, and Pindan Tower. What are they doing? The second village owner Chang Suiyun was already at the peak of foundation building. At this time, he looked around angrily. If not He tried his best to block the golden-armored corpse in front of him, fearing that all the foundation-building monks on the mountain would be slaughtered in an instant.

They probably won't come. The enemy attacked the mountain, and the fire spread from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain in an instant. None of them could tell how many enemies there were, or how many foundation-building monks had come. I guess they just wanted to wait for us to be destroyed before coming to investigate. Elder Lamb is also in the late stage of Foundation Establishment. He wears a sheep's horn crown on his head, and occasionally waves a sheep's head crutch to smash the Foundation Establishment wolf demon puppet that rushes forward. Second Village Master, I am here to take the post. You take the juniors from Cloud Ranch with you. Fall back.”

Retreat? The Dragon Scale Cavalry has gathered. Whether these zombies or demon puppets, they are all destined to die. Chang Suiyun snorted coldly. Ranking the strength of the five Baiyun Mountains, the Chen family of Baiyun Mountain ranked first. Their Cloud Ranch They were able to rank second not because Yang Baimei was a swordsman comparable to the Foundation Establishment Dzogchen, but because they had elite dragon scale cavalry.

Even the Zifu monks did not dare to face the frontal charge of eight hundred dragon scale cavalry.

Listen to me, take them away. The mountain guarding formation has been destroyed. The enemy is well prepared. Let the Dragon Scale Cavalry clear the way to cover the retreat of our tribe. Go to the north, the territory of Xi Jian Sect. We have already issued a warning to them. Senior Liang Mo, the great elder of the Sword Cleansing Sect, will personally come to take care of us. His old man has already entered the half-step of the Zifu realm. As long as he arrives, we can save the day.

Chang Suiyun wanted to say that this old guy was too cowardly, but when he looked at the demon puppets all over the mountains and plains, his scalp suddenly went numb.


With a scream, the silver-armored corpse slapped Elder Mu Ma's head into his neck. His head was like a watermelon. It was torn apart by the second heavy blow, and he could no longer die.

Dragonscale Cavalry!

Chang Suiyun jumped off the cliff and shouted loudly.


The stables of Cloud Ranch were instantly overrun by eight hundred cavalry. The intertwined patterns of weapons converged on the several-foot-long dragon-scale war horses, all injecting their breath into the bodies of the cavalry on horseback. Even the spears in their hands were high-grade magic weapons. At this time, the power of top-grade magic weapons can also burst out, and they, in unison, struck 800 top-grade magic weapons and stabbed forward at the same time.



On the grassland of Cloud Ranch, a ten-mile radius was pierced by a shot. Dozens of demon puppets along the way were destroyed and pierced, turning into dust and dispersed.

Is this Dragon Scale Cavalry so powerful? The ancestor of the Red Crab not far away was full of joy, because he held a talisman in his hand, which was given to him by the Red Calvary Sanren before setting off.


A burst of death energy emerged from in front of the dragon scale cavalry, but in just a moment, the bone fire standing opposite them disappeared.



The dragon scale cavalry were like dumplings. After rushing through the area filled with death energy, their flesh and blood withered away at a speed visible to the naked eye. Their armor and weapons fell off, leaving only a skeleton frame and the top-grade spiritual beast dragon scales underneath. Like a horse, it fell to the ground and turned into a pile of bones.

What kind of method is this? The Red Crab Ancestor was horrified. Fellow Bone Daoist, don't forget our agreement. We must keep these dragon-scaled horses.



In the charging formation, Bone Fire stretched out his palms, almost pressed the two cavalrymen's necks, and took off their heads.

Then he punched through the entire charging military formation with both fists!

His physical body has reached the peak of the second level, and he himself is equivalent to a gold-armored corpse, and it is also mutated platinum gold. The collision force of these cavalry cannot hurt him at all, but he is half slaughtered by him.

Dong dong dong...

Seeing the remaining cavalry quickly bypassing the area filled with death energy and protecting more than a hundred Qi Refining monks from escaping, Bone Fire made a move and pocketed the skull in the darkness. The ancestor of the red crab saw it.

If nothing unexpected happens, this should be a fifth-level head contaminated with death energy. As for its original owner, it must be one of the Nascent Soul Lords in the Valley of Ten Thousand Snakes. It is most likely that he is the half-man, half-snake. The half-snake true king, after all, the shape of his head is like that of a snake demon, not human-like.

Don't chase the poor bandits!

Witnessing the six major foundations of Yunduan Ranch, Chang Suiyun, the second owner, and Yang Chengming, the third owner, escaped. Their goal was achieved, and both the mountain gate and the pasture of Yunduan Ranch fell into his hands.

Immediately count all the seizures and give all the spiritual weapons to our monks to refine and enhance their strength. Bring me the corpses of the foundation-building monks that were killed and prepare to refine the bronze corpses. In addition, how many spiritual beasts are there in Cloud Ranch?

In addition to the more than 100,000 first-level barbarian cattle and plateau snow sheep that are kept for slaughter, there are also more than 100 dragon-scaled horses, half of which are ponies and half of which are breeding stallions and mares. .”

