Immortal Cultivation – My Buffs Have No Time Limit Chapter 200


Chapter 200 Foundation Establishment!

Once again, Jiang Li, who had already had one experience, passed through the place where the five Nascent Souls were located, and this time it was obviously much smoother.

After returning to the place where he had fallen, Jiang Li repeatedly stepped in the air, followed the small passage, and soon came across the Five Elements Array disk that was blocking his way.

The token authority given to him by Peak Master Wei is not enough to take effect here.

Shushan Ling was still wailing in his Qi Sea at this time. Without the local tyrant to help him open the door, the question is, how can he pass this invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable Five Elements Array plate, go back to the top.

Smashing with a fist is obviously not reliable. The Witch Subduing Pagoda, which is connected to the Leyline, can't even break the Nascent Soul Cultivator. Jiang Li estimates that he can't break it even if he is exhausted here. Although he won't be exhausted.

Is there any way to get through here besides brute force cracking?

The answer is yes.

The old man of the earth spirit, in this Witch Subduing Pagoda, has secretly eroded the formation in the tower for thousands of years. Although he has not been able to accumulate the power to avenge Shushan, it is enough to make him in this Witch Subduing Pagoda. , opened a few small back doors.

After all, in the original plan, after he robbed Jiang Li's body, he had to find a way to get out.

With a body of flesh and blood, he can no longer appear and disappear unpredictably like Spirit Physique, and it must be more difficult to use the escape technique, so the back door he left must be not small.

Jiang Li, who has obtained the body of the earth spirit, has neither the Earth Attribute spirit root nor the Earth Attribute cultivation technique, but he can still rely on this physique to achieve a simple earth escape.

What he has to do now is to find a space where he can escape.

In Jiang Li's eyes, the towering Shushan Five Elements Peak was reflected, and in his vision, the flow of the power of the leylines became clear.

It's hard to say how much strength this body of earth spirit has brought to Jiang Li, but the rune formation is the greatest help to him.

In today's Great Zhong Mountain cultivation world, what kind of Formation is recognized as the most powerful?

It is similar to Shushan Five Elements Peak and Misty Mountains, combining mountains, rivers and rivers, and borrowing Power of Heaven and Earth to achieve a great formation.

With his rune formation innate talent, coupled with the eyes that can see the flow of leylines, this will undoubtedly make his Formation Dao look like a hang.

Compared with others, it is necessary to pass detailed measurements and calculations to roughly guess the direction of the flow of the leylines, and arrange carefully in little by little.

Jiang Li can see the leylines directly and clearly, and even pull it out and change it directly. When arranging a large array, the advantages and conveniences that can be obtained cannot be described in words.

Soon, from the formation marks in the Five Elements Array, Jiang Li discovered that in this soil training module, there is a leyline power that is different from other leylines. The force is several times thicker, and the flow direction is diametrically opposite.

Jiang Li's eyes lit up, but he didn't run away here.

He stretched out his hand to hold down that node, and the power of the leylines with the same origin on his body slowly infiltrated into it, and infiltrated his own power little by little in the direction of the formation mark.

Then, the earth escape attached to the body of the earth spirit started, and his figure was like squeezing toothpaste, and slowly squeezed into the reverse-flowing formation mark.

Following the flow of the power of the leylines, he shuttled through the Five Elements Array disk, perceiving the sights bizarre and motley.

A moment later, a head emerged from the other side of the Five Elements Array plate, and then a whole body, squeezed out little by little.

Jiang Li, after all, has never practiced soil escape and has no Earth Attribute spirit root, so he can't be like Heaven and Earth's Shen Ruoshi, who can escape instantly by relying on a thin layer of soil.

He took advantage of the favorable conditions of the power of the leylines to escape, and the process was still very difficult.

Don't even think about using it in a fight with others, it's barely enough to drill a crack in the ground like this.

It took about a minute or so for him to successfully squeeze through the barrier of the array and reach the 7th Layer.

But after finding a way, the rest is easy.

Relying on this backdoor again, Jiang Li has returned to Fifth Layer after connecting to two layers again. On the golden light tower in the outside world, the false red dot originally stayed on the futon in front of the tower.

