Immortal Cultivation – My Buffs Have No Time Limit Chapter 182


Chapter 182 Castle Peak is always in guesthouse

All wooden houses, all solid wood tables and chairs, furniture, and other lifelike carvings .

The kingdom of mortals may be labor-intensive and costly, and it will take several years to ten years to build something that the Golden Core cultivator can complete with a slap on the ground.

Nine Nether Avatar has the support of Jiang Li Yong spirit technique, and its body has been staying in the coffin space where Spiritual Qi concentration exceeds the standard.

Even the output of the Golden Core Realm level is enough to fully support in this case, and the Spiritual Qi within the Avatar Golden Core does not even consume much.

After two consecutive large-scale spellcasting, a whole wooden building complex appeared in the inner city and the outer city.

This is the prototype of the Nine Nether Avatar business empire.

With the land and the house, what is needed is the employees who provide basic services.

He is a dignified Golden Core cultivator, so naturally he can't receive guests in person, but after recruiting people, he needs to be trained and nurtured, and to prevent them from discovering their own secrets, it's a bit troublesome to think about.

But fortunately, he had the foresight for a long time. Isn't there such a group of well-trained and excellent employees in the coffin.

With a wave of his hand, he scatters a seed, turning them all into a medium-sized human-shaped wooden puppet. Jiang Li also selected 300 clever old ghosts and put them into these wooden puppets, supplemented by talisman paper, painting skin and Illusion Technique.

Under the leadership of Qin Shuman, the master of the ghost market, a team that bears hardships and stand hard work without pay is basically formed here.

Anyway, the formalities have been completed in advance, and Jiang Li, who is short of money, announced the opening without saying a word.

Nine Nether Avatar's own name is called Qingshan Jushi, so these two spiritual residences are also called Qingshan residence.

The big move of a Golden Core cultivator naturally attracted the attention of many cultivators.

From the beginning of this building complex, the soaring horror Spiritual Qi has attracted a large number of cultivators to watch.

"Old Jiu, you are well-informed, do you know what's going on?"

"I don't know either, but the lord who conjured up this wooden building just now, I I've been fortunate enough to have seen him a few times. I'll tell you secretly, that lord is wearing a golden token from the city that never sleeps!"

"Hey, golden token, Golden Core cultivator!"

"Yeah, I just don't know what the grown-up wants to do with this wooden building."

Outside the all-wood gate, a large group of cultivators are surrounding There, pointing fingers at the door, doing all kinds of guesses.

"Look, there is movement, there is movement!"

A cultivator suddenly exclaimed, the next moment, in front of the wooden gate, a sapling suddenly broke through the soil, In a few breaths, it grew into a welcoming tree with a height of more than ten meters.

"There are characters on the tree, and the writing is... Qingshan Ju!"

As his voice fell, the door of Qingshan Ju slowly opened, and the classical and sweet-looking Qin Qingshan opened. Shuman went out to welcome guests with thirty-six female puppets in long skirts.

"The servant girl Qin Shuman, who is under the seat of Lay Master Qingshan, I would like to greet all of you here."

"The visitor is a guest, and the residence of Qingshan welcomes you. If you don't like it, please come and sit downstairs."

The female ghost Qin Shuman saluted and invited the cultivators present to come in.

Following her movements, the welcoming tree was instantly covered with gorgeous red flowers, as if welcoming the guests with the female ghost.

These two green hill residences, the first to open the door, is naturally the one in the inner city of Never Sleeping City. As long as the fame here starts, the qi cultivators in the outer city will naturally move.

In this inner city, there are many cultivators of the Foundation Establishment Realm, and many Core Formation cultivators are also watching here.

Among them, many of them saw a bit of Qin Shuman's identity as a female ghost, but none of them wanted to cut down Monsters and eliminate Demons.

Behind the Green Mountain Residence, there is a Golden Core standing. It's too long to make trouble here.

The crowd watching the cultivator still doesn't understand what the business project of Qingshan Residence is, but in this city that never sleeps, it is always impossible to kill people blatantly.

Soon, there will be the first person to eat crabs.

A Core Formation of a small sect, in line with the mentality of Nine Nether Avatar, the Golden Core, took the lead in walking into the Green Mountain Residence.

However, as soon as he stepped inside the door, his expression changed.

"What a great job!"

The Core Formation cultivator couldn't help but exclaim.

This Inner Sect is only one step away, but the difference in Spiritual Qi concentration can be doubled!

Moreover, he also smelled an expensive smell in the air, which was actually a high-purity Spiritual Qi released from a high-grade Spirit Stone!

This kind of high-purity and high-quality Spiritual Qi is easier to be absorbed by the cultivator, and it is also more convenient and fast to refining. Long-term use can even continuously improve the strength of your Spiritual Qi!

Although he is a Core Formation cultivator, he is just an Elder in a small sect.

