Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 133 The boundless sea of ​​vines kills the dragon, Xu Yuming wants to violate his oath? (2 u


Almost instantly, the netherworld snake spring flowing a thousand feet below the ground was about to be drained. The old vine dragon ghost regrown millions of vines in one breath, directly burning his own origin, and growing crazily towards the front. Covered by a sea of ​​snakes.

Chi chi chi

The snake monsters were pierced by the sharp thorns on the rattan. When they were tied into candied haws, they were quickly covered by the rattan. They were squeezed into a pile of snake soup by the rattan net, and then were quickly swept away for nourishment of flesh and blood.

The hundred-mile-long vines are still growing rapidly. The vine dragon that dominates the demon wilderness has revealed its true abilities this time.


In the distance, the face of the flying snake in the air was horrified, Are you desperate for your life? Old ghost of Vine Dragon, you actually burn your source to destroy my sea of ​​snakes?


The vines rising continuously from the ground have covered a radius of thousands of miles. God knows how big a vine net the vine dragon that has lived for thousands of years has built underground. At this time, the snake sea that originally only had more than 6,000 miles left was really Trapped, Old Vine Dragon became ruthless and vowed to exterminate the entire sea of ​​snakes.


You are wishful thinking!

The anemone roared angrily, and the darkness ended. All the billowing black air rushed to the ground, continuously creating withered vines from one direction, urging the snakes to break out.


In a flash, Huang Yuyao appeared in front of it. After knocking it away with one punch, he used Huang Tianshen Jade Hand to start punching and kicking it.

For a moment, the snake was unable to come down from the sky. It was covered in scales that had been blown away and had a miserable appearance of being smashed out of its head and bleeding.


It suddenly turned its head and used its sonic magical power to roar at Huang Yuyao. The moment Huang Yuyao's face changed drastically, Xu Yuming's Gengjin Divine Light had arrived, but it hit the snake's big mouth in just a moment and passed through its forehead. , taking away a piece of blood flower.


The anemone hit the sea of ​​snakes heavily. Xu Yuming raised the sky with one hand. The phantom of Qianli Yandang Mountain has arrived. Now there is a golden light unicorn horse showing Gengjin divine light, and the earth dragon boat is showing Qianli Yandang Mountain. It will undoubtedly consume his spiritual power. is very low.


The snake raised its head and spit out a torrent of water. The black death energy was filled with terrifying venom, and it actually broke through the shadow of Yandang Mountain. However, the shadow of Yandang Mountain that crashed down still killed hundreds of thousands of snake monsters.

His target is not me? The snake was startled. Looking back, he saw that the snake demons around him only had more than 4,000 miles left. Is it okay to continue like this?


It spread its wings and flew fiercely in the direction of the Ten Thousand Years Ambergris Pond, driving the sea of ​​snakes to start attacking in one direction.


Eight flying swords followed the direction it went away, carrying the Eight-phase Sword Formation.

The Yellow Crane Tower is three thousand feet high!



The three-thousand-foot sword light fell, swaying away the endless snake demon in an instant, and cut off one of the snake's wings again, causing it to hit the ground heavily.


It almost vomited blood together with the old ghost of the vine dragon, but the huge body of the vine dragon in the distance was laughing, trembling and laughing uncontrollably.

Hey, you, a junior, dare to covet my Demonic Wasteland. Since you dare to come today, you will die here. The old ghost of Vine Dragon snorted coldly, It's a pity that my time is coming, otherwise this ten thousand miles The Sea of ​​Snakes is such a good tonic. If I kill you all, tens of thousands of years later, the place will be able to breed blood concentrate again. The largest piece will definitely be yours.


The snake also felt the life-and-death crisis like a thorn on its back. It roared and ordered all the second-level snake demons above to start leaving the battlefield and kill towards the Vine Dragon's body.


But in the middle of the journey, the twenty or thirty five-step snakes that rushed to the front were pierced by vines almost as soon as they met, and turned into bacon hanging on the branches, which was completely vulnerable.

If it weren't for the third-level snake demon, it wouldn't be able to withstand the direct attack of Tenglong.


Hui was furious and pointed at Tenglong and roared: Tenglong, you are still a member of our snake demon clan, but you actually colluded with the human monks to join forces to deal with this sea of ​​​​snake. Are you still worthy of the true kings of the Ten Thousand Snake Valley? The True King of Ten Thousand Snakes is coming. I wanted to protect you before I died, are you so ungrateful?

You have crossed the line, you.

Tenglong sneered, he wants to be reincarnated and live a new life. If you are allowed to lead a sea of ​​ten thousand miles of snakes to sweep the entire secret realm, shouldn't the buds of his reincarnation and new life be eaten by him as a snack?

In this secret realm, there must not be any third-level snake demon in order for it to survive the weak period of rebirth.

Fellow Daoist Xu, take action with all your strength!

Following the roar of Vine Dragon, the Eight Directions Divine Slash controlled by Xu Yuming also arrived.

Almost all of the eight high-grade foundation-building spells hit the snake.

The Golden Thorn Divine Needle Technique bathed the snake's body of more than a hundred feet in golden light, pricking hundreds of holes that could not be avoided.

The Great Forest Technique instantly created a vine that covered hundreds of miles and entangled it tightly in place, unable to move.

With one roll of the Water Barrier Cloud Curtain Technique, all the nearby snake demons who rushed to rescue were swept away for hundreds of miles.

