Immortal Cultivation – My Buffs Have No Time Limit Chapter 189


Chapter 189 Five-color Sword Tide (Alliance Leader Plus Update)

Just recovered a parallel consciousness, Jiang Li's The cultivation base is advanced by leaps and bounds.

The effect is far greater than the previous few times. But this is really normal.

You must know that the First Chapter of the Avalokitesvara Heart Sutra was not prepared for the reincarnation of human beings.

Under the condition of not opening, even if First Chapter's Avalokitesvara Heart Sutra cultivation reaches the Ninth Layer, the parallel consciousness can only exist for a year at most.

It may also result in a shorter lifetime if it carries too many memories.

The original intention of this cultivation technique is to let the cultivator start from the tiny insects and slowly cultivate, so that the human body can realize what is called All living things are equal and what is called flower and leaf bodhi.

However, Jiang Li didn't play his cards according to common sense, so First Layer directly placed the parallel consciousness to an infinite time, so that he could directly put the parallel consciousness on human beings and even cultivators, and realized the ups and downs of life. Passionate.

The understanding of life that can be obtained from human beings is naturally far more than that of insects. The progress of the Guanyin Heart Sutra has been rapid, and there is nothing strange about it.

The only troublesome thing is the blood stained in the soul.

There is boundless anger and hatred in it.

Let this delicacy of life become a little heavy and a little difficult to digest.

However, the Guanyin Heart Sutra is the Guanyin Heart Sutra. If you recover the parallel consciousness, you will hurt yourself due to various emotions, then it is still some kind of powerful cultivation technique.

In front of the Avalokitesvara Heart Sutra, all thoughts and thoughts of consciousness, Seven Emotions and Six Desires, are all nutrients and an indispensable and precious part of life.

Even if the chaotic emotions are hard to chew and may cause indigestion, they will eventually be turned into their own strength by Jiang Li.

The first juxtaposed consciousness soon shrank smaller and smaller under Jiang Li's palm, and finally disappeared. Everything about him has been absorbed back into his body by Jiang Li.

Behind Jiang Li's consciousness, a dazzling lightsaber gradually appeared.

It's just different from Avatar's sword heart lightsaber. The surface of this lightsaber is covered with red lines like ceramic cracks.

In addition to the same sharp and defensive features as the ordinary sword heart, on top of this blood-patterned lightsaber, there is a killing intent that makes people have one's hair stand on end!

On Jiang Li's panel, there is also an innate talent skill called "Asura sword heart".

Jiang Li, finally, has his own sword heart.

Jiang Li had expected this.

Even reincarnating a few insects can get the innate talent skill of breaking the cocoon.

Sword heart, an innate talent that tends to be spiritual, is naturally a professional counterpart, so it's not a big problem.

However, when absorbing parallel consciousness, Avatar's sword heart and strength of Chaos were thoroughly mixed together, and the condensed sword heart had an Asura prefix.

Jiang Li took a closer look at the lightsaber behind him, and can roughly tell that the formidable power of Asura sword heart is much stronger than the original sword heart.

But it also lost its purity because of it. It's hard to say whether it's good or bad.

He held the blood-patterned lightsaber behind him in his hand, and immediately mixed with blood-colored light, he was excited, and it reflected the full moon in the spiritual world.

The sharp sword qi field obtained by the sword heart stimulated by Avatar before, was blessed by the Asura sword heart twice, like a fish back in water, slowly spreading out.

A few steps away from where he sat cross-legged, the shrouded range of the sharp sword qi field touched a Flying Sword.


The Flying Sword was affected by the sharp sword qi field, and the blade suddenly trembled.

A strange look flashed in Chang Wanzhou's eyes, who had been waiting for a long time.

Is it finally here? Also, Jiang Li Junior Brother, such a Heaven Blessed Genius, has a sword heart innate talent.

Immediately, he shook his head helplessly, it seemed that he really wasted a good sword cultivator. If Jiang Li Junior Brother worshipped in Shushan, maybe he would be more talented.

The next moment, this light tremor broke the peace in the sword cave.

A large number of broken Flying Swords in the cave were passed out circle after circle, and soon the entire Wenxin Sword Cave was filled with the sound of sword cry. It bounces back and forth in the hole like a wave.

In the cave, Jiang Li only felt that the clear sword cry could easily penetrate his body and directly hit his inner soul, breaking the complicated mind cleanly.

Because the chaotic emotions in the parallel consciousness were difficult to digest, the progress of the Guanyin Heart Sutra began to lag.

But this sword cry seems to have a force that penetrates deep into the soul and directly smashes the stubborn stone in the way.

