Immortal Cultivation – My Buffs Have No Time Limit Chapter 178


Chapter 178 Heshou Meditation

"Be careful, Master Liaoyuan, this person uses Poison Pill."

Seeing the monk walking into the ring, Jiang Li reminded him at the top of the mountain.

The other party showed goodwill towards him, and Jiang Li was naturally willing to respond.

"many thanks, donor Jiang reminded, the little monk will pay attention."

After saying that, he walked in. This also represents the beginning of the challenge.

The Disciple of Hundred Refinements Mountain is also very popular. It's okay to beat that Jiang Li. Now a bald donkey dares to come to him. Do you think anyone can come and bully him? !

"Master Yuan, after the grand competition, Poison Pill's antidote should be offered."

"If the Master came here for the antidote, there's no need to do so, asking for trouble. !"

Hundred Refinements Mountain Disciple's face was very, very ugly, and it was obvious that he was not in a very beautiful mood now.

After all, his surname is Ma, one of the Hundred Refinements Mountain Two Great Families.

He was used to being arrogant and domineering in the sect. Those foreign surnames Disciple only promised him to bully him in front of him.

But he was so provoked by Jiang Li just now, and he has not been able to take revenge, which makes his narrow view of the world collapse.

"Amitabha, suffering is a kind of cultivation, this poor monk can understand the beauty of it, but the horse donor should understand the word of bitterness."

The monk left After entering the ring, his hands were still not separated, he didn't take out the magic weapon or put on a posture, just moved towards the opponent and walked straight.

"hmph, you want to make me suffer too? Boasted shamelessly!"

"Fate! I advise you to show your magic weapon sooner, don't think that you are of high rank and I will Show mercy to you!"

Said so, but Hundred Refinements Mountain Disciple really didn't dare to shoot at will.

I don't know if this is an extraordinary natural talent or fate. When he joined the Merciful Boat Buddhist Temple a few years ago, he was unexpectedly taken in as a disciple by the predecessor of the Merciful Boat Buddhist Temple, Divine Monk. .

The kind of top-notch cultivator, the cultivation base profound mystery, and the founders of Hidden Scripture Valley are of the same level.

With such an existence as a teacher, it is hard to say whether he is strong or not, but the backstage alone is enough to make most people need to be cautious when dealing with him.

"Amitabha, this poor monk has been together for five years and has not separated, so the magic weapon is no longer needed, please let Ma Shizhu take action."

Have their hands been together for five years?

Hearing this, Jiang Li was stunned for a while, and then looked up and down carefully for a while.

Suddenly, he felt his goosebumps fiercely fall to the ground.

Originally, the other party was dressed in gray-brown robes, but Jiang Li thought the other party had a special status, so the clothes he wore were different.

But after careful observation, I found out that the fabric of the clothes was originally a normal yellow, but because of the folded hands, the clothes have not been taken off for five years.

It's been worn for too long and it hasn't been washed, so it ends up being this color.

It seems that the cultivation of Merciful Boat Buddhist Temple is really difficult.

Jiang Li, who loves cleanliness quite a bit, shuddered a little when he looked at the clothes.

Fortunately, there is Fasting Pill in the cultivation world, so there is no need to excrete after eating it. Otherwise, this meditation will be even more difficult to practice.

"hmph, you asked for it yourself!"

surnamed Ma cultivator was annoyed to see the other party being indifferent, and when he turned his hand, three colors appeared between his fingers have nothing common with each other's pill.

Three-color poisonous wind!

Three Poison Pills shot out in a zigzag shape, and after passing through a stream of light, they exploded at the same time around the monk's body.

The three colors of poison qi, black, red and green, spread instantly, and interacted with each other to form a three-color poison qi tornado, surrounding Master Liaoyuan in the middle.


In the area shrouded by poison qi, the rock formations on the arena were rapidly corroded, layer by layer disappeared, showing the horror of the toxicity of the three-color poison wind.

A toxin of that level, if you throw an ordinary mortal in it, in just three seconds, it will be corroded and completely turned into a pool of pus.

The body of the qi cultivator is still in a state of wonder, and it will never end well in the face of this kind of poison.

Hundred Refinements Mountain Disciple, except the Medicine Man, just relied on this Poison Pill to easily kill and defeat many powerful opponents.

But seeing Little Martial Uncle shrouded in poison mist, in this scene, the face of another Merciful Boat Buddhist Temple Disciple did not reveal the slightest worry.


Suddenly, a dazzling golden light pierced through the three-color poison mist, and those sinister poison qi quickly melted and disappeared under the golden light.

More and more golden light appeared, just a few breaths, the poison mist vortex was forcibly torn apart.

The unscathed Master Leoyuan walked out of it, and even the speed of his feet did not change in the slightest.

"This, how is this possible!"

Hundred Refinements Mountain Disciple flew with both hands, and one after another Poison Pill was beaten out like water.

The monk did not dodge but let all kinds of violent Poison Pill hit him.

You must know that these Poison Pills are all from the Pill Refinement Master of Hundred Refinements Mountain. Although they were shot by Qi Refinement Realm Disciple, the formidable power has been reduced, but the toxicity cannot be faked.

