Immortal Cultivation – My Buffs Have No Time Limit Chapter 176


Chapter 176 My Avatar is Golden Core

shook the head, and the azure clothes masked man completely ignored the other party's teasing and hints , and asked the other party about the situation of the city that never sleeps.

Real estate, medical care, food, clothing, culture, transportation, marriage, entertainment, medicine pill refining, population trading, etc., etc., various industries are developing quite well.

Jiang Li was surprised to find that in this city, almost all the needs of a cultivator can be met.

It should be known that the development of a city, the demand for population is the top priority. Only enough demand and consumption can promote the development of an industry.

According to the current statistics of cultivation world, there is one spirit root aptitude for every six thousand mortals on average.

However, for a variety of reasons, not all children of the right age have access to the Immortal Fate Stone test. So about every 10,000 mortals, one cultivator can be born.

According to this calculation, even the Qi Refinement Early-Stage cultivator with the most crotch stretch and the crotch stretch is actually a small handful in the entire human population.

According to the total population of the previous life, one ten thousandth of eight billion people is only 800,000 trifling.

All together, this is barely enough for the population configuration of a city.

Jiang Li originally thought that such a group must have a very thin population. The so-called city is nothing more than a larger market, combined with a large number of low-level mortals.

But he obviously ignored the vast area and huge population base of this world.

Jiang Li never imagined that this city that never sleeps could gather so many cultivators and develop to this level.

We chatted for a while. It is found that the azure clothes cultivator simply ignores its own instructions, and the female cultivator can only give up.

She ran to the small room next to her and held out a still-hot token.

"Sorry for the long wait, this is your long-term residence permit and entry and exit order."

"This golden token is a symbol of your noble status. You can enter the city directly.”

“You can also fly freely in the outer city, but there are many adults living in the inner city, so please do not fly into the inner city.”

The other party said some precautions, but for a Golden Core cultivator, in fact, many terms are very exaggerated, and there are basically no restrictions.

"I understand."

The azure clothes person took a token from the other party, and a long-term residence permit that was somewhat similar to contract paper. The procedure here is completed.

Flip over the golden token, and on the back is written "The holder of the Aoyama layman."

This city that never sleeps is said to be registered, in fact, even the name can be arbitrarily edited. Not to mention private information such as the origin of the culture base spirit root attribute.

They can't force a Golden Core cultivator to hand over his secrets.

After leaving the wooden building, Jiang Li no longer insisted on flying over the outer city as he said before, but walked in all the way.

The outer city of the city that never sleeps is inhabited by a large number of mortals.

Most of them have a skill, and there are many famous Masters who used to be the mortal kingdom.

But here, they are just serving the honorable high level cultivators, the bottom of the society.

Jiang Li also met a lot of qi cultivators here.

They come from all directions, perhaps for the sake of life or for their dreams, but they can't afford to live in the gorgeous inner city, so they can barely live with mortals in this outer city.

It is said that the City Lord of the city that never sleeps was just an ordinary handyman here. Later, in the struggle all the way to rise. It ended up being the Lord of the entire City here.

This story can be said to be very inspirational. It has been passed down to this day, and its history is probably no shorter than the Hidden Scripture Valley, which has inspired countless cultivators to strive for it all their lives.

It's just the last winner, not much else.

When passing by a street corner, the azure clothes man turned his head and glanced. In that direction, there is an Inn.

A large Inn in the periphery zone of the outer city. It covers a very large area, and it seems that it is even expanding.

His silhouette paused, then continued toward the inner city.

A few passers-by on the street glanced at the azure clothes person without a trace, then lowered their heads and continued to do their own thing.

The arrival of a strange Golden Core, impossible does not cause vigilance and attention, and a little necessary monitoring measures are still unavoidable. The azure clothes people obviously also noticed this kind of gaze, and they didn't care much. It was a kind gesture to the city that never sleeps.

But in the unreachable ground, when the azure clothes man paused for a moment just now, a root with a pointed end and a thick middle has penetrated into the ground from the bottom of his feet instantly.

That whisker is like a fish swimming into the water, swimming freely under the ground, and the speed is not slow at all.

The roots went all the way to the Inn's direction from the underground stealth, and they reached the Inn's underground without a sound.

And on the signboard of the Inn, there are three big characters "Manjianghong".

Those who are familiar with the roots found an underground secret room in Manjianghong Inn.

