Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 120 Ambush in the forest, a male and female evil (2 more updates, please subscribe)

Xu Yuming looked at her with a smile, Don't worry, there are quite a few people chasing us. Let's get rid of them first.

Huang Yuyao understood immediately and looked back. There were three groups of people chasing after them in the distance. Her delicate face showed a bit of evil, This is treating you and me as soft persimmons.

Can you tell the person's identity? Huang Yuyao turned around and asked.

Xu Yuming's body has already escaped into the second-level high-grade Jian Gang Evil Slaying Formation. At this time, the formation is deployed for hundreds of miles. Although there is no Xu family disciple holding a sword to support the formation, there are 128 flying swords. After falling into the ground, he had seized more than a hundred flying swords, which were high-grade and medium-grade magical weapons, from his previous battle with Jin Jianming alone. At this time, he had collected all the flying swords that were of medium-grade or above quality.

Throwing out another one hundred and twenty-eight second-level demon pills, the power of the formation at this time is no weaker than any peak foundation-building monk.


From far to near, the first to enter this dense forest were eight monks wearing animal skins. Their faces were also smeared with some strange patterns with animal blood.

They look like Liangzhou thieves. These barbarians outside the Great Wall are not of our Central Plains origin. They commit robberies and robberies without hesitation. They all cooperate with each other in fighting skills, but they are fierce. Among the eight, two are in the Great Perfection of Foundation Building, four are in the late stage of Foundation Building, and two are in the late stage of Foundation Building. In the middle stage of foundation building, let's join forces to kill one person first. Xu Yuming lurked underground to transmit the secret message, using his mouth and hands.


The formation stood up out of thin air, and a sword energy of a hundred feet was the first to slash down.

It's a sword formation, get out of the way! Qiu Long, the leader's face changed drastically, Brothers, this is a tough fight.


As soon as he finished speaking, Huang Tianshen's jade hand came calling. The two foundation-building monks who couldn't dodge quickly used their second-level talismans and magical weapons to resist. However, the talismans and magical weapons almost shattered at the sound, and a black electric light instantly penetrated the two of them. Between his eyebrows and his head, unable to withstand the power of the snake, it exploded instantly like a big watermelon, with red and white splattering all over the floor.

Lao Qi, Lao Ba!

Qiu Long looked around vigilantly, and ordered everyone to use all the magic weapons to protect the body. He also tapped a third-level talisman in his palm, This fellow Taoist, I and others have evil intentions. It really shouldn't be done. Today I When I realize my mistake and am willing to keep my storage bag as compensation, I ask my Taoist friends to be kind enough to let me live.

Boss, why are you talking to them so much? Our Jinzhou Baxiong is also a well-known figure in Liangzhou. We just chose the wrong person today. The worst is death. The second one-eyed bear looked at him with cold eyes. All around, a figure suddenly flashed behind him.

Do it!

The four late-stage foundation-building monks guarding him almost simultaneously threw down the magic weapons in their hands. However, the people who came did not dodge and rushed directly three feet in front of them. The Huangtian Snake's jade hand instantly wrapped around the four of them. .


A ray of golden light flew out from the big scissors held tightly in the one-eyed bear's hand. The moment it cut off the snake jade's hand, it cut directly towards Huang Yuyao's neck. Huang Yuyao did not dodge, and actually smashed the knife in front of her with her arrogant force. The moment the dirty water mines intertwined all over the body of the Foundation Establishment monk exploded, several monks in front of him had already dodged away. But in the next moment, the Baizhang Sword Qi, which was enough to make the Peak Foundation Establishment monks tremble, had fallen, and the two people in front were Tear and shatter.



When the Golden State Eight Heroes landed, there were only four people left, and one was in the late stage of foundation building, and the other was in the middle stage of foundation building, with expressions of horror on their faces.

She is not afraid of attacks from spiritual weapons. She is a physical practitioner. Boss, we are really in trouble this time. The one-eyed bear with Perfect Foundation Establishment had a thin layer of cold sweat on his forehead. He held the middle-grade spiritual weapon golden knife and scissors in his hand. It also seemed so heavy.

What are you afraid of? It's not that easy for her to want our lives. Qiu Long also became fierce and started to approach with two swords in his hands. The snake-shaped swords were obtained by him from the secret realm. They had lost their spirituality. The high-grade spiritual weapon, while waving it, bursts of cold light resisted the power of the formation sword energy coming from all around, and instantly entangled Huang Yuyao, and she did not lose at all when fighting with her Huang Tianshen Jade Hand.

But the one-eyed bear, who was in a trance, noticed the golden light flashing behind him. In just a moment, Xu Yuming used the Golden Light Divine Slash, splitting a foundation-building monk in half in the fog.

Lao Wu!

The moment his mind was trembling, he had already shot behind him.


But Xu Yuming's attack was faster than him, and he used the Golden Eagle to Break the Illusion Technique. A blow that came within ten feet directly caused his brain to faint. The moment he regained clarity in front of his eyes, he found that his head was spinning. Flying high from his neck, a flying sword caught his head and shattered it. Before his consciousness disappeared, he could clearly see the eight-color treasure light emerging from this flying sword.

Are you wanted by the Wuxiang Sword Sect in the secret realm, the guy with the Eight Directions Divine Slash?

Not far away, Qiu Long had already joined the last person.

While the two were back to back, he shouted to Xu Yuming in a cold voice, You actually showed up near thousands of Wuxiang Sword Sect disciples to ambush us. Aren't you afraid that the matter will be exposed?