The Seven Dragons of Fire Dance brought the roaring fire dragon, and hit the body of the snake one after another. The bleeding parts where the needles pricked were burnt to a crisp, and lumps of deadly black blood began to gush out.

The Earth Walking Dragon Technique was the moment when the snake was struggling. A rock dragon emerged from the ground and bit hard on its neck. The skin and flesh were ripped apart. A large piece of flesh and blood was bitten off the snake's neck in an instant. It hurt so much that it almost shed tears.

With the hurricane cutting technique, crisscrossing winds turned into cyan lines, but in an instant, dozens of scars crisscrossed ten feet long appeared on the snake's body, and the other wing was cut off the moment it came into contact with the spell. It became several large pieces.

The Xuantian Gang Thunder Technique was the blow that frightened Hui the most. The Gang Lei fell, and the head that was originally pierced was hit again, and Hui's huge body fell directly to the ground.

Nine Hole Sword Technique!

A clear sword cry accompanied by eight flying swords all pierced into its four claws and body, pinning it to the ground.

In the distance, Xu Yuming, who had finished casting eight high-grade foundation-building spells, fell to the ground as if he had been evacuated. Only his lips were moving, and he began to restore his spiritual power by feeding chewable pills to his teeth.

do you died?

When Xu Yuming saw Huang Yuyao ducking back to the front, he barely regained some strength and turned over to sit up.


However, the ground began to stir in the next breath, and a stream of light quickly penetrated from the ground. In the blink of an eye, it broke through the countless vine restraints of the Vine Dragon, and suddenly jumped up within a hundred feet. This appearance was completely gone. It had four claws, a body like a snake, and a golden body. It raised its head and bit the Vine Dragon's face. The sharp fangs and the venom flowing from the corners of its mouth made Xu Yuming jump with fear. What a hatred.

If this hand was directed at him, what could he do to resist?

The golden snake peels off its skin. If you fight to the death, this snake will not survive. The rattan that emerged from the earth revealed the increasingly older face of the rattan dragon. Originally there was still some vitality and green, but now it is pale and gray. .

Fellow Taoist Tenglong, have a safe journey.

Xu Yuming smiled at him and saw that the endless vines in the distance began to shrink rapidly. After killing a large number of snake demons, the remaining hundreds of thousands of shrimps were no longer taken seriously by it.

It began to make itself into a large tree ball. While turning rapidly, the snake biting its tree face was squeezed and twisted into a cane-like shape.


With a loud noise, the rattan exploded, and the snake's body was like a broken rattan, shattering into thousands of pieces and falling apart, with snake blood flying everywhere and filling the sky.


Xu Yuming, who had recovered 20% of his spiritual power, and Huang Yuyao landed lightly in the area where Tenglong was.

Huang Yuyao moved her hands, stretched them into a snake shape, and began to dig blood essence stones into the ground desperately, trying to dig out the ten thousand-year-old blood essence iron heart, which would be the main material for Xu Yuming to forge the golden elixir and spiritual treasure in the future.

I don’t know how long I have been digging, but I finally found a netherworld snake spring the size of a washbasin under a thousand feet. I couldn’t help but put it in a jade bottle. It weighed about ten thousand kilograms. One drop of this spring water weighed ten kilograms. Heavy.

Under the Netherworld Snake Spring, there is a bud that is only as long as a palm. From the dragon's whiskers that are half a palm, you can even see the appearance of the old vine dragon destroying the overlord of the Snake Sea.


Next to him, the ground shook and the mountains shook. Shishan stepped forward and was about to reach out to take away the buds of the reincarnation of the Vine Dragon, but was stopped by Huang Yuyao.

Human race? Are you going to violate the oath of heaven? Shishan said angrily, showing a somewhat vigilant look.

You are at the end of your life. Taoist Brother Tenglong only has this little sprout left. If I want to take action, no one can save you. However, this secret realm is too dangerous. Since Taoist Brother Tenglong wants to be reincarnated, I will find a way for him. How about a safe place, how about coming with me?

Xu Yuming pointed at the stone mountain, These stones on your body are all adsorbed. Why don't you shrink a little and follow me with fellow Taoist Tenglong.

Several of the quasi-fifth-level formations outside have been destroyed. After the medicine famine is fully released, it is estimated that the monks from the Zifu will also be able to come in. By then, you will be kidnapped by the strong men from the Jindan Sect and even the Yuanying Sect. But you’re not as easy to talk to as I am.”


Roaring, although Shishan was a little unwilling, he could only admit defeat. The stones on his body fell off quickly, leaving only a stone heart the size of a washbasin, wrapped in buds on the ground, and flew towards Xu Yuming's third-order fox sac.

Seeing Shi Shan's resignation, Xu Yuming looked at the ground and saw a ten-foot-long bloody iron heart under the scarlet ground. This was exactly the treasure he was looking for.


Huang Yuyao picked it up and put it directly into Xu Yuming's fox bag.

She showed a somewhat tired smile, Xu Lang, this is a success. I have brought back all the snake demon blood and demon souls. Your Seven Spiritual Snake Dances can at least be practiced to the third dance.

Xu Yuming was slightly startled, my dear, you didn't forget to collect these during the fight just now.

When he was moved, he dragged Huang Yuyao into the earth dragon boat and began to leave here from the ground, escaping at full speed. The medicine was scarce. Counting the days, she was indeed about to be born!

The movement of the earth dragon boat is like a pile driver, drilling through the stone cave one by one. It is difficult for the first time, but after the reciprocal impact, in a flash of thousands of miles, it rises from the demon wilderness in the morning and reaches Daze at dusk.

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