Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 118 Dharma Desolation, the Birth of Ten Thousand Snake Towers (2 more updates, please subscr

[Uncle Nineteenth, Ten Thousand Snakes Tower was born. This is the magic inheritance place of Yuanying Sect Ten Thousand Snakes Valley. It is a Yuanying magic weapon. It can be used for monk assessment. As long as your magic talent can meet the standards, you can Continuously break through the seven layers of the Ten Thousand Snakes Tower, and you can obtain rare spells on each level, even the Zifu treasures and Nascent Soul Skills are included, and it is said that there is more than one volume of Yuanying Skills, and there are only nine people left in the secret realm of Yandang Six Mountains , At this time, many forces have gathered under the Wanshe Tower, and many forces have established foundations. About ten thousand people have also gathered here. 】

When he was about to arrive in Fahuang, Xu Yuming received a message from Xu Yutang.

[I'll be there soon, and you can wait for the opportunity to break into the building. 】

After the sound transmission was completed, he and Huang Yuyao had transformed into two unremarkable casual cultivators. Xu Yuming was short and fat with mean eyes, while Huang Yuyao was tall with freckles and her figure became ordinary.

Xu Yuming couldn't help but look back at the direction of the bra wrap. This woman had changed her appearance, which seemed more convenient than them.


Stepping on the magic weapon, the stream of light fell to the ground. The auras of the two of them were in the early stages of foundation building. They were inconspicuous among the tens of thousands of people building the foundation. Moreover, many monks were coming one after another.

The Nascent Soul Skills and Zifu Treasures are very attractive to them!

In the land of wealth and dharma lovers, martial arts come second to cultivation.


Suddenly there was an uproar in the front, but a Foundation-Building Dzogchen monk walked out dejectedly.

Xu Yuming looked closely, but it was Hunter Valley Yu Fenglou who was third on the foundation list. With his strength and holding the inherited spiritual weapon, he was definitely the first in the secret realm.

Fellow Daoist Yu, which floor have you reached? Meng Botao from Jingzhou Water Mansion and Huang Jiansong from Yizhou Jiange were waiting next to them for a long time.

There was a bit of unwillingness on Yu Fenglou's face, Ashamed, I fell on the fourth floor. There will be changes on each floor. The first floor is a wooden dummy. It requires a full blow, at least 50% of the amplitude. Only with powerful power can you pass the test. After passing the test, you can get a volume of foundation-building spells. What I got is the high-grade foundation-building spell·Great Sun Arrow, which is very powerful.

The second floor requires twice the amplitude to break. It is a dragon wall and stone wall. If the amplitude is not powerful enough, the rebounding spiritual energy will be enough to severely damage you. It also requires the use of magic to break. The reward I received is a building The ultimate magic spell·Eighteen Arrows of Super Power Amplitude.

As for the third floor, it was a puppet with a cultivation level comparable to yours. What I met was also a puppet with a bow and arrow. Maybe it was my illusion. The other party was quite powerful and even mastered the two types of structures I obtained. Basic archery, it took me more than an hour to kill him with one arrow. The final reward, I can only tell you, is a secret skill that increases strength, and the grade should be in Zifu.


The secret technique of Zifu? Except for those from the Purple Mansion forces and the disciples of the Jindan Sect, everyone present has probably never seen it in this life. Who wouldn’t be moved? As long as you take it back, you will immediately have an additional method to suppress the sect, and it will also improve your strength a lot.

The last fourth floor. Yu Fenglou was frank, but at this time he looked sad. It takes half a step of Zifu's strength to get through. Although I can hit one blow, my opponent is a second-level The snake soul of Dzogchen, after being annihilated with one blow, it can still be resurrected as a separate soul. It is considered to be a gifted magical power, but I am just one step behind.

He glanced around and said, This Ten Thousand Snakes Tower can only be entered once, and the opening date will not be too long. Moreover, this is the Nascent Soul magic weapon, which is closely related to the Ten Thousand Snakes Valley Mountain Protection Formation. If the secret realm collapses, this treasure will be completely released. Or there may be complete silence, you’d better take advantage of it.”

After saying that, Yu Fenglou had already stepped on the stream of light and flew towards the north. His goal was obviously the Ten Thousand Miles of Ambergris Pond.

The monks below each had abnormal expressions, but no one went after Yu Fenglou. Not to mention his strength, not to mention that all he had acquired was archery. In the vast world of immortality, monks who practiced archery were definitely rare.

What's more, anyone can break into the Wan She Tower with zero threshold, which is a hot cake.

I'll try.

Count me in.

In an instant, hundreds of streams of light flew towards the Ten Thousand Snake Tower. Only a hundred people could enter the Ten Thousand Snake Tower at a time. After they entered, the treasure light emerged, and 100 soul fires were immediately ignited in the first floor of the pavilion. Through spiritual consciousness, , you can almost feel that the hundred breaths inside are fluctuating and casting spells to break through the level.

If we just test the power of the spell, a high-grade spell with 50% amplitude and more power can easily do it. At least 80% of the monks present can get through the first level. Xu Yuming glanced around, and the corner of his eye was twenty miles away In a corner, nine monks from Yandang Six Mountains were spotted, their eyes flashing over Xu Yutang.

On the contrary, the amplitude is doubled. Unless one has understood the sword intention and sword intention, it will require the best spells to strengthen it. I don't know if talismans can be used in it. If so, those true disciples of the major sects may be able to pass several levels in a row.

