Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 108 Snake! Darkness (2 updates please subscribe)


However, the black shadow flashed, and a ten-foot-long snake body suddenly appeared in front of Liu Guang, who was flying away in six directions.

The big bloody mouth and the four claws that grew out were swinging in the air, and the long snake letter instantly rolled towards Wang Luohu. At that moment, his wings suddenly flapped, and the violent wind swept across in an instant, lifting six figures in the air. Fly out.

The evil beast is looking for death!

At the moment when it flew backwards, the eight-hundred-foot sword energy fell down, and the violent wind was torn to pieces in an instant. Half of its wings were directly cut off by a sword. The huge snake demon was cut off and fell to the ground. Six monks They also appeared on the ground separately.

The moment it landed, 30 Divine Fire Flying Crow Talisman cleared the area and burned all the surrounding snake demons.

Continue to control the sky.

He Binglong shouted at the top of his lungs, but it was too late. The scavenging bird demons had already come overwhelmingly, covering the entire battlefield in an instant. There were so many that they densely covered the entire sky, and they continued to do so. They continued to attack the snake demons on the ground, as if the two sides were natural enemies. Many of the snake demons on the ground also changed their attack direction and launched snake saliva attacks at the birds in the air.

Leave while you can.

Wang Luohu threw four talismans casually, and when they landed, they turned into four first-level sword-backed thorn wolf demons, and immediately pounced on the snake demon behind him.

Several Five Beast Sect monks beside him also threw out the second-order low-grade lightning leopard talisman and the second-order middle-grade earth violent bear talisman to launch a surprise attack.

Dong dong dong!

The ten-foot-long dragon demon suddenly transformed into a ninety-foot-long body. Each of its four claws held down a beast soul, and the claws used force to defeat it.

The second-level middle-grade earth violent bear can only block one breath? Xu Yuming was shocked, and at the same time, he threw out the five gibbon demon talismans in his hand, and the five strong gibbon demons began to roar and fight around, reducing their damage. A lot less pressure.

Do you have any other methods? He Binglong manipulated the two bone swords with both hands and slashed away countless snake demons blocking the road. However, they were too slow to fly away on land and they would be entangled by the snake demons soon. live.

At this point, if everyone still has reservations, then we will die here together. There are still seven thousand miles ahead, and we can't kill him alone. After He Binglong finished speaking, he used his sword intent When it was stimulated to the extreme, it instantly made a circular dance, swinging away all the snake monsters within a hundred feet, and cutting them into two pieces in the air.


Xu Yuming suddenly opened his mouth and took a breath, and then spit out a surging five-god peacock fire to burn the hundred-foot snake demon in front of him.

He immediately bit the two pills under his tongue and rushed into the sea of ​​fire to clear the way for several people.


The snake let out an angry roar, and when he opened his mouth, a mouthful of black water venom spurted out towards them.


Almost instantly, a jade pendant flew up from Zhu Cuiping's body, holding up ten feet of precious light to protect them.


But after the black water hit, a crack running through the dragon and phoenix pattern also appeared on the jade pendant.

My jade pendant can't last long. Do you have any other means? If we don't severely damage the snake in front of us, we can't leave. Zhu Cuiping looked at the jade pendant, a high-grade spiritual weapon given by the master, with some distress. , which was originally a life-saving thing in times of crisis, it is indeed a pity to waste it here.


As it opens its mouth and spits out endless black mist, the sky and the earth become dark, and you can almost reach out and see your fingers. In this environment, countless snake demons can also rely on their snake sense to capture prey, and can even feel the spiritual power in their bodies. Carry out hunting.

Each of us can break out of the encirclement. We can't break through this thousand-mile sea of ​​snakes.

He Binglong's expression changed greatly, and he suddenly crushed a golden light, swept away the bamboo screen and soared into the sky, and in the blink of an eye, the bone boat had sent them hundreds of miles away.


Wang Luohu casually threw out a toad puppet and opened his mouth to swallow it. Then he jumped suddenly and landed ten miles away. After rising and falling several times, it disappeared before his eyes.

Lei Futong's whole body was wrapped in a layer of electric current, and with a single flicker, he smashed into the sea of ​​snakes in the distance, and rushed back towards the way he came from at full speed.

Like him, Helian Shanshan's body was also wrapped in a ball of spiritual fire. Any snake demon that blocked him along the way would be burned instantly.

In their sight, Xu Yuming was the first to disappear.

This guy is actually good at an extremely powerful form of earth escape. The moment I took action, he had already escaped dozens of miles away. He Binglong couldn't help but look sideways, And he also wanted to escape under the nose of the snake. How is it possible to break through this sea of ​​thousands of miles of snakes?”

In the past, a Zifu Sanren came out of the Xu family in Yandang Mountain, and he was called Tulong Sanren. His native skills are rare in our mountains and seas. Could it be that he has obtained the true inheritance of Tulong Sanren? Zhu Cuiping doubted Xu Yuming at first. With his strength, I couldn't help but be surprised by his boldness at this time.


The snake on the ground was about to chase He Binglong, who dared to fly in the air, but he saw a small insect deep in the ground, quickly passing through its territory and escaping to the other side of the snake sea.

After it felt humiliated, it roared angrily and ran at full speed towards Xu Yuming. With a mouthful of black water venom ready to be unleashed, it suddenly sucked in the dark divine power that shrouded the world and spit it out suddenly.


The dazzling golden light flashed from dozens of feet deep underground and suddenly penetrated thousands of feet into the void, hitting the black water venom head-on. The venom was evaporated and defeated in the air, and the golden light continued unabated, and it instantly penetrated the other body that was still attached to the body. With only one wing, he chopped it off directly and then stopped.

Third-level means? What is that golden light? The genius foundation builders who had escaped more than a hundred miles away were frightened. They did not expect that Xu Yuming actually had such means.

I've never heard of Yandang Mountain Yandang Zhenren, Chengfeng Sanren, and Tulong Sanren. They have golden spiritual roots. What kind of golden magical powers have they left behind? Could it be an opportunity he found?

Zhu Cuiping stared at the fierce battle in the distance, Even if he can exert his power in the middle stage of foundation establishment, he still can't get through. Now he is about 2,500 miles away, and there is still 7,500 miles away. How can he escape from the trap? kill?


She was right. Xu Yuming, who was walking underground at this time, was also attacked by underground snake monsters. However, as he dived hundreds of feet below, there were very few snake monsters that could threaten him. Most of them were second-level snake monsters. above.

With the Red Jade Demon Puppet and the Jade Gui Demon Puppet clearing the way, he stepped on the Earth Dragon Diamond under his feet, and the Crab King Armor, the patron on his body, launched the earth magic together. After moving two hundred miles away, the Earth Dragon Diamond briefly lost the power of the magic. , he relied on the Earth Dragon Digging Technique on the treasure armor to continuously rush forward, and in a short period of time, he had escaped hundreds of miles away.

From now on, I'll probably have to rely on myself.

While Xu Yuming took a deep breath, 7,000 miles away, at the edge of the Ten Thousand Years Snake Pond, a beautiful female cultivator dressed in black had been waiting here for a long time.

Xu Lang.

Her every frown and smile, her brows were full of charm and passion that could not be concealed.

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