Immortal Cultivation – My Buffs Have No Time Limit Chapter 186


Chapter 186 Blood of Chaos

Jiang Li remembered that Wu Shi had entered the ruins before entering the ruins. a village. I think the human remains on the ground and the spliced head should all come from there.

loose cultivator loose cultivator , it's not without reason that this group is hated. Although there are no heroes and heroes among them, those who hold the sword with righteousness.

But most loose cultivators are villains who can't even keep the most basic morals!

Wu Shi used to be just an ordinary loose cultivator. However, he was very lucky. After gaining inheritance in the first Taoist temple in the east of the village, he stepped into the path of cultivation.

Although the loose cultivator's life was difficult and he had no elders to guide him, his own exploration also allowed him to reluctantly get started with Qi Refinement, and gradually came into contact with a corner of the cultivation world.

Once, in order to chase a spirit mouse, he accidentally got into the crack and found this ruin.

That kind of huge excitement is by no means ordinary people can experience.

Like the kind of poor boy who got the inheritance and became a peerless genius, trampled countless people under his feet, married all the female cultivators on the Luoshen Bang, and finally became immortals. It is very popular among the group.

When he first entered the ruins, there were actually many collapsed burial sites in the underground corridor, and many dead bones lying in the corridor for a long time.

According to the plot of the story in the picture book, he respectfully buried the dead bones one after another and got their inheritance.

It's just because the time is too long, the original body of this relic was suddenly destroyed in the war, and no one has done proper preservation measures.

So some of the magic medicine pills left beside the corpse have lost all Spiritual Qi under the erosion of time, and slowly decayed in this lonely space.

So much so that he didn't find much useful things on these corpses.

Only on a corpse whose clothes and fabrics were still intact, the body was extraordinarily tall, and the skeleton shape was slightly different from that of humans, he found the Black Sword and the bracelet.

apart from this and nothing else.

But these did not dampen his enthusiasm for exploration. Using primordial methods, little by little excavated the collapse point, cleaned up the accumulated soil and gravel, and almost managed the ruins as their own home.

It took him several months to just barely penetrate the part of the corridor that was still intact.

And during this period, he also saw those chaotic murals.

Unlike Jiang Li, Wu Shi was a trifling ordinary Qi Refinement Stage cultivator. When he first saw those murals, he had no ability to resist at all. He just rolled his eyes and fainted.

While in a coma, he was not conscious and had many dreams, bloody nightmares over and over again, tormenting him repeatedly.

When he woke up again, there were some fragmentary memories in his mind, and his own personality and thoughts had changed a little without a trace.

But this is not the end, but the beginning.

Since the day of the coma, Wu Shi has experienced the same dream every day.

As the number of nightmares increases, the extra memories in my mind gradually become complete. His character is also in the unnoticeable influence, becoming more and more cruel.

I don't know from which day, when he looked towards the murals again, he no longer felt dizzy, but only felt happy and excited, often standing in front of the murals for a whole day.

Wu Shi also finally understood something about this ruin.

Once this place belonged to a powerful sect, the Black Lotus cult, that is the name.

And the ultimate goal of this sect seems to be to resurrect a god.

Resurrection of a God? There is no Divine Immortal in this world.

This was his first thought at the time.

When the contemporary cultivation tide just revived, there were countless human cultivators who exhausted their lives to explore the traces of immortals and Buddhas.

But in the end, in the cultivation world, it was confirmed that the immortal Buddha did not exist in this world.

In the realm of mortals, Immortal Master has become synonymous with cultivator.

As the cultivation base of the earliest cultivation pioneers got higher and higher, the distance from the real immortal got closer and closer.

This answer has basically become common sense in this cultivation world. There are no immortals and gods in this world, these cultivators will be a new generation of immortals and Buddhas.

That's why Wu Shi snort disdainfully and didn't believe it at all.

It wasn't until he walked down the corridor to the end and saw the figure sitting on top of the huge black lotus flower that he understood what the real value of this relic was.