That kind of feeling is like doing a mental horse to kill a chicken, and the whole body is comfortable from the inside out.

After those stubborn chaotic emotions were shattered by waves of sword cry, the Guanyin Heart Sutra continued to run at high speed again, turning all emotions into insights into life.

"Da Zi Zai Ku Shi Yin Heart Sutra" remnant lv8→lv9

Sword cultivator Avatar contributed a period of life, and finally allowed Jiang Li to advance the cultivation base to the other two disciplines. same level.

With such a Foundation Establishment, I don't know what the Dao Foundation was last.

However, outside, the crisp and clear sword cry still did not stop.

If it is a normal sword cultivator, the sword heart impossible is stimulated for a long time, basically after triggering a wave of sword cry, the sword heart will converge.

Doesn't fire again until the sword cry effect has passed.

But Jiang Li is different. The sharp sword qi field formed by stimulating the sword heart has shrouded him all the year round, and it can't be closed without closing it at all. As long as he is assisted by the Asura sword heart, he can easily maintain it for a long time.

Under his continuous excitation, thousands of damaged Flying Swords, the sword cry issued one after another, and the reflection of the cave wall, even made this crisp sword cry intensified.

And after reaching a certain level, the countless stalagmite swords and stalactite swords in the cave were also inspired by it.

The strands of pure sword qi slowly infiltrated, wrapped by the will of those deceased swordsmen in the sword cry and slowly gathered together, and finally they condensed with each other and turned into one after another bright sword light , flying everywhere in this sword-burying land.

Chang Wanzhou, who was still beside him, was blaming himself, but his eyes were about to pop out of his eyes.

What is this situation? Jiang Li's sword heart is too long-lasting. He has been in Shushan for so many years, and he has never seen any Disciple who can squander his sword heart so much, if he doesn't stop!

Damn it's too late!

Chang Wanzhou really wanted to wake up Jiang Li in advance, but he was disturbed by external forces while practicing.

With this hesitation, the situation is already bad.

He pulled out the golden light sword, and shua~ shua~ shua~ danced out a sword net, instantly smashing the dozen or so five-color sword lights that flew towards him.

However, puff puff puff!

Chang Wanzhou took a few steps forward, but three sword lights flew from behind and hit him on the back.

Fortunately, these sword lights are only inspired by the cave sword shoots, the formidable power is not very strong, and they have not been able to break through his magic weapon defense light film.

But looking at the more and more five-color sword lights in front of him, he couldn't help but change his face.

This is an advanced method of using the Sword Cave of Wenxin. Those sword lights inspired by the cave can effectively sharpen the sword heart.

But this method is usually only used by Foundation Establishment Late Stage and above cultivators. For Qi Refinement Realm cultivator, it is too dangerous!


He saw another sword light gathered into a tide, but it flew towards Jiang Li, who was sitting in meditation.

Three talents golden light sword!

Chang Wanzhou acted decisively with his trump card move, blocking Jiang Li with one person and three swords.

Three talents golden light swords were intertwined into a net, completely covering him and Jiang Li behind him.

However, using the sword array like this will consume a lot of Spiritual Qi and energy.

The sword light is more and more dense and continuous.

one minute two minutes 3 minutes . . .

Jiang Li hasn't opened his eyes yet, but the golden light's three-talented sword array is the first to have a flaw. A sword light breakthrough Sword light hit Chang Wanzhou's right hand.

In order to save Spiritual Qi's use of the three-talented sword array, but he did not activate the defensive magic weapon, he felt a pain in his hand, and suddenly more sword lights flew in.

Chang Wanzhou hurriedly activated the defensive magic weapon and used his body to take a few blows, but a few sword lights still passed him and hit Jiang Li.

However, just when he thought that Jiang Li would vomit blood because of the interruption.

Those sword lights fell on Jiang Li, but it seemed that the breeze was just blowing, and the clothes moved, and then there was no more reaction.

Come on! What am I worried about this monster?

It was only then that Chang Wanzhou remembered the fear of being dominated by Demon King Jiang in the ring.

Even if he broke out his sword heart with all his strength, he couldn't hurt Jiang Li. How could these sword lights be possible?

After another period of time, Chang Wanzhou determined that Jiang Li was really fine, and decisively shrank his defense line to protect himself, and then was forced to retreat into the distance by the sword light.

The position where Jiang Li is located is in the middle, where the sword light is the most dense. He really can't stop it.

Chang Wanzhou could only stand in the corner, struggling to support the incoming wave of five-color swords, and prayed to himself that Jiang Li's sword heart would be exhausted quickly.