Bone Fire's eyes flickered as he looked at the Red Crab Ancestor who was leading more than a hundred dragon-scaled horses in the distance. There was a bit of sternness in his eyes, Some people still want me to frame you and put the blame on you. I never thought that you would come to my door yourself. coming.

Go and tell the monks from the Huang family in Red Crab Lin that we will invite them to settle in Yunduan Town at the foot of the mountain. If they want to withdraw, then don't join forces later.


Bone Fire, can we bring back the 180,000 clan members in Lengjia Town? Not far away, the cold-faced ancestor fell, and his breath was a little messy. After all, there was a fight just now.

If you don't pick them up, keep them. We still have a way out. As he said that, Bone Fire pointed at the 230,000 mortals in Yunduan Town at the foot of the mountain. Transfer these people to the third-level high-grade Misty Cloud Sea Formation overnight. These people are going to the north, and to the north is the Xi Jian Sect, one of the five sects in Tao County. If they collude with the Xi Jian Sect, we will be in big trouble next.


Just when the fierce battle of bone and fire was over, Xu Yuming had already turned over and sat up from Chu Qingluan's cave.

[Yunduan Ranch has been captured, I have held back the Red Crab Lin Huang Family, and the Xijian Sect in the north is suspected of entering the game. I need the Foundation Establishment Pill, and in exchange for the Dragon Scale Horse, one hundred and thirty-five ponies and stallions. 】

Qingluan, how about giving the two low-grade foundation-building pills you refined to Bone Fire? Xu Yuming asked behind him.

Skull Mountain is indeed a sharp knife, but husband, do you really think that Gu Huo will not change his mind? That Honghu Sanren is not an ordinary person. If the Xi Jian Sect takes action, only the Red Gourd Sanren can resist him. As long as he comes, The Leng family in Skull Mountain will inevitably be controlled by him. He may use spiritual branding, poison, or even contracts to control them. This guy is vicious and will use any means. Chu Qingluan can't move a finger now. , but her face still showed concern for the family's future.

Xu Yuming shook his head, The five sects in Tao County are no longer as prosperous as they were in the Spring and Autumn Period in those years. Not to mention, in the competition for the quota of Ten Thousand Snake Valley, Fengyun Sect's great elder Kong Dangxin died in the battle, and Fengyun Sect has now even found a Foundation Establishment Dzogchen. , its background is not as good as my Xu family. As for the Sword Cleansing Sect, although it is slightly stronger, it does not have the Zifu. At most, it has the Zifu's methods. I think as long as the Zifu does not come forward, the Red Crab Forest and the Huang Family + Skull Mountain The Leng family can withstand it.

Then what if the other three families in Baiyun Five Mountains take action?

Xu Yuming thought carefully for a while, Then we can only be forced to fight. The third-level Talisman Dao inheritance of the Third-level Talisman Sect, the third-level alchemist manual of the Pindan Tower, and the ice and snow secrets and beast souls of the Xue Family in Lion Mountain The techniques are all at the third level, and I am jealous of them.

After saying that, Xu Yuming glanced at Chu Qingluan who had regained some strength to sit up, and moved his index finger.


Husband, please stop messing around. Chu Qingluan's face was full of resentment, My sister is already nine months pregnant, you should go and accompany her.

Being kicked out of the cave, Xu Yuming felt helpless.

[Diligence can make up for weakness] (3269/5000)

[A flash of inspiration] (2769/5000)

【Xuanyang Dharma Body】(15/50)

【Many children, many blessings】(9/10)

This time, after spending one day and two nights at Alchemy Peak, Xu Yuming did not expect to be able to activate the talent line [Many Children, Many Blessings]. Is this one month of recharging time left?

He was vaguely looking forward to the birth of his first child.

Thinking of this, he reached out and took out the huge snake peacock, sat in the formation in front of the cave, refined it into a ten thousand-year essence the size of a basin, and poured it into his mouth.

If the alchemist in this peak saw it, he would definitely scold him for squandering natural resources, the 39,800-year-old medicine king, the oldest rare treasure in the secret territory of Ten Thousand Snakes Valley, the fifth-level guardian giant python and the fifth-level golden rim. After the peacocks fought with each other, the essence and blood were poured into the amazing elixir, and it was also based on Serpentine Grass.

If this thing is swallowed by any snake demon, just one drop will make it cross the first level and enter the third level.

If it is completely swallowed and refined by a third-level snake demon, it can even transform directly, unlocking the fifth-level potential and the magical power of the dual inheritance of the demon clan.

Even the True Lord Nascent Soul can also gain some benefits from cultivation.

At this time, Xu Yuming ox-chewed the peonies and refined them all.


The first change that occurred was the blood-purple skin that had begun to peel off under Xu Yuming's robe.


Xu Yuming's face changed with shock. He had just refined the medicinal power into 10%. His body was already filled with purple rays of light. The river of spiritual power had turned into a sea of ​​spiritual power. His cultivation was now complete and he had entered the realm of Foundation Establishment. Why were he left bald? Skinned?

Could it be that the first magical power of the peacock and the snake is to strengthen the physical body?

He was shocked. His spiritual consciousness had already reached the third level first. Could it be that his physical cultivation would also take a step forward?

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