I'm afraid it won't work. After all, Yu Fenglou should have a lot of trump cards in his hand. I don't believe he doesn't have a life-saving weapon from Zifu. Huang Yuyao's eyes moved, You have six mountains in Yandang, and now only Xu Yutang is left in the Xu family. In the early stage of foundation building, only Chu Hongxiu from the Chu family was left in the late stage of foundation building. The cold-faced ancestor was still there in the late stage of foundation building in Skull Mountain. The Juedao ancestor in the late stage of foundation building in Dayan Peak and the divine hoe old man of Xiannong Sect were still there. Ancestor... Hey, he has actually entered the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment. In terms of cultivation, he must be the only one among you in Yandang Six Mountains.

Seeing that Xu Yuming remained silent, Huang Yuyao immediately understood, It seems that Qionghai Ancestor also has a chance.

Qi Jue Liu Heng and Corpse Jue Bone Fire are both in the late stage of foundation building, but if the test this time is the power of magic, the Ten Thousand Snake Tower has no chance with them.

Who are the remaining two?

Xu Yuming followed her gaze and landed on the Dayan Peak team. He saw a middle-aged monk carrying a knife box behind him, It should be Yang Xinghai. This person is Huo who came in as my replacement after I removed the fourth son of Yandang. The younger brother of Lie Dao Yang Xingwu, known as the Patriarch of the Eight Swords, is good at the art of sword control and the Eight Swords style, but I didn’t expect that he would also step into foundation building.”

As for the last person...

Xu Yuming looked at the boy-like Red Crab Ancestor, whose figure had changed drastically, and frowned suddenly, This Red Crab Old Man, could it be that he refined the body of the third-order crab demon and changed himself into a half-crab man? I’m not ready to live anymore.”

Look, someone's coming out!

At this moment, the door in front of Wan She Tower opened wide, and six dejected monks came out. Looking at the embarrassment on their faces, they knew that they should not be able to break the 50% amplitude of the first floor.

These casual cultivators don't even have a single powerful high-grade spell from the gold and fire systems? This is really depressing...

Xu Yuming felt sad in his heart. If he hadn't been fully supported by the Xu family of Yandang Mountain and had family heritage, he might have been like them.

Look, someone broke into the third floor!

With an exclamation, Xu Yuming had followed the surging crowd ten miles in front of the building, and hundreds of feet away was where everyone in Yandang Mountain was.

The aura of Foundation Establishment Dzogchen, it looks like it should be Eugene Hammer from the Sizhou Medicine Making Sect. This guy is the fifteenth on the Foundation Establishment List in the Shanhai area. He should be able to get to the fourth floor.

Another stream of light came up. It seemed to be Hao Jianlong, the chief disciple of the second sword peak of the Wuxiang Sword Sect. This guy has a mutated sword spirit root and a natural sword species. His sword intention realm is probably close to the third step. I can definitely hit a half-step Zifu attack, and I should be able to break through to the fourth floor.

Among the hundreds of people who rushed in first, only these two were enough to see it.

Why is there no true biography of the Five Beast Sect? Are they still waiting and watching?

In the blink of an eye, half an hour passed, and eighty-four people came out one after another. Almost all of them were easily defeated by the puppet of the same realm after passing the second floor. Only a few monks could deal with it. two.

Look, Eugene Hammer and Hao Jianlong entered the fourth floor at the same time.

The crowd was in an uproar, and they were all curious about what secrets these two people could get.

After an hour, all the remaining eight people were eliminated.

Just as another wave of monks rushed into the building and started a new climb, one of the two streams of light entrenched on the fourth floor suddenly collapsed, and then they saw a figure covered in blood walking out.

It was the Eugene hammer that smashed the medicine door. This man had a pair of pumpkin hammers, which were said to have the power of ten thousand kilograms and could easily break mountains. But at this time, he fell directly in front of the building, and the spiritual energy in his body was completely swallowed. If it hadn't been for the two Foundation Builders from the Medicine Sect who flew forward to pick him up, he might not have been able to get up at all.

Brother You, why are you in such a mess? Meng Botao stepped forward and handed him a Rejuvenation Pill, which restored some of his vitality.

I met the snake soul on the fourth floor. It has the talent of devouring spiritual power. I just fought with it without realizing it. I never thought that it would open its mouth and turn into a hundred feet in size. If I hadn't used Zifu's life-saving blow, I'm afraid that His spiritual power has been devoured and he has become a lonely ghost under its teasing.


With another muffled shout, Hao Jianlong also flew out of the building. The moment he hit the ground, more than twenty disciples of the Wuxiang Sword Sect came forward to help him up.

Elder brother, how is the situation?

Hao Jianlong faced the inquiring eyes from all around and gave a wry smile, The snake soul I met has a mirror talent magical power. Unless I can create an unprecedented swordsmanship on the spot that is beyond my other methods, otherwise I will not be able to do it. Might beat it.”

What? This snake soul's talent actually has many changes?

Then when I get to the fourth floor, won't I have to rely on luck?

You can only enter the Ten Thousand Snakes Tower once, so you can't let this opportunity go to waste.

For a moment, the monks who came to the front of the building began to retreat again.

Beside him, Huang Yuyao took the initiative to take a step forward, Xu Lang, I am a physical practitioner and don't have many spells. I should not be able to do this Wan She Tower. Let me try it first.

After saying that, she relied on her physical cultivation ability to squeeze through the crowd with her arms, rushing into the precious light and disappearing before a casual cultivator.

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