Chapter 69

“Let’s eat here.”

Jiang Yurou is quite familiar with the neighborhood. She pointed to a well-known restaurant and said to Ye Liang and Yang Liuyan.

“It’s delicious here.”


Ye Liang and Yang Liuyan have no objection either.

A man and two women walked into the restaurant, but it also attracted a lot of attention.

After all, Jiang Yurou and Yang Liuyan are both drifting-too bright.

While waiting for the dishes, Yang Liuyan kept looking at Ye Liang with excited eyes.

Thinking of the scene that night, Ye Liang faced a dozen strong men alone, slapped one down, and protected her behind him.

She couldn’t help being very excited…

That is the self in her dreams.

Perhaps no one would have thought that Yang Liuyan had a martial arts dream since he was a child.

She wants to be a heroine who is happy and enmity.

Of course, in modern society, let alone a female hero, it is hard to see a martial arts master.

She even wondered if martial arts really existed in this world.

However, Ye Liang’s appearance allowed her to see with her own eyes what the so-called martial arts is all about.

handsome–! ! !

Awesome–! ! ! !

So, since that day, she has always wanted to find an opportunity to meet Ye Liang again.

Today, she took the initiative to find Jiang Yurou and wanted Jiang Yurou to take her to meet Ye Liang.

Looking at Ye Liang in front of him, Yang Liuyan couldn’t help but his eyes were shining.

“Ye Liang, where did you learn martial arts, so powerful?”

Finally, after watching for a while, she couldn’t help but ask.

Seeing Yang Liuyan staring at herself for so long, Ye Liang thought she fell in love with herself.

This opening originally meant to ask him about martial arts.

He said truthfully:

“My martial arts are learned from places you can’t imagine.”

[Thinking that when the deity was in the fairyland, he had many contacts with the Emperor Ye Tian there in the Yanlong Star Region, and the martial arts of this body also came from her to ask for advice. 】

Jiang Yurou: 6666

It’s time for Ye Liang brother to brag again.

Has it blown to the Yanlong Star Field again this time?

Although I don’t know what place it is, I know it very well just by listening to the name.


Seeing that Ye Liang didn’t intend to explain, Yang Liuyan didn’t ask too much.

After all, everyone has their own secrets.

Compared with martial arts, she has a more concerned topic.

“Ye Liang, last time, where did you hear the song “Flowers Are Too Fragrant”?”

After all, martial arts is just a hobby, but singing is the future she really wants.

When she remembered that the flowers were too fragrant, she remembered the song “Mudden Drunk + Shelling Bird’s Nest” sung by Yang Ting at that time.

Puff–! ! !

Speaking of this topic, she couldn’t help but laugh.


Seeing Yang Liuyan like this, Ye Liang was a little speechless.

Singing by myself is terrible, but there is no need to laugh for so long, right?

Moreover, although I sing badly, there is nothing wrong with the song I sing.

“That flower is too fragrant. It was written by a friend of mine, and the song was also composed by him.”

Ye Liang said casually.

[Hehe, will the deity tell you, is this a masterpiece of the deity? 】

Ye Liang: Xiuxian voice pack, do you want to be shameless?

I didn’t even feel embarrassed to say that I made it by myself, the Xiuxian voice pack was thicker than my own.

Anyway, Ye Liang has no face to say that this song was written by himself.

Unless you have to pretend to be forced.

But Jiang Yurou has been listening to Ye Liang’s heart in silence.

“Hiss—this song was really written by a bastard Ye Liang, is he too talented?”

Thinking of this, she couldn’t help showing some admiration.

After all, Ye Liang’s personality in her eyes is already perfect at this moment.

Good martial arts, can write songs, can also make tea, and…they have money at home.

To be honest, the advantage of having money at home is the last thing Jiang Yurou wants to admit.

Because if she admits that being rich in Ye Liang’s family is an advantage, doesn’t it mean that she is really just like Ye Liang thinks, she is a snob with money?

However, having money at home is an advantage in itself, and it is a big advantage that cannot be denied.

There is a saying, do you like a person, do you like him to be rich, or because the person you like happens to be rich? Who can tell?

For Jiang Yurou, Ye Liang is good at everything, but not good at all.

The outside is different, and he is a wretched man who likes to yell at others.

