Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 125 Transformation! Golden Qilin Horse (3 updates, please give me a monthly ticket, please o


Deep in the water wasteland, a pair of terrifying beast eyes were staring at the three figures who were struggling to kill its subordinates.

Hu Mei, I helped you return to the third level, but you actually killed my son? The huge body was swimming on the bottom of the sea. Outside the precious light of the Ten Thousand Snake Tower, there seemed to be an unparalleled terror swirling around, with a strong smell of blood. , can be transmitted to the nose through the formation space.

A few descendants are nothing. As long as I can get this fifth-level magic weapon, you and I will have monster babies in the future. I will give you a litter of cubs. Grandma Fox smiled and sent a message to the bottom of the sea. She also Don't be afraid of this guy's revenge. After all, the power of this magic weapon's formation makes it impossible for the outside world to get in even if it's just a third-level demon. Even if it's a fourth-level demon, it can't get in.

Hu Mei, if you stop, this magical weapon from Sinking Water will not escape my hands. The huge beast pupils were reflected outside the formation space, and appeared ten feet away from Hu Mei. The scarlet color and murderous aura were intertwined. Just looking up After a glance, Hu Mei's fighting movements slowed down several times.

Giggle, let me tell you, Your Majesty, if you were a fourth-level demon king, I would still believe you, but you are only a third-level demon king. How can you stop the fifth-level magic weapon? I only have the last step to kill these two people. , I can stand out and become the master of this magic weapon. Please help me, Your Majesty, Hu Mei’s promise to you will never change.

The scarlet color in the beast's eyes dissipated a bit, but immediately there was a laugh.

I finally understand. You, a thousand-year-old fox demon, are very destructive and deceived everywhere. Xu Yuming's surroundings were dyed red by the blood of the fish demons that had been slaughtered. He could not see his figure at all, nor could he see his body. The unicorn head, which is less than the size of a millstone, is sucking a huge amount of blood.

Shut up! Hu Mei suddenly became furious!

The mission given to you by Wan She Lou is to kill all the monsters in this water wasteland, including the fellow snake monster in front of you. Why, do you still want to let him go?

Hu Mei's face instantly panicked, and the terrifying big snake outside swayed its huge body angrily, causing the formation space to tremble violently.


How dare you lie to me!

I helped you seize the body of Ghost Head Sword and help you restore your third-level cultivation. Is this how you repay me? You deserve to die!



The huge snake head continued to hit the entire formation space, like the head of an aircraft carrier, flat and tough, and it didn't care even if its head was broken and bloody.

Hu Mei's face turned livid. After seeing through her scheme, she could not get help from the giant snake in the deep sea. Moreover, the number of undersea monsters attacking her at this time was ten times the number of monsters in front of Xu Yuming and Meng Botao. From the above, it is obvious that the other party is targeting her.

Your Majesty, I don't dare to plot against you. I just want to prove my conjecture that self-awareness should have been born in this Ten Thousand Snake Tower. I think it wants us to kill all the monsters here and dye our blood evil energy red. The entire water wasteland caused earth-shaking changes to the formation space here, and collided with the magic wilderness formation where it was located. In this way, only the explosion after the two quasi-fifth-level formations collided with each other could cause the formation space to undergo earth-shaking changes. It gets out of trouble.”

Xu Yuming looked slightly sideways. This statement coincided with his guess. Will Wan She Tower choose the master? Then you have to be at least a Nascent Soul True Lord to be qualified, right?

He was born in Ten Thousand Snakes Valley and has been under the control of True Monarch Nascent Soul for generations. How can he accept the ideas of a few foundation-building monks?

This is clearly an attempt to trick them into playing around and use them to help him get out of trouble.


The next moment, one of the four tails floating behind Hu Mei, who told the truth, suddenly broke off, as if cut by a sharp blade, and fell to the ground in pieces, and was quickly bitten by a nearby fish demon. Go down and swallow it whole.

Damn it!

Hu Mei's face turned pale, and she glanced at Xu Yuming who was not far away. She gritted her teeth, transformed into a fox body of a hundred feet, and quickly ran towards Xu Yuming's place.

Xu Yuming did not dodge, and a palm-sized pocket unicorn appeared on his arm. While it was devouring its blood, it quickly absorbed the Gengjin divine light of the beast into the antlers above its head.

The moment it saw the big fox flying towards him, there was a hint of playfulness and greed in its eyes.

The qilin horse that has lived for thousands of years in the depths of the endless sea of ​​clouds above the Cloud Pasture is definitely a third-level existence or above. Although it is not good at fighting, in the end, after it severely injured Yang Baimei, it was able to catch him by surprise and devour him in one bite. It is enough to prove its strength.

Now that he has come back from the dead, can he deal with the ghost-headed sword that has acquired ancient bloodline?


Two huge streams of spiritual consciousness collided in the air, and Xu Yuming's Golden Eagle Breaking Illusion Technique was only able to withstand the charm of the third-level fox demon's spiritual consciousness.


Hu Mei couldn't help but look at Xu Yuming in surprise. What state was this boy in when he came to her Taoqiu? Even if his spiritual consciousness cultivation was slightly stronger, he was only at the late second level. At this time, he could actually block his late third level. An explosion of spiritual consciousness?

call out……

In her stunned moment, a bloodstain suddenly appeared on her cheek. She managed to dodge the blow by relying on her late third-level spiritual perception, but the sudden golden light directly hit the hundreds of second-level pursuers behind her. The bodies of the monster beasts were pierced and cut into two halves on the spot. There were more than a dozen of them turned into pieces of flesh all over the sky.