Yet running out? What it is?

Gradually, as the resonating sword cry intensifies, the golden light sword Chang Wanzhou is unable to stand even on the edge of the sword burial place, pushed by the seemingly endless sword light, He even retreated all the way to the door of Wen Xinjian Cave.

At this time, he was in a state of embarrassment with the fine sword wounds all over his body, and blood slowly flowed out from the hundreds of wounds. Although the wounds were not serious, the appearance was truly frightening.

"Chang.. Senior Brother Chang, this is too risky, but it is indeed you who can support the five-color sword tide for so long."

The gatekeeper Disciple hurriedly sent After taking two Healing Medicine Pills, the wound on Chang Wanzhou's body stopped bleeding after taking it, and it would not take long for a scab to heal.

But he looked towards the cave, and the wave of the five-color sword light still didn't mean to stop.

"Senior Brother Chang, where is Jiang Li Junior Brother?"

The gatekeeper Disciple looked at the hole in confusion, why didn't Jiang Li come out?

"Don't worry about him."

Chang Wanzhou felt that he was tricked and beaten, and his mood was not beautiful, so he replied casually.

But the next moment, a sword light with a height of one person flew out of the cave, and others quickly avoided it. After that sword light flew out 100 meters away, it directly cut a large rock in the distance into two pieces. Half.

The muscles on Chang Wanzhou's face twitched twice. Obviously, the scale and formidable power of the five-color sword tide in Wenxin Sword Cave had been upgraded again.

"Let's inform the Elder."

In Wenxinjian Cave, Jiang Li was still elated in his own spiritual world.

He was just trying to stimulate Asura sword heart to play, and after a few tries, he was about to quit.

But at that time, some white light spots suddenly appeared in the consciousness space for some reason, and they floated to the blood-striped lightsaber.

This Asura sword heart is not refusing to come back, and it directly absorbs those light spots, and it seems to be a little bit more powerful.

He came to the spirit at that time. Could it be that there is a bug in his spirit world? Can you keep getting stronger as long as you hold your lightsaber?

Then he didn't want to end it so easily, so he kept holding up his lightsaber. The light spots that appeared from the spiritual world did not disappoint him, more and more denser and denser, like the heavy snow, they flew towards the lightsaber one after another.

In just a while, the Asura sword heart he had just obtained at level 1 was raised to level 3.

That's because the sword dao aptitude of the ancestors of Shushan is hidden in these five-color sword lights.

As long as these sword lights are broken, these wills will be integrated into the sword heart and become the best nourishment for the growth of the sword heart. This is also the reason why Wenxinjiandong can become one of the Holy Lands of Shushan.

right now, he finally felt that something was wrong, how did he scratch his body?

Maintaining the excited state of sword heart, he exited the spiritual world.

The opening of his eyes almost scared him to death.

There is no other purpose, densely packed are all flying sword lights of various colors, flying in front of his eyes.

At the center of the sword tide, he could suffer at least ten sword light attacks per second.

And that's where the tingling sensation he felt.

If it weren't for the limited formidable power of these sword lights, he would have to wonder if Shushan had deliberately set a trap for him because he was upset.

Jiang Li is not an idiot either, he has already guessed the general situation through the frequency of sword light falling on his body and the number of light spots appearing in the spiritual world.

It turns out that there is such a good thing about this Wenxinjiandong, but why didn't they tell me? Really stingy.

At first, since there is a layer of Spiritual Qi shield on the surface of his body, the sword light can't penetrate that shield at all, so he doesn't feel it at all.

However, as the sword light gradually became stronger, the sharp will of the ancestors of Shushan was condensed in these sword lights, and slowly the blessing of the lake began to be unable to fully defend.

But Jiang Li is not arrogant, he separates the juxtaposition consciousness again and asks him to help maintain the sword heart.

Jiang Li himself was not afraid to straighten his chest and endured a more violent sword light attack.

The skin on his body instantly became pitch black, and at the same time, the muscular strength of his entire body was wrapped around Nine Nether Spiritual Qi, which was evenly distributed all over his body, converting all his strength into extreme defense. !

This is Jiang Li's cultivation, body cultivator defense secret art, and Tyrant Body Art, which Jiang Li has not used in battle for a long time!

Currently Tyrant Body Art Level lv6!

As long as he goes up two levels, he can transform the super defense of Tyrant Body Art into the strongest defense state!

At that time, he himself will be completely unable to move himself.

Thank you for your support and encouragement!

Thank you Alliance Leader for the 100,000 reward of immortality (☆☆) Thank you Boss

(end of this chapter)

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