If it wasn’t for him to have so many advantages, if it wasn’t for the thoughts in his heart that no one else knew except himself, he would definitely have been drowned by the saliva of many people.

Not to mention anything else, it was Yang Liuyan in front of me.

If she knew the wretched thoughts in the heart of the bastard Ye Liang, she was afraid that she would stare at Ye Liang with disgust, and then: he~tui——!

come out.

Seriously, Jiang Yurou really wanted to express what Ye Liang thought about Yang Liuyan.

Let Yang Liuyan see what kind of scumbag Ye Liang is.

However, after thinking about it, no one would believe her.

Moreover, once the secrets of this world are told by the first person, they will be known by countless people sooner or later.

If you can hear what Ye Liang is saying in the heart of this bastard, it’s better to enjoy it alone.

“That’s it.”

Yang Liuyan then asked:

“Then, can you contact your friend for me? I want to buy this song…”

Although she is still young, she does take over work outside herself.

Although only some supporting roles, or supporting dancers, or advertising models, etc., but her annual income is not low.

If she can have a good song, she thinks she will be hot.

At that time, her annual income could be more than one or two million.


Looking at the Yang Liuyan in front of me, this one is obviously still very young, but it has an infinitely charming face, Ye Liang smiled and said:

“If you like it, I’ll give it to you. My friend has given it to me with full authority.”


Hearing Ye Liang’s words, Yang Liuyan couldn’t help being shocked.

“You…you said you want to give this song to me? Do you know how powerful your song is? Believe it or not, if I sing this song, the final income might be tens of millions.”

Her pair of beautiful eyes stared at Ye Liang tightly, as if she wanted to see if he was joking.

“Tens of millions?”

Jiang Yurou on one side couldn’t help but exclaimed:

“It’s just a song, is it such an exaggeration?”

She said suddenly.

“…Just a song?”

Hearing Jiang Yurou’s words, Yang Liuyan cast his gaze towards her, revealing a bit of playfulness in his eyes:

“Do you know what kind of sensation a phenomenon-level song will bring to the world? As long as this song comes out, there will be countless follow-up works, which instantly detonates global popularity, saying that the revenue is tens of millions. I underestimated this song.”

“Uh…no, is it so exaggerated?”

Ye Liang is also a little curious.

Although Hua Taixiang is indeed a good song, but the rare thing is the most expensive…

A good song in this world should be…

Suddenly, Ye Liang’s expression changed slightly.

There are very few good songs in this world.

How to put it, because the technology is so advanced, film and television entertainment has occupied the attention of too many people, so that the world of songs has not yet fully developed, and has become a foil for film and television.

There are too few really good songs.

Therefore, in such a song market that has not been fully developed, it is not a dream to make a good song in the tens of millions.

Just like the bombardment bird’s nest sung by Yang Ting before, it was also a phenomenal song, which earned tens of millions and countless fame for the singer who drank that song…

“It’s not an exaggeration. You probably don’t know much about the music industry.”

Yang Liuyan said to Ye Liang:

“Ye Liang, now that you know the value of this song, would you still give it to me?”

She raised her lips slightly.

Although I don’t know which great god gave Ye Liang the song, but this song is definitely worth the price.

Ye Liang probably didn’t know the value of this song before, so he said that he would give it to himself.

Even if Ye Liang has money, it is impossible to give such a valuable thing to himself, right?

However, when Yang Liuyan was certain that Ye Liang would not be willing to give her the song, Ye Liang said casually:

“Yes, why not?”


At this moment, Yang Liuyan was stunned.

Jiang Yurou on the side was stunned…

Ye Liang, the bastard is really willing to give this song to Yang Liuyan?

Oh my God! ! !

This is not a matter of one or two million, it is tens of millions.

“Are you… are you kidding?”

Yang Liuyan was dull for a while before asking Ye Liang:

“How are you willing?”

“What can’t you bear?”

Ye Liang smiled and said: “This thing is not worth money in my hands. It’s better to sell you a favor and let you get a lot of hair. And… to be honest, you are not suitable for this song. If you like to sing, in the future I can find my friend to write you a song at any time.”

[After all, you are also a woman in the deity’s previous life, and the enjoyment you bring to the deity is worthy of the deity’s kindness to you. 】

Ye Liang:…… Enjoy a woolen thread, I am still a bachelor now.