Now Jiang Li comes up and walks twice, the red spot coincides with his real body, and there is no obvious weak spot anymore.

From here, he can use the token, just and honorable.

Finally back on the ground, he was greeted with a stunned look.

Jiang Li was stunned for a while, and when he saw the Witch Subduing Pagoda golden light projection not far away, he felt a tú tú in his heart.

He thought to himself, does the Witch Subduing Pagoda still have a positioning function? Wasn't the track of his whereabouts below clearly seen?

He didn't dare to speak for a while.

Fortunately, a sentence from Shenshan Qiu's painting made him put his heart back in his stomach.

“Jiang Li Senior Brother, you are really amazing, you actually went down to the Witch Subduing Pagoda Fifth Layer! That’s what no Disciple in Shushan can do for hundreds of years!”

Did I only find that I was at Fifth Layer? Jiang Li was relaxed without a trace, and instantly knew in his heart that the old man must have prepared in advance to prevent himself from being exposed.

The other sword cultivator Disciples on the side complimented one after another, but Jiang Li was humble and only said that he had a good character.

“Boy Jiang Li, your innate talent is no trivial matter. The last person who could do this step was our contemporary Swordsman, Mountain Sword One.”

Jiang Li listens When I came to this name, I glanced at Shan Qiuhua, and that was her grandfather.

Kamiyama Qiuhua's eyes flashed with admiration at this time. In her eyes, if she could do the same thing as grandfather, wouldn't it be as powerful as grandfather?

Originally, there is no standard for the number of layers of this tower, but with a powerful predecessor as a comparison, it will be different.

The first of Shu Mountain Sword, that is the Number One Person of the Great Zhong Mountain on the surface.

Jiang Li has done the same thing as the other party, does that mean that the future will also stand at the peak of the Great Zhong Mountain cultivation world like the Mountain Sword one after another? .

I just don't know, if they were told that Jiang Li had actually reached the Eighth Layer and got the charm of the entire ninth layer, what kind of expressions would they have?

After the Witch Subduing Pagoda trial, these ten Shushan Disciples still have to start the Foundation Establishment.

Peak Master Wei naturally tried his best to invite Jiang Li to join them in the Secret Realm Foundation Establishment in Shushan.

But Jiang Li firmly refused.

He already has his own plans for the Foundation Establishment.

. . . . .

Leaving Shushan on a wooden dragon cracking empty seat, Jiang Li flew high in the sky until the towering Five Elements Peak could no longer be seen behind him.

The wooden dragon under him patted, Kakutakuza immediately understood, turned his head and slammed into a cloud next to him, and then the huge wooden dragon was disappeared.

In that cloud, the Nine Nether Avatar has been waiting here for a long time.

The burial coffin swelled head-on, and Jiang Li rode a wooden dragon into the coffin.

After receiving the blessing of the leylines, everything in his body that was full but extreme was beginning to stir, reaching the limit before breakthrough, and it was no longer difficult to suppress.

The same situation as him is the space magic treasure buried in the coffin.

In this magic weapon, Jiang Li has put countless materials into spiritual objects, and it has reached the critical point before breakthrough. As long as the last push, it can encounter water, Dragon Transformation shedding body, exchanging bones.

Entering the long-lost coffin space, the interior of the space at this time is also greatly changed compared to the past.

Not to mention the space for expansion, the coffin looks the same almost every day.

However, unlike the original relatively empty space, the bottom surface of the burial space is now covered with a solid layer of Stone Spirit ore and a large amount of high-level spiritual wood.

The truth is that there is no falsification, and the shop is full of layers.

Even the very expensive blood-sucking wood got him one.

With the income of the Green Mountain Residence during this period, plus the robbery of Hundred Refinements Mountain, as well as some other transactions, during this period of time he accumulated a very considerable wealth, which is all piled up. In the burial coffin.

Apart from this, in the center of the coffin space, is an inverted ancient tree suspended upside down, Nine Nether wood.

In the innermost corner of the coffin, there is a huge corpse of the Three Heads Six Arms, sitting on the throne of bones, the whole body is full of confusion.

A small Mysterious Grade high-grade burial coffin has gathered so many evil things. If it doesn't advance further, I'm afraid it won't be able to support these guys.

