Chapter 44

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ! !

At this moment, Jiang Yurou was so angry that he was driving a train.

“Brother Ye Liang, you said you can’t sing? I don’t believe it, unless you sing a song for me to listen to.”

With a sweet smile on her face, she said to Ye Liang:

“Otherwise, I won’t believe you can’t sing.”


Shente asked me to sing a song to prove that I can’t sing.

Ye Liang raised his hand and nodded on Jiang Yurou’s forehead.


“I really can’t sing.”

The song of this world, he doesn’t know how to…

It’s not a joke, his memory of this world, at this time there is no memory of officially singing.

He doesn’t know how to sing himself.

[This deity is a dignified seven-xuanxian deity, whose singing skills penetrate the universe, but how can I condescend to sing to you a group of Muggles? 】


What the hell is Muggle? It doesn’t sound like a good name.

Jiang Yurou, who heard Ye Liang’s voice, didn’t believe in this evil.

Today I have to hear the song he sings.

Even with Yang Liuyan’s beautiful singing voice, he felt that it was no better than a monkey call.

She said to Ye Liang:

“Brother Ye Liang, just sing a song indiscriminately. Let me listen to it. If it doesn’t sound good, I won’t let you sing it in the future.”

While talking, she also played coquettishly.

Hey~! ! !

Everyone around watching this scene couldn’t help but feel goose bumps for a while.

They thought that if school flowers fall in love, it must be very pleasing to the eye.

However, somehow, the atmosphere between the couple of dogs and men always feels weird.

a kind……

Very pretentious, especially fake.

It’s like it came from the show.

It’s really strange, who are they going to play for?

This is not the plot in the novel. In order to prevent being harassed, the school girl finds someone to pretend to be a boyfriend.

Seeing Jiang Yurou’s appearance, Ye Liang had no choice but to agree.

“Well, I’ll only sing once, if you let me sing again next time, I won’t sing anymore.”


Jiang Yurou nodded and said:


Haha, I can finally hear your singing, what is your singing that penetrates the universe.

Hum, if it’s ugly, see if I don’t laugh at you.


Jiang Yurou thought to herself: “Who makes you pretend to be non-stop?”

Ye Liang wanted to sing, and most of the people present looked weird.

Is he embarrassed to sing here too?

He is just an outsider brought by Jiang Yurou…

But it’s all like this, they are naturally not good at saying anything.

I have to see what flowers this guy can sing.

No matter how he sings, I can’t make him proud, hehe…

At this moment, most people are thinking gloomily.

Maybe Ye Liang has no hatred with them, but since the moment they stepped on Ye Liang and pretended to fail, they had already regarded Ye Liang as a target to strike.

Of course… Ye Liang didn’t give them a face either.

Otherwise, they wouldn’t be so miserable today.

It was originally promised to pretend to be forced to fly together, but the car overturned collectively and was embarrassed to Lao Lao’s house.


Ye Liang really can’t sing, holding the microphone, after thinking about it, he said:

“Everyone, I don’t know how to sing, so I just sing a few songs I know. I hope you don’t laugh.”

[If this deity sings earnestly, I am afraid that your souls are about to fly, the singing of this deity, even the song Xian Luo Tianzun praised it, and you are blessed to be able to listen to this deity to have a singing voice, feel fortunate. Muggles. 】

Ye Liang:…

I feel I can come to a high note that will destroy the world.

Jiang Yurou: So, what exactly is a Muggle?

Instinctively feel that this is not a nice word…

As for the singer Luo Tianzun, she overheard a lot of these words when she followed Ye Liang, and it was no surprise.

“Hehe, brothers are humble, I believe you, it must be the song than Zhang Shen, Le than Liu Di, you sing quickly, we are all listening.”

At this time, Yang Ting had winked at his comrades.

Wait, as long as Ye Liang finishes singing, they will desperately hurt him and make him never dared to sing again in his life.

Everyone nodded clearly.

“Yes, Ye Liang brothers, isn’t this KTV just for us to sing?”

“We believe in you, we can.”

“Come on, we are optimistic about you–!”

People who don’t know think they can really play with Ye Liang.

They were not particularly embarrassed today.

I blame Ye Liang, if it weren’t for Ye Liang to remind them, then their faces would not be so ugly when they roll over.

It’s like a person accidentally falls into a cesspit, which is only a little embarrassing at best.

But if someone is reminded, but doesn’t believe it, and has to drill into the cesspool, can the result be the same?

They now think of their previous triumphant scenes, the next moment they will collectively roll over the carousel…

Thinking of the mocking expressions of those around me, I guess I must have a nightmare tonight.

I had never encountered such a shameful thing in my life, and I was almost dead.

If they don’t find the venue from Ye Liang today, they really don’t know how they will be mixed up in the future.

“Then, I’ll just sing a song casually…”

Ye Liang said.


Everyone looked at him speechlessly.

You TM hurry up and sing, we are waiting for the ridicule–! ! !

“Well, what should I sing?”

Ye Liang said to himself.

Gan——! ! !

The people waiting for him to sing couldn’t help but get angry. If it weren’t for taunting, someone would have rushed to grab the microphone.

Here comes a sentence: “Go away, let me come.” Now.

Special, do you sing or not? Get out if you don’t sing–! ! !

“Sing it, just sing a song.”

“Yeah…Don’t be so serious, come to K song, originally for ease, what are you doing so nervously?”

Everyone looked extremely annoyed, but their mouths looked forgiving.

“Come slowly, you can definitely do it.”

“I know by listening to your voice, your singing voice must not be easy.”

“bring it on.”

“Brother, sing one, don’t be shy——!!!”

Everyone said to Ye Liang.

It was Jiang Yurou who was a little surprised. Didn’t expect that at this time, they all showed face like this?

They will not have the same plan as themselves, will they?


and many more–! ! !

In this way, wouldn’t it be true that he had deliberately embarrassed Ye Liang’s setting?

No, I can embarrass him, but I can’t embarrass him here.

Although I was very angry before, I thought about things like being a bad woman.

But that’s just madness, just think about it.

Jiang Yurou didn’t intend to really do this.

These guys must want to see Ye Liang’s jokes.

Maybe Ye Liang really sings well, but now he doesn’t know that he already knows that he sings well.

As he looks like this, does he feel that he is deliberately trying to embarrass him?

At that time, even if he sang and was not teased, he would definitely hate himself.


Thinking of this, Jiang Yurou said quickly:

“Brother Ye Liang, your voice is uncomfortable, so stop singing. I’ll sing.”

Have you seen it, Ye Liang, no matter how you belittle my old lady in your heart, my old lady is still so kind to you——! ! !


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