Immortal Cultivation – My Buffs Have No Time Limit Chapter 194


Chapter 194 Leyline Puzzle (Plus Update)

Chang Wanzhou wanted to stay and bear the pressure with Jiang Li, but Jiang Li didn't agree at all, and pushed him forward a hundred meters away, almost missing his waist.

In this way, they also understand Jiang Li's decision, and finally they no longer care about Jiang Li's painstaking efforts.

This group of monsters was also annoyed by Jiang Li's words, and ignored them at all, staring straight at Jiang Li with blood-red eyes. Want to crush Jiang Li's legs directly in imposing manner.

"Hmph kid, brave, sacrificing yourself to help others, but how are you going to get through today?"

"Well, don't say that our Monster Race is unreasonable. , give you a chance, come boy, come and kneel, give your grandfather three kowtows, and I'll let you go."

A big buffalo in a low, muffled voice, but in its mouth The fangs told Jiang Li that the guy has switched to eating meat for many years.

"hehehe, old cow, you are so kind, you'll be ten heads to me, or I'll kill you directly!"

"hahahaha, I'm a hundred here, If you don't kowtow, it doesn't count!"

"Boy, I'm better at talking than them, if you don't want to kowtow, give me twenty pounds of meat and I'll let you go!"

A group of monsters frantically released imposing manner towards Jiang Li. Seeing Jiang Li standing there motionless, I thought he was trying to support him, and he was about to break his spine.

All kinds of vicious words surround Jiang Li, utterly intimidating!

This situation continued for about a minute, until Kamiyama Qiuhua and the others disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Seeing several people in Shushan disappear, Jiang Li suddenly moved.

"Hahaha, have you finally figured it out? Hahaha, kneel down, Shushan Disciple also merely this! Let the grandfather enjoy the sound of Shushan Disciple!"

Jiang Li walks away When he was next to the bull demon who started clamoring first, the other party thought he was the Shushan Disciple, and he still thought he had the chance to win. Even while they were being held, a Qi Refinement Realm Disciple was impossible to make waves.

Then Jiang Li raised his hand.

shua~ shua~ shua~!

Three bloody vines were instantly inserted into the bull demon's body, and the sharp spikes easily pierced through the thick cowhide and plunged directly into the heart, pumping blood outwards.

"Three ringing heads, right!"

"It's reasonable, right!

"You're brave, right! "

"And you!" You want ten, right? "

Ten blood vines were waved away to see threw away.

"By the way, you want a hundred, right, don't be polite to me!" "

"You still need 20 pounds of meat, right? Don't worry, I remember it clearly, none of you can run!" ”

For a time, the demons of Second Layer Witch Subduing Pagoda were silent about it.

This Disciple of Qi Refinement Realm can not only act under their combined coercion With ease, the formidable power of the blood-colored vines is amazing.

The spikes on the vines can easily pierce their skin, and then draw their blood unscrupulously. It can even release toxins, giving them Great pain!

"Wait! That was not what I meant! Forgive me! Forgive me! ”

Especially the hedgehog demon, which was not very big. After being forcibly pricked a hundred times, even the spikes on its back were pulled white.

Jiang Li looked at the few little blood bottle gourds that came out of the storage bag, and was very satisfied.

This blood bottle gourd is one of his favorite spirits. plant.

Don't look at this bottle gourd dainty and delicate, but a bottle gourd can at least hold the liquid of a large water tank.

But the big blood-sucking households, even if the blood of those humans is basically advanced enough, the demand for monster beast blood will only be greater after the advanced.

He also needs a new animal blood catalogue. materials. How could Jiang Li let go of such a treasured place so easily.

At first, the monster beasts kept cursing and threatening, and then began to beg for mercy and admit their mistakes. But Jiang Li can I didn't plan to reason with them.

He won't last long with a few people in Shushan, so he must hurry up.

As he walked along, Spiritual Qi didn't hesitate, threw his hand. away a large number of blood withered vines, and tied all the monsters where they passed.