Fortunately, the advanced requirements are within easy reach.

After this period of accumulation, the ghosts in the burial coffin have accumulated to a number close to the limit of 990,000, and the last 10,000 ghosts are in a ghost bag next to this. inside.

Jiang Li sat down in the burial coffin, making final adjustments.

In the outside world, Nine Nether Avatar deployed the extreme speed of the Golden Core cultivator and flew in a certain direction

The scenery below changed rapidly, he passed over the mountains and over After reaching the mountains, I saw the Mazu River and flew over the Yinnan Country.

Then, without stopping for a while, he plunged into the yellow sand in the sky.

This desert is dead and lifeless.

In the Great Zhong Mountain area covered by emerald green mountains, the sudden appearance of such a desert is a very abnormal situation.

When Jiang Li came here for the first time, he saw the barren land of Yinnan Country turning yellow, and the country with its back to the desert, from plants to animals, all revealed a lifeless atmosphere.

He was a little curious back then, and then he naturally kept paying attention to this because of the man in the underwater cemetery and the slaughter of the Golden Core sword cultivator.

And as the tide rises, the boat floats, it is no longer difficult to know some secrets. After asking the sect specially, he realized that this place has a little relationship with him.

The speed of the Golden Core cultivator is very fast. It took a little more than two days to arrive here from the border of Shushan, and relying on the way of Jiang Li's observation of the leylines, it traversed the sand sea all the way and flew to this place. The center of the desert.

Here is a huge dry basin, where this desert leyline converges. There is no oasis under the basin, but a twisted and strange forest.

These trees are all dead trees, but under the action of Land of Extreme Yin, the dead trees died, but they still did not stop growing.

Condescending, in the middle of all the twisted dead trees, you can also see a stump, an incomparable gigantic blackened stump.

This is the remains of the thousand-year-old Monster King ghost tree locust tree spirit, whose cultivation base once surpassed Yuan Ying, whose Dharma image was covering the heavens, shielding the sun, and drinking Yellow Springs with roots!

Jiang Li's initial cultivation technique, Guimu Jue, was copied from the tree stump after the death of the locust tree spirit for thousands of years.

Although he has now converted to Nine Nether Taoism, both have Yin-Wood attributes.

The place where the thousand-year-old Monster King locust tree spirit was martyred is naturally the best place for him to build his way.

Nine Nether Avatar threw out the coffin with shaking hands. After entering it, the surface looked like a coffin soaked in blood and automatically sank into the ground.

Because of the absorption of too much blood during this time, the burial coffin has changed from the original gray black to the current blood red.

Under Jiang Li's control, the burial coffin penetrated the thick stratum and slowly stopped until it sank into the leyline node.

On the ground, the Formation that had been prepared before began to operate at this moment, covering the breath of this basin as much as possible.

In the coffin space, Jiang Li opened his eyes and stretched out his hand to untangle the Nahun cloth bag next to him.

10,000 ghosts immediately poured out of it, and he also let go and threw out dozens of blood bottle gourds. A large amount of blood of high level monster beast was poured out, forming a large pool of blood around him. Slowly moved towards a gathering.

This last ghost investment finally met the most important advanced condition for the burial coffin. The entire coffin space began to shake violently, and the Yin Spirit Qi buried inside began to spin like a hurricane, wrapping around the coffin. With countless ghosts, it seems like the end of the world.

The power of the surrounding leylines was attracted by it, and it came in an endless stream, which pushed the coffin to begin to transform.

Jiang Li was not idle either. He cautiously took out a crystal clear and near-transparent white Spirit Fruit from a jade box. Without hesitation, he stuffed it into his mouth. .

This is the Legendary Spirit Fruit Dao Foundation fruit that Jiang Li won in the Great Zhong Mountain cultivator grand competition.

【Take Dao Foundation fruit, Dao Accumulation surrounds itself. ]

【Dao Accumulation Surrounding: A touch of Dao Rhyme Surrounding, automatic optimization to make up for Dao Foundation, duration 10 minutes】(-+)

The taste of Dao Foundation fruit does not come from the tip of the tongue taste. Rather, it's more like the shock of touching Spirit Fruit.