Using high grade Spirit Stone cultivation, he has only used it a few times during the breakthrough realm in his life.

But now, he actually discovered that someone was using high grade Spirit Stone as the central air conditioner. This gave his fragile heart a strong blow, and he said that he was afraid that he would live on a dog in this life.

A large group of cultivators outside the door saw this Core Formation cultivator, who couldn't walk as soon as he entered, and kept inhaling the air, looking like he was greedily enjoying it.

But obviously, what the other party encountered must be a good thing.

Other cultivators followed suit.

Then as soon as they entered, they were all the same as the previous one, and they were dumbfounded.

What kind of wealth is this Qingshan layman, is he so unrestrained?

This time, a spectacle appeared. In the middle of the green hills of the city that never sleeps, a group of hundreds of cultivators had been piled at the door for a long time, but no one moved.

Qin Shuman didn't rush her. When she was thrown into the coffin, she was shocked and lost self-control, at least a hundred times more than this group of cultivators.

What's so strange about being amazed by an adult's handwriting?

It wasn't until a long time later that the Core Formation Stage cultivators were the first to react, that they and the others had come to visit Qingshanju as a guest, and they kept sticking at their door.

The numerous cultivators who came back to his senses followed Qin Shuman and a group of ghost servants into the guest building on the ninth floor.

In their hearts, they had already made up their minds that they would stay overnight for the night no matter what.

The First Layer of this guest building is the welcome hall, the second to third floors are the food and medicine area, the fourth to eighth floors are the shopping and trade area, and the Ninth Layer is an Auction House that has not yet been opened. .

It's just that although this specification and venue are available, there is not much inside. There are only a group of merchant-like ghost servants who are selling some ordinary or even cheap items.

Most of the shops here are also empty, presumably waiting for other forces and businessmen to settle in.

Everything reveals the simplicity and inadequacy of the initial period.

That is, after they sat down, the tea served by those ghost servant girls was pretty good.

Spirit tea is fresh and fragrant refreshing, although it is not a high level variety of heaven shaking and earth shattering, but I am afraid it is also a good thing produced by high grade Spiritual Qi.

This Qingshan layman, this is trying to get a city within a city! I don't know how the City Lord of Never Sleeping City will react when he finds out.

While most of the Foundation Establishment cultivators are still feeling the physical and mental well-being of the Spiritual Qi environment, some cultivators think more.

In the eyes of the city that never sleeps, it's no problem to do some ordinary business. But if you want to build a city within a city, relying on the energy of a Golden Core Realm cultivator, I am afraid it is not enough.

However, the inner slander returns to the inner slander, this Castle Peak should live in it.

"Dare to ask Miss Qin, I think the Green Mountain Residence occupies a large area, and there are many houses near the Kelai Building."

"I don't know if there is any space in it. Home? I admire your family master very much, and want to get acquainted with Aoyama layman, I wonder if I can buy one of the houses and live in it temporarily.”

As soon as the cultivator said this, the side The other cultivators also put down their tea and became quiet.

"The guests are joking, please look over here."

Qin Shuman's charming laughed, cold and white skin shows a kind of between life and death beauty in between.

She led the crowd to look towards the two-character couplet hanging on the hall, which said yes.

"The green hills are always inhabited by guests, and all the people in the world are happy."

"The visitor is a guest".

"My family's Master is hospitable. The purpose of our Green Mountain Residence is that visitors are guests. If you want to stay, it is naturally the best. Just go to our counter and apply for a piece of wooden like this. The token is fine.”

Qin Shuman spread his hands and showed the crowd four wooden tokens. The four wooden tokens were slightly different in color and texture, and were engraved with Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow four words.

In order to facilitate the understanding of these cultivators, when Jiang Li grades wooden tokens, he adopts the most commonly used grade classification standard in the cultivation world.

And under "Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow", there is also a number displayed.

Hearing this, everyone present was overjoyed.

In this environment filled with high grade Spirit Stone Spiritual Qi, they have nothing else to think about. They just want to sit down and have a good cultivation.

But the presence is basically either the Foundation Establishment or the Core Formation, and it is also a person who wants to have a face. Naturally, they can't directly squat down for cultivation in a large crowd. There is a room for cultivation. Nothing better.

But none of them are blind, the wooden token has nothing common with each other, and there are levels and numbers on top of them. At a glance, you can see that there are still some situations Qin Shuman has not finished.

"Ms. Qin, I don't know what the words on the wooden token mean?"

A cultivator asked with a quick mouth.

Qin Shuman smiled slightly, and even though Tuo had arranged in the crowd, someone helped to bring the rhythm.

She followed the trend and explained the Spirit Stone recharge rules of Qingshan wooden token.

As far as the most common yellow word wooden token is concerned, only the most common row cultivation quiet room can be used, and the basic target audience is Qi Refinement Realm cultivator.