The whole body of this secret room is watered by molten steel, making it unbreakable and unbreakable. A layer of spiritual carvings resisting the escape technique has also been drawn on the inside and outside sides.

General cultivators are unable to sneak in at all. Even if the iron wall is forcibly broken, it will trigger the Formation to be known by the owner.

But only, in a corner of the underground secret room, the iron wall of the watering lacked such a hole, and was covered with a floor tile with a color similar to metal.

If you don't look carefully, you can't find it at all, but the root of the tree didn't take a detour, just lifted the floor tile and got in.

The tree roots with the length of the arms drilled out of the soil, twisted twice and began to rapidly expand and deform. Soon, the Qingshan layman just now appeared in this secret room.

It turned out that the one who walked into the inner city just now was just an empty shell.

It's just that he didn't wear a mask at this time, and the exposed face made people look like he had one's hair stand on end.

It was a stiff face covered with wood texture, or rather, this face was simply carved out of wood.

If they found the original nest of scaled-demon, they would definitely be very familiar with this azure clothes cultivator, because this is the reverse Divine Idol that they have worshipped for a long time.

Jiang Li's second parallel consciousness finally accepted everything from his predecessor a few days ago, and then he was surprised to find that the Divine Idol part of the tree trunk, which was always considered to be Nine Nether, was actually a part that could be separated from it. The tree body acts alone.

Although the distance from the Nine Nether wooden body can't be too far, it's still better than always wrapping people around with a few roots.

Jiang Li is participating in the grand competition and cannot leave. Many things are not suitable for him and sword cultivator Avatar's identity and cultivation base.

After thinking about it, he still felt that it was not worthwhile for Nine Nether Wood to follow him all the time just as a bodyguard.

In the end, he still intends to leave the second Avatar alone.

And in order to facilitate the movement of Nine Nether Wood, he even brought out the burial coffin for him.

The second Avatar snapped his fingers, and several oil lamps hanging on the wall automatically turned on, illuminating the small secret room.

There are not many things, just five trifling soul bags.

During the time he was away, Manjianghong Inn gained more than 50,000 ghosts.

Jiang Li is very satisfied with this.

After converting to Nine Nether Taoism, his cultivation needs to use more ghosts than before!

Apart from this Ghosts can also be used as fertilizer for Nine Nether wood, rations for ghost lantern fish, materials for sacrificing magic weapons, and even the advancement of burial coffins is closely related to ghosts.

Now, he is a big consumer of ghosts. There was no supplement during this time, and the ghosts buried in the coffin had already made ends meet.

I took out the burial coffin and poured five bags full of souls into the coffin. Finally, there was a lot of fresh blood in it.

With the Spiritual Qi concentration in the coffin that is still rising so far, it won't take long for these fifty thousand souls to become a worthy Ghost Soldier.

I don't know how many souls Yan Hong can bring back in Yinnan Country when the time comes. Given the population of Yinnan Country's capital, it shouldn't be less.

Storing the soul, the second Avatar pushed open the trapdoor above the chamber and walked out.

This is still the basement. But unlike below, the air is hot and noisy, and there are forty-fifty children wearing Hidden Scripture Valley Outer Sect Disciple suits, smelting metal around a huge furnace.

This is one of Manjianghong's businesses.

Yan Hong will purchase a large amount of ores of different qualities at low prices, and after smelting them, they will be made into metal ingots that meet the specifications and then sold at a fair price.

Generally, larger stores usually choose to directly refine the materials into weapons and magic weapons and sell them, and the profit will obviously be much higher.

But Man Jianghong is now in its infancy. There are only ghost market craftsmen whose craftsmanship is barely better than that of mortals, and it is impossible to independently refine magic weapons.

So I can only settle for the next best thing and make some hard money by taking some unskilled jobs.

Jiang Li glanced at it. There are a total of forty-six people working in this underground workshop. They are all quite young, ranging from ten to fourteen years old. Half of them are even Have not been able to get started with Qi Refinement.

Yan Hong's actions were quick, Jiang Li just said it a few days ago, and this person came to him.

These forty-six people are the Outer Sect Disciple that Hidden Scripture Valley just entered this year. They are still young and have a shallow cultivation base. They were originally within the protection period of the sect. task.

But Man Jianghong's lucrative task of taking care of the newcomers makes it hard for them to refuse.

Jiang Li Senior Brother and Yan Hong Senior Brother are really nice people!

Their work efficiency is very low, and in fact, they are completely unworthy of their compensation.