Like a scale and half a claw of Dao of Heaven and Earth, now revealed before his eyes.

As the saying goes, one can die after hearing about the Tao. That kind of mysterious beauty cannot be described in words.

This is the strength of Dao Foundation's fruit, which contains a trace of the rhythm of the Great Dao.

What do cultivators fear most when embarking on the road of cultivation?

The most fearful thing is going the wrong way!

If a mistake was made during the Foundation Establishment at the beginning of the avenue, at first may not have seen much of a problem.

But with the deepening of the cultivation base, the road ahead will become more difficult and tortuous.

If a hundred thousand years later, when you are about to enter the Immortal Path, you find that no matter what, you will not be able to take that crucial step.

After searching for the roots, I found that it was actually the foundation of my original Dao that was wrong. How desperate that would be.

The Dao Foundation is unstable, not to mention becoming an immortal and becoming a Buddha, it is a cultivation deviation body dies and Dao disappears, which is also very possible.

But with this Dao Rhyme, it will be completely different.

This Dao Rhyme is equivalent to Heavenly Dao's official cheat tool, which can perfectly clearly tell the cultivator, the errors and defects of the Foundation Establishment, and play the role of modification and optimization. .

After pressing and holding it for five seconds, the tiny Dao Rhyme floating in his body no longer looks like it will disappear at any time, but seems to be swimming more happily. .

The preparatory work is complete, and the Foundation Establishment officially begins!

Jiang Li stepped forward, and the trunk of the Nine Nether wood split automatically, revealing the human-shaped space that was supposed to be where the "Qingshan Jushi" was staying.

He flew over, reversed his knees, and got into the hollow of the humanoid with the same posture on his head and feet.

With the help of Heaven and Earth spirit root Nine Nether wood ramets, the foundation of Nine Nether Dao Sutra is cast, this is Qi!

The roots of the Nine Nether wood stretched and fell to the ground, in the pool of blood that had just gathered. Stocks were drawn, spewing mixed blood from the blood bottle gourd, the blood of a thousand monster beasts in the Witch Subduing Pagoda.

With the blood of the beasts, practice the ancient secret art of body training to condense the tattoo of beast blood, and forge the foundation of the beast blood catalogue, this is the body!

Jiang Li put the first parallel consciousness and the third parallel consciousness into the body of the sword cultivator Avatar and Asura corpse respectively, and together with the Nine Nether Avatar, they formed three completely different spiritual worlds. Nutrients, guarding the vicinity of the Sea of Consciousness, the core of Jiang Li, provide nutrients continuously.

With the life of Asura, Nine Nether, Swordsman, and the three as the world's various forms, it becomes the foundation of the Heart Sutra of Avalokitesvara, which is God!

In Jiang Li's Qi Sea, the stone villain exudes an endless stream of pure earth veins.

The spiritual wisdom inside was mercilessly extracted. In the consciousness space, he turned into a Stoneman with the same appearance and fell to the ground, and fell deeply into it.

The original pale false land began to gradually transform into soil and rocks, with distinct particles and thick and boundless expanses.

Take the Shushan Five Elements Peak Earth Spirit as a sacrifice, tune it to pure earth vein aura, and build the foundation of the Five Elements Immortal Mountain. This is the Earth!

From the mouth of Layman Qingshan, a round golden pill flew out, passed through the skin of the Nine Nether wood, and fell into Jiang Li's belly.

heavenly thunder does not corpse the Golden Core, appearing in his spiritual world like a scorching sun. Then the Life and Death Power of the Golden Core separated from left to right, but the Dao Tribulation cloud gushing out from it. The terrifying tribulation thunder and lightning roared within it, revealing the endless Heavenly Might.

To create the Qi of Death and lock the Force of Heavenly Punishment, hook the heavenly thunder in the line, build the foundation of Life and Death Tribulation thunder, this is heaven!

Heaven, Earth, God, Body, Qi, these five realms are integrated into one, and the Dao Rhyme acts as the best lubricant among them, so that these five forces, without the slightest conflict, are In Jiang Li's body, the roots grow together and savagely.

Cough cough, finally the Foundation Establishment. Vote, comrades

(end of this chapter)

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