Every single room needs to spend at least one point per person per day, which is to recharge a Spirit Stone.

At this price, the cultivators who were originally excited were slightly silent after listening to it.

They did a quick calculation and found that twice the concentration of Spiritual Qi, although it is high-grade Spiritual Qi, does not actually increase the cultivation base much in one day.

It's okay to try it occasionally, but if you live for a long time, it will undoubtedly be a loss. It is better to go directly to the misty mountains, which is more cost-effective.

How could Qin Shuman not know their thoughts. Without a trace, he gave a password, and Tuo in the crowd immediately understood.

"Ms. Qin, the environment of Qingshan Residence is very good, and Spiritual Qi is abundant, but if you just live there, a piece of Spirit Stone a day might be too expensive."

Others One after another nodded, this one spoke their hearts out.

Qin Shuman covered his mouth and smiled lightly. After paused, he spoke again.

"This guest misunderstood that the double concentration of Spiritual Qi is only used by my family's Master to grow flowers and plants. The concentration of Spiritual Qi in the cultivation quiet room will naturally be different. ”

“Guests and feel it for yourself.”

She waved her hand, and the doors and windows of the guest building were closed, and a force isolated the interior and the outside world from each other. Come on.

Before the numerous cultivators could be vigilant, the Spiritual Qi concentration in the guest building began to soar, and the high-level smell that permeated the air made the excited eyes of the cultivators gleam. .

If it's this concentration, it's worth it! That's so worth it!

At this time, Qin Shuman continued to explain the other three levels of wooden tokens. The higher the level, the higher the corresponding Spiritual Qi concentration.

This group of cultivators has no doubts, only excitement and excitement.

A higher-level Xuanzi wooden token can enjoy a separate wood house building, and the basic target audience is the Foundation Establishment Realm cultivator.

Every wood house needs to spend ten points per person per day, that is ten low grade Spirit Stone.

The higher rooms in the back are also and so on, in tenfold increments.

The target service target is the beautiful palace of Yuanying Zhenxiu, and even the basic cost will reach the price of 1,000 Spirit Stone per person per day. If you want to increase the concentration of Spiritual Qi, you even need an unlimited amount If supplied by Spiritual Qi, it will cost more Spirit Stone.

If you calculate carefully, recharging Spirit Stone for consumption in Qingshan Residence is roughly equivalent to Qingshan Residence breaking up a copy of Spiritual Qi in a high-grade Spirit Stone into 10,000 copies.

Then sell it for one Spirit Stone.

You should know that although theoretically, the exchange ratio of Upper Grade 3 Spirit Stone is one to one hundred, but in the cultivation world, due to the preciousness of high grade Spirit Stone, this ratio has never been Only higher and not lower.

In this exchange, they are undoubtedly the big winners.

In this case, it's not that there's no bargaining on the bastard. Numerous cultivators have started to recharge Spirit Stone with wooden token.

However, they were relatively cautious, fearing that Qing Shanju would suddenly run away, so they did not recharge too much at one time.

Most of them only recharge for a day or two rationally, a few recharge more, but no more than ten days.

But on this day, Jiang Li had 13,000 low grade Spirit Stones in his account!

And after enjoying the Spiritual Qi environment and cultivation secret room of Qingshanju, how many people can leave it?

Just like Jiang Li himself, he has been on cultivation since his debut, and if he suddenly removes all his cultivation gains, he probably doesn't know what to do in a normal Spiritual Qi environment under cultivated.

As a result, the Qingshan residence of Qingshan layman became an instant hit in the city that never sleeps.

Countless cultivators scrambled to stay, and the cultivator received rave reviews, so that the name of Qingshan layman, who had just arrived in the city that never sleeps for a few days, spread throughout the city overnight.

Qingshanju in the outer city also opened later, but because Qi Refinement Realm loose cultivator is usually thick-skinned, sitting in the hall to rub Spiritual Qi cultivation, there are at least three or four out of ten Can do it.

So in Qingshanju in the outer city, Jiang Li did not flood the environment with Spiritual Qi. They could only enjoy high-grade Spiritual Qi in the cultivation quiet room after they handed in the Spirit Stone.

Loose cultivators are quite critical of this, but no one dares to make trouble in a Golden Core cultivator's territory.

Everything is gradually on the right track, Avatar and Qin Shuman are still discussing, planning to plan a big show, and then give Qingshanju a good publicity.

For example, let a loose cultivator with mediocre aptitude be humiliated by the genius of sect, and then live in the green hills for cultivation. After a while, loose cultivator came to the top, broke through the cultivation base, killed the genius, and finally returned to the beauty!

There are more chicken soups of this type. I, Jiang Li, don't believe those loose cultivators don't buy it.

When Nine Nether Avatar built his business empire in the city that never sleeps, Jiang Li took out a Spirit Fruit in the guest room of Shushan Shui Xingfeng.

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(end of this chapter)

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