Chapter 96

Qingcai Academy.

It was the peak of schooling. Outside the academy, there were groups of students in groups or groups.

Men and women, mostly men are handsome, and women are pretty.

Some of these men and women are lovers, holding hands, and some are single, they can only look at others with envy.

At the same time, the luxury cars that sent them to the gate of the courtyard were also one after another.

At this moment, a figure was standing quietly on the rooftop, staring closely at the crowd and traffic below.

She has a beautiful face, a super hot body, and a completely different dress from the people in this world, making her look classic and enchanting.

She is really a stunner.

“Zhao Ziyan, Empress Zixin, where are you?”

A pair of beautiful eyes with purple light looked back and forth at the crowd.

In the end, her eyes locked on a trio of a man and a woman.

The combination of a man and a woman not only attracted her attention, but also attracted the attention of everyone around her.

Only because of that woman, one of them is Jiang Yurou.

“Look at it, it’s Jiang Yurou, the senior college flower.”

“Oh my God, look, Jiang Yurou is holding hands with that boy.”

“Fuck, really?”

“No, does Jiang Yurou have a boyfriend?”

“Don’t you know? Jiang Yurou has a boyfriend for a long time. He is a transfer student from Class 8. What is Ye Liang’s name.”

“Why does this Ye Liang come from? Can you actually get the college flower?”

“I don’t know, but… I heard that he writes well, and he is a hidden scholar.”

“What’s so great about writing a good handwriting? And, what is hiding a schoolmaster?”

“Haha…say you don’t believe me, this word written by Ye Liang, I heard it can be compared to a big country player.”

“Blow, do you know what it means to be a national player?”

“Of course I know that he was looked down upon in the class, and even yesterday Zhou Tao asked him for trouble and targeted him.”


“You said, what happened afterwards?”

“What happened later?”

“Later, you couldn’t believe it. Zhou Tao wrote a few questions on the blackboard and wanted to take a test on Ye Liang28.”

“Then Ye Liang got it right?”

“It’s not just that you got it right, you can’t believe it–!!!”

“You TMD, just say it–!”


“When I said it, I was shocked. Then Ye Liang was on the blackboard and picked up the chalk. All of a sudden, the gust of wind hit him, and he was very angry.”

“Uh…you read too much fantasy novels?”

“Who reads too many fantasy novels? This was what the entire eighth class saw with their own eyes. The more exaggerated ones are still to come. I saw Ye Liang wave his chalk. The whole action was like running clouds and flowing water, so handsome. People who don’t know thought he was playing swordsmanship with a brush.”


“Are you sure you haven’t read too much fantasy novels?”

“I can prove that he didn’t read too many fantasy novels.”

At this moment, a man walked beside the few discussing people and said.

“How do you prove?”

Someone asked.

“Because, I am from Class 8…Before, Ye Liang’s performance was even more pretentious than you thought…”

As he said, the boy showed a bit of fear:

“At that time, Ye Liang waved his chalk and not only wrote the answer perfectly.

Moreover, a very powerful aura was exuded on the spot, which directly shocked the girls in our class to him.

The old class took a few steps backwards, saying that it was impossible.

Even more frightening is that Zhou Tao, the dean of our class, even called Ye Liang out alone, just to apologize to Ye Liang…

Because, for Ye Liang, he slapped his face.

Since then, he has seen the look of people with poor grades in the class different.

As if I want to see what good performances they can have. ”

“I have called a lot of pretenders in my life, but this is the first person who can pretend to be so hard that everyone dares to breathe.”

“You don’t even know. Later, when people in our class wanted to erase the blackboard, they didn’t dare to erase Ye Liang’s words. Ye Liang did it himself.”

Listening to the narration of the student from the eighth class, everyone present couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.


“Really so powerful?”

“This is a bit outrageous, isn’t it? I dare not write fantasy novels like that——!!!”

“Heh…you are not in Class 8.”

Upon hearing this, the boy said: “…otherwise, you wouldn’t feel that Ye Liang is not worthy of Jiang Yurou now.”

“Jiang Yurou is not good enough for Ye Liang.”