Even if Jiang Li met him, he had to grow a few acnes. But this is the fate of the master, but actually can not be afraid.

Can be accepted as Disciple by the previous generation Divine Monk, this monk really has his specialties.

"Amitabha! This Poison Pill technique is not the right way. It's better for the horse benefactor to wake up earlier!" The golden phantom, step by step, unswervingly forced the past towards the opponent.

Hundred Refinements Mountain Disciple retreats step by step, and the fate is approaching step by step. The swastika golden light gives people a strong pressure invisibly, making the other party feel that there is nowhere to escape.

Soon, the opponent was pressed to a corner of the ring, and there was no room for retreat.

The distance between the two sides is very close, face to face, almost sticking together.

Stab it!

Hundred Refinements Mountain Disciple's clothes were suddenly torn by golden light, and five or six porcelain vases in a row fell out of it.

"My medicine pill!"

Hundred Refinements Mountain Disciple cry out in surprise, I want to hold out hands to receive, but the next moment.

"Ami! Tuo Buddha!"

With the sound of the Buddha's horn, the golden light in front of him suddenly skyrocketed, pushing the Hundred Refinements Mountain Disciple, who was still full of confidence just now, directly off the ring!

At this point, the second place on the white list has changed hands again!

Since the monk participated in the grand competition, every battle has been resolved like this. No matter who the opponent is, no one can force him to separate his hands. What he showed was overwhelming strength.

Unexpectedly, this grand competition has come to an end, yet such a dark horse appears.

This monk seems to be stronger than Chang Wanzhou in Shushan!

. . . .


Floating in the spectator seats in the sky, Hundred Refinements Mountain Situ Tingxin grabbed the handle of the seat.

The suet-like pure jade splattered in all directions, and this seat made of spirit farm warm jade was scrapped on the spot.

It's no wonder that Situ Tingxin is angry.

The benefits of the birth of Medicine Garden Secret Realm are too huge, and it will likely change the power structure of the entire Great Zhong Mountain cultivation world, especially for Hundred Refinements Mountain, which started with pill concocting. .

As long as you seize the opportunity, you can ride the wind and move 90,000 miles. At that time, we can truly stand at the top of the Great Zhong Mountain cultivation world and trample everyone under our feet.

For this grand competition, they used their own sect's trump card, the secret of medicine man and the method of Poison Pill.

Use the pair method, take the one-time medicine man, and go to the strongest genius of other sects. Then, with the technique of Poison Pill, which is difficult for cultivators to resist at this stage, crush and win.

They risked offending the other Three Great Sects in an attempt to take the top spot on the double list all at once.

However, the ideal is very plump and the reality is very skinny.

In the arena of Foundation Establishment Realm, Shushan Five Elements Peak produced a monster, which made their plan directly bankrupt in half.

In desperation, they also took the second place, then they can get the first place in the Qi Refinement Realm arena, as long as they have the ten percent, plus the efforts of other Disciples. As long as the share reaches more than 15%, they can still rise with an absolute advantage!

But then, they encountered Jiang Li very depressed. This Disciple, who was obviously injured by the Core Formation Stage cultivator, still easily killed their T-shaped first-grade pharmacist.

In desperation, they can only change the plan again and get a second guarantee, then it's alright!

As a result, it was destroyed by that old bald donkey's Disciple!

Damn it! Why a Qi Refinement Realm cultivator can practice Merciful Boat Buddhist Temple Secret Art Heshou Zen? This is not reasonable! Nor should it!

. . . .

In the second ring of Qi Refinement Realm, Hundred Refinements Mountain Disciple fell out of the ring, but because he was only pushed out of the ring by golden light, he was not injured.

"You won! hmph! Give me the medicine pill back!"

After surnamed Ma Disciple got up, the complexion became extremely ugly. The outstretched hand was stepped on by the monk's foot.

"Donor, hand over the antidote."

Lie Yuan said this coldly, and the gentleness on his face gradually became cold.

Hundred Refinements Mountain Disciple wanted to refuse this request, and then used the antidote as a threat to humiliate them.

But the problem is that this time, they didn't offend one or two people. The Poison Pill method was to offend all the other Three Great Sects.

Especially the body cultivator of Merciful Boat Buddhist Temple, who was poisoned several times in a row. Because of the predestined monk who is Martial Uncle, it will be good if you don't crippled you.

If they still want to make a fuss with the antidote, then sorry, three-on-one, let's go to war!

surnamed Ma Disciple looked aggrieved, but his form was stronger than that of people. In desperation, he handed over the antidote.

Because the monks took the white antidote, the faces of the poisoned cultivators soon became much better.

They are also not afraid of cheating by the other party. Those Disciples that take medicine pills, the relationship network that can be involved behind them can directly scare people to death.

It doesn't matter if you offend one or two. With the power of Hundred Refinements Mountain, you can still be deterred. If you offend everyone at once.

It is not impossible for people to unite and bring the Hundred Refinements Mountain home.

The monk finished dispensing the medicine pill, then lifted the head, a pair of burning eyes, but met Jiang Li again.

