Chapter 9

“Are you OK?”

Hearing Jiang Yurou coughing all the time, Jiang Shixian asked with some concern.

“It’s okay, I just choked with tea.”

“Drink tea? You take him to drink tea?”

Hearing that Jiang Yurou actually took Ye Liang to drink tea, Jiang Shixian looked strange.

It seemed that I was worried for nothing.

Since the daughter takes someone to drink tea, she must be boring to the other party.

I think too much…

“Yes, the tea made by Ye Liang’s brother is delicious. It’s comparable to a national master.”


Hearing his daughter praise the Ye Liang, Jiang Shixian couldn’t help but frowned.

Where can the tea made by an ordinary child taste good?

Worthy of such praise?

My own daughter, won’t you have a good impression of him, right? !

“Anyway, you should be careful.

Some people nowadays always don’t know themselves.

If you see a woman growing up beautifully, you want to hang around, and when you get the chance, you can throw her away.

Don’t listen to your damn everything, people have to have a brain. ”


Then I don’t want to listen to you everything.

After Jiang Yurou spit out in her heart, she didn’t dare to say it.

At this moment, she thought of Ye Liang’s aspirations again.

There was a deep worry in her heart.

My father, wouldn’t he really be that kind of person?

To marry an eighty-year-old woman, I really don’t know how this guy came up–! ! !

Thinking of this, her father’s impression in her mind became a little strange.

Really, this irritation has exceeded her acceptance range.

In modern society, of course no one believes in marriages that will never end.

Everyone has their own pursuit…

But, an eighty-year-old woman–! ! !

Now Jiang Yurou only feels that her whole body is not good.

This operation is too nasty–! ! !

Thinking of her father’s seemingly serious face, she felt that she would no longer have any respect for her father.

Even if what Ye Liang thought in his heart may not be true.

At least, I am sure that I am not the kind of bad snob woman who plays with other people’s feelings.

So, could this be fake?

His tea art can only prove that his tea art is great, but it cannot prove that what he thinks must be true.

Maybe, in fact, Ye Liang is a wicked dick with a very evil mind, and it is possible to do it.

At this time, she was more willing to trust her father.

Unless there are facts before you.

Eighty years old…


“why are you laughing?”

Hearing his daughter’s laughter, Jiang Shixian couldn’t help asking again.

“Nothing… I, I just remembered something happy.”

God thought of something happy.

Now Jiang Yurou really doesn’t know whether she should laugh or cry.

Really, she usually respects her father very much. It is impossible to laugh at his father, let alone laugh at such sad things.

But now she really couldn’t help it.

It’s funny and crying.

She is so filial——! ! !

I don’t know if I should be filial——! ! !

“Well, I just remind you a few words, hang up first.”

With that said, Jiang Shixian hung up the phone.

And Jiang Yurou also breathed a sigh of relief…

She really didn’t want to think about that anymore.

It polluted her spirit too much.

At this moment, she felt that she was about to laugh and cry, did she—! ! !

Thinking of the elegant face of his father, it seems that he is also a serious person…

Jiang Yurou couldn’t imagine how her father married an 80-year-old woman.

My mother is young, in good shape, and the president of the company. Although she is a small company, she is capable of housework.

Real people are not worse than those celebrities who have opened ten layers of beauty.

Even if his father is an idiot, he can’t divorce his mother, so go to the 80-year-old woman?

With this feeling, Jiang Yurou really reluctantly finished the next tea.

Looking at Ye Liang in front of her, after thinking for a while, she said:

“Brother Ye Liang, when you first arrived in Jiangzhou City, you are not familiar with Jiangzhou City. Let me accompany you to buy some daily necessities.”

“no need.”

Ye Liang looked at Jiang Yurou and smiled:

“How troublesome, I’m such a big person, can’t I still find the way? Besides, now anyone can use navigation.”

[Hehe, when I don’t know, you are just being polite with me, are you waiting to find a chance to throw me away? 】

[I won’t be boring anymore. 】

Jiang Yurou: ……Nonsense, where am I like this——! ! !

Although I am a little unhappy to accompany strangers to shopping, but since I have spoken, I will definitely do it——! ! !

Who do you think of me? ! !

Besides, now I really want to accompany you.

Why do you think the thoughts in your heart are heard by me? Whether your thoughts are true or not, I’m not sure yet.

Hmph, before I figure out your details, I’ll follow you.

She said:

“It’s not troublesome at all, I just happened to be out for a stroll, and it’s not far away.”

“Sister Yurou, really don’t bother.”

Ye Liang said to Jiang Yurou.

Seriously, he is really a little afraid of being with Jiang Yurou now.

To say why…

The Xiu Xian voice package of his system is really too showy——! ! !

I feel that as long as others have a little wrong attitude towards him, the Xiuxian Voice Pack will immediately destroy others desperately.

Now Ye Liang looks at Jiang Yurou and feels a little sorry for her.

Not only did she describe her as a secular snobby, but she also said that her mother would marry an 80-year-old woman…

Is the girlfriend’s 80th birthday in reality? ! !

puff–! ! !

Ye Liang almost laughed at the thought of Xiu Xian’s voice pack just now.

No, hold back.

[Smelly woman, don’t think I don’t know what you’re making!

The deity has no time to spend time with you.

Put away your hypocrisy. 】


Jiang Yurou’s veins violently violently once again, and her little finger knuckles were all pinched.

She really wants to beat up this guy–! ! !

Even if I think about it in my heart, it’s too ridiculous–! ! !

“It’s not troublesome, it’s really not troublesome–!”

Humph, you think I didn’t really accompany you there?

I want to go.

If you don’t get your details, I, Jiang Yurou, will never give up——!

What is going on, why can I hear your thoughts?

This has nothing to do with you, is it because I have a problem myself?

Should I be destined to you? ! !

Thinking like this in her heart, she squeezed a smile on her face and smiled sweetly at Ye Liang:

“Brother Ye Liang, just take them there. I also want to play around.”

“Uh… well.”

Seeing that Jiang Yurou had said so, Ye Liang couldn’t refuse any more.

He really doesn’t want to bother others.

He usually hates being troubled by others…

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yurou was so kind to him, a stranger.

I’m so touched——!

[Haha, okay, want to play tricks with me? Want to use false feelings to make me fall in love with you, and then dump me? 】

[Apologize, you kind of person, I really look down on this kind of person. 】

Ye Liang:…

Giggle–! ! !

Jiang Yurou’s fingers were suddenly pinched by her.

This guy, do you look down on me?

I still look down on you–! ! !

Damn it, smelly man——! ! !

You look down on people so much in your heart, and you pretend to be decent on the surface. Your acting skills can be called the actor.

The winner of this year’s Hundred Flowers Award is you——!


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