That dream may not lie to him!

A Spiritual God, or the Spiritual God's corpse is right in front of his eyes!

Well, with loose cultivator Wu Shi's shallow knowledge, if a corpse is stronger than all the cultivators he has ever seen, then it is undoubtedly Spiritual God.

For the first time, Wu Shi sacrificed a bowl of his own blood according to the practice in that dream.

But what excites him is that this huge dive corpse actually gave him a reaction.

On that day, his cultivation base had been stagnant for a long time due to lack of resources, so he broke through so easily.

He also knew that this "divine corpse" was called Asura, the god Asura.

After tasting the sweetness, he could no longer extricate himself from this ruin.

Sacrifice after sacrifice, feedback again and again, the death of a large number of mortals, let him use the power in the ruins to successfully break through to the late Qi Refinement before the age of 20.

This is a speed that most loose cultivators can't even imagine. Even if it is a sect disciple, this speed is enough to be regarded as an elite.

As time passed, Wu Shi's hands were stained with more and more blood, and the dream that appeared every night was no longer difficult to accept in his heart.

However, in a dream one night, the Divine Corpse on the Black Lotus called him.

As long as he completes another blood sacrifice, God Asura will give him enough strength to establish the Foundation Establishment.

But the goal of blood sacrifice is to slaughter the village where he was born and sacrifice his blood relatives.

This time, almost addicted loose cultivator Wu Shi hesitated. The last bit of reason and emotion in his head told him it wasn't right.

He temporarily closed the rift, and it was then that he heard about the Great Zhong Mountain cultivator grand competition.

Wu Shi participated in the grand competition and gave his choice to fate. If he can succeed in the grand competition, he can get what he wants.

Wu Shi may decide to give up the ruins.

But the final result is known, he did not get any benefit in the grand competition, but lost the Black Sword.

Things for power, he was completely lost by negative emotions, and he was born with a sense of empathy and guilt that he should have, and was completely disappeared.

After returning, Wu Shi slaughtered the entire village without the slightest hesitation, danced on their corpses, and sewed up the head with fragments of his parents' blood relatives.

Yes, the village where Wu Shi was slaughtered before is where he was born and raised.

And the "Asura God" did not disappoint him this time either.

The strangely stitched head twisted twice, and actually opened his eyes and spoke.

"Haha! hahahaha, good luck youngster, God Asura has heard your voice, I am satisfied with your offerings, the devout should be rewarded."

"Come on Come on, drink my blood and accept the gift of God Asura."

The head's mouth opened and closed, but the voice line was constantly changing, as if many people were crowded into one head Inside, scrambling to speak with that leaky mouth.

Then Wu Shi heard this, his frantic face immediately showed a rejoicing expression, and he hurriedly picked up a porcelain bowl and approached him.

The spliced head flew into the air, and then two tears of blood flowed from its eyes, dripping into the porcelain bowl.

It looked like it was just a few drops of blood, but Wu Shi could feel the temptation of that sweet smell.

Just drink it and you'll get the power of the god Asura, and you'll be able to stomp those guys underfoot!

Wu Shi's smile was full of madness, holding the porcelain bowl tremblingly and swallowing it as soon as he raised his head.

However, at this moment, a sword light came in an instant!

I don't remember the consumption of Shushan Sword Controlling Art, which has been gaining momentum for a long time, and where can a Qi Refinement Realm cultivator be able to respond.

A head that was laughing madly was chopped off by this sword, tumbling in the air and flying far away.

The large wound at the mouth of the bowl was burnt in pitch black, and even blood could not flow out.

The headless body twitched twice and then fell softly, but the porcelain bowl was firmly caught by the other hand.

"If no one wants this thing, lend me a few days to study it and say goodbye."

Jiang Li controlled Avatar to catch the porcelain bowl, and then returned immediately without stopping for a moment. He rushed towards the corridor outside the stone chamber.

He's very fast, and he's already ready to grab something and leave.