"Donor Jiang, can you give me a lesson or two?"

This Merciful Boat Buddhist Temple's surname Qi Refinement is actually going to challenge the second and second place on the Qi Refinement list. first place.

Jiang Li laughed, he had already expected from that look.

There are still two hours left until the grand competition ends, and this is probably the final battle!

This monk gave Jiang Li a completely different feeling from other Qi Refinement Realm cultivators.

For some reason, the other party actually made him feel a slight threat.

There seems to be a very terrifying force in the other's body. Even Jiang Li couldn't help being a little scared when he noticed it.

"Master Li Yuan, would you like to take a break?"

Jiang Li was polite, but the other party answered him with actions.

Fate still clasped his hands together and steadily stepped up to the highest arena where Jiang Li was located.

The two sides looked at each other, and both saw a kind of excitement in each other's eyes.

"Donor Jiang, please take action."

The body of the monk Yuan was completely covered with a layer of gold paint. by step toward Jiang Li.

"Then I'm welcome."

Jiang Li also approached step by step. At the center of the ring, the distance between the two sides was close to the boxing range.

Raising his fist, he didn't use any moves and didn't bring any Spiritual Qi, just like a good friend meeting, Jiang Li punched the opponent's chest lightly.


Under the seemingly light fist, there is an unmatched terrifying power.

Monk Leoyuan, who was covered in golden light, was directly smashed by one punch and retreated again and again. It was not until seven steps away that he reluctantly stopped his retreat.

The majestic power was transmitted to the ground by him, and the large rocks under his feet were directly crushed into powder.

This is the first time that Monk Liaoyuan was repelled in the grand competition.

It was also the first time that Qi Refinement Realm cultivator could face doesn't change after receiving a punch from Jiang Li.

"It's a good hand meditation, Merciful Boat Buddhist Temple body cultivator really name is not in vain!"

Jiang Li was also amazed after looking at his fists. Although it is only 30% of the power, it is also the formidable power of the Foundation Establishment Realm level.

This hand meditation is one of the trump card Absolute Art of Merciful Boat Buddhist Temple. Although the cultivation is extremely difficult, it is this esoteric practice, which is very, very, very powerful!

The reason why Jiang Li can be recognized at a glance is because Elder He has said it in his ear many times.

Elder He had encountered such a Heshou Zen cultivator back then, but in the end, he failed to break through the other's Zen.

"Amitabha, the little monk is not good at learning skills, the donor Jiang laughs."

The Master Laughed to come forward again, Jiang Li used five points of strength this time, and punched again hit the opponent.

The surging brute force directly knocks the opponent into the air. If you draw a parabola, this blow is enough to knock someone out of the ring.

However, the speed at which Yuyuan flew backwards was obviously not normal. After only flying out about 20 meters, that force was strongly counteracted again, and it stopped slowly in the air.

Falling back to the ground, he still walked towards Jiang Li firmly.

Jiang Li noticed it this time.

When the opponent's hands clasped together, the strength of his whole body was perfectly integrated and connected to the huge energy in his body. He was stunned to eat all the strength under his fist, but he couldn't take a little bit of it. injury.

The feeling is somewhat similar to his Tyrant Body Art, but it is obviously much stronger in every way, incomparable.

"Please punch."

Lie Yuan stood in front of Jiang Li again, the whole person was as immobile as an iron mound, ready to withstand any force. blow.

That's 70% of the power.

Jiang Li raised his fist again and punched the opponent's chest with a straight punch.


The ring behind Yuan Yuan began to shatter and collapse, collapse and shatter.

Jiang Li's punches hit the opponent, but he was guided to the ground with a unique technique.

But this monk who exudes golden light didn't take a step back this time!

"Unexpectedly, someone in this generation's Merciful Boat Buddhist Temple Disciple has practiced Heshou Zen!"

"Jiang Li is in danger this time."

On the battle stage, Hidden Scripture Valley Elder He brows tightly knit. It seems that even he is not very optimistic about Jiang Li's fight this time.

"Senior Brother He, what the heck is going on with this Heshou Zen? You can even take your Disciple's fist."

Beside him, a woman looks like Returning Spring Hall asked the first. Although Jiang Li was injured, but after several fights, his strong power did not change too much.

That is a monster who can fight against the Foundation Establishment. Is there another Qi Refinement Stage that can rival him? is it possible?

Even Shushan's golden light sword was defeated by Jiang Li. In this generation Disciple, is there a more enchanting Disciple?

“This Heshou Zen is the esoteric practice of an old monster from the Merciful Boat Buddhist Temple. The difficulty of cultivation is terrifying, and the requirements for talent are astonishing.”

“Can Those who have cultivated are geniuses that are once in a hundred years, but once they are cultivated, they can be said to be incomparable at the same level, and it is almost impossible to break through the Zen skills. And the longer the cultivation time, the stronger the formidable power of Zen attack will be.”

"If little Jiang Li is not injured, I believe he can break through the hand-in-hand meditation, but the real terrifying of this Zen art is not when the meditation is kept, but after the meditation is broken!"

Comrades seeking votes! <('^')>

(end of this chapter)

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