The bound monster beast was unable to resist at all, and could only watch his own blood being washed away by a large amount of blood.

Take it away.

About two quarters later, in the Witch Subduing Pagoda on this floor, it was completely quiet.

In the passage between those cells, a The root vines spread out, and on those vines, there are blood bottle gourds that are growing very well.

Jiang Li incarnates as a hard-working gardener, recycling vines and bottle gourds quickly in his hands.


For these monsters who have already built monster cores, being drained of blood will not kill them. They will only be weak for a long time.

Shushan Five Elements Peak specially He had his own plans to imprison them and not kill them. Jiang Li was favored by others, so it would be fine if he took advantage of others. They, but Jiang Li is completely the same as Mount Shu Sword Cultivator The different style of behavior also makes these monsters terrified one by one.

Jiang Li's performance doesn't look like a weak Qi Refinement Realm Disciple at all. Now they all agree that Jiang Li must be a Shushan elder who plays the pig to eat the tiger. He deliberately came to entrapment just to smoke their blood.

What a sinister human being!

However, they can only dare to be angry and dare not speak.

There was a pig demon just now, with a very hard mouth and bones. After the blood was drained, he did not forget to scream, and then his pig whip was cut.

The desperate screams made them no longer have the courage to resist.

After Jiang Li cleaned up the scene, he took out his token and quickly found Shushan and the Witch Subduing Pagoda monument of Second Layer according to the instructions.

The last person in Shushan just stood up from the futon at this time. They were planning to come back to take over the pressure of Jiang Li, but found that Jiang Li had already escaped and rushed over.

"Jiang Li Junior Brother, you're all right, it's really good."

"If Jiang Li didn't take the hand righteously this time, I'm afraid I would have stopped halfway."

They were overjoyed when they saw Jiang Li's arrival and thanked him repeatedly. Since getting to know Shushan Disciple, he doesn't know how many times he has been thanked.

"You're welcome, I'm a body cultivator, and I'm stronger in terms of resistance. That's what I should do."

"I'm fine, no It's just effort at all, don't be polite to me."

A few other Shushan Disciples are full of admiration for Jiang Li. When they at first knew that Jiang Li became the number one on the white list, they were still somewhat dissatisfied.

But looking at the rays of light they worship in their eyes, they have been completely conquered by Jiang Li's strength and benevolence.

Jiang Li :→_→You guys are men, your eyes make me very scared!

At this time, Chang Wanzhou had already helped him re-insert the incense stick and cleaned the futon carefully.

Jiang Li stepped forward and looked at the tower tablet of the Second Layer.

The shape is almost exactly the same as First Layer's tower monument, but the direction is symmetrical and opposite, which looks a bit strange.

Without much hesitation, he also sat cross-legged. After a while, a burst of energy was extracted from the tower and passed to the futon, and then slowly poured into his body.

[Absorbs Five Elements Peak's Earth Vein Ling Yun, Earth Pulse Ling Yun (right foot) acts on itself]

[Earth Pulse Ling Yun (right foot): Slowly make up for the lack of Innate, acquired losses. Increase the Foundation Establishment success rate, slightly increase the strength of building the Dao Foundation, and last for 30 days] (-+)

The effect of this state is no different from the tower monument effect of the First Layer.

It's just a mark of the earth's spiritual charm, from the left foot to the right foot, this pagoda seems to be a bit of a doorway.

However, these two different annotations also allow this state to coexist and overlap each other. It's not enough to let Jiang Li's state be knocked out for nothing.

Moreover, he carefully realized the aura of the two earth veins in his body. While they are at peace with each other, they are clearly interconnected.

It felt like two separate pieces of the puzzle, missing the rest. Only when all the puzzle pieces are assembled can the original painting be completely assembled.

Recently, I have been helping to get the new crown vaccine, but the comrades have given too much, and today I have tried a little more.

(end of this chapter)

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