Chapter 5


Just when Jiang Yurou’s forehead blue veins jumped, almost couldn’t help being angry.

Suddenly, her cell phone rang.

Whoops, whoops——! ! !

She forcibly suppressed her anger in her heart, but she smiled unabated on her face.

Take out the phone and say:

“Hello? Mom.”

“Yurou, have you met Xiaoliang yet?”

“Well, I have already met Ye Liang brother.”

“Then he is pretty good, he just arrived in Jiangzhou, there must be a lot of things he doesn’t understand, you can accompany him more when you have time.”

“Well… the others are nice.”

Jiang Yurou almost gritted her teeth and said this:

“I will accompany him more when I have time——!!!”

If I, Jiang Yurou, don’t find the place back, I will never end with him——! ! !

She is also great, gritting her teeth, and squeezing out a smile, gestured to Ye Liang.

Seeing Jiang Yurou saying this, Ye Liang was a little embarrassed.

What a nice girl, Xiu Xian’s voice pack didn’t know how, she had to beat her to death.


I feel so sorry for her.

Seeing Ye Liang’s appearance, Jiang Yurou was thinking to herself.

What is this guy thinking now?

At this time, the voice of Xiuxian’s voice packet rang again:

[She is talking to Aunt Tang. 】

[Auntie Tang is such a kind and good person. She obviously doesn’t know that my family has hundreds of millions of assets now, but she still treats me sincerely. 】

[Aunt Tang is not like her stupid daughter, she is not snobbish at all. 】

Ye Liang: GodTM has hundreds of millions of assets in my family. This Xianxian voice pack will not only pretend, but also brag.

He can’t remember the billions of dollars in assets in his family.

My family is so poor, sincerely.

Jiang Yurou: Hundreds of millions of assets? The rich man pretends to be poor? Damn it, is this plot so bloody?

Also, TMD, where am I being snob?

Even if I really didn’t like you, it’s just that you are not good enough, why do you say that I am snobbish——! ! !

However, if what he is thinking is true, doesn’t it mean that their family already has hundreds of millions of assets?

But how is this possible.

Do people with billions of assets dress like this?

Jiang Yurou looked at Ye Liang…

To be honest, if it is those who are really snobs, looking at Ye Liang at this moment, I am afraid that they will already start to ridicule.

Because Ye Liang’s whole body is less than 500 yuan.

Where did Tang Pinru, who was talking, know, what is happening between his daughter and Ye Liang at this moment?

Who would have thought that Jiang Yurou was aligning with Ye Liang’s Cultivation Voice Pack at this moment?

Even Ye Liang didn’t know.

After she confessed a few words with Jiang Yurou, she asked Jiang Yurou to give the phone to Ye Liang.

She wants to say a few words to Ye Liang.

“Brother Ye Liang, my mother wants to say a few words to you.”

Jiang Yurou smiled and handed the phone to Ye Liang.

If you don’t know, I’m afraid she must have a great affection for Ye Liang now.

But I don’t know, now she is going to be blown up by Ye Liang’s Cultivation Voice Pack.

Ye Liang took the phone and said to the other side:

“Hello, Aunt Tang.”

“Hey, Xiaoliang, hehe, your first time in Jiangzhou, Aunt Tang didn’t have time to receive you today, so let your sister Yurou come to receive you, don’t be surprised.”

Tang Pinru, who was opposite, said very enthusiastically to Ye Liang.

Ye Liang felt a little uncomfortable listening to a stranger being so warm and polite to him.

He quickly said:

“Where, you and Sister Yurou are so polite, I’m grateful that it’s too late, so how dare you be surprised.”

After hearing Ye Liang’s words of thanks, Tang Pinru smiled and said:

“Hehe, depending on what you said, your mom and I are good sisters, so if you really want to thank me, please take care of my daughter Yurou.”


Ye Liang nodded vigorously.

The voice of Xiuxian’s voice packet sounded in his mind.

[Of course I will take care of her. Don’t worry, Aunt Tang, although she is a snobbery, blind, and the object of her love is a scumbag, but with me, she will have nothing to do in her life. 】

[One day with my Ye Qixuan, no one on this earth hurt her. 】

Ye Liang:…

Suddenly I felt a little sorry for Jiang Yurou.

Jiang Yurou: You are snobbery, you are blind–! ! !

The man I like Jiang Yurou, must be a dragon and a phoenix among people, how could it be a scumbag——!!!