But at this moment, his peripheral vision accidentally swept to a huge silhouette in the center of the stone chamber.

purple. . Three heads. . six arms. . It was just a flash of the peripheral light, and Avatar's brain was dizzy again, and he couldn't help but pause at his feet.

Jiang Li, who was always watching, took control decisively and continued to rush to the outside, but it was still too late.

"sword cultivator! I'll wait for a good thing! Let's go!"

The head bounced violently, and jumped to the only way to Avatar, and immediately Defiantly exploded.


The blood, broken bones and brains directly smeared Avatar's face, and his figure was inevitably pushed back by the shock wave.

Jiang Li activated the magic weapon for body protection in time, Spiritual Qi rays of light instantly protected the whole body and the porcelain bowl in his hand, so that he was not directly seriously injured by this blow.

But just as he landed, his expression changed drastically on the spot.

The layer of Spiritual Qi light film on the body suddenly fluctuated violently due to the influence of something. In just a moment, he was completely out of control, and the light film exploded directly into a ball of Spiritual Qi, disappeared.

Jiang Li tried two more attempts to restart, but the magic weapon of defense actually failed in such an unfathomable mystery.

"There's something wrong with this blood!"

Looking at the blood mist that exploded in front of him, Jiang Li's expression was solemn.

The burning rainbow sword had already flown back to his side, but the exit ahead was still blocked by blood mist.

With his eyes lowered, he tried his best to avoid seeing what was in the center of the stone chamber. Jiang Li poured the blood drop from the bowl into the porcelain vase and put it away, then pinched his sword fingers.

Drunk long song hate! Beacon fire reflects the horizon!

He didn't even wait for the blood mist to disperse, and with the Fire Sword of the End of the World, he hit the front.

The space in this stone chamber is too small, and the sword art with high formidable power and wide range simply cannot be used, so he still chose the sword art that comes with the Fire Sword song.

A continuous piece of flame sword light flew out and quickly dissipated the blood mist. Jiang Li controlled the Avatar to follow closely from behind and rushed out of the stone chamber.

Some people, however, are very hospitable and don't really want him to leave.

Abruptly, both hands grabbed Avatar's left foot from the ground, halting his momentum again. But it was a headless corpse that suddenly moved, clinging to his ankle and not letting go!

Afterwards, the head that was blown away by his sword unexpectedly also flew over.

It flew from the rear to the side of the sword cultivator Avatar very quickly, and there was another violent explosion.

The same flesh and blood, the formidable power of this explosion is far less than that of the previous time, Avatar was pushed forward by this explosion and staggered two steps and stopped.

But his face is not good-looking at all.

Because, Fire Spiritual Qi, the wine in Avatar's body, doesn't follow orders!

The next moment, his stomach bulged as high as an October pregnancy, the uncontrolled wine Fire Spiritual Qi, gushing out of the Qi Sea, was about to burst his body.

Jiang Li cursed in his heart, what kind of weird method is this, and it is too sinister!

Fortunately, I asked Avatar to test it first. If the main body came over without knowing it, with the terrifying Spiritual Qi reserves of the main body, I might have to suffer a big loss.

Seeing that his body was about to be broken, Jiang Li cut it off immediately, turning his middle finger into a sword, and inserted it directly into Avatar's umbilical door.


It's like a pressure cooker whose pressure has reached its limit and the valve is suddenly pulled out.

A large amount of Spiritual Qi poured out of his umbilical door. The Spiritual Qi, wrapped in a strong aroma of wine, sprayed out like he didn't want money.

He also wanted to cast a spell to forcibly consume it, but the current wine, Fire Spiritual Qi, is completely uncontrollable, even if he wants to carry it into his mouth and squirt it, he can only do this. Emergency discharge of Spiritual Qi.

The main body also quickly stopped the gushing spirit technique, which barely avoided the end of Avatar's body explosion.

After spraying Spiritual Qi for more than two minutes, sword cultivator Avatar's stomach slowly calmed down.