But Yan Hong didn't care much, just let them work at ease without thinking too much.

And today, an uninvited guest came to their workshop.

"This guest, did you go to the wrong place, the dining area is above."

A Disciple wiped the sweat from his face and looked towards Avatar, but he didn't. The coal ash on his hands rubbed his face into a large black.

Manjianghong Inn's target customers are all kinds of monsters and monsters. The image of Nine Nether Avatar looks like a Tree Demon, so it is naturally considered to be a guest who has gone the wrong way.

"Zhao Asan, Wood Element spirit root Qi Refinement Early-Stage, not bad."

The second Avatar reached out and grabbed a wooden token on the opponent's chest and looked at it, very satisfy.

These Disciples have such simple wooden tokens hanging around their necks, which can facilitate the identification and management of their subordinates.

And below the wooden token, there is an inconspicuous black dot.

The black dot means that they are on a list of 2,121 people in total.

Jiang Li specially explained that the Disciples on the list should be concentrated as much as possible, and arranged separately from other common disciples.

So these forty-six people are actually all targets.

The second Avatar reached out and grabbed it, pinching it directly on the opponent's neck, and lifted the innocent looking boy into the air.

"In front of me, you don't need to pretend."

"Oh, I almost forgot, until the False Spiritual Root grows to a certain level, it can't affect the host's mind. ."

Nine Nether Avatar's hands tightened like hoops. And this Zhao Asan was blushing and his eyes suddenly burst out.

After a while, suddenly his greasy black hair began to turn white from the end, his muscles lost elasticity, his skin was dull and wrinkled, and his life was being quickly pulled away by something!

"This guest! This is Manjianghong Inn, the property of Hidden Scripture Valley. We are all Outer Sect Disciple of Hidden Scripture Valley. If we don't stop, we will call someone!"

Jiang Li Avatar's movement was not small, and it attracted the attention of many people. Several Outer Sect Disciples nearby shouted like this, and their bodies quickly ran to the exit.

However, a coffin that was thrown flying blocked them in front of them.

"Don't you know now, the reason why you guys come here to smelt the mines is because the sound insulation here is so good that you can't escape."

From the coffin, the flexibility of densely packed suddenly stretched out. Roots, entangled the remaining forty-five people and pulled them little by little into the coffin.

The cultivation base of these Disciples is almost dispensable, and they simply have any resistance.


A moment later, Zhao Asan opened his mouth, and he spat out a slightly shriveled seed.

These forty-six people are the more than 2,000 children who were discovered by Jiang Li and the others in the Yinnan Country mission that year, and eventually brought back to the sect.

Relying on them, Jiang Li was recognized and rewarded by the sect that year, and with the help of the scripture token, he obtained the Guanyin Heart Sutra which has benefited him so far.

But because of this, Jiang Li planted 2,121 time bombs in his own sector.

This matter, Jiang Li has always been taking seriously, but suffering from being unable to directly explain the reason to the sect, and fearing revenge by the parasitic cultivator that may be lurking in the dark, he has not done it.

However, there is cause and effect somewhere.

Without the merits of these two thousand False Spiritual Root Disciples, he would not have obtained that Sutra Token, and without that Sutra Token he might not have obtained the Avalokitesvara Heart Sutra.

And it is because of the second Avatar of the Guanyin Heart Sutra that he successfully mastered the Nine Nether ramet, which in turn can be used to solve these unstable factors.

Sure enough, whoever hung the bell on the tiger's neck must untie it.

The cause you sow has to be dealt with by yourself.

Although this kind of beneficial cause and effect, the more the better.

Jiang Li controlled the spirit root Avatar and threw the seed into the coffin.

In the coffin, the Nine Nether ramets now look shriveled.

The Divine Idol part leaves the body and becomes the Aoyama Buddhist of the Golden Core Realm. On the trunk part of the main body, there is only a layer of bark left as a support, which looks a bit miserable.

But even so, it's no problem to deal with a few such newbies.

one after another spirit root seed was squeezed out of them.

It is quite troublesome to generate a new spirit root seed. Not only specific resources are required, but also time to accumulate slowly.

The scaled-demon that sent the seed was captured by the convoy, and the scaled-demon tribe could attack the convoy with great fanfare for a seed.

Wait until he takes all the more than 2,000 spirit root seeds in the sect as his own, will the spirit root ramet be so heartbroken?

(end of this chapter)

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