Geng-Gold Divine Light? You killed that watch beast. Hu Mei also knew about the watch beast in the demon wilderness next door. Even the deep-sea giant snake is extremely greedy for the Geng-Gold Divine Light, but it also has natural enemies in the secret realm, so it doesn't dare to act rashly. When they got ashore, they informed Hu Mei of the whereabouts of the watcher beast. She never thought that the one who finally killed the watcher beast would be Xu Yuming.


The little Qilin, which was gathering momentum, instantly covered the entire formation space with blood mist. The foxy face that turned dark before his eyes changed drastically, and a tail suddenly lit up. Its body had shrunk to ten feet long, and transformed into dozens of bodies. The shadow rushed towards Xu Yuming quickly.

A fight?

Not far away, Meng Botao, who was fighting a monster beast, couldn't help but look sideways. The short and fat casual cultivator actually took the lead in fighting the third-order fox monster. Should he help?

It was related to the ownership of the fifth-level magic weapon of Wan She Tower, and he planned to make a decision before taking action.


A bright golden light broke through the blood mist in the sky and instantly evaporated the dozens of second-order fish monsters surrounding Xu Yuming. The dozens of fox shadows that had rushed forward also completely collapsed, revealing the true form of the fox monster. Hu Mei did not panic. Busy, another tail suddenly stood up, releasing a barrier in front of her huge fox head to resist the Gengjin divine light.


At the moment of shattering, the blue fox shadow suddenly turned into a ghostly aura, and it seemed that all the fox skin and fox flesh fell off, leaving only a fox bone as sharp as a blade, which slammed into Xu Yuming.

The natal magical power of the Ghost Head Sword!

Xu Yuming's face was calm as usual. Who could kill him among the clouds and mist in the sky?

He dodged, and his figure had merged into the hundred-mile blood mist. The moment he appeared a hundred feet away and dodged the blow, the hundred-headed fish demon that came in from the breach of the formation was completely broken, and was cut by the secret technique of the Ghost Head Sword. It was turned into minced meat, rolled up by the fox demon's figure, and turned into the essence of flesh and blood for her to reshape her body.

Moreover, the moment he turned around, the Earth Dragon Shuttle in his palm had disappeared without a trace. The moment the fox shadow reappeared, the vast Yandang Mountain covered a hundred miles radius.

Purple Mansion Treasure Technique?

Meng Botao, who was fighting in the distance, was startled. The moment he turned around, he saw that the hundred-foot-long fox shadow had been suppressed by the mountain, and even the huge Wan She Tower made a loud noise.


Within a hundred miles, thousands of second-level monsters were crushed directly into a ball of flesh, and even the hard animal bones were turned into bone dregs, making them vulnerable to a single blow!


Outside the formation space, a huge black shadow was circling and swimming.

Hu Mei, you bitch, if you are willing to sacrifice your fox soul to me at this time, then I can keep a remnant soul of yours so that you can witness my unification of the entire Ten Thousand Snakes Valley and the breakthrough of the fourth-level demon king. , maybe I can catch a little fox, let you live a new life, and continue to be my favorite concubine.


In the middle of the blood mist that filled the sky, Hu Mei's body was already broken into pieces of flesh and bone. The white fox bones were enough to prove the terror of that thousand-mile Yandang Mountain blow!

Because one of her fox tails was broken again. If it weren't for the fox tail that could save her life, she would have died just now.

Originally, using the secret technique of Ghost Head Sword was enough to consume a lot of her mind and demon power.

Moreover, she was shocked to find that the flesh and blood energy around her was being rapidly refined by a small beast on Xu Yuming's shoulder.

What is this?

She looked at the Qilin Horse, which was covered in golden light, in astonishment. Could it be another beast on watch?

Only the Dagong Beast can display Gengjin Divine Light. Even if other monsters can devour the Dagong Beast, they cannot swallow the Dagong Beast's innate magical power.

To be honest, she preferred to believe that Xu Yuming had subdued the gatekeeper beast of heaven in the past, and did not want to believe that this Gengjin divine light could still be swallowed up.

You still have two fox tails, and you can die twice. On the opposite side, Xu Yuming waved his hand, and the eight-phase flying sword had already fallen towards Hu Mei.


Hu Mei's face changed drastically. She couldn't bear the thought that this was a sword formation. She turned around and ran away, and she ran in the direction of Meng Botao in the distance.

This idiot, could it be that I just stood by and made her think that I am easy to bully? Meng Botao frowned, his whole body was wrapped in blue waves, and he was also pregnant with a world-shattering treasure!


With the influx of endless fish monsters, the entire formation space seemed to have a large gap due to the previous third-order collision, and after the rolling seawater poured in, this place was already Meng Botao's home court.

He has the best water spirit root, third-level spiritual consciousness, and his spiritual power turns into the sea. Even if he is one against two, what's the problem!

Thanks to fellow Taoist Jian Wang for the 500-point reward, and to Captain Zhou Chuan for the two 100-point rewards from fellow Taoist Jianwang. I am deeply grateful! ! !

Any more? The 30-month monthly ticket adds an additional chapter, and there are currently 12. Isn’t this a double monthly ticket?

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