Chapter 65

“Look, look, it’s the college flower of Jiang, so pretty.”

“Yeah, my goodness, she has grown up a little bit after missing a holiday.”

“It’s more beautiful.”

“Hey, who is the guy next to her?”

Most of the boys were paying attention to Jiang Yurou, but soon, some people noticed Ye Liang who was following Jiang Yurou.

“Wow, so handsome——!!!”

“So handsome, why haven’t you seen it before?”

In an academy, there is a school flower list, and naturally there is a school grass list, but unfortunately…no one pays attention to the school grass list.

Boys, looks are not particularly important.

Capable boys will naturally attract people, and they will dress up more than a show.

Therefore, it is normal to have handsome guys you don’t know in the academy.

“What are they doing here?”

Everyone watched Ye Liang and Jiang Yurou talk.

Originally, Jiang Yurou really enjoyed the feeling of being surrounded and used as a focal point.

However, since I heard Ye Liang’s voice of “I think they are schoolgirls, they treat you like a monkey” in my heart, now these people are talking about it, which makes her feel a little weird.

Especially when Ye Liang looked at her, it made her feel more uncomfortable.

These guys, what do you look at, they haven’t seen a beautiful woman, hum——! ! !

After she murmured uncomfortably, she glanced at the inside of the classroom again.

It’s okay if you don’t glance at it, it’s hard to catch a glance.

It turns out that Ye Liang’s class has a lot of beautiful women.

Perhaps, these beauties are of poor grade. She and Yang Liuyan spend a lot of money, but there are a lot of them.

At this moment, Jiang Yurou had a bad feeling.

Really, what did mom do? How did you make Ye Liang bastard come to this class?

Are you not afraid of affecting your studies? ! !

She retracted her gaze and said to Ye Liang:

“Brother Ye Liang, then I will leave first.”

“Otherwise, I will also send you to your classroom for a while?”

Ye Liang asked.

[I’ll just ask what you mean, don’t take it seriously, I’m not interested in accompany you to your classroom, and be watched as a monkey just like you. 】

Jiang Yurou: WDNMD, you are reluctant to let it go if you find a topic today, right? ! !

You are the monkey, okay, you are not interested, are you? It just so happens, my interest is great–! ! !

I will not only let you be with me, but also let you be a monkey——! ! !

Hearing Ye Liang’s voice, Jiang Yurou, who originally wanted to politely refuse to let him accompany her back to the classroom, suddenly became angry.

She was so angry that she squeezed her powder fist, gritted her teeth, and trembling, said to Ye Liang:

“Brother Ye Liang, you are so kind to me.”


Seeing Jiang Yurou’s appearance, Ye Liang couldn’t help but shudder.

She is too numb.

I just want to take a look at where her class is.

is it necessary?

[What’s the matter with this stinky woman, why does it feel like it’s different from the previous life? Could it be that this is her attitude in front of the people she likes? In my previous life, I had never seen her such a gesture. 】

When Jiang Yurou heard Ye Liang’s heartfelt voice, she was naturally unhappy secretly.

But, she knows that generally after complimenting, it is a turning point…

She is waiting for Ye Liang’s heartfelt words to scold her.


She waited left and right, but did not wait for Ye Liang’s voice.

At this moment, she suddenly felt a little depressed.

I always feel a little empty.

WDNMD, am I being scolded and addicted or something?

I didn’t hear his scolding, I felt uncomfortable in my body——! ! !

Jiang Yurou who suddenly reacted to this shuddered involuntarily.

I feel that I have been scolded by Ye Liang for being sick.

Oh my god, it’s terrible.

Along the way, Jiang Yurou looked very tangled.

Isn’t he sick?

Not being scolded and unhappy Siji?

Ye Liang’s class is Class 8, and her class is Class 28. There is no such thing as a ranking of the class…

Every class has good students and bad students.

Jiang Yurou belongs to the type with good grades in her class.

In the academy, grades, appearance, and family background can all be a person’s advantage. Obviously, Jiang Yurou’s overall strength is very good.

It is precisely because of this that she can become the most famous one among the school flowers.

No matter who looked at it, she seemed to have no shortcomings.