But the crisis has not been lifted. At this moment, there is no Spiritual Qi in his body.

An endless sense of weakness gushed from every cell in the body. Spiritual Qi is completely empty, which is almost equivalent to temporary paralysis for a cultivator.

Avatar can't even stand still, clutching her everted navel.

Try to restart the spirit technique, but maybe because the blood is still sticking to the body, the new Spiritual Qi is still difficult to control.

Jiang Li tried to summon the Flying Sword again, but unfortunately, the Burning Rainbow Sword was also splattered with blood just now, all Spiritual Qi also lost control and escaped in a short time, and fell helplessly to Avatar next to it.

The situation has almost become a dead end!

"sword cultivator! Mount Shu Sword Cultivator! It's you and you!"

The blood mist slowly dissipated, and the eight ghosts turned into eight black mists.

"Mount Shu Sword Cultivator destroys my sect! Eat you! Let me eat you!"

Amidst the eight black mists, a human face appears from time to time, surrounding Fly around with the Avatar.

A demon suddenly rushed out, grimacing directly on Jiang Li's shoulder, and then tore off a piece of flesh and blood.

Avatar was in pain, and because Spiritual Qi was not physically weak, he was almost unsteady.

"The smell of blood! I like the smell of blood, if there's a little more fear in it! Ah! Delicious!"

Being stimulated by the blood of living people, the eight evil spirits became even more excited, and two more fell on Avatar's back, fiercely tore off two pieces of flesh and blood.

If it goes on like this, Jiang Li's sword cultivator Avatar, I'm afraid he will have to be eaten here by these eight evil ghosts!

"I thought it was something dressed up as God, playing the Devil, and resurrecting God Asura. It turned out to be just a few little devils."

Jiang Li The gnashing teeth held back the pain, and then said so with pretense of disdain.

He could see that, in this ruin, there is no Asura god who can give back to the believers, only eight evil spirits doing things.

The thing sitting in the center of the stone chamber should be the source of the chaotic power in the ruins, but it is indeed completely dead.

And these eight evil spirits should have been transformed by the former cultivators of this place.

"Shushan's chops! What are you talking about! I'm going to tear your soul into pieces!"

A black fog flew in front of Jiang Li, a bald head The wretched old face with long beards directly slapped Avatar's face, and he was about to bite off one of his eyeballs!

"Do you dare!"

Jiang Li shouting loudly, actually shocked these evil spirits.

"You can't leave this stone chamber!"

He looked towards the eight skeletons in the corner of the stone chamber.

With the change of personality, loose cultivator Wu Shi was obviously not in the mood to bury the body anymore. Those corpses should be the original bodies of these eight guys.

And from the fact that they had to stop Avatar's footsteps no matter what, I'm afraid that once Avatar leaves the stone chamber, they will no longer be able to pursue.

Sure enough, upon hearing this, the eight ghosts became inexplicably quiet.

"The only people who know about this place are me and him."

"Now that he's dead, you kill me again. When the next unlucky guy finds out here, it might cost a hundred Years? Two hundred years? Or forever?"

He pointed to the headless corpse on the ground again, and then sat down on the ground with a broken pot.

Those eight black mists stopped biting Avatar, floating around Avatar, and the ghost body rolled violently.

After a while, another ghost floated over.

"It doesn't matter, as long as we occupy your body, we can go out."

The black mist is still rolling, this guy obviously doesn't know, in the eyes of those who know it, It's not difficult to tell if a ghost is lying.

"If body possession were that simple, you would have been able to go out a long time ago."

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be the person who has to drink this thing to bring it with you."

Go out."

Jiang Li took out the small porcelain bottle and dangled it in his hand.

"Then, as you wish."

Just when the eight ghosts fell silent, they were considering how to lure Jiang Li into submission.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Li opened the cork directly and poured it into his mouth as soon as he tilted his head, without a drop left!

Anyway, this is Avatar, who is afraid of who!

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(end of this chapter)

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