·· ········· Ask for flowers············

Jiang Yurou: Envy, sour…

Why, you bastard treat Yang Liuyan so well?

What kind of shit, in the final analysis, don’t you still look at her good figure, I really thought I didn’t understand——! ! !

I’m not bad, bastard–! ! !

What else is that friend, isn’t it you?

Do good things without leaving a name, are you stupid? ! ! !


Hearing this, Yang Liuyan couldn’t help but took a breath, and sat down in his seat with a shocked look on his face.

Not only give yourself a song, but also find his friend to write to her at any time?


He is too kind to himself.

It’s a bit unbearable.

“Are you… too generous to me?”

She asked Ye Liang.

Ye Liang said: “I am also an investment, it is a kind of investment in favor, I don’t believe it. You are the kind of person who really doesn’t give back to me when you have benefits. It really doesn’t work. We can also sign a contract and so on. of.”

After all, if such an expensive item is always given away for free, it is really not good.

It will make people misunderstand what evil thoughts they have.

[The deity has taken a fancy to you, woman, the higher your achievements, the more excited the deity. 】

[The deity’s things are not so easy to handle. When you can’t afford the favor, you will be mine. 】

[At that time, you still let the deity play around? 】

Ye Liang:…

Xiuxian Voice Pack, you are so wretched.

Jiang Yurou: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! !

…….. …… …….

Ye Liang, you shameless wretched man, bastard–! ! !

No, I have to remind Yang Liuyan not to be fooled by the bastard Ye Liang.

She turned to look at Yang Liuyan, trying to remind her.

This guy Ye Liang is very conspiring towards her and wants to do whatever he wants.

However, as soon as she opened her mouth nervously, she didn’t know what to say.

After all, she can’t just say that Ye Liang is a wretched man just because she heard Ye Liang’s wretched voice?

At this moment, in addition to being nervous, she was still a little sad in her heart.

If Ye Liang, the bastard, was willing to treat her so nicely, then she might have posted it upside down.

Really——! ! !

“Okay, sign the contract, when the time comes, my income will be divided between the two of us.”

Yang Liuyan breathed a sigh of relief and said.

Seriously, if Ye Liang really gave her a lot of songs for nothing, she would definitely not accept it.

How can there be such a good thing in this world…

Upon hearing this, Ye Liang said:

“Why is it 30%?”

Hearing this, Yang Liuyan was slightly lost.

Sure enough, he said before that he would give it to himself for free, which was a joke.

Otherwise, he would not say that 30% is too low.

She explained:

“Thirty percent is mine, I mean 70% for you.”

“you misunderstood.”

Ye Liang said:

“I just asked you, how do you get 30%? I just wrote the songs to you. The energy you need to put in running these songs is unimaginable. If you only get 30%, then I will just give you the songs directly. .”

If Ye Liang didn’t get any immortal cultivation system, he might not be so generous.

However, what he got was the immortal cultivation system.

Sooner or later, the earth’s money means nothing to him.

Moreover, this day may arrive in a few years.

Therefore, in terms of money, he is very generous.

As long as he is not short of money now, he will find a way if he is short of money.

Ye Liang’s idea is so generous.

However, at this time, his Xiu Xian voice package voice began to speak pompous words again.

[Hehe, baby, come into my arms obediently, there is no woman in this world who can’t move money. As long as the extra money is enough, I can make you lie down and make you love me. 】

Ye Liang: Uh…no, Xiuxian voice pack, are you sure you are not Wang million?

If Yang Liuyan heard this, she might be so angry that she would directly splash the water in front of her onto her face.

If Jiang Yurou heard it, she would definitely not respect her as much as she used to look at her own eyes.

Jiang Yurou: I TM split–! ! !

Bastard Ye Liang, aren’t you the setting of Xianzun’s reincarnation?

You Immortal Venerable, are you too wretched? ! ! !

It turns out that this is your true face.

What do you think of women? ! ! !

Do you think that when you say these things, Yang Liuyan will really believe you?

She will definitely suspect that you have ulterior motives–!

Right, Liu Yan?

She turned her gaze to Yang Liuyan, but silently found that Yang Liuyan’s face was red at this time, and Ye Liang’s gaze was a little misty.



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