Chapter 79

Jiang Shixian feels really tired…

too tired.

He didn’t understand how his wife kept thinking about marrying his daughter to a poor boy.

And his daughter, just like going crazy, has to ~ pester a poor boy.

Why can’t they understand themselves, they clearly have the conditions, why don’t they find a good man with money in the first place?

I have to look for a brat who has nothing but a bad mouth.

Of course he doesn’t understand. Some things are not what you want.

Just as someone said, the daily life of this world may be the result of countless miracles. There is no coincidence in this world.

He didn’t think he was wrong.

He just wants to give his daughter happiness, by the way, to find a little good for his own future, what’s wrong?

My wife and daughter are not on my side, it is definitely not my own problem.

They are normal people’s thoughts, they are not normal.

No, maybe, I’m not normal.

How long will I hold on to this boring relationship?

After quarreling with Tang Pinru, he no longer wanted to maintain this marriage relationship.

After all, I only have one daughter with her, so what is the purpose of trying to get everything?

Is it to have an inheritance of the throne?

Isn’t it for everyone to have a good life —!

Now that the two of you have made me lose face and have an unhappy life, don’t blame me for being ruthless.

Thinking of this, he took out his cell phone.

“Sister Wang.”

“What’s wrong, Shixian?”

The voice of a very kind old man came across.

“I… don’t want to work hard anymore.”

“Really? What do you call me now?”


vomit–! ! !

Thinking of the old face full of wrinkles on the opposite side, Jiang Shixian almost made himself so sick that he couldn’t swallow it, but almost vomited out a mouthful of sour water.

Tang Pinru, you don’t give me face, don’t blame me for not giving you face——! !

After the death of that old woman, I’ll be stunned.

At that time, I will make you regret it.

It’s just that once I make this call, I can’t regret it anymore.

Hey, I don’t know what tricks that old woman has…

At this time, Jiang Yurou regretted a little.

She views her family too much…no, it should be said that she views her father too much.

She originally thought that Jiang Shixian, no matter how he was, was also a cultural person.

He would never go too far.

However, Jiang Shixian’s performance today simply refreshed her three views.

It’s really for the benefit, so I didn’t even intend to ask her to be engaged with someone else.

What is he thinking?

Fortunately, brother Ye Liang is here today, otherwise, I don’t know what to do.

Hey, should I find a chance to tell my father that Ye Liang is actually very rich, but he doesn’t like to show it?

Moreover, if Ye Liang wants to make money, he also has the ability…

Although it seems a bit snobbery in this way, snobbery is better than just falling out.

It’s a pity, now that Ye Liang’s relationship with his father, even if he tells his father that Ye Liang is rich, he may not believe it.

Even if it is believed, there is little possibility of reconciliation.

It’s over.

Do you want to tell mom about Ye Liang’s money?


If Mom knew that she already knew Ye Liang’s brother was rich, she would wonder if Ye Liang’s brother Ye Liang had money and was so clingy to him.

“…Oh my god…”

Thinking of this, Jiang Yurou couldn’t help being speechless.

If I knew it earlier, I said it earlier, and it’s useless to say it now.

Zhao Ziyan is dreaming again.

It was still in that place, with nine heavens and ten earths, several layers of heavenly palaces, one hundred thousand god soldiers and generals, swallowing heaven and earth with anger.

Countless awe-inspiring men, women and children, all greeted her coming between heaven and earth.

“Congratulations on the return of the Purple Heart Empress——!!!”

“Welcome to the return of the Purple Heart Empress——!!!”

Countless gods shouted in unison, shaking the world.

Looking at the respectful looks of these people around, Zhao Ziyan couldn’t help but frowned.

He obviously didn’t touch the immortal stone, why did he still come here?

Could it be that I have this dream, isn’t it because I touched that stone?

She looked at the god who was standing in front of her.

The god general who claimed to be Lu Yunfei.

“The Purple Heart Empress, why have you not yet planned to return?”

The god will bow down in front of Zhao Ziyan and ask her:

“I’m waiting for 100,000 immortal cultivators, all while waiting for the return of the Empress——!”


Looking at the hundreds of thousands of immortal cultivators around, Zhao Ziyan swallowed secretly.

If these people lie to themselves, then, if they go to the earth, the earth will definitely become a hell on earth.

