Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 124 After falling into the water, the cloud beast Qilin horse wakes up (2 more updates pleas

It's fake, Lord White Snake actually lost?

It has recovered to the third level, and it also has the natural ability of devouring. Even a human monk who is good at magic will be swallowed up by it in an instant. All the spiritual energy will be swallowed up and digested by it. How can it lose? ?”

The other party turned out to be a casual cultivator. Isn't he a genius on the foundation list, or a cultivator from the Vast Sea Sword Sect and the Wuxiang Sword Sect?


Hearing the uproar from the demon cultivators, the human race was immediately stunned.

There is actually a third-level great demon who has reached the realm of self-destruction and sneaked into the secret realm. Didn't we, the strong human race, notice it?

Damn it, the other party definitely came in through the teleportation array in advance, so he avoided the detection of my third-level human monk. I don't know how many demon cultivators came in like this. Isn't my human genius in danger?

Everyone, those third-order snake monsters have been killed. Is it this short, fat casual cultivator that you should be concerned about?

The human race is aggressive, and they already share the same enemy and are at odds with the demon race. But because of Xu Yuming's identity, they fell into a stalemate and calmness.

They have heard of refining Qi and killing the foundation, building the foundation and killing the Zifu?

This is simply a fantasy!

A monk who owns a Zifu has a strong and endless mana, and can even be a thousand times stronger than a foundation-building monk. In other words, even if you are exhausted to death, you cannot consume the spiritual power in the body of a Zifu monk.

Even if the demon cultivator does not cultivate spiritual power and is not good at magic, how can you resist his third-level innate magical power? Moreover, what people are good at is the devouring magical power. Unless you have the trump card of golden elixir strike, it is impossible for you to break through the limit of devouring power and hurt the opponent.

So strong. I didn't expect that a dark horse would emerge from my human race.

Look, there's another point where the winner is decided.

Oh my God, has Huang Jiansong of Yizhou Sword Pavilion lost? How is this possible? He has a sword spirit root and extremely talented. The Zifu realm has no obstacles for him at all. He even has the hope of becoming a golden elixir sword cultivator. , Use your own strength to support the lintel of the sword pavilion.


Huang Jiansong flew out of the building and landed firmly on the ground. A dozen sword pavilion foundation-building monks nearby immediately stepped forward to protect him.

Senior brother, what happened? Why did you still lose with your cultivation?

Upstairs before, Wu Shen was fighting against the ghost-headed sword fox monster, Xu Yuming was fighting against the white-skinned snake monster, Meng Botao was fighting against the little King Kong of Rotten Taoshan, and Huang Jiansong, who was climbing up the stairs from behind, was facing off against Ning Jianke, the chief swordsman of the Hanhai Sword Sect. Logically speaking, it is a sword cultivator versus a sword cultivator. Huang Jiansong, who has the background of Yizhou Jiange, is also a descendant of the thousand-year-old sect. Although Yizhou Jiange did not have a golden elixir in the past, it has also produced several fake elixir masters who are not weaker than the golden elixir monks. How could a sword cultivator be afraid of Ning Jianke?

Ning Jian can turn his spiritual power into the sea, and he is already halfway to Zifu. I fought with him with all my strength. After a duel with Zifu's methods, he took out the inherited spiritual weapon, the Phaseless Invisible Sword, and I lost with one move. Huang Jiansong's face was full of unwillingness. If he could bring an ancestor's sword, he would definitely not be defeated. But unfortunately...he didn't know that the other party was so decisive and went down the mountain wearing the inherited spiritual weapon.

It is formless and invisible. It can follow one's will. The sword moves like a dragon or a snake, and the blade is hidden in the sleeve. This thing is the ultimate flying sword for sneak attack and assassination. Ning Jianke has actually been recognized as a formless and invisible sword. It is really amazing.

Huang Jiansong's defeat shocked many people.

After all, he is second in the foundation building list of the Mountain and Sea Region. He lost to Ning Jianke of the Wuxiang Sword Sect. Does this mean that their Mountain and Sea Region is not as good as the Sword Region? Is Yizhou Sword Pavilion inferior to Wuxiang Sword Gate?


As a burly figure crashed down from the seventh floor like a meteorite, the monks staying in the wasteland all saw the miserable figure of Little King Kong.

Little Lord.

How could it be that my young master Roan Taoshan was defeated?

Is this human foundation building so powerful?

The little King Kong, who was covered with wounds all over his body and started to bleed at the slightest touch, bared his teeth and showed unwillingness in his eyes. He pushed away the big monkeys who came to help him, Then Meng Botao actually possesses a Zifu treasure, and The Hebo Watermark is an inherited spiritual weapon and is extremely powerful. I used my innate magical power to block the first strike of the Zifu Treasure, and then used the golden hair on my head to block the second strike of the Zifu Treasure on the Hebo Watermark. Technique, unexpectedly lost in the duel of mana. This boy has already transformed his spiritual power into the sea, and possesses third-level spiritual consciousness, and has also mastered a powerful spiritual consciousness attack secret technique. If he hadn't given birth to the spiritual god Zi Mansion, I’m afraid it’s hard to survive.”

After saying that, it glanced around and said, Lantaoshan Demon Cultivator, follow me to the medicine wilderness. We will devour all the elixirs in the medicine wasteland, break through to the third level, and then kill all the human monks in this secret realm. clean.


Want to kill my human cultivator? In this wasteland today, you demons from the Blackstone Ancient Territory cannot get out. The True Successors of the Five Beasts Sect who had broken through the tower before directly blocked the demon cultivator's retreat from one direction.