Although she thought so, she still had a guilty conscience.

Could it be that your future is real?

What do you really want in the future is the second generation of scumbag rich men who are ignorant and inexperienced?

If this is the case, it would be too disgusting.

At this moment, Jiang Yurou’s face twitched non-stop.

She couldn’t think of how she would encounter such a thing today.

Mad–! ! !

“Ding, congratulations to the host, get reward: Charisma +2”

At this moment, the voice of the system rang in Ye Liang’s mind.

“It seems that my own system is rewarded by accumulating over time.”

The system prompt gave Ye Liang a guess.

The value of the reward is not high, but it comes quickly. With time, the effect is obvious.

But what is this charm value?

At this moment, Jiang Yurou has been struggling.

She really wanted to know whether what Ye Liang was thinking was true or false.

Still, I actually had hallucinations.

However, according to Ye Liang’s heart, it seems that his future relationship with him is not good.

Now he can be polite to himself, but he hasn’t torn his face yet.

If you let him know that if you heard his heart, would you just stop talking to yourself?

Think about it, it’s really possible.

Although she felt that such a future would never happen to her.

But, don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

So now she also wants to conceal her situation.

If all this is true, then I cannot let Ye Liang know, I can hear his heart.

Moreover, I might be able to follow his voice and know the future from him.

Hee hee, let you say that I am snobbish——! ! !

At this moment, Jiang Yurou was proud of her own dexterity.

It’s decided that I can hear what this bastard wants to say, and I must not say it.

No matter whether it is true or false, it cannot be said.

I, Jiang Yurou, want to see what tricks he is playing——! ! !

I don’t know if it is an illusion. At this moment, Jiang Yurou always feels that it looks a lot more pleasing to the eye than before.

While waiting for the tea set to be delivered, Ye Liang’s eyes were also looking at the furnishings in this suite.

Looking at this careless decoration, I couldn’t help but admire it secretly.

I have to say that the high-end teahouses just make people feel different.

You don’t need any golden jade repairs, just some calligraphy decorations, and some ancient names are signed on it, but it can also make people feel good.

Soon, I saw the cheongsam woman walking into the suite with a tea set.

At this time, Jiang Yurou finally raised the corners of her lips.

Seeing that the cheongsam woman wanted to make tea for the two of them, she said:

“I can do it myself.”

“Okay, Miss Jiang, please take your time.”

After the woman saluted Jiang Yurou, she got up and stood at the door.

Not everyone who can come to the teahouse is arty.

There are also some people who really like tea and know how to taste tea.

This Miss Jiang has studied tea art specially.

It can be said that she is also a frequent visitor here.

After the cheongsam woman stood up, Jiang Yurou fiddled with the tea set by herself.

He cast his eyes to Ye Liang.

Smelly man, don’t you mean I am arty?

See me showing you a hand–!

Ye Liang certainly doesn’t know how to make tea, but it’s always okay for a layman to look at the doorway.

He could tell at a glance that Jiang Yurou was not soaking indiscriminately.

It is well-prepared and soaked, with graceful movements, coherent movements, like flowing water, and it looks like it has been a tea ceremony.

He wanted to compliment aloud.


[It’s a waste of good tea. 】

Just when Ye Liang was thinking about Jiang Yurou’s tea-making action looks really elegant.

In his heart, the voice of Xiuxian’s voice packet rang again.

[The tea-water ratio is wrong, the water temperature is wrong, the brewing time is wrong, and the brewing method is wrong. Thanks to her calm look, where is the confidence.

The courage given by Emperor Liang Tian? 】

Ye Liang:…

This Xiuxian voice pack, do you want to laugh to death?

Ha ha ha ha……

Jiang Yurou, who was originally very elegant in his eyes, looked a bit… funny at the moment?

At this moment, Ye Liang almost couldn’t help laughing.

He couldn’t help grinning on his face.

Hold back, hold back——! ! !

Ye Liang, believe in yourself, you can–! ! !


Jiang Yurou naturally heard the ‘voice of the heart’ too. At this moment, she only felt the blue veins on her forehead.

Good guy, this guy, did it on purpose? ! ! !

Did he know that he could hear his heart? ! !

Restraint, restraint, Jiang Yurou, you must restraint——! ! !

However, she couldn’t restrain herself no matter what.

The action she was going to make tea was also stopped with a depressed expression on her face.


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