“Puff, hahaha, the more you talk, the more mysterious you are. No matter how you pretend to be coercive, it’s also pretending to be coercive. How powerful can he be?”


Passers-by laughed at what the people in Class 8 said.

But they didn’t see that when this person looked at Ye Liang, there was a deep awe in his eyes.

But at this moment, on the rooftop, a pair of enchanting eyes did not stare at Ye Liang, nor at Jiang Yurou.

Instead, he stared at Zhao Ziyan, who was following Ye Liang on the other side.

She raised her lips slightly.

“The Purple Heart Empress, I finally found you…”

However, the corners of her lips did not rise for a while, and immediately became weird again.

Because she discovered that Zhao Ziyan actually followed Ye Liang.

Moreover, looking at her posture, it seems that Ye Liang was deliberately slowing down by half a step.

It was almost as if she was acting as his follower.


At this moment, her charming and charming aura suddenly dissipated, and she instantly changed into a look of shock.

She rubbed her eyes vigorously, her expression unbelievable.

How can it be–! ! !

That was the Purple Heart Empress, the only golden core power of the entire Purple Pole Fairy Star for tens of thousands of years. According to legend, the Purple Heart Empress once suppressed tens of thousands of rebels with a single force.

Under her, no one can survive.

Such a person, even if he is reincarnated, without awakening his true self, it is impossible…

Is that true?

Who is that man?

Why can he make the Purple Heart Empress follow so much?

At this moment, Lu Yaoer’s eyes finally turned towards Ye Liang.

“…It seems to be unremarkable, except for the good-looking, there seems to be nothing special…Uh…”

With that said, her face blushed slightly.

Take a closer look, it’s pretty handsome, it’s the type I like.

However, Shuai can’t be a meal, so he still finds a way to figure out what is needed to make the Empress awaken.

Challenge, Zhao Ziyan.

Her thoughts immediately triggered the unique laws of the earth.

If you want to start with Zhao Ziyan, you must first beat her in one of Zhao Ziyan’s areas that she is good at.

Otherwise, there will be no way to deal with her within a day.

Moreover, it is generally her area of ​​expertise.

The next moment, a voice rang in Lu Yaoer’s mind.

“Followed by Ye Liang.”


Lu Yaoer couldn’t help being speechless for a while listening to the voice that appeared in his mind.

What does it mean to be followed by Ye Liang? ! ! !

Which younger brother is Ye Liang? ! ! !

Why is it that being followed by Ye Liang is called a specialty? Hey! ! !

At this moment, Lu Yaoer couldn’t help being confused on the spot.

What is this stupid law?

Will it be regarded as a kind of capital? ! ! !

Who is Ye Liang?

Who will tell me? ! ! !

“It seems that there is no way to do anything to your Majesty the Empress for the time being. Let’s learn more about the situation before we talk about it…”

After a while of surprise, Lu Yaoer began to think seriously.

Wanting to do something to the Empress is not so simple.

If not, Li Zhe’s trash will not die.

On this earth, there must be people or things that can cause harm to monks in the refining period, so you can’t be careless.

Perhaps, as my father suggested, I should create a group first.

With one person’s strength, it is inevitable that it is too weak.

Even in this world without immortal cultivators.

“Brother Ye Liang, goodbye, after school is over, wait for me, let’s go home together.”

After arriving at the teaching building, Jiang Yurou said to Ye Liang.


Ye Liang nodded.

[Hehe, pretend, you are still pretending, in fact, you are already out of anger now, huh, there is a woman by your side, this woman might still be your sister in the future, stupid girl, how? Can’t help it anymore. 】

Ye Liang: Xiuxian voice pack, is it necessary to be so cheap?

Jiang Yurou: I’m not pretending, bastard, I’m so angry–! ! !

Do you really think I’m so stingy, this bastard?

Even if you want to deliberately piss me off, can I trouble you to find a better one?

With Zhao Ziyan’s face, I don’t believe it anymore, you can really like her.

If you really like Zhao Ziyan, I’m willing to be a kid——! ! !

He kept roaring in his heart, but Jiang Yurou still had a smile on his face, and after making a cheering gesture to Zhao Ziyan, he turned and left.