When I arrived at the door of Class 28, Jiang Yurou’s class seemed much quieter than other classes.

“Ye Liang, this is my class.”

Jiang Yurou said:

“How about it, do you want to go in and sit? There are a lot of beautiful women in our class.”

“and also?”

Ye Liang wondered: “Why do you want to say it?”


Jiang Yurou’s expression changed and it was bad. He heard it. She seemed to have accidentally aligned with his heart.


Coughing lightly, Jiang Yurou said, “I said, there are so many beauties in your class, so I want to tell you that there are so many beauties in my class too…Why, didn’t you notice the beauties in your class just now? ”


Ye Liang said solemnly: “A serious person, who will look at how many beautiful women there are in the class on the first day of transfer?”

[A serious person, who doesn’t see how many beautiful women in his class at first glance, and how many are worthy of being targeted? Those who don’t even do this, mean–! 】

Ye Liang: Why am I still mean? ! ! !

To be honest, he really didn’t pay attention to the beauties in the class just now, and now listening to Jiang Yurou say this, he is still a little curious.

Are there really many beauties in the class?

Wouldn’t it be pretty slippery.

Zi Yao, swallowed silently.

Jiang Yurou:…

“Brother Ye Liang, you are really a decent and good person.”

Looking at Ye Liang, Jiang Yurou said with a look of admiration:

“You are different from other stinky boys.”

vomit–! ! !

Jiang Yurou, what did you do in your last life? Why do you need to do this kind of thing now?

If you met such a shameless person before, shouldn’t you kick it away now?

Why do you want to go along with him?

Obviously knowing that he is not a good man, don’t you really believe his heart, think you owe him a lot in your previous life?

Ah bah, even if it was in his heart, you didn’t owe him anything.

At best, you just looked down on him and didn’t do anything else, right?

Everyone has the right to choose the person he likes. He can’t even handle the fact that you hate him.

So, you are right.

Yes, you are right, you must get tough in front of him in the future.

Ye Liang: “Cough, Yurou, don’t say that, you say that…don’t you seem to be very rude to other boys?”

[Hmph, this stinky woman is becoming more and more able to speak, should the deity change her a little bit? 】

Ye Liang: Please, change your outlook.

This girl has been dismissed by you for several days. It’s so miserable, it’s a tragedy on earth.

Jiang Yurou: Hahaha, is it finally going to change? Brother crumbs——! ! !

You still can’t escape my charm at last——! ! !

Jiang Yurou at this moment is very proud.

She said to Ye Liang, “Brother Ye Liang, let’s go and have a look in my class.”

“Come here, get ready.”

At this time, in Jiang Yurou’s class, it was very quiet.

Everyone was waiting quietly, the moment Jiang Yurou came in.

Because, the male number one in the class, the son named Li Xiaofeng, is preparing to confess to Jiang Yurou at this moment.

He has prepared a very grand confession scene and has notified all his classmates in advance.

Just wait for this moment.

In his opinion, Jiang Yurou must belong to him today.

She has no reason to refuse.

Who is his Li Xiaofeng?

The son of the director’s house of the city hub, his father is Jiang Yurou’s father’s boss, and his mother is the president of a large company, and is also the partner of Jiang Yurou’s mother.

Such him, confessed to Jiang Yurou, how could Jiang Yurou refuse?

At this time, Li Xiaofeng was standing in the classroom with a confident face, holding flowers in his heart, and meditating in his heart the confession lines that had been prepared for a long time.

The feet are ready to confess.

The classmates in the class raised their fingers and counted down together.

“Ten, nine, eight… three, two, one–!”

In the next moment, Li Xiaofeng didn’t hesitate, swooped directly, and knelt forward and slid forward.

With flowers in his hand, he was really excited at this moment.

Just today, he finally returned to embrace the beauty.

If Jiang Yurou was a little more open, he might still…

I’m already excited when I think about it.

I TM, this slippery kneeling hurts my knee a bit.

I wanted to make a handsome kneeling one, but Li Xiaofeng couldn’t stand it the next moment.

He endured the pain forcibly and showed an affectionate expression. At this moment, he wanted to meet him at this corner.

Until that moment, he saw a boy appearing at the door of the classroom.