In the distance, a group of casual cultivators appeared behind Yu Fenglou, the little hunting king of Hunter Valley, also blocking one direction.

Finally, the monks from the Wuxiang Sword Sect and the Hanhai Sword Sect also surrounded the group of demon cultivators from one direction.

Everyone, fight to the death for the human race!

The war was about to break out, and when thousands of demon clans were about to retreat, the ground began to tremble violently. Almost in an instant, more than a thousand monks were knocked to the ground. Even the monks who were flying in the air could only see The Ten Thousand Snake Tower, which stood thousands of feet high on the ground, quickly sank toward the ground and disappeared from everyone's eyes in the blink of an eye.

Isn't this competition not over yet? Why did the Ten Thousand Snake Tower disappear? Could it be that the Nascent Soul Lord was out of the secret realm to retrieve the magic weapon?

Impossible, there are clearly three monks and a demon cultivator in the Ten Thousand Snakes Tower. Wu Shen from the Wuxiang Sword Sect, Meng Botao from the Jingzhou Water Mansion, the short and fat casual cultivator from our mountain and sea area, and the ghost-headed sword fox Demon, why didn’t they come out?”

When the crowd was shocked, the demon cultivator had already begun to sneak away quietly.

A disciple of the Wuxiang Sword Sect suddenly took out He Wushen's sound transmission jade talisman, and then discovered that the jade talisman had been broken, which meant that the master opposite had died.

No, stop the demon cultivator. My brother Wu Shen from the Wuxiang Sword Sect has died. That fox demon must also be a third-order great demon. The demon clan is shameless. They deliberately let the third-level great demon enter the secret realm to trap us. Wait until I get out. After that, we must invite the ancestors of the sect to avenge our fellow sect members who died!


On the wasteland, more than two thousand foundation-building monks from the Wuxiang Sword Sect took the lead in killing the retreating demon clan.

The demon clan started to fight and retreat, and then the Five Beast Sect, Loose Cultivators, and Hanhai Sword Sect swarmed forward, and the fierce battle started from Fahuang. In the end, the battlefield covered four wasteland formations, and the sky was dark. Numbers in the tens of thousands...

On the other hand, inside the Ten Thousand Snake Tower, the surroundings were completely silent.

The Wan She Tower, which is still sinking, seems to have fallen into a deep sea. It is surrounded by darkness, but it can be felt that there are countless powerful monsters lurking on the seabed. Even the third-level auras have dozens of them, and the number of second-level monsters , just like salmon migrating to spawn, densely packed and countless.


In the darkness, three candles lit up, illuminating three figures.

[Kill all the monsters in the water wasteland, and the survivors will get the Ten Thousand Snakes Tower]

A weak fluctuation of spiritual consciousness appeared in the minds of Fox Demon, Xu Yuming, and Meng Botao. In the next moment, they were like bait thrown into the sea, and they were instantly thrown out of the Ten Thousand Snake Tower.

However, the precious light protected by the Ten Thousand Snake Tower always controls the surrounding space and will not let all the monsters in the sea swarm up.

Wan She is one-on-one downstairs, and there is only one monster in each fight.

Xu Yuming frowned and looked at the group of monsters in front of him that had crowded the formation space and kept banging their heads against each other. This water waste has been accompanied by the silence of the Ten Thousand Snake Valley Secret Realm for ten thousand years. This second-level monster Not a hundred thousand, but tens of thousands. Kill them all one by one. Could it be that I will be trapped here for decades?

He turned back and glanced at Meng Botao. This man had actually released a scaly fish demon, then concentrated his magic with one hand, and directly pierced it with a water arrow that was dozens of feet long, killing him on the spot.

Such a waste of mana, even if he is only one step away from the Purple Mansion, it will be useless. Xu Yuming sighed, looking at the little blue fox that was opening its mouth to devour the flesh and blood of the fish demon, only to I feel like this guy is very familiar.

It's definitely a third-level demon, and the strength of his spiritual consciousness... is at least the late third-level.

Xu Yuming suddenly woke up in his heart, Could it be that...

The fox-like face suddenly looked back at him, showing a vicious and hateful expression, Human boy, you killed grandma. Don't even think about escaping today. If it weren't for the magic weapon Ten Thousand Snakes Tower, grandma wouldn't have been exposed in advance. Identity, there are only three of us left now, after grandma kills these monsters in the sea, I will take off your head.

It’s not easy to handle...

If it were an ordinary third-level monster, Xu Yuming could capture and kill it with just a flip of his hand.

But the old fox in front of him was an old fox that had lived for ten thousand years. Xu Yuming didn't expect that after being severely injured by the fake elixir, it could escape as a demon soul and hide it from him and Ancestor Qionghai. Eyes and ears.

Moreover, he entered the secret realm before it opened and cultivated the physical body he occupied, breaking through to the third level.

Chi chi chi

Her eyes were filled with the third-level charm technique, and she brought in all the second-level fish monsters willingly, and then gently waved her claws to kill them, which was as satisfying as chopping melons and vegetables.

If you continue to kill like this... this fox demon has taken advantage of the right time, place and people.

This mortal enemy must not be allowed to obtain the magic weapon!

When Xu Yuming thought of this, he saw the Qilin Horse brand on his arm suddenly light up. Before he could speak, the gap in the formation in front of him was like a pea in a bamboo tube, and the second-order fish demon continued to come in towards him.


Then it fell one foot in front of him, and was quickly shattered by a ray of Kirin light, turning into a blood-colored cloud that filled the surroundings, and the Kirin mark on his arm began to come to life.

Is this...flesh and blood reshaping? Xu Yuming was overjoyed. He had hope for a thousand-year lifespan.

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