Seeing Jiang Yurou leaving, Zhao Ziyan sighed inwardly.

Jiang Yurou is definitely the scariest girl she has ever seen.

On the surface, it looks silly and sweet, except for yelling Ye Liang’s name and sticking to him, she doesn’t know anything, but in fact, she has done almost everything perfectly.

No matter it is any man, there is such an empathetic girlfriend, except for clinging to you, acting like a baby, and not asking for anything, I am afraid that will wake up in a dream.

Obviously, Jiang Yurou has completely grasped the method of mastering Ye Liang’s heart.

With Jiang Yurou here, other women are just dreaming of approaching Ye Liang.

I had always thought that Jiang Yurou was nothing but a woman with no characteristics other than the name of a college graduate.

But now it seems that Jiang Yurou is very terrifying whether it is scheming or mindful.

If it was oneself, even without Jiang Yurou’s conditions, one could not be so broad-minded towards her boyfriend.

This has violated human common sense.

After much deliberation, only one possibility can be thought of.

That is, Jiang Yurou is acting——! ! !

How can a person’s acting skills be so good?

If she wasn’t acting, then…that’s even more terrifying.

She was originally just a love brain, once the object was Ye Liang, she was completely different.

A person who loves the brain, if the object is Ye Liang, then she will definitely be favored by the world.

In her life, she will surely live a carefree life, do everything she wants, and will not encounter anything that goes wrong.

It’s even less likely to encounter things that make her angry…

If Jiang Yurou knew what Zhao Ziyan was thinking at the moment, there would definitely be black question marks all over her face.

“Huh? What did you say?”

“Will not encounter angry things? Will not encounter unhappy things?”

“Are you talking about me?”

“I didn’t ascend to heaven where I was. It’s already considered lucky——!!!”

Unfortunately, Jiang Yurou couldn’t hear Zhao Ziyan’s thoughts anymore.

Time always passes inadvertently.

Throughout the day, Lu Yaoer had collected a lot of information.

In order to attack Zhao Ziyan, she must be fully prepared.

And through the information she got, she finally knew what it meant to be followed by Ye Liang.

It turned out that Ye Liang was the person who was followed by Zhao Ziyan before.

The person followed by the Empress is Ye Liang.

And if you want to attack the empress, you have to get more attention from Ye Liang than the empress.

Otherwise, he would never be able to attack the empress.


How can I get his attention?

The best way to get his attention is naturally to beat him up.

When a person is beaten up, there is no doubt that his biggest concern will not be other things, but when the person who beat him will die.

She doesn’t want to compete with Ye Liang anymore.

She hasn’t been able to use force against the empress.

But Ye Liang is just an ordinary person, she doesn’t need to use the abilities of a cultivator at all.

Direct force can teach him how to behave.

Thinking of this, she stopped a boy.

“Brother, wait a minute.”


The boy turned his head when he heard a girl calling him.

When he saw that the person who stopped him was a girl dressed in costumes similar to the costume female characters in the COS game, and this girl was not only handsome, but also very hot, he was stunned on the spot. .


The nosebleeds flowed down all at once.

He had never thought in his life that one day he would have a nosebleed just by seeing someone else’s figure.

He wiped his nose and was very embarrassed when he saw a nosebleed on it.

But he still pretended to be calm and asked the beauty in front of him:

“Beauty, what’s the matter?”

“Can you do me a favor?”

The girl said to him.

“Of course, I am always willing to help others——!!!”

He quickly replied.

A look of excitement.

Unexpectedly, I would be asked for help from such a superb girl.

Hahaha, my luck is coming.

“That’s great.”

Hearing that, the girl looked excited, and said pitifully:

“That’s it. I want to make an appointment with Ye Liang from Class 8 and meet on the rooftop. Can you tell me something? Please–!”

As she said, she winked at the boy.


At this moment, the boy was so depressed that he almost vomited blood.

What the hell, let yourself go and help her date other boys?

If it weren’t for her to look pretty, put a fist on her face.

(Thank you, I saw the reward, thank you very much.).

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