“Fuck, TM’s, where’s Jiang Yurou okay?!!!”

At this moment, Li Xiaofeng couldn’t help crying.

Looking at the boy standing in front of him with a confused look, he scolded:

“Fuck, who are you——!!!”

And Ye Liang didn’t expect that he just came to her class with Jiang Yurou to take a look, and someone actually bowed to him.. ……..

Looking at the boy who was kneeling and sliding in front of him, Ye Liang coughed slightly after looking confused:

“Aiqing is flat.”


At this moment, Jiang Yurou, who was with Ye Liang, watched this scene and couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

Ye Liang, you are too funny.

“My Pinney…”

About to explode, but Li Xiaofeng has noticed Jiang Yurou standing beside Ye Liang.

He quickly turned a direction and said to Jiang Yurou:

“Yurou, you are finally here, do you know that, for you, I went for an infusion yesterday.”


Seeing what Li Xiaofeng looked like, Jiang Yurou didn’t know how this guy wanted to confess to herself.

She knows that she is a big-college flower, and there are a lot of people who like herself.

But there are not many people who are truly qualified to confess to themselves.

This is almost the default rule in the academy.

Not everyone can make up their minds on the school’s flower list.

It is precisely because of this that the three years of her academy have been peaceful.

But obviously, at this moment, Li Xiaofeng can’t sit still a bit.

But, let him confess his confession. What does it mean to say he went for an infusion suddenly?

Is it because you want to get sick?

But now Jiang Yurou can’t take care of that much anymore, her gaze is a little nervous and she looks at Ye Liang.

She wanted to see what Ye Liang was thinking about right now.

Ye Liang’s expression was strange.

[哧…hahahahaha…no, what age is it, there are people who want to say this kind of earthy love to confess, hahaha…I…I’m going to laugh to death, Jiang Yurou, I really have you of–! ! ! 】

Ye Liang: What is it about Jiang Yurou?

Jiang Yurou: Yes, what does this have to do with me?

At this moment, Jiang Yurou was confused, and Li Xiaofeng confessed to herself, whether he agreed or refused, what did he do to him?

[The so-called gathering of objects and groups of people, the true inner people will naturally attract the true natives. If you don’t like these native love words, would he say this specifically?

Baby, I went for an infusion last night, what kind of liquid, miss your night… Hey, hahaha. 】

Ye Liang: Damn it, is it so earthy?

I cracked and got goose bumps all over my body——! ! !

As a traverser, he can naturally feel how earthy this confession is.

Is the earth awkward to heaven?

哧——! ! !

At this moment, Ye Liang couldn’t help but laugh.

He gritted his teeth and forced himself not to laugh.

And Jiang Yurou was still a little confused at first, doesn’t this confession sound good?

I didn’t even guess it.

However, after hearing Ye Liang’s comment on this confession, he seemed to be laughing over there.

Jiang Yurou was split apart.

but now.

Fuck, I didn’t feel that much at first, but when Ye Liang said that, it felt really embarrassing.

The skull is about to fly…


At this time, Li Xiaofeng was waiting for Jiang Yurou’s reply with confidence.

In his opinion, Jiang Yurou is impossible to refuse.

No matter how you look at it, Jiang Yurou has no reason to refuse.

He waited for Jiang Yurou to ask him what kind of liquid.

Then, he can say the answer smoothly.

Miss your night——!


At this moment, Jiang Yurou couldn’t help taking a breath.

Good guy…

This, this is too earthy–! ! ! !

Looking at Li Xiaofeng in front of her, she really doubted that if he was asked to say that, wouldn’t she have been drawn to the side of the soil?

No, I can’t answer his words.

But now that so many people are watching, it would be bad if they don’t give any face.

How can I refuse him?


Isn’t this a ready-made one?

She cast her gaze towards Ye Liang, her eyes were weird, and she showed a sly smile.

She said:

“Brother Ye Liang…I’m sorry, I…I have nothing to do with him…Don’t get me wrong.”


At this moment, everyone in Jiang Yurou’s class was blown up.

They felt something was wrong just now, Jiang Yurou had never been with other boys.

Now, Jiang Yurou still said such things? ! ! !

What is her relationship with this boy? ! !


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