Immortal Cultivation Stars From Earthly Fiend 72 Arts Chapter 180


Chapter 180 God Position and Foundation

"Liu Tianci, now you are the city god of Songzhou, you should be cautious in your words and deeds, loyal to Duty." Lu Fan said, looking at the freshly baked city god in front of him.

"Liu Tianci, the subordinate, respectfully abides by the decree of the Sect Master." Liu Tianci said respectfully.

“This Guanyin Temple was originally owned by Aunt Mei, but now she has been put to death. This temple is vacant, just to be the Temple of the City God with you.”

“The Nascent Spirit Temple still has several Thousands of infants' wronged souls, these wronged souls will be reincarnated after their resentments are washed away!"

"Abide by the Sect Master's decree."

"The City God has a civil and military Magistrate under its jurisdiction, There are Yin Gods of various divisions, four Great Generals, General Bulls and Horses, Japanese Night Roaming Gods, and Prison Generals, various Yin Gods, and six Yin Soldiers. Among them, the Japanese Night Roaming God, the Yin Soldiers, and the six Yin Soldiers can be recruited by themselves. The remaining official positions will be supplemented in the future!"

Lu Fan finished speaking, which made Chenghuang Liu Tianci take office.

The civil and military Magistrate, the Yin God of the various ministries, and the four Great Generals are not comparable to the City God, but they are also considered gods, and they are under the command of the City God. These gods, Lu Fan, are going to be reserved for the future scene Yang Sect to fill.

Although there are only ten divine positions on the talisman of Jingyang's imperial confinement and pardon, it does not mean that only ten can be enshrined. There are many official divine positions without Entry-Grade Rank that can be conferred. .

In this way, even these ten gods can easily seal hundreds of Spiritual Gods. If Jing Yang Sect opens the mountain gate in the future, he will definitely have to collect a lot of dísciples. Among these dísciples, the cultivation success immortals may not have one in ten-thousand, but they cannot become immortal dao, but they can also achieve Shinto.

It can be regarded as another way for these dísciples. If you can condense Core Formation Pill, you naturally don’t need to follow this divine way. Even if you have no money after condensing Core Formation Pill, you will have life essence for hundreds of years. You can also pass the City God Samsara Reincarnation at any time.

With the protection of the city god to which the sect belongs, one can re-enter the Tao after reincarnation. And after the first life cultivation, the second life cultivation speed will be faster. This is one of the reasons why those Great prestigious families are so prosperous.

There are people above and below, so naturally good cultivation.

Of course, not everyone can sit on these shrines. Although there are many shrines, they are limited and not everyone has them. When the time comes Lu Fan will formulate a charter, only those who serve The sect has made merit, and the dísciple whose cultivation base cannot break through the Golden Core has the opportunity to become a Shinto.

As for the Golden Core daoist and above, this god position is not used at all.

With this Jingyang decree talisman, Jingyang Sect has the possibility to prosper. Heavenly Master Path has twenty-four rules, Heavenly Master Peiyang Pingzhi has both merit seals, and Lu Fan, Yang Sect, naturally also has seals. Because this seal is the proof of communication between the seal Taoist priest and the imperial seal Spiritual God.

After the picture talisman, only those who protect this talisman will recognize it if it is stamped with a seal. Lu Fan did not have a good seal in his hand. After seeing the Heaven Turning Seal, he suddenly had a thought and used the Heaven Turning Seal as the Sect Master talisman seal.

Originally, he just planned to give it a try, but didn't expect to succeed directly, and the effect was not bad, so Lu Fan decided to use this Heaven Turning Seal as the talisman seal of Jing Yang Sect. It's just that since it has been used as the talisman seal of Jing Yang Sect, it can no longer be called Heaven Turning Seal, so Lu Fan named the talisman seal Jing Yang Seal, and this Jing Yang Seal has become the inheritance of Jing Yang Sect's headmaster. Supreme Treasure.

The original seal script under Heaven Turning Seal has also become Jingyang two seal script.

The formidable power of Jingyang Yin can only be said to be good at present, but as Lu Fan continues to warm up and continue to invest in material refining in the future, its formidable power will eventually continue to improve. Although I don't expect to be the power of the real Heaven Turning Seal, but I also need to be famous.

This world magic weapon Flying Sword does not have too obvious grades, but is simply divided into magic weapon, pure Yang magic weapon, Spirit Treasure, Immortal Artifact, among which there are some Purple Mansion secret treasures, Tianfu treasures. The Purple Mansion Secret Treasures and Tianfu Treasures are said to be handed down from the upper realms, or magic weapons with a long history. These magic weapons have extraordinary formidable power, and each has its own magical effect.

Like the Lingyun fairy gourd in Lu Fan's hands, this bottle gourd is a Purple Mansion treasure, which not only has a vast space and is almost a world of its own, but also can cultivate swords and sharpen swords. qi, formidable power is not weak.

The magic weapon at this level also has one or two items in the famous Great Sects such as Kunlun Sect and Heavenly Master Path, and besides these, these famous Great Sects also occupy the blessed land. This blessed land is also the foundation of a Sect.

There is a saying of Heavenly Paradise in Taoism, in which Celestial Grotto is a world of its own. Although it is in this world, it is another world. Celestial Grotto has a self-made world and Spiritual Qi is abundant. , a wide variety of Heaven and Earth Treasures. But it has been hidden since ancient times.

Blessed land is also very rare, but blessed land does not have its own realm. Spirit veins gather in blessed land, Spiritual Qi breeds, can store wind and gather Qi, and can also grow Heaven and Earth Treasure. It can be said to be a treasure on earth. .

It's just that these treasures are basically occupied by the Great Sects or some powerhouses, and there is no space at all.

Lu Fan is far from opening the door to set up Sect, just the blessed land can give him a headache.

There is also a blessed land in the system mall, but the selling price is very expensive, and it takes 300,000 merit value to buy it. And after purchasing the blessed land, you need to choose Feng Shui Treasure Land to place it, and then wait for the blessed land to breed and grow on its own. It will take at least ten years for Spiritual Qi to be comparable to those old-fashioned blessed places.

The establishment of Jing Yang Sect is still early, but some things in Songzhou City need to be dealt with.

There are quite a few families in Songzhou City who were originally close to Mei Gu, and many of them even became embarrassed with that Mei Gu. This time Mei Gu was beheaded by Lu Fan, and these families were also shocked. There are many families who want to leave quietly, and Lu Fan will naturally not let them go.

These people occupied a great deal of property, wealth, land, and a great number of servants. Among them, the overwhelming majority are the people's blood, sweat and tears from the search, and even robbing. Lu Fan didn't make a move, he just asked the city god to entrust the prefect and several other families who had surrendered to the dream, and then these people would swarm up, leaving no bones left for them to eat.

Floating wealth and shops can be distributed to other families and the prefect, but the farmland needs to be re-divided by Lu Fan. Using this method, coupled with the land occupied by the Guanyin Temple, Lu Fan Acquired a lot of fields.

He did not intend to distribute these fields directly to the common people, but instead hung the land under the Temple of the City God. After deducting the taxes from the Imperial Court, the remaining Temple of the City God and the common people were distributed to the Temple of the City God. It occupies two floors, and the people occupy 80%.

In this way, it can not only ensure that the surnamed Tian production will not be invaded by other high-level Aristocratic Family, but also provide money and food for the Chenghuang Temple. These tenants will naturally become Chenghuang's believers, and the people also leave enough Money and food, the City God needs incense, and naturally they will not oppress the tenants. These people are the foundation of the City God, and it can be said that they can serve multiple purposes with one stone.

(end of this chapter)

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