I don’t want to be a gang rape.

However, I am just an ordinary person. What can I do when facing so many people?

After thinking about it, she had to say:

“I want to first understand what kind of place the world of immortality is.”

“Hehe, it seems that the female emperor still has doubts about the world of cultivating immortals.”

Hearing this, Na Lu Yunfei stood up and stroked his hand.

I saw a mysterious scene opened up in the sky behind him.

I saw the light and shadow dazzling in that wonderful scene, wonderful and unparalleled.

One person is practicing cross-legged.

“We Xianyu collectively refer to those who cultivate immortality as immortal cultivators, and the ultimate goal of immortal cultivators is to transcend the world with the flesh.

There are countless ways of cultivating immortals, whether it is the so-called martial arts or the eight disciplines and six arts, Taoism, Buddhism, magic Confucianism, philosophical theory…

They can all be used as their own way of cultivating immortals, three thousand avenues, different routes to the same goal, in the end, they can transcend the world and travel the universe. ”

“No one knows what it is like after transcending the world, but the cultivators themselves are divided into three realms.”

“The realm of refining qi, the realm of innate, the realm of golden core.”

“The realm of refining qi is like the person in the picture, and can only use the aura of heaven and earth for one’s own use.

The so-called heaven and earth, of course, refers to the planet where the person is.

In the congenital realm, you can fit the world, and the world is so big that you can’t go anywhere.

As for the golden core, it opens up a world in the body and transforms it into a golden core, which compares the so-called planet with the human body.

You can chase the stars month by month and travel the universe.

The Jin Dan realm is too profound, and no one of us, Zi Ji Xian Xing, can reach it yet. ”

“Only the Queen of the Purple Heart, your merits and deeds, who have won tens of thousands of years in one body, are the most talented people in the history of the Purple Pole Immortal Star. You are the only golden core power of the Purple Pole Immortal Star for tens of thousands of years. .”

“But, after thousands of years when you took charge of the Purple Star Immortal Star, the immortal domain has dried up for some reason.”

“For the one hundred thousand cultivators of the Purple Pole Immortal Star, you have chosen to reincarnate yourself, carrying the Purple Pole Immortal Star, breaking through the immortal enchantment, entering another world, and seeking a ray of life for the entire Immortal Star. Now, it is me waiting Congratulations on your successful return—!”

“As long as you drop your blood on the Purple Pole Immortal Stone, you will recover all your memories and all your cultivation bases. When that time comes, you will naturally have a way to get all of us to where you are now.”

“You are the only true god on top of my Ziji fairy star, with a high level of merit, the unparalleled purple heart female emperor——!!!”

With that, Na Lu Wushuang waved his hand behind him again.

At the next moment, a figure appeared in the screen.

I saw that it was a woman, dressed in a purple imperial robe, living high in the heavenly palace in front of one hundred thousand immortal cultivators, sitting firmly on the throne of the emperor, unparalleled grace and domineering.

However, when he saw the woman, Zhao Ziyan couldn’t help being stunned.

Because that woman looks almost exactly the same as her.

The only difference is that the woman is full of icy muscles and bones, high above the top, extremely cold and arrogant, and there is a look of common people in her eyes.

Obviously, the appearance is the same, but because of the different skin types, she looks like an ugly woman, but the other party is a perfect beauty, the empress of the world.

Looking at herself in the picture, Zhao Ziyan was a little unbelievable.

There are times when your own face is so beautiful and unparalleled? ! ! !

At that moment, her eyes met the female emperor in the purple imperial robe.

Suddenly, she woke up from her sleep again.

Looking at the Ziji Immortal Stone that had appeared in her hands without knowing when, she couldn’t help but widen her eyes.


In the end, is the sound you heard is real, or is your dream real?

At this time, in that dreamland, the 100,000 gods and soldiers still respectfully worshipped the direction in which Zhao Ziyan disappeared.

An old man appeared beside Lu Yunfei.

Beside Lu Yunfei’s tall and mighty figure, he looked so weak.

However, when the old man appeared, Lu Yunfei saluted him:

“See Huang Gong——!”

“Shen Lu will exempt the ceremony.”

The old man said casually:

“It’s really strange… Your Majesty, it seems… a little wary of us?”