While speaking, the third-level talisman he tapped on his palm was already moving towards Xu Yuming.


But behind him, Huang Yuyao also used the Golden Eagle Breaking Illusion Technique. The moment he lost his mind, a golden light pierced through the two of them almost at the same time.

After Xu Yuming withdrew his right hand, the Gengjin divine light slowly faded away from its golden luster. When he looked up, the upper body of Qiu Long holding two swords had turned into golden particles, dancing with the wind, and instantly disintegrated.


Xu Yuming rolled up his sleeves and swept away several storage bags in front of him. The strength in place was already covered by the Five Gods Peacock Fire and began to burn violently.

As soon as the formation space was withdrawn, the three streams of light chasing after them landed in front of them. They were holding soul-drawing flags and wearing felt hats. They were all dark, snowy and gray. Could it be that they came from the Nine Nether Hell's black and white impermanence plus gray impermanence. .

What a quick move. The ones chasing us just now should be the Eight Heroes of Jinzhou. Why did their battle end without leaving any disturbance in the fight?

Qiu Long, this old guy, is a veteran at robbing families and homes. I didn't expect that the boat capsized here.

The idea is a bit tricky. There should be a second-order high-grade formation here. Let's go first.

The three of them each raised their feet a little, and their bodies disintegrated like smoke, leaving three grinning faces on the spot, which turned into fire and burned away in the blink of an eye.

Why don't you take action?

More than ten miles away, Huang Yuyao was playing with four storage bags and a pair of scissors in her hands, and couldn't help but ask.

They only showed up with three ghost-faced paper figures, and the real ones are still dozens of miles away. Our attack is just to scare the snake away. After Xu Yuming finished speaking, he took out the slash this time.

More than 50 bottles of second-level elixirs, and more than 130 bottles of first-level elixirs, split equally between you and me. About 960,000 spirit stones will be yours, 28 thousand-year-old herbs, and more than 300 herbs more than five hundred years old will be mine. .”

This pair of ancient swords belongs to me, and the golden swords and scissors belong to you.

Among the remaining six magical artifacts, two low-grade spiritual artifacts, the Blood Droplet and the Sun and Moon Wheels, belong to me, and the remaining six belong to you.


After saying that, Xu Yuming looked at the third-level low-grade talisman he had just received.

The yellow sand talisman of the desert. This kind of earth-moving talisman is rare. Breaking the formation and escaping is a must. These casual cultivators can't get the extremely powerful third-level talisman, but it is useless to you and me.


Not far away, a stream of light fell. Xu Yutang, who was standing ten miles away and watched Xu Yuming and Huang Yuyao's actions with his spiritual sense, was stunned.

Uncle Nineteen, your fighting skills are too strong. In almost half a cup of tea, eight Foundation-Building monks, including two Foundation-Building Dzogchen monks, were easily defeated? Your strength doesn't matter. Compared with our ancestors, they are not much inferior.

Xu Yuming glanced at him, After you have mastered the magic, you dare to approach the battlefield where the Foundation Establishment Dzogchen monks are fighting? You don't know what the ancestor's strength is. The Yandang Soul Falling Bell alone is the ancestor of my Xu family for more than 600 years. , the treasure of the clan left by the ancestors of all generations, if I want to surpass him, I still have to practice for decades.

On Xu Yutang's side, he suddenly took out his transmission talisman and held it in the palm of his hand. After a moment, he looked up unexpectedly and said, Uncle Nineteen, I just received a message from fellow Taoist Xuanfuzi from Baiyun Mountain. Two people have passed the fourth level. .”

Oh? Xu Yuming couldn't help being surprised. Is Xuan Fuzi not dead yet?

They are Xiao Yixian who ranks fifth on the foundation list and Wan Junze who ranks sixth. These two are both true disciples of the Five Beast Sect, and they are both from the lineage of the Beast King. They are currently very popular in the Five Beast Sect. After all, the Jindan master Yan Leiting who conquered the Blackstone Ancient Territory this time comes from the lineage of the Beast King.


When a few people changed into casual monk robes, came to the edge of the mountain forest, and looked down at the Ten Thousand Snake Tower in the distance, more than a dozen people had already passed through the fourth floor.

Uncle Nineteen, it seems that the top twenty on the foundation building list have the strength to pass the test. They just need to master a very powerful technique and be able to skillfully deal with the different changes of snake souls.

Huang Yuyao folded his hands in front of him, Xu Lang, on the fifth floor, there is a snakeskin drum. I hit it with all my strength, but I only got a half-step Zifu evaluation. If you use the Qianli Yandang Mountain , or Gengjin Divine Light, it is possible to break it instantly, and hit it with a blow comparable to Zifu, but...

She glanced at the lively scene of twenty to thirty thousand foundation-building monks gathering at the foot of the mountain, Just like a casual cultivator like me, my enemies are the monks who are jealous of my harvest, but a monk like you who comes from a small family, It will arouse the fear of other stronger forces, and the biggest threat is the five sects of Zifu in Tao County who are in the same county as you.

Xu Yuming patted her shoulder, With the earth escape technique in my hand, the Zifu monks can't get out, but no one can stop me. But after I enter the building, I have to rely on you to take care of my junior.

Huang Yuyao nodded slightly and saw that Xu Yuming had maintained his short and fat appearance, swaggeringly taking out the ancient sword that had lost its spirituality and flying towards the Ten Thousand Snake Tower.

She felt unhappy. Why should they hide their heads and tails when they climbed up the building to seize the treasure? Do powerful monks really think they are so uniquely blessed and so overbearing?

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