As he said, there was a bit of doubt in his eyes.

“Impossible, I am very sincere to Her Majesty, the sun and the moon can be learned, even if the Majesty is reincarnated, she can still feel it.”

·· ········· Ask for flowers············

Lu Yunfei frowned and said:

“How could she be wary of us? Could it be that she was deceived by someone?”


The old man called Huang Gong also frowned:

“Theoretically, it’s impossible. After Her Majesty’s reincarnation, she was just an ordinary person before she awakened her memory… It is impossible for her to know about us. Who can deceive her?”

“No matter what, the empress must awaken the memory.”

Na Lu Yunfei said:

“If necessary, I will have to offend the Empress. This is the right granted by the Empress to me.”

“Wait a little longer.”

That Huang Gong sighed.

Everyone looked towards the sky, and saw that outside of a dream domain, the Purple Star Immortal Star seemed to be collapsing little by little.

The 100,000 cultivators of Immortal Purple Star must leave…

Otherwise, they can only accompany this piece of fairyland to destroy together.

In the end, Zhao Ziyan did not believe the words of the one hundred thousand immortal cultivators of the Ziji Xianxing.

As a result, the immortal cultivator exerted too much pressure on her.

Let her have a sense of unreality.

Second, she is more willing to believe in Ye Liang than to believe in the people in these dreams.

Ye Liang is a real person in reality, and she can feel Ye Liang’s kindness towards her.

The next day, early in the morning, Zhao Ziyan came to the classroom again with dark circles on her face.


Ye Liang arrived early again.

He greeted Zhao Ziyan.

Zhao Ziyan looked bored, and looked very spiritless.

…….. ……. …….


She replied and leaned on the table.

Ye Liang cast his gaze towards Zhao Ziyan and sighed in admiration secretly.

I have to say that this Zhao Ziyan’s figure is really good-looking.

It’s a pity that her skin doesn’t know what’s going on. Not only is it ugly, but it also has a lot of freckles. Rui adds a rustic dress and a pair of big glasses…

So that no one can associate her with beautiful women.

“What’s the matter? Such a lack of energy?”

Ye Liang asked her.


Zhao Ziyan seemed to sit up in shock, and cast his eyes to Ye Liang.

Blame this guy, the things in his mind that kept him entangled all night, who should I believe.

[Hehe, it seems to know that you must have been trying to open the channel between the two worlds last night, are you in such a hurry, want to let this world fall? 】

Zhao Ziyan: Me, will this world fall?

[Your heart is made of iron? 】

Zhao Ziyan: My heart is not made of iron, you talk nonsense—!

[Watching the earth become a slave farm for the cultivators, how can you bear it? 】

[Or, under Jiuyou, will you laugh out too? 】

Zhao Ziyan: You… what do you think of me? ! ! !

[No, I can’t think like that… You shouldn’t have encountered such a tragic future now, perhaps, you still love everything now. 】

Zhao Ziyan: It’s pretty much the same.

Hey, wait, a miserable future?


Zhao Ziyan’s expression suddenly changed, staring at Ye Liang closely.

Looking at her, it seems like she wants to see through Ye Liang’s heart and eyes.

“? What do you look at me like this?”

Ye Liang felt a little guilty of being watched by Zhao Ziyan.

It was as if she could hear the voice of her own Xiu Xian voice packet.


Zhao Ziyan said, “I just want to ask you, do you still have to do homework today? I made another copy for you.”


Ye Liang said: “I, Ye Jingze, a dignified student with good results, today I didn’t hand in my homework, I didn’t go to class, and I was punished by the teacher…

Unexpectedly, she forgot to give her the homework yesterday, and she still prepared the homework for herself.

“It’s about to collect money today.”

Zhao Ziyan said: “One hundred yuan.”

Humph, who made you think about me in your heart.

You have a miserable future. How can I have a miserable future if I love life so hard and work so hard?

What about a liar? ! ! !

“A hundred yuan is fine.”

Ye Liang naturally won’t be short of money now, and he has a few large bills ready to go with him.

He directly slapped a piece of money on the table in front of Zhao Ziyan.


Seeing that Ye Liang really took the money to his desk, Zhao Ziyan showed disgust again and said:

“Forget it, don’t need your money.”

What tragic future does this guy say he will have?

Is it true?


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